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What is a repeal?

exemption of penal laws, it is holds all the more true

because the lawmakers would have expressly repealed
It is the abrogation of annulling of a previously existing outright such law if they really wanted it repealed.
law by enactment of a subsequent statute which declares
that the former law shall be revoked and abrogated (an Are repeals retroactive?
express repeal) or which contains provisions so contrary
or irreconciliable with those of the earlier law that only As a general rule, a repeal is not retroactive except in
one of the two statutes can stand in force (an implied penal laws, if it is in favor of the accused.
repeal). (Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed., p. 1463; cited in
Dean JJ Laurel's book on Statutory Construction)
REPUBLIC ACT No. 9346 June 24, 2006
What is that in English?

A repeal simply means we're not following the old law AN ACT PROHIBITING THE IMPOSITION OF DEATH
anymore because of the new one. PENALTY IN THE PHILIPPINES

What is the difference between a repeal and an Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
amendment? Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Repeal means complete abrogation or abandonment of
the law while amendment is merely a modification of it, SECTION 1. The imposition of the penalty of death is
leaving some parts intact. hereby prohibited. Accordingly, Republic Act No. Eight
Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Seven (R.A. No. 8177),
What about a repeal and a suspension? otherwise known as the Act Designating Death by Lethal
Injection is hereby repealed. Republic Act No. Seven
Repeal is permanent while suspension is merely Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Nine (R.A. No. 7659),
temporary. otherwise known as the Death Penalty Law, and all other
laws, executive orders and decrees, insofar as they
What is the rule on repeals in the Philippines? impose the death penalty are hereby repealed or
amended accordingly.
According to Article 7 (1) of the Civil Code:
Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones and their AN ACT IMPOSING THE DEATH PENALTY ON
violation and non-observance shall not be excused by CERTAIN HEINOUS CRIMES, REPEALING FOR THE
disuse or custom or practice to the contrary. PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9346, ENTITLED 'AN
Well, the law against jaywalking can only be repealed by NO. 3815, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS
a law to the contrary (a law allowing anyone to cross any THE 'REVISED PENAL CODE,' AND OTHER SPECIAL
point of the road). Whether people don't follow this rule or PENAL LAWS
not anymore does not repeal this law.
Mother Bill Status: HB04727
What are the kinds of repeal? Status: Substituted by HB04727

There are two flavors:

1. Express
2. Implied
What is an express repeal?
A repeal is express when it literally and categorically [G.R. No. 103982. December 11, 1992.]
states so.

For example: ANTONIO A.

This Proclamation 1021 expressly repeals Proclamation MECANO, petitioner, vs. COMMISSIO
1017. N ON AUDIT, respondent.

What is an implied repeal?

A repeal is implied, without saying it is a repealling law,
when the second law is so contrary to the first one that it 1. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; STATUTES; KINDS
cannot be reconciled. OF REPEALS. — The question of whether a particular
law has been repealed or not by a subsequent law is a
For example: matter of legislative intent. The lawmakers may expressly
repeal a law by incorporating therein a repealing provision
First law: One plus one shall be two. which expressly and specifically cites the particular law or
laws, and portions thereof, that are intended to be
Second Law: One plus one shall be three. repealed. A declaration in a statute, usually in its
repealing clause, that a particular and specific law,
(If the second law does not say, "This law implies the first identified by its number or title, is repealed is an express
law," then it repeals that law impliedly. repeal; all others are implied repeals.

