AutoCAD Manual

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Lab Drawing Drawing Name

No. No.
1 1 Installation, Introduction and desktop basics of AutoCAD 2015

2 2 Layout formation of Modeling and Simulation lab in AutoCAD 2015

3 4 Draw the Orthographic projections of Shackle Bolt

5 Draw the Orthographic projections of Simple Block

6 Draw the Orthographic projections of Monkey for Scribing Block
4 7 Draw Orthographic projections of Half section pulley

8 Draw Orthographic projections of full section shackle bolt and usage of

cutting plane
9 Draw Orthographic projections of half sectioned bushed bearing
5 10 Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block and assigning dimensions in 3D

11 Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block in South west Isometric view

12 Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block in south East Isometric view
6 13 3D Complex Drawings and learning about presspull, flatshot and extrude tool

14 3D Modeling of complex 3d block and learning about usage of UCS

15 3D Modeling of a given 3d block
16 3D modeling of half sectioned pulley and usage of revolve command
7 17 3D Modeling of Hex poll and learning about arrays

18 3D Modeling of a Gear Type Geometry

19 3D Modeling of Gear Hub
8 Assignment,Viva, Quiz

Commands used in Auto CAD 2015
Command Description
Draws an arc. The default method of drawing arcs is selecting three points
(so-called "3 point arc"), which are the two endpoints of the arc and some
1. Arc or A other point along its locus. Other methods of drawing an arc can be
specified by three letters, such as SEA, which means "Start Point, End
Point, and Included Angle."
Computes the area of any shape by selecting points at the corners of the
2. Area shape, or by selecting a circle or polyline after typing or picking the "E"
Makes multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular (parallel with the
3. Array
snap rotation) or circular pattern
Specifies origin of current drawing for subsequent insertion into another
4. Base
drawing -- is normally set to point 0,0,0

Fills an automatically defined boundary with a hatch pattern through the use
5. BHATCH of dialogue boxes. Also allows previewing and replacing adjustments
without starting over each time.
Creates a closed polyline of a boundary by picking an open area within an
area enclosed by lines, arcs or circles

7. Break Erases part of a line, arc or circle, or splits it into two lines or arcs

8. Chamfer Creates a chamfer (a angled line connection) at the intersection of two lines

9. Chamfer Edge Bevels the edges of solid objects.

Draws a circle of any size. The default method is to pick a center point and
10. Circle or C pick a point on the radius or type the radius dimension, but other methods
can be selected.
Sets the current color for subsequently drawn objects (objects drawn after
the command is invoked). The default current color is a so-called "logical"
11. Color
color called "BYLAYER" which means that the color of the object drawn
will be the color which the current layer has been set to.

Compiles shape and font files More than likely, you will never use this
command, unless you are creating your own letter design or are creating
12. Compile
"shapes" to be used as commonly used symbols in the drawing. These are not
typically used in architectural drawings
Draws a copy of selected objects using two methods -- "base point" method,
13. Copy
or "displacement" method.
Dimension sub-command:
DIM Draws a linear dimension with the dimension line parallel to the selected
Aligned dimension origin points. This lets you align a dimension with an angled line
that is not either exactly horizontal or vertical.
Dimension sub-command:
DIM Draws an arc and calculates the angle between two non-parallel lines, and
Angular draws the text and arrowheads. Arrowheads are the standard AutoCAD filled
triangles, regardless of your defined Arrow Block.
Dimensioning sub-command:
Continues a linear dimension from the baseline (the so-called "first extension
line") of the previous or selected dimension. This is not frequently used in
16. architectural dimensions. The spacing between each dimension line is
controlled by the AutoCAD variable DIMDLI ("Dimension Line
Increment"), which you should set at 0 normally, but if you use the baseline
command, you should reset to 1/8".
Dimensioning sub-command:
17. Draws a pair of crossed lines at the center of a circle or arc on the current
Dimensioning sub-command:
DIM Continues a linear dimension from the second extension line of the previous
Continue or selected dimension. It is used to create a so-called "string" of dimensions.
This is used quite a bit in architectural drawings.
Dimensioning sub- command:
DIM Draws a dimension through the center of a circle or arc, calculating the
Diameter diameter, with one of the arrow heads located at the point on the circle or arc
which is picked.

