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Struktur Beton 1

Shear in Beams
Sjahril A. Rahim
Departemen Teknik Sipil FTUI
Pokok Bahasan

• Introduction
• Analysis and Design of Reinforced
Concrete Beams for Shear
• Hanger reinforcement
• Shear in axially loaded beams or columns
Internal Forces:
Internal moment → Flexure

Shear force → shear


Shear failure is frequently

sudden and brittle, the design
for shear must ensure that the
shear strength equals or
exceeds the flexural strength
at all points in the beams.

Shear failure

Source: James G. MacGregor, Reinforced Concrete, Mechanics and Design, Third Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1997, New Jersey
Stresses in an Uncracked Elastic Beam
Distribution of
Flexural and shear stresses acting on shear
elements in the shear span stresses

Shear stresses, v, on element

cut out of the beam,

equal shearing stresses

exist on both the
horizontal and vertical
planes through an

Principal stresses on elements in shear

Principal compressive stress trajectories and
inclined cracks

-Vertical crack
-Inclined cracks Inclined cracks
have extended
along the
toward the
weakening the
anchorage of

Source: James G. MacGregor, Reinforced Concrete, Mechanics and Design, Third Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1997, New Jersey
Average Shear Stress between Cracks
Average Shear Stress between Cracks
The initial stage of cracking generally results in vertical cracks which, with
increasing load, extend in a diagonal manner. The equilibrium of the section of
beam between two such cracks can be written as

M and
M  M Or
T  T 
where jd = lever arm which assumed to be
T  constant
For moment equilibrium of the element,
M  Vx And
T 
bw x
bw jd
v ACI design procedure approximates the above
bw d
formula which does not require he computation of j.
Beam Action and Arch Action
The relationship between shear and bar force can be written as

V (Tjd ) Which can be expanded as
d (T ) d ( jd )
V jd  T Two extreme cases can be identified:
dx dx
d ( jd )
0 If the lever arm, jd, remain constant
d (T )
V jd
The other extreme occurs if the shear
d ( jd )
V T flow, d(T)/dx, equal zero, giving,
This occurs if the shear flow cannot
transmitted due to the steel being
unbonded, or if the transfer of shear
flow is prevented by an inclined crack
extending from the load to the
reaction. Shear transferred by an arch
Arch action in a beam

C= compression

jd (varies)

T = Tension
Shear Reinforcement
reinforcement An inclined crack open
required to approximately perpendicular to
restraint the itself
opening of a
vertical crack

Vertical shear
Inclined shear reinforcement
Behavior of Beams without Web
Effect of a/d ratio on shear
strength of beam without stirrup

Shaded area:
The reduction in
strength due to
Modes of failure of deep beams, a/d=0.5 to
Modes of failure of short shear spans,
a/d=1.5 to 2.5
B-Regions and D- Regions
Inclined Cracking
Thin-walled I
beams in which
the a/d ratio is
small: Web-
shear cracks

In most RC
beams: Flexure-
shear cracks
Internal Forces in a Beam without Stirrup
The forces transferring shear across an inclined crack in a beam without
Shear is transferred across line A-B-C

• Vcz, the shear in the compression zone

• Vay, the vertical component of the shear
transferred across the crack by interlock of the
aggregate particles on the two faces of the
crack, and
• Vd, the dowel action of the longitudinal
• Immediately after inclined cracking, as much as
40 to 60 percent of the total shear is carried by
Vd and Vay together
Factors affecting the Shear Strength of
Beams without Web Reinforcement
• Tensile strength of concrete
• Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio, ρw
• Shear Span-to-Depth Ratio, a/d
• Size of Beam
• Axial Forces
• Coarse Aggregate Size
Effect of axial loads on inclined cracking

 N  f c' 
Vc  1  u  b d
 14 A  6  w
 g  

 N  f c' 
Vc  1  u  b d
 14 A  6  w
 g  
 0.3N u  f c' 
Vc  1   b d
 Ag  6  w
  
Effect of Reinforcement Ratio, ρw

f c' bw d
Vc  N
Behavior of Beams with Web Reinforcement

• Inclined cracking causes the shear strength of

beam to drop below the flexural capacity. The
purpose of web reinforcement is to ensure that
the full flexural capacity can be developed
• Prior to inclined cracking, the strain in the
stirrups is equal to the corresponding strain of
the concrete. Since concrete cracks at very
small strain, the stress in the stirrups prior to
inclined cracking will not exceed 20.7 to 41.4
MPa. Thus stirrup do not prevent inclined cracks
from forming: they come into play only after the
cracks have formed.
Internal forces in a cracked beam with
Distribution of internal shears in a beam with
web reinforcement
Analysis and Design of Reinforced
Concrete Beams for Shear

