Midterm Deliverables - Docx (Purposive Communication)

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Elead Gaddiel S.

GEC 107 MWF 12:30-1:30

(pg. 62-63)

I need to improve on … These are the barriers I am going to develop it

why I find it hard to by …
comply to this item.

1. always pushing my point. Arrogance. accepting that I am not that

superior in every matter.

2. learning from interactions Indifference. trying to be interested in the

with people. topic discussed by my friends.

3. expressing my personal Fear of being disliked. not being concerned with

convictions to pursue justice. people’s reaction towards my

4. allowing my bias and Narrow minded. trying to understand the

prejudice influence how you situations and dealings in life
see and hear people. of others.

5. widening my Lack of knowledge. learning the effects of the

understanding of the different different cultures on the
cultural backgrounds of behavior of persons.
people around me.

6. being responsible with my Openness. looking at the possible

thoughts and withhold some consequences of my actions.
which are not meant to be

7. conveying my point without Indifference. Trying to be cautious with the

hurting the feelings of the individual emotional
audience. differences of persons.
(pg. 71)

Interracial Communication

My grandfather’s Swedish friend, Anna Skagersten, is a professor in Union Theological

Seminary. We had a conversation after the event in our church. She asked me if I have a plan of
studying Conservatory of Music. I answered in the affirmative but after I pass the bar exam.

Inter-ethnic Communication

I have no experience in this.

International Communication

I have no experience in this.

Intra-cultural Communication

I have no experience in this because of the lack of experience in the second and third
variation of intercultural communication.

(pg. 76)

1. DM- Direct Message

2. RT- Retweet
3. AMA- Ask Me Anything
4. Troll- is a person who takes pleasure from starting disagreements and angering people.
5. Lurker- is a person who visits a forum, blog or website often, but does not leave any comments.
6. Meme- is an image, text or video that is copied & edited over and over again.
7. Facepalm- is a gesture when someone is saying something that is not very smart.
8. Epic- describes something that is huge or important.
9. I can’t even- is another way of saying “I’m speechless.”
10. Pwned- means that someone got defeated or humiliated.
11. Lag- is when a computer/phone software/application is slow to respond.
12. Photobomb- is when someone appears in a photo unexpectedly.
13. Trending- is when something is popular at the moment.
14. OMG- Oh My God
15. FTW- For the Win

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