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4 Day Digital Marketing

Boot Camp
Used by leading companies including:

4DBC Itinerary
Day One: Internet Marketing Day Two: Internet Marketing (con’t)
Digital Marketing Strategy Email Marketing:
Prior to jumping into the tools, it is important to create a digital Email marketing remains one of the best and most effective ways
marketing strategy. We’ll cover: to reach customers and drive action. While email marketing doesn’t
• The size & importance of digital marketing receive a lot of attention, it is still one of the most powerful tools to
• Future trends in digital marketing – growth and future drive return on investment.
opportunities • The role that email marketing plays in a digital marketing strategy
• The steps to creating a digital marketing strategy • Email marketing legal compliance
• Building a strategy from the ground up • Steps to building an effective email marketing campaign
• Integrating digital marketing into existing marketing plans • Email marketing optimization: List building, subject lines, driving
action, best practices
Websites: Usability, Conversion Planning: • Email marketing analytics
The website is the home-base for digital marketing, yet most
businesses don’t spend time thinking about their website. This Online Advertising:
section will cover: Digital ads provide powerful targeting so you can reach exactly
• The role of your website in your digital marketing strategy who you want.
• Elements of a successful website • Why digital ads are powerful
• Usability and user-experience • How digital ads are purchased (CPC, CPM, Bidding systems)
• Conversion planning • Terminology associated with digital advertising
• Conversion optimization • Retargeting, programmatic buying and advanced digital
advertising features
Website Analytics: • Types of digital advertising (what they are, how they work, when
The website is the center of your digital marketing, so analyzing to use them, how to optimize):
your website is a key component of measuring the success of your – Search ads, display ads, video ads, social media ads, mobile
digital marketing. ads
• Key terms associated with website measurement
(terminology + definitions) Mobile Marketing:
• Analyzing the traffic to your website Mobile marketing isn’t a silo in digital marketing – the reality is
• Differentiating between high quality and low quality traffic that we are marketing in a mobile world. This section will cover the
• Understanding the behavior of website visitors core components of mobile to consider in your digital strategy:
• Using analytics to drive insights and optimization
• Mobile website optimization
Search Engine Optimization: • Mobile search
Search Engine Optimization is one of the oldest and most important • Mobile ads
aspects of digital marketing. For many businesses, search engine • Mobile email
optimization is among the biggest drivers of digital marketing • Mobile apps
return on investment. This section will cover: • Mobile shoppers, future of mobile + trends
• What SEO is and how search engines work Managing Digital Campaigns:
• Keyword analysis and optimization Much of digital marketing is “always on” meaning that it is constant-
• Ranking factors that drive sites to the top of search ly running. That being said there are still digital campaigns that
engines (and content marketing) focus on specific marketing objectives. This section will focus on
• Optimizing your site for search engines managing digital campaigns.
• Planning a digital campaign vs. ongoing digital marketing
• Off-site optimization for search engines • Harnessing the power of digital technology in integrated
• Building your search engine optimization plan campaigns
• Steps to building integrated digital campaigns
Online Reputation Management: Creating and Measuring a Digital Strategy:
Discover the power of online reputation management including We’ll wrap up by covering how to create a solid digital marketing
review sites & creating a strong branded presence. strategy and measure the success of your efforts.

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4DBC Itinerary
Day Three: Social Media Marketing Day Four: Social Media Marketing (con’t)
Social Media Overview: Social Networks (Continued):
Before diving into social media we’ll take a look at the size and scope The following social networks will be covered in-depth:
of social media and how businesses are using social networks to • Facebook
drive results. We’ll discuss how social media fits into a successful • Twitter
marketing plan. • LinkedIn
• Blogging
Social Media Strategy: • Instagram
Successful social media marketing starts with strategy. This section • Pinterest
will cover the proven steps to building a social media strategy that • YouTube/Video Marketing
gets results. We’ll focus on the first 4 steps below (the others will be We’ll also provide an overview and top-level discussion of how
covered throughout the training) businesses are using other social networks including: SnapChat,
Tumblr, Vine, Periscope/Meerkat, Google+, Slideshare, Flickr,
1 Listening and assessing the landscape discussion forums, review sites and more.
Discover the top social listening tools that you can use to inform
your social media strategy. Efficiency and Effectiveness:
2 Defining your marketing strategies Improve your results and ROI (return on investment) by improving
Identifying achievable marketing strategies is the key to your social your efficiency and effectiveness in social media marketing. This
media marketing success. Learn how to build actionable strategies section will help participants take their success to the next level
and objectives that maximize your business results. with actionable tools, strategies and tips to get more from their
3 Identifying your target audience approach including:
A clear target audience will improve your success in social media – • Visual Social Marketing: Creating powerful visuals to support your
learn how to clearly define the audiences that you want to reach. strategy
4 Creating your content strategy • Tools to Drive Success: Using tools to get more from your social
media implementation (and how to choose the right tools)
Content is the key to social media success. Many businesses fail in • Creating Workflows: Creating social media workflows using
social media because they lack a clear content strategy that both proven tools to stay focused on what counts
grows their business and resonates with their target audience. • Time Management: Managing your time to maximize your results
Create a clear content strategy that can be implemented across and improve your return on investment
social networks. • Strategies for Success: Strategies that will help you stay focused
and improve your results
Social Media Best Practices:
We’ll cover best practices that apply across social networks and drive Measuring Social Media:
better results in your social media marketing. This section will set • Measuring social media is absolutely vital to driving results from
you up for success! In this section we’ll cover: social media.
• Implementation best practices • Measurement and reporting tools (and when you need them)
• Commenting/response strategy and how to deal with both • Analyzing the results of your efforts
negative and positive comments • Adapting your strategy to improve results
• Content optimization tips that apply across social networks • Choosing KPIs to judge your success
• Calculating ROI
Social Networks:
Next, we’ll provide a framework to use to choose which social Getting Started Successfully:
networks are your best investment. For each social network we’ll As we close the session, we want to make sure that you have
cover: everything you need to successfully implement your social media
• How the network works strategy. This section will include:
• How big it is • Choosing where to start
• Who uses it • Putting together your work process (daily, weekly, monthly)
• How businesses use it (with examples and case studies) • Prioritizing your next steps
• Setting up your business on the network
• Best practices
• Tips, tricks & optimization

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