Dimensioning sub-command:
20. Exits the dimensioning program and returns from the Dim: prompt to the
normal Command: prompt
Dimensioning sub-command:
21. Restores the text of an associative dimension to its default (home) location if
Home Text
you have moved it.
DIM Dimensioning sub-command:
Horizontal Draws a horizontal linear dimension line
Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a line or series of lines with an arrow head (commonly called a
"leader") to point to an object to notate it. This command will also prompt
23. you for the note at the end of the leader line, but it will allow only one line of
text. The most useful method of using this command is to simply draw
leaders between the object to be notated and text that you create with the
DTEXT command.
Dimensioning sub-command:
24. Adjusts the oblique angle of a linear associative dimensions’ extension lines.
Useful in dimensioning isometric drawings.
Dimensioning sub-command:
25. Draws the X and Y coordinates within a box with a leader line attached to
the point, for a selected point. Automatically calculates the coordinates.
Dimensioning sub-command:
26. Draws the radius dimension of an arc or circle from the center to the point on
its locus where the arc or circle was selected.
Dimensioning sub-command:
27. Draws a linear dimension with the distance measured origin points, but with
the actual dimension line set at a different angle.
Dimensioning sub-command:
28. Saves the currently set dimension variables under a dimension style name for
future retrieval through the RESTORE command.
DIM Dimensioning sub-command: Permits changing text of an associative
NEWTEXT dimension without exploding it.

DIM Dimensioning sub-command:
Status Lists all dimension variables with their current status
DIM Dimensioning sub-command:
Undo Undoes any changes made by the most recent dimensioning command.
Dimensioning sub-command:
32. Allows moving text in associative dimensions without having to explode the
DIM Dimensioning sub-command:
TROTATE Allows rotation of the text of several associative dimensions at once.
DIM Dimensioning sub-command:
Vertical Draws a vertical linear dimension line

35. Exit Saves the drawing and exits AutoCAD back to DOS or WINDOWS

36. Erase Erases selected entities from the drawing

Separates a block, dimension or hatch pattern into its constituent entities or

makes a polyline into a series of straight lines. In the case of a block that is
exploded, if it was originally drawn on the 0 layer, it returns to that layer,
regardless of the layer it was inserted on, and it loses its referential
37. Explode
connection to the original block. In the case of a dimension or hatch pattern
that has been exploded, their parts go back to the 0 layer, and are assigned
the logical color (BYBLOCK) regardless of the layer they were drawn on. In
the case of an exploded polyline, it loses any width it may have had.

38. Extend Lengthens a line, arc, or polyline to meet a specified "boundary edge"

It allows you to create a solid object from circles, polygons, and objects,
39. Extrude
created from or converted to polylines, that have closed paths
Creates wireframe geometry from the edges of a 3D solid, surface, mesh,
40. Extract edges
region or sub-object.

41. Files Allows DOS disk and file utility tasks to be done through a dialogue box

Constructs an arc of specified radius between two lines, arcs, circles, or will
42. Fillet create arcs of the specified radius at the vertices of a polyline. Radius of the
arc to be constructed may be set to 0, which will make a sharp corner

It allows to take a 3D object and capture the view you are looking at as a
block or exported to a new DWG.
Displays a rectangular grid of white dots on the screen at a specified X- and
44. Grid
Y- spacing

45. Hatch Allows drawing of cross-hatching and pattern filling

Displays a list of all valid commands and data entry options, or obtains help
46. Or
for a specific command or prompt

47. Hide Regenerates a 3d visual image of the drawing with hidden lines removed

48. ID Displays the X,Y, and Z coordinates of a point selected

49. Insert Inserts a previously created block or drawing file into the current drawing

Selects the plane of an isometric grid to be the current plane for an

orthogonal drawing

51. Join It joins two or more separate lines drawn together into one path.

Layer Creates named drawing layers, assigns color and line type properties to those
52. Or layers, allows layers to be frozen and thawed, locked and unlocked, and
LA allows current layer to be set
Changes the imaginary boundaries of the drawing, and controls whether
53. Limits drawing can be made outside of the boundaries. If Limit-checking is ON,
drawing cannot be done outside of limits.