What is the presumption as regards implied repeals? 2. ID.; ID.; REPEALS BY IMPLICATION; NECESSITY OF
The Philippine legal system frowns upon implied repeals. REPEAL. — The fact that a later enactment may relate to
Hence, there is a presumption here against it. With the the same subject matter as that of an earlier statute is not
of itself sufficient to cause an implied repeal of the prior determination of this controversy inasmuch as the body
act, since the new statute may merely be cumulative or a which had been entrusted with the implementation of this
continuation of the old one. What is necessary is a particular provision has already rendered its decision. The
manifest indication of legislative purpose to repeal. COA relied on the rule in administrative law enunciated in
Repeal by implication proceeds on the premise that the case of Sison vs. Pangramuyen that in the absence of
where a statute of later date clearly reveals an intention palpable error or grave abuse of discretion, the Court
on the part of the legislature to abrogate a prior act on the would be loathe to substitute its own judgment for that of
subject, that intention must be given effect. Hence, before the administrative agency entrusted with the enforcement
there can be a repeal, there must be a clear showing on and implementation of the law. This will not hold water.
the part of the lawmaker that the intent in enacting the This principle is subject to limitations. Administrative
new law was to abrogate the old one. The intention to decisions may be reviewed by the courts upon a showing
repeal must be clear and manifest; otherwise, at least, as that the decision is vitiated by fraud, imposition or
a general rule, the later act is to be construed as a mistake. It has been held that Opinions of the Secretary
continuation of, and not a substitute for, the first act and and Undersecretary of Justice are material in the
will continue so far as the two acts are the same from the construction of statutes in pari materia.
time of the first enactment.
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; CATEGORIES THEREOF. — There are IMPLICATION NOT FAVORED. — Lastly, it is a well-
two categories of repeal by implication. The first is where settled rule of statutory construction that repeals of
provisions in the two acts on the same subject matter are statutes by implication are not favored. The presumption
in an irreconcilable conflict, The later act to the extent of is against inconsistency and repugnancy for the
the conflict constitutes an implied repeal of the earlier legislature is presumed to know the existing laws on the
one. The second is if the later act covers the whole subject and not to have enacted inconsistent or conflicting
subject of the earlier one and is clearly intended as a statutes. This Court, in a case, explains the principle in
substitute, it will operate to repeal the earlier law. Implied detail as follows: "Repeals by implication are not favored,
repeal by irreconcilable inconsistency takes place when and will not be decreed unless it is manifest that the
the two statutes cover the same subject matter; they are legislature so intended. As laws are presumed to be
so clearly inconsistent and incompatible with each other passed with deliberation with full knowledge of all existing
that they cannot be reconciled or harmonized; and both ones on the subject, it is but reasonable to conclude that
cannot be given effect, that is, that one law cannot be in passing a statute it was not intended to interfere with or
enforced without nullifying the other. The second category abrogate any former law relating to some matter, unless
of repeal — the enactment of a statute revising or the repugnancy between the two is not only
codifying the former laws on the whole subject matter. irreconcilable, but also clear and convincing, and flowing
This is only possible if this revised statute or code was necessarily from the language used, unless the later act
intended to cover the whole subject to be a complete and fully embraces the subject matter of the earlier, or unless
perfect system in itself. It is the rule that a subsequent the reason for the earlier act is beyond peradventure
statute is deemed to repeal a prior law if the former renewed. Hence, every effort must be used to make all
revises the whole subject matter of the former statute. acts stand and if, by any reasonable construction, they
When both intent and scope clearly evince the idea of a can be reconciled, the later act will not operate as a
repeal, then all parts and provisions of the prior act that repeal of the earlier."
are omitted from the revised act are deemed repealed.
Furthermore, before there can be an implied repeal under 7. LABOR CODE; ARTICLE 173 THEREOF;
this category, it must be the clear intent of the legislature EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION; PAYMENT OF
that the later act be the substitute to the prior act. COMPENSATION THEREUNDER NOT A BAR TO
699 OF THE REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE BY respondent's contention that recovery under this subject
ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987; CASE AT BAR. — section shall bar the recovery of benefits under the
Comparing the two Codes, it is apparent that the new Employees' Compensation Program, the same cannot be
Code does not cover nor attempt to cover the entire upheld. The second sentence of Article 173, Chapter II,
subject matter of the old Code. There are several matters Title II (dealing on Employees' Compensation and State
treated in the old Code which are not found in the new Insurance Fund), Book IV of the Labor Code, as
Code, such as the provisions on notaries public, the leave amended by P.D. 1921, expressly provides that "the
law, the public bonding law, military reservations, claims payment of compensation under this Title shall not bar
for sickness benefits under Section 699, and still others. the recovery of benefits as provided for in Section 669 of
Moreover, the COA failed to demonstrate that the the Revised Administrative Code . . . whose benefits are
provisions of the two Codes on the matter of the subject administered by the system (meaning SSS or GSIS) or by
claim are in an irreconcilable conflict. In fact, there can be other agencies of the government."
no such conflict because the provision on sickness
benefits of the nature being claimed by petitioner has not
been restated in the Administrative Code of 1987.
BAR. — According to Opinion No. 73, S. 1991 of the
Secretary of Justice, what appears clear is the intent to
cover only those aspects of government that pertain to
administration, organization and procedure,
understandably because of the many changes that
transpired in the government structure since the
enactment of the RAC decades of years ago. The COA
challenges the weight that this opinion carries in the
New Law New Remedy a. "When testing the constitutional validity of
statutes, courts shall presume the statute to be
4) "It is an established principle of statutory valid." Consequently, the burden to show the
interpretation that "a statute prescribing a new constitutional defect is on the challenger."Every
remedy for an existing right should never be act of the legislature is presumed to be
construed to abolish a pre-existing remedy in constitutional, and the Constitution is to be
the absence of express words or necessary given a liberal construction so as to sustain the
implication. Further, " 'when a statute gives a enactment in question, if practicable." "When
new remedy, and contains no negative, express the constitutionality of an act is challenged, a
or implied, of the old remedy, the new one heavy burden of proof is thrust upon the party
provided by it is cumulative, and the party may making the challenge. All laws are presumed to
elect between the two.' be constitutional and this presumption is one of
the strongest known to the law.


Express repeal – b. "Another rule of statutory construction
is the abrogation or annulling of a requires the presumption that, in enacting
previously existingl a w by the statutes, the CONGRESS has full knowledge of
enactment of a subsequent statute existing law and interpretations thereof .
w h i c h d e c l a r e s t h a t t h e former law shall Although the repeal of statutes by implication is
be revoked and abrogated. not favored, if two statutes are in pari materia,
Implied repeal then to the extent that their provisions are
– when a later statute contains provisions so irreconcilably inconsistent and repugnant, the
contrary latter enactment repeals or amends the earlier
toi r r e c o n c i l a b l e w i t h t h o s e o f t h e enacted statute.
earlier law that only one of the t
w o statutes can stand in force. T h e r e p e a l o f
a penal law deprives the court of
j u r i s d i c t i o n t o p u n i s h persons charged
with a violation of the old penal law prior to its
Only a law can repeal a law
. The intention to repeal must be clear and
manifest, otherwise, at least,as a general
rule, the later act is to be construed as a
continuation of,and not a substitute for, the
first act. Two (2) categories of repeal by
implication:1.Where provision in the two
acts on the same subject matter are in
anirreconcilable conflict; 2.If
the later act covers the whole
subject of the
e a r l i e r o n e a n d i s clearly intended as a
substitute – to be a complete and perfect
systemin itself.

1. Presumption of Correctness

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