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[G.R. No. 157537. September 7, 2011.] a.

Whether or not the subject property is

THE HEIRS OF PROTACIO GO, SR. and MARTA part of the conjugal property of
BAROLA, vs ESTER L. SERVACIO and RITO B. GO Protacio Sr. and Marta Barola

b. Whether or not the failure to liquidate

FACTS: the conjugal property and dispose the
same is void on its entirety

On February 22, 1976, Jesus B. Gaviola sold two

parcels of land to Protacio B. Go, Jr., which the HELD:
latter executed an Affidavit of Renunciation and
Waiver stating that the said property was sold to A. YES
his father Protacio Go Sr.
There being no dispute that Protacio, Sr. and
On November 25, 1987, Marta Barola Go died. Marta were married prior to the effectivity of
She was the wife of Protacio, Sr. the Family Code on August 3, 1988, their
On December 28, 1999, Protacio, Sr. and his son property relation was properly characterized as
Rito B. Go (joined by Rito's wife Dina B. Go) sold one of conjugal partnership governed by the
a portion of the property with an area of 5,560 Civil Code.
square meters to Ester L. Servacio.
Upon Marta's death in 1987, the conjugal
On March 2, 2001,the petitioners demanded the partnership was dissolved, pursuant to Article
return of the property, but Servacio refused to 175 (1) of the Civil Code, and an implied
heed their demand.
ordinary co-ownership ensued among Protacio,
PETITIONERS: Sr. and the other heirs of Marta with respect to
her share in the assets of the conjugal
The property became conjugal property; and partnership pending a liquidation following its
that the sale of the property to Servacio without
the prior liquidation of the community property
between Protacio, Sr. and Marta was null and


Servacio and Rito countered that Protacio, Sr. A co-owner could sell his undivided share;
had exclusively owned the property because he hence, Protacio, Sr. had the right to freely sell
had purchased it with his own money. and dispose of his undivided interest, but not
the interest of his co-owners.
Servacio and Rito both argue that Article 130 of
the Family Code was inapplicable; that the want Consequently, the sale by Protacio, Sr. and Rito
of the liquidation prior to the sale did not render
as co-owners without the consent of the other
the sale invalid, because the sale was valid to
the extent of the portion that was finally co-owners was not necessarily void, for the
allotted to the vendors as his share; and that the rights of the selling co-owners were thereby
sale did not also prejudice any rights of the effectively transferred, making the buyer
petitioners as heirs, considering that what the (Servacio) a co-owner of Marta's share.
sale disposed of was within the aliquot portion
of the property that the vendors were entitled From the foregoing, it may be deduced that
to as heirs. since a co-owner is entitled to sell his undivided
share, a sale of the entire property by one co-
ISSUE (s):
owner without the consent of the other co-
owners is not null and void.

However, only the rights of the co-owner-seller

are transferred, thereby making the buyer a co-
owner of the property. The proper action in
cases like this is not for the nullification of the
sale or for the recovery of possession of the
thing owned in common from the third person
who substituted the co-owner or co-owners
who alienated their shares, but the DIVISION of
the common property as if it continued to
remain in the possession of the co-owners who
possessed and administered it [Mainit v.
Bandoy, supra ].

Thus, it is now settled that the appropriate

recourse of co-owners in cases where their
consent were not secured in a sale of the entire
property as well as in a sale merely of the
undivided shares of entire property is an action
for PARTITION under Rule 69 of the Revised
Rules of Court.

In the meanwhile, Servacio would be a trustee

for the benefit of the co-heirs of her vendors in
respect of any portion that might not be validly
sold to her.

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