54. Line or L Draws straight lines

A line type is a series of lines and spaces -- dots and dashes –

Sets the current line type to be used for all subsequent entities to be drawn,
55. Line Type
allows creation of new line type definitions, and allows loading of previously
created line types from DOS files
Lists all information about selected object, such as what type of entity it is
(Line, Arc, Circle, Block, etc.), what layer it is on, what color it is, the
56. List
location of its endpoints, what its Z-axis (elevation), what its thickness is,

57. Load Loads a file of user-defined shapes to be used with the Shape command

58. Loft Creates a 3D solid or surface in the space between several cross sectios.

59. LTSCALE Sets scale factor to be applied to all line types within the drawing

Loads a Menu file into the menu areas (Screen, pull-down, tablet, and
60. Menu

61. Mirror Reflects designated entities about a user-specified axis

62. Move Moves designated entities to another location

Creates a new drawing. When selected from a menu or typed in at the

Command: prompt, this command brings up a dialogue box which allows
63. New setting a name for the new drawing by typing the name in the box, selection
of a "prototype" drawing or typing a name of the new drawing and then an =
sign and then the name of a drawing to be used as a prototype.
Creates a new line, polyline arc or circle parallel to the entity and at a
64. Offset
specified distance from it.

65. Open Opens an existing drawing

Constrains drawing so that only lines aligned with the grid can be drawn --
usually means only horizontal or vertical lines, however, if the crosshairs are
rotated through the "Snap" "Rotate" command sequence, the lines drawn are
66. Ortho
constrained to being parallel with the crosshair rotation. Constraint can be
overridden by snapping to a point or by entering exact coordinates for

67. Pan Moves the display window without changing the magnification factor

68. PEDIT Allows editing of polylines which are already drawn

Draws a 2D polyline, which are connected line or arc segments with user-
determined width and taper

70. Plot Plots a drawing to a plotting device, a printer, or to a "Plot File."

71. Point Draws single points. Appearance of the points is set by the Variable

Draws regular polygons with a specified number of sides. Polygons are
72. Polygon
Polyline entities.
Evenly distributes object copies in a circular pattern around a center point or
73. Polar Array
axis of rotation.
Press in or pull out bounded, or closed, areas or objects to create holes and
74. Press Pull 3D solid extrusions. You can click inside a closed object, an area, or a face
that is imprinted on a solid object then drag it in or out.

75. Rectangle It draws a rectangle.

Changes the names associated with Text Styles, Layers, Line types, Blocks,
76. Rename
User Coordinate Systems, Viewport Configurations, and Dimension Styles.

77. Resume Resumes an interrupted command script

78. Revolve Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D or 3D curve around an axis.

79. Rotate Rotates existing objects parallel to the current UCS

80. Save Requests a filename and saves the drawing

Same as SAVE, but also renames the current drawing and keeps the new
81. Save As
name current

82. Scale Alters the size of existing objects

83. Select Groups objects into selection sets for use in subsequent commands

Shades 3D model in current Model

84. Shade
Space Viewport
Separates a 3D solid object with several non-continuous volumes into
85. Separate
independent 3D solids

86. Shape Draws predefined Shapes

Allows access to internal operating system (DOS) commands. Once SH is

invoked, followed by two <RET>s, the DOS Prompt will be displayed, so
87. Shell
you can enter any DOS command. To get back to AutoCAD, simply type
EXIT at the DOS prompt.

Draws filled polygons. Fill can be turned ON or OFF with the FILL
88. Solid, Union

89. Subtract Combines 3D solid or 2D regions by subtraction.

Creates named Text styles, with user- selected combinations of font, height,
90. Style
mirroring, obliging, and horizontal scaling.

91. Sweep Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D or 3D curve along a path.

92. Text Draws text characters of any size with selected styles

93. Trim Erases a portion of selected entities that cross a specified "cutting edge"

94. U Reverses the effect of the previous command

95. UCS Defines or modifies the current User Coordinate System

Reverses the effect of multiple commands, and provides control over the
96. Undo
"Undo" facility

97. Units Selects coordinate and angle display formats and precision

Saves the current graphic display and space as a named view, or restores a
98. View
saved view and space to the display

99. VPOINT Selects the viewpoint for a 3D visualization

These are horizontal and vertical lines drawn for creating construction and
100. XLINE
reference lines, and for trimming boundaries
Enlarges or reduces the display magnification of the drawing, without
101. Zoom
changing the actual size of the entities

Procedure for Installing AutoCAD 2015

10 | P a g e
1. First of all open the file Explorer
2. Open Local Disk (C:)
3. Open Autodesk Software
4. Open AutoCAD_2015
5. Run Setup file
6. The installer will start once setup is clicked. Please click on install.
7. Change the country to Pakistan and accept the license agreement.
8. Select your language preference, stand alone license and input your serial number and product key that
you made note while downloading the software.
9. Now click next.
10. Click on AutoCAD 2015 to open and configure the options
11. Under installation type select Custom then make sure you place a green check mark next to feature. This
will ensure all components get installed.
12. Scroll down a bit further and you will see an option for including service packs. Click include service
packs and then click the download button. Wait for the service pack to download. Note that this step
requires an internet connection.
13. Go back to the top and click on the “Click to close and return to product list” banner.
14. Now click install. The install will take some time. Please be patient.
15. Once the install is complete you should see this message. Press finish to complete the installation.
16. You system may ask to reboot once the install has finished. Click yes to reboot your system. You have
now successfully installed AutoCAD 2015.

