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8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

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House of Quality

6 Steps to Build a House of Quality 7 min. read

The House of Quality, or Quality Function Deployment (QFD

(, is a useful tool that Six Sigma Black Belt
practitioners use during the De ne phase of the DMAIC
( cycle of Six Sigma projects.
The topic can be brie y discussed in Green Belt training
( cation-training)
or sometimes on online free Six Sigma courses
( cation-overview). However,
the House of Quality is one of the more advanced LEAN techniques
( Let’s look at a practical
example of how the House of Quality technique can be implemented.

House of Quality Steps
To build the house of quality, basic six steps are performed. House of 

Quality Steps are as follows: 1/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

1. Identify what customer wants.

2. Identify how the product will satisfy the customer. It refers to identifying
speci c product characteristics, features or attributes and showing how
they will satisfy customer wants
3. Identify relationships between how’s. A couple of questions, that are to be
answered here: How do our how’s tie together? What is the relationship
between our two or more how’s?
4. Develop importance ratings. It refers to using the customer’s importance
ratings and weights from the relationships in the matrix to compute our
importance ratings.
5. Evaluate competing products or services. The question to be answered
here is: How well do competing products meet customer wants? This
activity is completely based on research.
6. Determine the desirable technical attributes. In this step, our performance
and the competitor’s performance are determined and compared.

The basic graphic diagram for any House of Quality looks like this.

How to Make House of Quality? A House of

Quality Example
Let us now begin with the actual process of generating a House of Quality for

Pizza. 2/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Identify what the customer wants

The main features that any customer desires in a pizza are:

Good taste
Low price
Low fat and healthy
Appetizing appearance
Fresh and hot delivery
Good texture

To build a House of Quality we need to deep-dive into the main features. This
part of building a House of Quality is normally a group exercise that requires

The rst main feature is good taste. Taste is the rst thing that a customer
demands in any food item. The better the taste the more customers will
demand it. So, it should taste fresh, hot and spicy all the time.
The second main feature is low price. Price is the second most important
factor according to the customers. The customer always tends to purchase
food that tastes good at a low price. So, there shouldn’t be any compromise
on taste while keeping the price as low as possible to meet the customer
The third main feature is low fat and healthy. No one wants to get sick or
become fat after eating something delicious. So, the pizza being sold to the
customers should be low in fat and it should be part of a healthy diet for the
customer. This is the key to winning the customer’s order.
The fourth main feature is appetizing appearance. The pizza should look
mouthwatering. It should look delicious, appetizing and spicy, even if the
customer hasn’t yet tasted one.
The fth main feature is fresh and hot delivery. No one wants to have a stale
pizza. Everyone wants a fresh and hot pizza, even if they’d ordered it home.
Quick-n- Hot delivery should be maintained for all customers or else we’ll
lose our customers.
The sixth main feature is a good texture. Well, the texture is the lowest
priority of customers. It is same as the appearance of pizza but it is affected  3/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

by shape, size, the method of baking, and ingredients too. Good texture for
each variety of pizza should be maintained.

To build our House of Quality we have to determine the importance ratings

according to customer needs. We determine the importance ratings for our
House of Quality on a scale of 1 to 6.

How will the product satisfy the customer’s wants

In this step of building a House of Quality, we have to re ect the customer’s
desires and demands in relation to our company’s product. For our House of
Quality, we have to consider those before we nally approve the making and
cooking of our Hot-n-Spicy pizza. Our product would be able to provide these
features to the customer:

Delicious and fresh toppings (sausages, meat, bread slices etc.)

Appropriate weight, size, shape, and thickness
Low-fat eatables (less cheese and/or yeast)
Optional eatables for taste and texture
Pizza color
Variety and density of toppings

To build a House of Quality we need to deep-dive into these features one-by-one.

Fresh and delicious toppings 4/30
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The rst feature is Delicious and Fresh toppings. It is a key material for pizza.
Delicious and fresh topping would surely help customers’ winning orders.

Weight, size, thickness, and shape

The second feature is appropriate weight, size, thickness, and shape. These
features of pizza are directly related to pizza price. The heavier the pizza, more it
would cost etc. So, the pizzas should be available in different sizes and weights so
that every customer would be able to purchase the one that they prefer. That is
why we’re going to introduce Medium and Large size pizzas.

