Table No. 1 Recommended NC Levels: Mechanical D-16

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For most spaces, recommended NC/RC levels have been

established through many years of experience. In general, for areas

where listening is critical and speech communication is important,
the NC/RC level should be low. For areas where speech is at close
distances (1.8-3.0 m), the NC/RC level may be higher. Table No.
1 lists recommended NC levels for a variety of spaces. NC levels
are based on rooms not being occupied and with all user equipment

Table No. 1
Recommended NC Levels

Area NC Level
Auditoriums 20-25
Audiology Suites, Audio/Speech, Pathology, 25
Chapel, Chapel Meditation 25
Private Residences 25-30
Conference Rooms 25-30
Hospital Rooms 25-35
Patient Rooms 35
Executive Offices 30-35
Classrooms 30-35
Open-Plan Offices 35-45
Dining Rooms, Offices, Lobbies 40
Central Sterile, Food Service/Serving 45
Operating Rooms 40-45
Research Laboratories 40-45
Corridors 45
Kitchen, Lockers, Warehouse, Shops 50
Research Animal Housing Areas *

The above NC values may be increased for unitary or user

equipment installed within occupied spaces as approved by the
Project Officer.

The sound levels apply to these spaces in most common situations.

If the users of the space are hearing impaired, then the tolerance for
high background noise levels is greatly reduced. For situations
involving audiological testing, there are very specific requirements.
In either of the latter two cases an acoustical consultant should be
involved in the design at an early stage.

Mechanical D-16

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