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SKL NO 1. ( PICTURES ) If you have time please come to ….

Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang kegiatan Response :

yang sedang berlangsung, sesuai dengan gambar. (+) (-)
I’d love to I’d love to, but…….
Present Continuous Tense I’ll be there I’m sorry, I cant
It sounds good/nice I have a lot of work to do
Rumusnya: It must be great I’m afraid I can’t
Positif: S + Tobe + Ving That’s would be nice
Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
Tanya: Tobe + S + Ving
SKL NO 2 ( PICTURES ) : Menentukan respon yang tepat terhadap ungkapan arah /lokasi
Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang lokasi suatu benda, sesuai dengan gambar.
yang diberikan secara lisan
at – di Between = diantara 2 benda DIRECTION (MENUNJUKKAN ARAH)
On – diatas Among = diantara banyak benda Could you tell me the way to go to….
in – didalam Above = diatas Can you tell me to get to….
but – tapi Over = diatas Could you direct me to….
for – untuk Under = dibawah Can you tell me how to get to ….
from – dari Beneath = dibawah ( tak tentu ) Where is the nearest ….. ?
to – kepada / untuk. Below = dibawah ( abstrak ) ( manakah ……. yang terdekat dari sini )
Inside - didalam Infront of = didepan Which way is to …….. ?
Outside – di luar Behind of = dibelakang ( jalan manakah untuk ke …… .. ? )
And = dan Beside = disamping Response:
follow this way, turn right and then turn left. It is on your left.
SKL NO 3 ( PICTURES ) Note : it is on your left = location
Menentukan pernyataan tentang penampilan (ciriciri fisik) seseorang, sesuai
dengan gambar. LOCATION
PHYSICAL FEATURES / CIRI – CIRI FISIK Where the location of….
VERB yang seringkali dipakai: Could you tell me where the location of….
- look = terlihat Could you tell me where the nearest ………………. ?
- seem = terlihat Ie: - could you tell me where the school is?
- to be ( is/am/are ) - can you show me where the library is ?
- appear = terlihat / rupa response :
- hold = memegang - the school is infront of the permata bank . you can go along this street,
- puts on = memakai and then you turn left after you find T-junction
- wear = memakai ( benda yang nempel. ie: shirt, hat, watch ) - the library is across of smk dwp
- use = memakai ( benda aplikasi. Ie: hoe, handphone etc ) note : you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T-
- cover = menyelimuti / menutupi junction = direction

Vocabulary : SKL NO 8 – 11 ( SHORT CONVERSATION )

Di dalam menghadapi soal-soal short conversation kita harus pahami betul kata
Shirt = kemeja Moustache = kumis Tanya dari pertanyaan tersebut. Berikut ini adalah macam-macam kata Tanya :
T shirt = kaos Beard = jenggot 1 . what ( apa ) : utk menanyakan subjek atau objek dalam kalimat berupa
Pants = celana benda
Short = celana pendek Bald = botak 2. who ( siapa ) : utk menanyakan subject yang berupa orang
Skirt = rok Short hair = cepak / rambut pendek 3. whom ( siapa ) : utk menanyakan object yang berupa orang
Uniform = seragam Curly hair = keriting 4. whose (milik siapa) : utk menanyakan kepemilikan seseorang ( your book / his
Gawn = gaun Wavy hair = ikal book )
Jacket = jaket Straight hair = rambut lurus 5. where ( dimana ) : utk menanyakan keterangan tempat
Eye glasses = kacamata baca 6. when ( kapan ) : untuk menanyakan keterangan waktu
Sun glasses = kacamata hitam Eyebrows = alis 7. why ( kenapa ) : utk menanyakan alasan ( dijawab: because…. )
Watch = jam tangan Slanted eyes = mata sipit 8. which (yang mana) : menanyakan pilihan( dijawab: ……….. one )
Bracelet = gelang Nose = hidung 9. how (bagaimana) ; menanyakan keadaan atau tata cara
Neckless = kalung Cheek = pipi 10. what time : menanyakan waktu terutama jam
Earings = anting Ears = telinga 11. how + adj : menanyakan karakteristik / deskripsi sesuatu (
Bag = tas Lips = bibir contoh: how big is the school? )
Fat / overwight = gemuk Face = muka 12. how many : menanyakan berapa banyak ( sesuatu yang
Thin = kurus bisa dihitung )
Tall = tinggi Smile = senyum 13. how much : menanyakan berapa banyak benda yang tidak
Short = pendek Gloomy = murung bisa dihitung (termasuk uang )
13. how long : menanyakan berapa lama / rentang waktu
14. how far : menanyakan berapa jarak / jauhnya
: menentukan ungkapan yang tepat terhadap ungkapan pilihan Materi no 8 – 11 ( SHORT CONVERSATION )
( PREFERENCE ) Perkenalan :
1. S + like + noun + better than + noun - may i introduce myself
Ving Ving - can I introduce myself?
Contoh : I like reading better than watching television - let me introduce myself
2. S + prefer + noun + to + noun - I’d like to introduce myself
Ving Ving - I want to introduce myself
Contoh : Ali prefers swimming to running Rencana / plan
3. S + would rather + V1 + than + V1 Will + V1
‘d rather To be + going to
Contoh : I would rather swim than run Contoh : I will go to Jakarta
4. S + would prefer + to + V1 + rather than + V1 She is going to go to jakarta
Contoh: she would prefer to sleep better than study
5. rather than + V1 + S + would rather + to V1 SKL NO 12 – 13
contoh : rather than watch TV shanty would rather to listen the music GAMBARAN UMUM :
What is the product being advertised ?
SKL NO 6 ( QUESTION RESPONSE ) What is the advertisement about???
: menentukan respon yang tepat terhadap ungkapan undangan Who does advertise the advertiesment?
INVITATION / UNDANGAN Where the advertisement be announced?
Would you like to come to…….?
Will you come to …………….. ? SKL NO 14 – 15
Could you come to ………….. ? GAMBARAN UMUM :
Can you come to ……………. ? What is the announcement about?
Are you able to come to……… ? To whom the announcement be announced?
Would you mind to come to…… ? When the event will be held?
Would you mind to join at ………… ? Where the announcement be held?
Do you mind to to come to ………?
If you don’t mind, I’ll invite you to ….
If you are free …. SKL NO 16 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )

: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pujian
Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai Ungkapan yang biasa dipakai adalah sbb:
- do you like ……. ? ( apakah kamu suka ….. ? ) What a beautiful she is !
( ie : do you like playing football ? ) what a handsome you are !
Respond : yes, I do / no, I do not fantastic !
- what do you like doing in your spare time? how marvelous !
( apa yg kamu lakukan di waktu luangmu ? )
Respond: I like reading in my spare time response:
- do you like ……. in your leisure time? (+) thank you very much
( apakah kamu suka…….. diwaktu luangmu?) So you do
Respond : yes, I do / no, I do not I think so
- what is your hobby? Thanks for your compliment
Respond : well, I have several hobbies I’m delighted to hear that
( saya senang mendengarnya )
SKL NO 17 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) (- ) I don’t think so
: menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penanganan tamu / You must be kidding
percakapan telepon Are you sure?
Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk pembicaraan telepon
- can I speak to ………. ? ( dapatkah saya bicara dengan …. ) SKL NO 21 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )
- cold you put me through to ….. ? ( dapatkah anda sambungkan saya dengan : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan (COMPLAINT )
…… ) Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk keluhan :
- would you phone ….. ? ( maukah anda menelepon ….. ? ) - I want to return this ….
- could you phone ….. ? ( maukah anda menelepon ….. ? ) ( saya ingin mengembalikan ……………… )
- it is not actually what I want
berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai dalam menerima telepon ( ini tidak seperti yang saya inginkan )
- who is speaking please? - at first you said that …… but now ……..
- Would you like to leave a message ? ( dulu anda bilang ………… tapi sekarang ………… )
- Sorry the line is engaged - What’s wrong with this ….
- Sorry the line is busy ( ada apa dengan ………… )
- OK. I’ll put you trough
- Hold on please Respond yang diapakai untuk menangani keluhan sbb:
- Wait a minute please - I am very sorry sir. Due to …….. disorder.
- One moment please ( saya minta maaf, itu karena …….. jadi rusak )
- Im sorry, he is out of the town - I guarantee it won’t happen again
( saya jamin tidak akan terjadi lagi )
SKL NO 18 (INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) - do you want to exchange it / them?
: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian masa ( apakah anda ingin menukarnya ? )
Rumus Past Tense:
Negatif: S + did not + V1 : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perintah / permohonan
Tanya: Did + S + V1 EXPRESSING COMMAND / REQUEST ( ungkapan perintah/ permohonan )
(+) adi played football yesterday Pattern / rumus : V1 + O / adjective
(-) adi did not play football yesterday Be + adjective
(?) did he play football yesterday Ie: open the door!
Put me a glass of water !
Rumus Past Continuous Tense Be careful ! ( berhati – hatilah )
Positif: S + was/were + Ving Be strong!( menjadi kuatlah ! )
Negatif: S + was/were + NOT + Ving
Tanya: Was/Were + S + Ving SKL NO 23 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )
: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan nasehat / saran
Rumus Past Perfect Tense ( suggestion / advice )
Positif: S + had + V3 Berikut ini adalah ungkapan untuk meminta saran / nasehat:
Negatif: S + had + not + V3 - what do you recommend for a toothache? ( apa saranmu tentang sakit gigiku ? )
Tanya: Had + S + V3 Respond: you had better see a doctor
- could you recommend a good restaurant around here?
Adverb of time past: ( dapatkah anda menyarankan restoran yang bagus disekitar sini ? )
Yesterday Respond: you ought to go to ombilin restoran at pancasila street
Last night - is there any recommendation for a good restaurant around here ?
Last …… ( apakah ada saran untuk restaurant yang bagus disekitar sini? )
Two days ago… Respond: you should go to ombilin restoran at Pancasila street
…………ago - What do you suggest?
This morning - what is your advice?