Low fat
Our customers want a healthy pizza. So, we’re going to use those ingredients
which are low in fat. Some ingredients are essential for the taste of pizza but they
have a high fat-value. Hence, we will try to use them as little as possible.

Optional eatables
Optional eatables are purely concerned with the taste and variety in pizzas. For
providing great and delicious varieties in our pizzas, we will use different optional
eatables to delight our customers. This factor is also concerned with price and

Pizza color
For an appetizing appearance of a pizza, we would have to add some arti cial
colors to our pizza product. Additionally, these avored colors also add spicy
tastes to pizzas.

Density of toppings
The density of topping is directly concerned with the thickness and price of a
pizza. To provide varieties of pizza, we will use a Low, Medium and High density of

Developing the HOWs for our House of Quality

Now, in the next step of building our House of Quality we will develop the
“HOWs” or how will our product satisfy our customers for our House of Quality.
For this purpose, we will again develop a table displaying how this will satisfy
them. 5/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Identify relations between our HOWs for our House of

In this step of building our House of Quality, we will develop a relationship
matrix between our ‘HOWs’. For example, in many cases, some ‘HOWs’ are
related to one-another. Here’s a diagram showing an example of how HOWs can
be related to each other when building our House of Quality. 6/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

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Develop importance ratings

This step of building a House of Quality is quite dif cult and takes longer to
complete. To build a House of Quality we will rst draw the relationship matrix
between the “HOWS” and the “WANTS”. Then, we will determine the
importance ratings for our nal work to be started.

Have a look at the diagram below. This step of building a House of Quality is
shown here in a simpli ed and explanatory way. Let’s have a quick example to
understand the table and how it is important for building our House of Quality.

The customer want of good texture has a medium relationship with pizza color.

Good texture has the customer importance rating of 1. According to the grid in
our diagram, medium relationship i.e. the bold green circle has the importance 7/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

rating of 3. So, simply multiply 3 by 1. That’s it! The answer for importance rating
of pizza color is 3.

Evaluate competing products

In this step of building our House of Quality, we will compare the features of
competing products of other companies. For example, two companies, Company
A and Company B are competitors for our products. Hence, to build our House of
Quality, we’ll rst discuss and compare their pizzas to ours to get a more
comprehensive and detailed report about our pizza.

Please have a look at the diagram below. On the left-hand side, we have customer
wants. On the right-hand side, we’ve got Company A and Company B. According
to our grid of G, F, and P, we have tried to evaluate our competitors’ pizza against
customer wants. 8/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Determine technical attributes

The last step in building a House of Quality is determining of technical attributes
and checking our performance with respect to market products.

And here is our nal and full House of Quality or Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) diagram for Pizza.

Good luck building your own House of Quality in the De ne phase of your Six
Sigma project. Use this LEAN tool to identify exactly how to produce a product

that will delight your customers. 9/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality


House of Quality
Review by: Marilyn Mckinney
5 / 5 stars

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8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

3 Different Types of Design for Six Sigma

(DFSS) 5 min. read

When someone says Six Sigma, we immediately think about the DMAIC process
for problem-solving. We think about processes with problems that cause them to
deliver products or services with too much variation. We think about Green Belt
training ( cation-
training). This is brie y what is taught in a free Six Sigma Green Belt certi cation
training ( cation-overview).
However, there is another angle to Six Sigma. Sometimes a process needs to be
designed from scratch. Now you may ask yourself, why design a process that will
have a lot of variation in its output? You are right in asking that question, and that
is exactly what Design for Six Sigma or DFSS is for. DFSS is the Six Sigma way of
designing a process rst time right to have as little variation i.e. defects and
defectives as possible. It is an alternative Six Sigma approach
(, but it still follows the
main Six Sigma principles (

What is DFSS?  11/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Let’s talk about the DFSS approach to designing a process. Design for Six Sigma is
an approach to designing or redesigning a product and/or services to meet or
exceed customer requirements and expectations. DFSS is an enhancement to
your new product development process, not a replacement for it. A documented,
well-understood and useful new product development process are fundamental
to a successful DFSS program. Unlike the DMAIC (De ne-Measure-Analyze-
Improve-Control) methodology of Six Sigma, DFFS is not a universal process.
Each company or organization will use Design for Six Sigma differently. They
will implement DFSS according to their business needs, structure, industry, and
culture. Design for Six Sigma is an approach rather than a method.