11 | P a g e
Introduction & Desktop Basics of AutoCAD 2015

12 | P a g e
AutoCad is a computer aided design (CAD) program used for the 2D and 3D designing and drafting.
Desktop Basics:-

 Access Bar
o New
o Open
o Save
o Print
o Undo/Redo
 Tool Kit
o Home
 Line Creates Straight line segments.
 Polyline Creates 2D polyline
 Circle Creates circle with centre, radius or diameter.
 Arc Creates an arc using 3-points.
 Rectangle Creates a rectangle.
 Centre Creates ellipse using a specified centre point.
 Hatch Fills an enclosed area with a pattern.
 Move Move objects a specified distance in a direction
o Insert
 Insert
 Edit Attribute
 Adjust
o Annotate
 Text
 Dimension
 Headers
 Tables
 Markups
 Annotating Scaling
o Parametric
o Geometric
o Dimensional
o Manage
o View
o Viewport tools
o Model viewports
o Palletes
o Interface

13 | P a g e
Procedure to Draw CAD 1 Lab Layout in AutoCAD 2015

14 | P a g e
1. First of all, select the “drafting and annotation” in workspace which is at the right bottom of the autocad
desktop. Use command UNITS > change the units to be used to mm and precision upto one decimal.

2. Select the Rectangle command from the upper left corner and and draw a rectangle of dimensions 30 on x-
axis and 13 on y-axis, by setting the starting point at origin (0,0).
3. In order to draw the walls, select this rectangle and offset it to a distance of 0.5mm on the inside.

4. Now to draw the inside of lab, select the line command to draw the line in order to separate offices from the
lab and from each other.
5. Offset this line again to a distance of 0.5mm distance in between offices and between the lab to make walls.
6. Using the same line command draw the entrance area, and the windows between in the walls. For windows,
select the midpoint in the snap cursor on the bottom of the page, and then using the mid points of the vertical
drawn lines, draw the horizontal line.

7. In order to remove the extra line, use the trim command. Select the lines to be removed as reference to other
lines and then right click to remove them.

8. After that again by using the rectangle command draw the computers symbol in the middle of the lab and
using line commands draw other tables on side of the lab along with the white board.

9. To draw the chairs, select the layers command and load the hidden line command. Now draw three lines
parallel to each other in front of the board and then select these lines. Go into the properties of these by right
clicking on them and then change the line type to hidden.

10. Use 3 point arc command and draw the doors for lab and offices. Use trim command to remove the extra

11. In the end, draw the symbols table by drawing another rectangle and make parts in it using line command.
After that use the text command to write text and make symbols. Use dimstyle command to set the size of the
12. After this we have to insert the template, right click on the model and import template from it. It will open
another layout, there use command “Viewports” and select the edges to import the figure, after that right click
on layout and plot it.

15 | P a g e
Lab # 03
Draw the Orthographic projections of Shackle Bolt

Drawing No. 4

16 | P a g e
1. Set the units to ‘Inches’ from Drawing Utilities in Application Menu.

2. Take three rectangles using Rectangle tool whose points are according to length, width and height.
3. Every rectangle is separated from each other at a distance of 5 units.
4. The three views of objects are drawn in 3rd angle of projection.
5. Starting from top view draw the view using Polyline tool.
6. After drawing top view draw its projections in front view using X-line tool.
7. Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw circle of ϕ16 in front view and also draw arc using 3-Point
8. After this draw its projections in side view using X-line tool.
9. Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw circle of ϕ18 in side view.
10. Go to Annotate,select linear dimension and dimension all sides Give dimensions using dim style
11. Put fig in desired template.

17 | P a g e
Lab # 3(A)
Draw the Orthographic projections of Simple Block

Drawing No. 5

18 | P a g e
1- Set the units to ‘Inches’ from Drawing Utilities in Application Menu.

