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My name is Merida. I am the princess of King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of
DunBroch in Scotland. I have triplet brothers and I am the only beautiful Princess Merida.
Honestly all of us are naughty.

I want to tell you about one experience that finally changing me a lot. Long time ago, my
mom, Queen Elinor, tried to teach me how to behave like a perfect princess. I honestly could
not do it. I liked to slip away from the palace to practice with my bow and arrow. And I am
skilled archer.

One night, my mom announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a
suitor to compete for my hand in marriage. Of course I was horrified. I argued with my mom
at that time "I won't go through with it!" I shouted. "You have to get married, Princess!"
"Enough is enough!"

To my dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. I sat waiting on my throne for the archery
contest to begin. I knew I could handle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could.

Once the suitors had taken their shots, I marched onto the field. My mom yelled for me to
stop, but I didn't listen. I fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. I had won! "Now I
wouldn't have to marry anyone!"

My mum, Queen Elinor, was furious at me for ruining the contest. She warned me that things
needed to be set right. I could not control my emotion; I shouted to her "Marriage is what
YOU want!" Then I slashed the tapestry that depicted my family and ran away.

I fled deep into the woods where mysterious blue will o' the wisps led me to a cottage. Inside,
I found a witch. I begged her to change her mother. I didn’t need a mum who forced me to do
this and that. The Witch gave Merida a spell cake.

Back at the castle, I presented the cake to my mother. “Mommy, my dear mommy, here is the
special cake I’ve made for you...” I watched closely as my mom took a bite. At first, nothing
happened. But then, my mom began to feel sick.

I helped my mom into bed. The next thing I knew, a huge, furry shape was rising from the
sheets! The Witch's cake had turned my mom into a bear! I worried my mother was in
danger. In hurry, I sneaked her out of the castle.

I and my mom-bear first went to the Witch's cottage and only found a message: "Fate is
changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride." I would need time to figure out its
meaning, but for now, I needed to teach my mom to fishing!

I realized that to mend the bond and break the spell, I must repair the tapestry I had torn.
After sneaking into the castle, I and my mother were discovered by my dad, King Fergus. He
drew his sword. "It's not what you think!" I cried. I explained that the bear was my mom. But
my dad didn’t believe in me. “The bear must be killed!” He slashed at the bear, who struck
back, knocking him to the ground. The noise drew the visiting lords and their sons. Terrified,
My mom-Bear raced from the castle.

I grabbed a needle and thread and the tapestry then jumped on my horse. I took my little
brothers, too. They had eaten the spell cake and turned into bear cubs! I sewed as we all raced
to save our mother.

I felt hopeless when I saw that my mom-bear was being attacked by a great black bear called
Mor’du. My mom-bear wanted to protect me. She could beat Mor’du with her last effort;
however, she was injured. I was so sad. I felt sorry for being fooled by my emotion, for being
so evil to my own mother.

I wrapped the mended tapestry over her mother, hopped that it wasn’t late. "I want you back,
Mum," I cried. "I love you." King Fergus was shocked to realize the bear was his beloved

Merida felt a hand brush her hair. The spell had been broken! My mom turned into a human
again. The triplets were no longer bears. My mom smiled at me. From then on, now I could
be a princess and be herself.

What I learned from my experience is ....

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