Daily Vocabularies

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At the toilet

1. Basin / wastafel
I want to wash my face at the basin in the toilet =Saya ingin mencuci muka di wastafel di toilet

2. Toilet / Tolilet
May I go to toilet please? = Bolehkan saya pergi ke toilet ?

3. Trash can / Keranjang sampah

don’ forget to throw garbage in the trash can = Jangan lupa membauang sampah di keranjang

4. Hairdryer / pengering rambut

let’s use Hairdryer to dry your hairs
Silakan gunakan pengering rambut untuk mengeringkan rambutmu

5. Toothbrush / sikat gigi

we use toothbrush twice a day = kita mengosok gigi dua kali sehari

6. Razor / alat cukur

A man use the razor for shave their mustache
Pria mengunakan alat ckur untuk mencukur kumisnya

7. Towel / handuk
People use towel dry themselves after take bathroom.
Orang mengunakan handuk untuk mengeringkann badan setelah mandi
8. Fan / kipas angin
Before leave the room turn off the fan = sebelum meninggalkan ruangan matikan kipas

9. Mirrors / kaca
the morrow in toilet is very clean = kaca di toilet sangat kotor

10. Soap / sabun

You have to wash your hand with soap = kamu harus mencuci tanganmu dengan sabun

At the mosque
1. Mosque / Masjid
A man have to pray at the mosque = laki laki harus sholat di masjid

2. Pulpit / imam
after priest go on the pulpit don’t talk anything = setelah imam naik ke Mimbar jangan bicara apapun
3. Sermon / khudbah
When the priest gives sermon we have to silent = Diam saat Imam memberikan Khudbah

4. Silent / Diam
Silent please the people are praying progress = Mohon diam orang orang sedang sholat
5. Pray / Doa
Don’t forget to pray your parents = Jangan lupa berdoa untuk orang tua mu
6. Ablution place/ tempat dudhu
Before enter the mosque have to ablution place = Sebelum masuk masjid silakan berdoa
7. Holy place / Tempat suci
The mosque is holy place for muslim people = Masjid adalah tempat suci untuk umat muslim
8. Worship / menyembah
Worshiping a statue is a shirk for the moslem = Menyembah berhala adalah perbuatan syirik bagi orang

9. Straighten / luruskan
Straighten the shaff and close the line = Rapatkan dan luruskan shaff

10.Worshiped / Disembah
Nothings else is worshiped except Alloh =Tiada yang lain di sembah kecuali Alloh

At the yard
1. Garden / kebun
Many flowers at the garden = banyak bunga bunga di taman
2. Backyard / halaman belakang
The canteen is the back yard of school = kantin teletak di belakang halaman sekolah
3. fence / pagar
Don’t broke fence our school garden = Jangan merusak pagar kebun sekolah kita
4. Flower / bunga
The school garden have many kinds of flowers = di kebun sekolah terdapat banyak jenis bunga
5. Field / halam
We do many activities at the school field = kita melakukan banyak kegiatan di halaman sekolah
6. Parking / parkir
Take your motor cycle at the parking area = Simpan motormu di tempat parkir
7. Ceremony / upacara
All students have to folloe ceremony = semua siswa harus ikut upacara
8. Flag / bendera
The students held the flag ceremony at the field = siswa melaksanakan upacara bendera di halaman
9. Front yard / halaman depan
we are play volley ball at front yard of school = Kami main volley di halama depan sekolah
10.School yard / halaman sekolah
Mr. Bedjo always watering school yard every morning = Pa Bedjo menyiran halam sekolah tiap pagi

In Teacher room, the headmaster room

1. Computer / kumputer
There are some computer in the teacher’s room
Ada beberapa computer di ruang guru
2. Teacher’s desk / meja guru
Many exercise books on the teacher’s desk
Banyak buku latihan di atas meja guru
3. Timetable / jadwal
Teacher enter the class depend of time table
Guru memasuki ruangan tergantung jamnya
4. Trophy / piala
Students get many trophy in many exhibition
Siswa mendapatkan piala di beberapa pertandingan
5. Exercise book buku latihan
Teacher takes the exercise books on the table
Guru meletakan buku buku latihan di atas meja

6. Picture/gambar
Many pictures on the wall in the teacher’s room
Banyak gambar gambar di tembok di ruang guru
7. Curtains / gorden
The curtains in the teacher’s room is grey
Gorden di ruang guru berwarna abu abu
8. Air conditioner/ AC
The room is very fresh because of air conditioner well
Ruangan ini sangat segar karena Ac nya bagus
9. Sink / wastafel
There is sink in the teacher’s room
Ada sebuah wastafel di ruang guru
10. Principal’s room / ruang kepala sekoah
Principle’s room is beside teacher’s room
Ruang kepala sekolah di samping ruang guru
At the parking
1. Motor cycle / sepeda motor
We go to school by motor cycle = kami pergi kesekolah dengan sepeda motor
2. The car / mobil
Some students use car go to school = Sebagian siswa mengunakan mobil untuk ke sekolah
3. Tire / ban
I am sorry sir, I come late my tire is flat = Maaf pa, saya terlambat ban saya bocor
4. Pump / pompa
I need a pump to pumping my motor cycle = Saya butuh pompa untuk memompa motor saya
5. Gasoline / bensin
I need to gasoline to fill my tank = Saya butuh bensin untuk di isi tenk saya
6. Key / kunci
Don’t forget to key your motor cycle = Jangan lupa memngunci sepeda motor mu
7. Shade place
I take my motor cycle at the shade place = saya menyimpan sepeda motor saya di tempat yang teduh
8. Parking area / area parker
We go home together, I wait you at the parking area
Kita pulang bersama, saya tunggu di tempat parkir
9. Chain / rantai
Be careful with your chain it so dirty = hati hati dengan rantai sepeda motormu sanga kotor
10.Lamp / lampu
Could you change my motor cycle lamp? It’s off.
Bisakah kamu menganti lampu sepeda motor saya ? ia sudah mati

In the study progress

1. Class room / ruang kelas
The students is studying in the class room = Siswa sedang belajar di ruang kelas
2. Study / belajar
We are study biology on third period = kami belajar biologi pada jam ke tiga
3. Doing exercise/ mengerjakan latihan
She get difficult doing biology exercise = Dia mendapat kesulitan mengerjakan latihan biologi
4. Examination/ penjelasan
The ninth class is preparing national examination
Kelas Sembilan sedaang persiapan ujian Nasional
5. Seriously / dengan serius
We have to seriously in the study = Kita harus serius daalam belajar
6. Explanation/ penjelasan
The teacher is explanation the English tense = Guru sedang menjelaskan tata bahasa bahasa inggris
7. Question / pertanyaan
Some students asks question to the teacher = beberapa siswa menanyakan pertanyaan kepad guru
8. Answers / jawaban
He can answers the question right = Dia datap menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar
9. Get rank / dapat ranking
He diligent in study and gets the first rank = dia rajin dalam belajar dan mendapat rangking perama
10.Cheat / menyontek
Don’t cheat when you do the test = jangan mencontek ketika kamu sedang ulangan

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