2- Take three rectangles using Rectangle tool whose points are according to length, width and height.
3- Every rectangle is separated from each other at a distance of 5 units.
4- The three views of objects are drawn in 3rd angle of projection.
5- Starting from top view draw the view using line tool and rectangle tool.
6- After drawing top view draw its projections in front view using X-line tool.
7- Remove extra lines by using Trim command.
8- Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw radius of R 0.5 in front view at the center.
9- After this draw its projections in side view using X-line tool.
10- Remove extra lines by using Trim command.
11- Go to Annotate,select linear dimension and dimension all sides Give dimensions using dim style
12- Put fig in desired template.

19 | P a g e
Lab # 3(B)
Draw the Orthographic projections of Monkey for Scribing Block

Drawing No 6

20 | P a g e

1- Set the units to ‘Inches’ from Drawing Utilities in Application Menu.

2- Take three rectangles using Rectangle tool whose points are according to length, width and height.
3- Every rectangle is separated from each other at a distance of 5 units.
4- The three views of objects are drawn in 3rd angle of projection.
5- Starting from top view draw the view using line tool.
6- Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw circle of ϕ 1-1/8 in front view and also draw arc using 3-Point
7- After drawing top view draw its projections in front view using X-line tool.
8- Remove extra lines by using Trim command.
9- Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw circle of ϕ 3/4 in front view .
10- After this draw its projections in side view using X-line tool.
11- Go to Annotate,select linear dimension and dimension all sides Give dimensions using dim style

Put fig in desired template.

21 | P a g e
Lab # 4
Draw Orthographic projections half sectioned of foot step bearing

Drawing No. 7
22 | P a g e
1-In fig only two views will be drawn i.e front and top views as front view and side view are same.
2-Go into the “Layer properties” and choose the color and type of line for
Dimension line - Continuous - Green
Centre line - Dashed x2 - Red
Hatch line – - Continuous - Magenta
Hidden line - - Dashed2 - Yellow
Solid line- -Continuous - Black
3- Set the units to ‘Inches’ from ‘Drawing Utilities’ in ‘Application Menu’.
4- Begin the Drawing by first drawing Top View.
To Draw Top View, Draw Three Circles of Diameter 0.88, 1.8 and 2.5.
5- Using QUADRANT , Draw two line from each Quadrant of circle of diameter 2.5 having a separation of 0.5
between each line(i.e. 0.25 from Quadrant) . Use TRIM command to erase un-necessary lines.
6- From the Upper most Quadrant of innermost circle, Draw to lines of length 0.25” in vertical and having a
separation of 0.125 from Quadrant. Join The Two Lines.
7- TRIM the innermost circle from the Fourth Quadrant.
8- Now Begin Drawing the Front View.
To Do it, Draw the Rectangle having Length 3” and width of 2.5”(i.e. Diameter of Outermost Circle)
9- From the MID of width of rectangle, draw two lines of 1.25” having a separation of 0.25” from MID point.
Using 3-point ARC command , (Ist point , Bottom of 1 line , 2nd point Bottom of 2 line , 3rd point is mid of two
lines at a distance of 0.5 from bottom of both lines) Draw the arc of radius 0.25.
10- From the Top View, Project the remaining portion of the figure. Change Layer Properties to show the
Hidden Lines.
11- From Annotate, Set the Dimension Properties according to your scale. Change Layer Properties to
DIMENSION type , and Quantize the required parts as shown in figure.
12- This is the required sectioned views of the given isometric drawing

23 | P a g e
Lab # 4(A)
Draw Orthographic projections of full section shackle bolt and usage of cutting plane