What can be designed with DFSS?

Products, services, and processes can be designed with DFSS. Here is what is
mostly designed with Design for Six Sigma:

New products/services
New process for a new product/service
Redesign of existing product/service to meet customer requirement
Redesign of existing product/service process

DFSS ensures that the Product/Service meets customer requirement and that
the process of this Product/Service is already at Six Sigma level. The intention of
Design for Six Sigma is to bring such new products and/or services to market
with a process performance of around 4.5 sigmas or better, for every customer
requirement. This implies an ability to understand the customer needs and to
design and implement the new offering with a reliability of delivery before launch
rather than after. 12/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Different types of DFSS

Design for Six Sigma is an approach and attitude towards delivering new products
and services with high performance as measured by customers’ Critical-To-
Quality metrics. Just as the Six Sigma approach has the DMAIC methodology
(De ne, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) by which processes can be
improved, DFSS also has a methodology by which new products and services
can be designed and implemented. DFSS has many approaches like DMADV
(Design, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) and IDOV (Identify, Design, Optimize,

The most famous DFFS system is DMADV

( or Design, Measure, Analyze,
Develop, and Verify. Each phase of the DMADV framework is as below:

De ne customer requirements and goals for the process, product or service

Measure and match performance to customer requirements
Analyze and assess the design for the process, product or service
Design and implement the array of new processes required for the new
process or product

Verify results and maintain performance 13/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

IDOV is quite well known in the manufacturing industry. The IDOV acronym
stands for Identify, Design, Optimize and Validate. Let’s take a closer look.

Identify the customer and speci cations of Critical to Quality parameters

Design translates the customer CTQs into functional requirements and into
solution alternatives. Narrow it down to a shortlist of solutions.
Optimize uses advanced statistical tools and modeling to predict and
optimize the design and performance.
Validate to make sure that the design meets the customer CTQs.

Another popular approach to DFSS is the DCCDI approach. This stands for
De ne, Customer Concept, Design and Implement. There are some similarities
with the DMADV phases. Let’s look at the different phases of DCCDI

De ne the project goals.

Customer analysis is nalized.
Concept ideas are developed, reviewed and selected.
Design is performed to meet the customer and business speci cations.
Implementation is completed to develop and commercialize the

There are many alternative ways to implement DFSS, but all of the approaches
use the same advanced tools e.g. quality function deployment (QFD),
benchmarking, design of experiments (DOE), simulation, statistical optimization,
failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), error proo ng and so on. The methods
just differ in the number of phases.

What DFSS means to a Business System?

The concept of DFSS is built around the need to have processes with too much
variation. DFSS uses advanced techniques to avoid process problems from the
start when new processes are designed. DFSS methods take the needs of the
customer into account from the rst step. Process parameters are identi ed that
will increase product and service effectiveness in the eyes of the customer. DFSS
yields products and services that provide great customer satisfaction and
increased market share.  14/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

In short, DFSS means the following to a business:

Introduce new product/service or new category of product/service (New

category for the Business System and not the customer)
Improve product/service
Addition to current product/service lines

DFSS is a fantastic way of using Six Sigma principles to design products and
processes that deliver as few defects as possible from the start. Building a
process that takes the voice of the customer (VoC) into account from the get-go is
a very crucial bene t of using DFSS as a design model. While it may seem like a lot
of effort to go through the different phases of product/process development in
the data-driven Six Sigma way, the outcome of the process will never disappoint.  15/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality


Review by: Jim Parker

5 / 5 stars

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terofproject) 16/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

4 Main Processes of Cost Management 5 min. read

Cost Management is a really important one among all the project management
knowledge areas (
knowledge-areas/). There are several activities in a project, several project
resources work on project activities and several materials, tool and equipment
are used to complete the project scope
( All these require a
budget to be allocated. Because you need to purchase tools, materials, and the
company must pay salaries of the project personnel. This knowledge area deals
with the management of the expenses and the budget of the project.

Note that, project management processes are documented and controlled by the
help of project management templates (
management-templates-downloadable). You can see sample free project
management templates (
management-templates) to have an idea of how they work.

