Reaction Paper

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Stenellie May Obod

Reaction paper no. 1

Pornography is yet one of the most popular topics of today's society. Questions

are being brought up about how pornography has had an effect on our everyday life

styles. Pornography provokes violence through it’s explicates of obscenity through the

literature and the media. Technology has been manipulated by these pornographic

materials, and this isn't fair to the public. How do we put a stop to this? The law officials

are trying to restate some of the laws that refer to the pornographic field, but it has

become a great deal of struggling.

Pornography is copying apart our society. Although Christians are sometimes

discuss tied with the impact and apathetic about the need to control this threatening.

Pornography is a year business with close ties to organized crime. Pornography

involves books, magazines, videos, and devices and has moved from the society into

the mainstream through the renting of video cassettes, sales of so-called "soft-porn"

magazines, and the airing of sexually explicit movies on Cable television. To some,

pornography is nothing more than a few pictures of scantily clad Women in seductive


Recent research suggests that the effects of sexual media and more general

media are often moderated by personality and individual differences. A likely candidate

for a moderator variable is intelligence, because of its relation to critical and analytical
thinking which, in turn, affects resistance to persuasion. However, to our knowledge, no

study has investigated whether intelligence moderates reactions to different media


So I assume the church will be staging "violent" protests against these cesspools? After

all, you moralists are ready to do malicious reason, harassment, and more in the name

of morality, aren't you? Will you pressure the government to ban porn too? Or is media

a special case?

I hope you do carry out a more aggressive campaign against pornography. More

aggressive and more malicious than the campaign you launched against Media. After

all, I do agree this industry should be killed.

Social networking sites should be banned inside the school premises. First, execrating

social networks would keep students focused on their learning. Second, avoiding these sites

would keep students away from cybercrimes. Finally,

Interdicting the use of social networking sites can reduce distractions from focusing on

learning. Students nowadays are more addicted on interacting in networking sites where they

might not prioritize first their studies. Furthermore, students gave their attention first on their

facebook, twitter, multiply, tumblr, and etc rather than worrying about their examinations. This

might result on losing interest in studying, nonappearance in school and finally, students might

fail on their subjects. Thus, execreting social networking sites would give students the chance to

focus well in studying.

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