Drawing No. 8

Sectioned View
24 | P a g e
1-Go into the “Layer properties” and choose the color and type of line for
Dimension line - Continuous - magenta
Centre line - Dashed x2 - Red
Hatch line – - Continuous - Cyan
Hidden line - - Dashed2 -Black
Solid line- -Continuous - Black
2-Set the units to ‘Inches’ from ‘Drawing Utilities’ in ‘Application Menu’.
3-Draw the rectangles of size 84”x40” in top view , 84”x32” in front view and 40”x32” in side view.
4- Start your drawing from top view.
5- For top view draw two horizontal lines of length 41” having space of 11” from lower and upper side, join
these lines.
6- Now draw two horizontal lines of length 32” from right side having separation 18” between them from
7- Trim of the extra lines.
8- In the front view draw a circle of diameter 16” at a distance of 16” from the right side on center line. Draw a
three point arc with center of radius 16”. Trim the extra lines.
9- Now draw two horizontal lines of length 32” from right side having separation 18” between them from
10- In side view, draw a circle of diameter 18” at center.
11- Draw the projections of lines and circles in respective views. Change Layer Properties to show the Hidden
12-Show sections AA, BB and CC in front view, top view and side view respectively using “LEADER” as
shown in fig(a).
13--Go into the “Layer properties” and select “Hatch lines”. Draw the hatch lines in section views to show the
cutting planes.
14- From Annotate, Set the Dimension Properties according to your scale. Change Layer Properties to
DIMENSION type, and quantize the required parts as shown in figure.
15- This is the required sectioned views of the given isometric drawing.

25 | P a g e
Lab # 4(B)
Draw Orthographic projections of half sectioned bushed bearing

Drawing No. 9

26 | P a g e
1-Go into the “Layer properties” and choose the color and type of line for
Dimension line - Continuous - magenta
Centre line - Dashed x2 - Red
Hatch line – - Continuous - blue
Hidden line - - Dashed2 - green
Solid line- -Continuous - Black
2-Set the units to ‘Inches’ from ‘Drawing Utilities’ in ‘Application Menu’.
3-Draw the rectangles of size 9”x3-3/4” in top view, 9”x17/4” in front view and 3 -3/4”x17/4” in side view.
4- Start your drawing from front view.
5-In front view draw circles of radius 1-1/4”, 1-7/8” and 1” at the center at a distance 2-3/8” from lower side.
6-Draw the horizontal line at distance of 1” from lower side and also draw lines from “Quadrant points of outer
circle downward.
7-Using “Fillet” command, make fillets of 1-5/16” between these two lines and Trim off the extra lines.
8-From the Upper most Quadrant of inner circles, Draw to lines of length 7/8” in vertical and having a
separation of 3/16” from Quadrant. Join The Two Lines .Above it make oil hole of diameter 7/16”.
9-Draw a horizontal line from a center at distance of 1/8’’ from lower side of length 4-1/2”.
10-In top view, draw the vertical lines from center having separation of 3-3/4” and join them.
11-Draw the two horizontal line of length 21/8” having a separation of 3” on both sides left and right.
12-Draw the two bolt holes of size 1”x5/8” whose center is at distance of 1-3/8” from the respective side lines.
13-In side view, draw the vertical lines of length 3-3/4 on both sides.
14-Join these lines to horizontal line by using “Fillet “of radius 1/2”.
15- Now complete the side view and top view by drawing projections from front view. Change Layer Properties
to show the Hidden Lines.
16- Using “Trim” command “trim off all the extra lines.
17--Go into the “Layer properties” and select “Hatch lines”. Draw the hatch lines in section views to show the
cutting planes.
18- From Annotate, Set the Dimension Properties according to your scale. Change Layer Properties to
DIMENSION type and quantize the required parts as shown in figure.
19- This is the required sectioned views of the given isometric drawing

27 | P a g e
Lab # 05
Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block and assigning dimensions in 3D geometry.

Drawing No. 10

28 | P a g e
1-Select 3D modelling from setting.
2-Select Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle of 55*50 dimension.
3-Extrude this rectangle 10 units upward.
4-Draw a rectangle of 25*25 units above this rectangle on one end & extrude it 25 units upward.
5-Again draw a rectangle of 30*20 units and extrude it 5 units upward.
6-Use Union command for solid union.
7-Go to annotate and select linear dimension tool for dimensioning.
8-Use Dimstyle to adjust the text height,arrow size,precision and offset distance.
9-Use UCS command to define UCS at each surface.
10-Go to annotate,select linear dimension and dimension all sides.
11-Similarly we can draw the south west isometric view and south east isometric view by rotating the same
12-Hence the required diagram is obtained.