In Project Management Professional (

management-bundle) training, you can nd detailed information about the
processes and the other important terms of Cost Management. Also, there are

many sample PMP exam questions (
exam-math-rev-readiness-check-for-real-exam) about Cost Management 17/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

knowledge area. If you are in the process of application for PMP

( cation-ultimate-guide/), these
questions will be useful to assess your knowledge.

In this article, we will go over the content and processes of Cost Management
knowledge area brie y.

What is Cost Management?

Cost Management includes processes required to complete the project within
the approved budget. With its processes, this knowledge area aims to determine
the required budget to complete the project and then aims to monitor and
control the project costs to meet the determined budget.

The major output of this knowledge area is Project Budget. After the project
scope is clear and project activities are determined, each project deliverable and
each project activity will have an associated cost. Because, project resources will  18/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

perform activities, and they have some costs to projects such as expenses, salary
etc. And there will be tools, materials or equipment that need to be used during
the project as well. These will require a budget as well.

Cost management knowledge area primarily concerns with the cost of resources
needed to complete the project activities. After the budget is determined, cost
management will keep on measuring and monitoring the cost performance of the
project to meet the agreed budget.

Cost Management has 4 processes, three of these processes belong to planning

process group, and on of them belongs to monitoring and controlling process
group. These processes are:

1. Plan cost management

2. Estimate costs
3. Determine budget 
4. Control costs.

The Importance of Cost Management

Cost management knowledge area plans how to manage expenses and budget of
a project, monitor and control the status of the project and measures budget

Cost Management in Project Management: 4

Main Processes
Plan Cost Management Process
The rst process of this knowledge area is plan cost management process. In
this process, how to determine budget, estimate costs and manage the
expenses throughout the project are planned. Cost Management plan is the
primary output of the plan cost management process. It describes how to manage
the project costs and budget.

Two Important Terms in Plan Cost Management Process

1. Life cycle costing is an important term in project management. Everything
that is produced has a lifetime. Do you still use your rst cell phone? Most 19/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

probably no. Because in today’s world, most of the technological products

have at most 2 years of a life cycle.
2. Value engineering is performing same work with a less costly way. For
instance, if you need a bulldozer for your construction project only for 2
months, most probably, leasing the bulldozer will be less costly than buying a
bulldozer if you won’t use it in your future project works.

Estimate costs process

Estimate costs process is the second process of cost management knowledge
area. Cost estimation for each project activity and tools, materials, equipment
are done in this process. Then, based on these estimations, overall project budget
is estimated.

Different types of costs in the project:

For instance, of ce rent for a project is a xed cost. Regardless of how many
project resources will work, you need an of ce, and this cost will be in your 20/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

project budget.
On the other hand, material costs, expenses for project personnel etc. will
be variable depending on the number of people or materials.

Inputs for Estimating Costs & The Accuracy of Estimates:

Inputs for estimating costs are important. Because all cost estimation is based on
the inputs.
The Accuracy of Estimates is another important concept. If you need a crispy
clear estimation, you will need to work more on planning to reach a more
accurate estimation. Depending on the accuracy necessity, estimation is must be
planned accordingly.

Determine Budget Process

Determine Budget Process is the third process of cost management knowledge
area. After estimations are done, all cost estimations are combined during this
process and overall project budget is determined.
Project Budget will have components. After activity cost estimates are complete,
there will be contingency reserves on top of these estimates such as activity
contingency, management reserve etc. to accommodate any risks if they occur
during the project.

Control costs process

Control costs is the fourth and last process of the cost management knowledge
area. This process mainly aims to control the project expenses and complete the
project on determined budget.

What is Progress Reporting?

Progress reporting for cost management is crucial as well. Because, based on the
previous expenses and track, whether the remaining activities will be
completed with the remaining budget must be assessed frequently. And these
must be reported to relevant stakeholders.

What is Earned Value Management? 21/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

Earned Value Management is a critical part of cost management knowledge area.

Earned Value calculations show whether you are ahead of budget or under
budget. These calculations are critical for evaluating whether the project will
meet the schedule and cost targets.

( 22/30
8/28/2019 6 Steps to Build a House of Quality

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Answer the following 7 questions and we will determine your average salary if you would be
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PMP Salary All Aspects: How much will you earn if you get PMP?
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