The basic design equation for the shear capacity of slender concrete
beams (beam with shear spans containing B-regions) is

Vn  Vu
Vn  Vc  Vs
where Vu is the shear due to factored load
Ø is a strength-reduction factor, taken equal to 0.75 for
Vn is the nominal shear resistance
Vc is the shear carried by the concrete and
Vs is the shear carried by the stirrups
Shear-Failure Limit States: Beams
without Web Reinforcement
Design Equation for the Shear Strength of Members without Web

 120 wVu d  bw d For normal range of variables, the second term

Vc   f c'  
 M u  7
in the parentheses will be equal about
f c' bw d
Vc 
For axially loaded members,

 N  f c' 
Vc  1  u  b d Axial compression
 14 A  6  w
 g 
 0.3N u  f c' 
Vc  1   b d Axial tension
 A  6  w
 g  
Shear-Failure Limit States: Beams with
Web Reinforcement

1. Failure due to yielding the stirrup

Vn  Vc  Vs
Vc  Vcz  Vay  Vd Vc=“shear carried by concrete”

Figure 6-26a shows a free body between the end of a beam and an
inclined crack. Assuming that all the stirrups yield at failure, the shear
resisted by the stirrups is

Av f y d
Vs 
Shear resisted by stirrups
Inclined Stirrups
If the stirrups are inclined at an angle α to the horizontal, the number of
stirrups crossing the cracks is approximately d(1+cotα)/s, where s is the
horizontal spacing of the stirrups, the inclined force is

 d (1  cot  ) 
F  Av f y  
 s 

The shear resisted by the stirrups, Vs, is the vertical component of F,

which is Fsinα, so that

Vs  Av f y sin   cos  
Design Equation
If Vu exceeds ØVc, stirrup must be provided so that

Vn  Vu where
Vn  Vc  Vs

In design, this generally rearranged to the form

Vs  Vu  Vc or
Vu Av f y d
Vs   Vc Introducing Vs 
 s
gives vertical stirrups spacing:

Av f y d
Vu /   Vc
Maximum spacing of stirrups
Stirrups are unable to resist shear unless they are crossed by an inclined
crack, for this reason the maximum spacing are:

Max s ≤ d/2 or
600 mm

Max s ≤ d
Maximum spacing of stirrups

If Vu/Ø – Vc > (1/3) √fc’ bwd. The maximum allowable stirrups spacing are
reduced to half those just described.

For vertical stirrups, the maximum is smaller of d/4 or 300 mm.

Shear-Failure Limit States: Beams with
Web Reinforcement

2. Shear failure initiated by failure of the stirrups anchorages.

Generally, the upper end of inclined cracks approach very close to the
compression face of the beam. At ultimate, the stress in the stirrups
approaches or equals the yield strength, fy, thus the stirrups should be
extend as close to the compression and tension faces as cover and bar
spacing requirements permit and, in addition, specifies certain type of
hooks to anchor the stirrups.
Stirrups detailing requirements
Shear-Failure Limit States: Beams with
Web Reinforcement

3. Serviceability failure due to excessive crack widths at service loads

4. Shear failure due to crushing of the web

5. Shear failure initiated by failure of the tension chord

Vs (max)  2 / 3 f c' bw d
Types of web Reinforcement

• Stirrups or ties perpendicular to the axis of

the member
• Welded wire fabric
• Stirrups inclined at an angle of 45° or more
• A portion of the longitudinal flexural
reinforcement may be bent up where no
longer needed for flexure
• Combination of spirals, circular ties, and
Minimum web reinforcement