29 | P a g e
Lab # 5(A)
Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block in South west Isometric view

Drawing No. 11
Isometric 3D Drawing of simple block in South east Isometric view

Drawing No. 12
30 | P a g e
Lab # 06
3D Complex Drawings and learning about PRESSPUL, FLATSHOT and EXTRUDE tool

Drawing No. 13

31 | P a g e

1. First of all set the units. For this drawing I selected architectural units.
2. Select cube. Then draw a circle of 2-1/2 and using polyline draw the vertical bar
3. Using mirror tool, draw the same on right of circle.
4. Extrude the circle and the bars at a distance of 3-1/2 and 2-3/4 respectively.
5. Align the circles and bars according to the drawing using the move command.
6. Now use the flatshot command and move UCS to the bottom face and draw the bases.
7. Again using the flashot make the vertical bars here.
8. Use fillet command, choose trim and apply the fillet where required.
9. Now pick the center of fillet and draw these circles.
10. For dimension of each view, shift the UCS to the relevant point and go to Annotate section for

32 | P a g e
Lab # 6(A)
3D Modeling of complex 3D block and learning about usage of UCS

Drawing No. 14

1. First of all set the units. For this drawing 2 selected decimal units.
2. Select the polyline command and draw the half cross sectional area.
3. Using Fillet, draw the fillets on cross section, on the required edges of radius 0.10
4. Draw the centerline at the axis of the required shape.
5. Now select the cross section and using revolve command. Give the degree of revolve as 270 degrees
6. Now from the center of the geometry draw a line of length 0.5.
7. Now at the end of that line draw the circle of dia .25
8. Now using Presspull command make a hole of that circle.
9. For dimension of each view, shift the UCS to the relevant point and go to Annotate section for

33 | P a g e
Lab # 6(B)
3D Modeling of a given 3D block

Drawing No. 15
1. First of all set the units. For this drawing 3 selected decimal units.
2. Draw the rectangle using Polyline 132x288.
3. Extrude the rectangle 18.
4. Draw the front face of diagram using polyline on that rectangle and extrude 78mm.
5. Now draw rectangle of 126x78. Extrude that part in.
6. Draw a circle on that new rectangle and with Presspull command remove that part from that
new geometry.
7. Use fillet command, choose trim and apply the fillet where required.
8. Now pick the center of fillet of the upper edges and draw two circles.
9. For dimension of each view, shift the UCS to the relevant point and go to Annotate section for

34 | P a g e
Lab # 6(C)
3D modeling of half sectioned pulley and usage of revolve command

Drawing No. 16
1. First of all set the units. For this drawing 4 selected architectural units.
2. Select the polyline command and draw the bottom cross sectional area.
3. Now change the UCS to front view and draw the upper front view using polyline.
4. Now extrude the cross section ½.
5. Move that extruded part to the end of the bottom base using Move command.
6. Use fillet command, choose trim and apply the fillet where required.
7. Now pick the center of fillet of the edge of handle and draw circle.
8. Draw elliptical cross section at the upper parts and presspull the cross sections.
9. For dimension of each view, shift the UCS to the relevant point and go to Annotate section for

35 | P a g e
Lab # 07
Draw a 3-D model of Hex poll

Drawing No. 17

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1. Set the units to ‘Inches’ from ‘Drawing Utilities’ in ‘Application Menu’.

2. Select ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw three circles of ϕ70, ϕ45 & ϕ87.

3. Now select Polygon command & draw a hexagon having same center whose distance between

two parallel flats is 100 units (i.e. the circumscribed Hexagon about circle of radius 50 units).

4. Select rotate command and rotate the hexagon at 90o.

5. Examine the figure & draw a circle of R6 at quadrant of circle of ϕ87.

6. We’ve to make 6 copies of this circle on the circumference of the circle.

7. For this, select ‘Polar Array’ command, select the circle, press entre, select the center point (0,0)

as base point & press entre ( By default 6 circles are selected).

8. Now using Delete command remove the circle of ϕ87.

9. Now go to ‘Fillet’ command, put radius equal to 6 Units, from ‘Command Prompt’ select

‘Polygon’, select the Hexagon & press entre.

10. Now change the view by selecting ‘Free Orbit’.

11. Select the ‘Press pull’ command, select the area between the boundary of hexagon and the circle

of ϕ70 & extend it up to 12 units upward.

12. Select the ‘Press pull’ command, select the area between the circle of ϕ45 and the circle of ϕ70

& extend it up to 82 units upward.

13. Using Union command, combine the whole geometry.

14. Now we’ve to chamfer 3×3 the main hole of ϕ45 on the lower side.

15. For this, first move the geometry away and delete its 2D image.

16. Go to ‘Solid Editing’, select the ‘Chamfer Edge’ command, select the circle edge to be chamfer

& press entre.

Finally, our required 3-D model is completed.

37 | P a g e
Lab #7A
3D Modeling of Gear Hub

Drawing No. 18

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1. Using ‘Centre Diameter Circle’ draw three circles of ϕ24, ϕ37 & ϕ42 Units.

2. Using ‘Extrude’ command, extrude the outermost circle to 16 units.

3. Change the view from ‘2D wireframe’ to ‘Shaded’.

4. Using ‘Press Pull’ command, drag the innermost area downward & it’ll be subtracted automatically.

5. Again using ‘Press Pull’ command, drag the central concentric circle to 12 units downward.

6. Using ‘Erase’ command, delete the unnecessary circle.

7. Using ‘Fillet Edge’ command, fillet the down surface by radius of 2 units.

8. Using ‘HideObject’ command, hide the whole geometry.

9. Using ‘Circle’ command, draw circles of ϕ48 & ϕ42.

10. Using ‘Measure’ command, select the outer circle, press entre, type ‘Ptype’ command in the

command line & select the sign of division e.g. cross.

11. Using ‘Line’ command, join any two points to the center of the circle.

12. Using ‘Delete’ command, delete all the points.

13. Using ‘Trim’ command, trim the two circles, and the unnecessary lines.

14. Using ‘Join’ command, join the remaining segment.

15. Using ‘ArrayPolar command, make 12 copies of the segment.

16. From ‘Isolation’ button, bring back the hidden drawing.

17. Using ‘Extrude’ command, extrude all the segments to 12 units.

18. Using ‘Union’ command, make the whole geometry, a single unit.

Our required geometry is completed.

39 | P a g e
Lab # 7(B)
3D Modeling of a Gear Type Geometry

Drawing No. 19

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1. Using ‘Circle’ command, draw circles of ϕ5, ϕ9, ϕ16, ϕ19.

2. Again, using ‘Circle’ command, draw circles of ϕ1 & R1 on the quadrant point of the outermost circle.

3. Using, ‘Line’ command, joint the quadrant points of the circle to the circumference of the circle to make

the teeth.

4. Trim unnecessary lines and arcs using ‘Trim’ command.

5. Using ‘Polyline edit’ command, join the teeth lines and arcs.

6. Using ‘Press Pull’ command, drag the teeth to 2.5 units.

7. Using ‘Polar Array’ make 12 copies of teeth around the circle.

8. Similarly, using ‘circle’, ‘Polar Array’ command draw the 6 circles of ϕ2 on the circumference of the

inner circle.

9. ‘Press Pull’ the remaining geometry to 2.5 units.

10. Using ‘Union’ command, make the whole geometry a single unit.

Finally, required model is complete

41 | P a g e
Lab # 08

Proceduure of Drawing 3-D Figure

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Procedure of Drawing 3D Figure
1. First of all change the workspace to 3d modeling.
2. In units command, change the units to mm and precision to 0.
3. Using the rectangle command draw a rectangle of 118 mm on x-axis and 16 mm on y-axis.
4. Using a line command, draw a line of 40 mm from the base point and move 40mm upwards, 48mm in
right direction then downwards till the rectangle.
5. Using the 3 point arc command, draw an arc at the top of this new box.
6. Open the midpoint detector in snap cursor and using the midpoint of this arc, draw a circle of diameter
20mm using the diameter circle command.
7. Now change the view to the top and draw a box of 24mm by 16 mm in the middle of the box and on the
distance of 48mm from the centre of the circle drawn in the box.
8. Using arc command of 3 points, draw the curves of the box drawn in the rectangle.
9. Now again using the arc command of 3 points, draw the arc at the distance of 16 mm from right end to
make the end curve of the bigger rectangle.
10. Now select the command of press and pull and pull the upper left box to make the hole for the circle
along with pulling the figure to a distance of 12 mm.
11. Press and pull the lower rectangle at a distance of 44 mm.
12. Now in order to replicate the upper box with circle, draw a line in the centre of the lower rectangle.
Select the already drawn curve with circle and by using mirror command and centre, as the line drawn,
mirror it on the other side.
13. Our required figure is now complete. Now we have to give dimensions.
14. On the starting, give the dimensions as shown in the figure of 48 mm, 118 mm. To give the dimension in
vertical direction of 40mm, and 16 mm use ucs command to change the direction of x-axis to top and y-
axis to 90o to it.
15. Now coming to top side of dimensioning, use ucs again to change the axis and give the dimensioning on
the top side. For giving dimensions on the 3d figure, we have to convert our figure to realistic view.
16. After that upload the template and bring it to the template to plot the figure.

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