Because a shear failure of a beam without reinforcement is sudden and

brittle, and because shear-failure loads vary widely about the values given
by the design equation, ACI section requires a minimum amount of
web reinforcement to be provided if the applied shear force, Vu, exceeds
half of the factored inclined cracking shear, Ø(0.5Vc), except in
1. slabs and footing;
2. concrete joist construction; and
3. beams width a total depth not grater than 250 mm, 2,5 times the
thickness of the flange, or one-half the width of the web, whichever is
Minimum web reinforcement

Minimum web reinforcement

1 b
Av ,min    f c' w but not less than
 16  fy
bw s
Av ,min 
3 fy

In seismic regions, web reinforcement is required in most beam, since Vc

is taken equal to zero if earthquake-induced shear exceeds half the total
Strength Reduction Factors for Shear

Strength reduction factor, Ø, for shear and torsion is 0,75. This value is
lower than for flexure, because shear-failure are more variable than
flexure-failure loads
Location of Maximum Shear for the Design
of beams
In a beam loaded on the top flange and supported on the bottom as
shown in the Figure, the closest inclined crack that can occur adjacent to
the supports will extend outward from the supports at roughly 45°. Loads
applied to the beam within a distance d from the support in such a beam
will be transmitted directly to the support by the compression fan above
the 45° cracks and will not affect the stress in the stirrups crossing the
crack shown in the following figure.
Critical section for shear
Example design of vertical stirrups in a
simply supported beam

D = 20 kN/m PL = 60 kN b = 900 mm
L = 24 kN/m

L = 10 m hf = 150 mm
d = 610 mm

bw = 300 mm

fc’=25 MPa
fy = 400 MPa
fys=300 MPa
Outline penyelesaian
1. Compute the design factored shear-force envelope.


Vu( x)
Factored shear force diagram
Vu( 0.610)

0 5 10
Vu( 0)  360

2. Are stirrups are required by Code, No stirrup are required if Vn=Vu/Ø ≤Vc/2

3. Is the cross section large enough ?, the Code gives the maximum shear in
the stirrup as
4. Check anchorage of stirrups and maximum spacing. Try D10 double-stirrups,
(a) Check the anchorage of the stirrups.
(b) Find the maximum stirrups spacing

5. Compute the stirrup spacing required to resist the shear force, for vertical
Design procedure for web reinforcement
Compute factor shear
force envelope, Vu

f c' bw d
Vc 

Are stirrups required ? Vu>ØVc/2 Not required



Is the cross section large enough? (Vu/Ø-Vc)<Vs,max Enlarge cross section



Try diameter ds, n-leg stirrups, Av  n s

1 bw s 16 Av f y
Av ,min  fc '  smax 
16 fy f c 'bw
Find the maximum stirrup spacing
1 bw s 3 Av f y
Av ,min   smax 
3 fy bw

Compute the stirrup spacing required Av f y d

to resist the shear force Vu /   Vc
Shear failure in a tied column, 1971 San
Fernando Earthquake
Shear in Axially Loaded Beams or Columns

Axial Tension:

 0.3 N u  f c' 

Vc  1   b d
 Ag  6  w
  
Axial Compression:

 Nu  f c' 

Vc  1   b d
 14 A  6  w
 g  
Checking the shear capacity of a column subjected to axial compression
plus shear and moments
620 kN

57 kN-m
28 kN

240 mm 300 mm fc’ = 20 MPa

fy = 420 MPa

300 mm

28 kN 27 kN-m

620 kN

(a) Cross section (b) Elevation

A 300-mm x 300-mm column width fc' = 20 MPa and longitudinal steel and ties having fy =
420 MPa is subjected to fatored axial forces, moments, and shears, as shown in the
following figure.
Nu  620 kN bw  300 mm
fc  20 MPa d  240 mm
4 2
fy  420 MPa Ag  bw  bw Ag  9  10 mm

1. Compute the nominal shear forces in the column:

( 57  27)
Vu  Vu  28 kN
  0.75
Vn  Vn  37.333 kN

2. Are stirrups required by ACI section ? No stirrups are required if Vn < Vc/2,
Nu 1000  fc  bw d
Vc   1  
 14 Ag  6
Vc  8.007  10 N
Vc  Vc  80.073 kN
 40.036 kN
Since Vn=37.333 kN less than Vc/2, shear reinforcement is not necessary. If it
required, ties at a spacing of not more than d/2 would serve as shear reinforcement.

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