SKL 19 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) Atau bisa memakai rumus dibawah ini:

: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan undangan - Why don’t we/you/she/he ……………
INVITATION / UNDANGAN - What about…………..
Would you like to come to…….? - You had better ………
Will you come to …………….. ? - you should…….
Could you come to ………….. ? - it’s a good idea to …..
Can you come to ……………. ? You’d better singkatan dari : you had better
Are you able to come to……… ? In example:
Would you mind to come to…… ? - Why don’t we get some food ?
Would you mind to join at ………… ? - what about having lunch together?
Do you mind to to come to ………?
If you don’t mind, I’ll invite you to …. SKL NO 24 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )
( jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan mengundangmu ke… ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pengandaian
If you are free …. PENGANDAIAN
( jika kamu luang ……. ) If clause / conditional sentences
If you have time please come to …. Pattern (pola):
( jika kamu punya waktu ….. ) A if B
Response :
(+) (-) 1) WILL V1 / to be present (is/are)
I’d love to I’d love to, but……. --niat
I’ll be there I’m sorry, I cant 2) WOULD V2 / to be past (were) --
It sounds good/nice I have a lot of work to do tidak mungkin terjadi
It must be great I’m afraid I can’t 3) WOULD HAVE Have / has + V3 – sebab
That’s would be nice akibat
*) bisa di bolak balik antara kalimat A dan B

*) will – bisa diganti dengan modal yang lain ie: can/shall/may/might

*) would – bisa diganti dengan could/should/may/might

if clause memakai “wish” Present Continuous Tense
- I wish you were rich Rumusnya:
- I wish you passed the examination Positif: S + Tobe + Ving
- I wish you came to my party Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
- She wishes he were handsome Tanya: Tobe + S + Ving
Wish V2 / were
Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini:
*) khusus untuk pengandaian to be nya memakai “were” Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya: Have/has + S + V3
: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan persetujuan/ Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense
ketidaksetujuan Positif: S + have/has + been + Ving
Question: Negatif: S + have/has + not + been + Ving
What do you think of….? Tanya: Have/has + S + been + Ving
What do you think about…… ?
Do you agree with …….?
Is that right ? SKL NO 28 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )
Am I right ? : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan
Untuk menunjukkan persetujuan ( respon ) sbb: - I would like to reserve…..
- exactly - I would like to book /order ….
- I think so - can / could / may I reserve ……… ?
- certainly / absolutely - could I make reservation for my …. ?
- I agree - can I book a train seat for Saturday to malang?
- that just what I thinking - Yes sir / madam, what sort of ….. ? ( jenis apa……. )
( itu seperti apa yang saya pikirkan ) - yes. Off course. Do you prefer …. ? ( anda pilih yang …. )
- off course / certainly / absolutely, sir / madam
Untuk menunjukkan ketidak setujuan - I am sorry to tell / inform you that all …… have been reserved ( maaf
- I don’t agree with you semuanya telah dipesan )
- I don’t think so
- I’m sorry, but you’re wrong
- that’s not right
- surely not, I can’t agree with that… SKL NO 28 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )
- no way / non sense : ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan
- I’m afraid, I have my own opinion The expression used in the restaurant :
(ungkapan yang dipakai di restoran )
Untuk menunjukkan ketidak setujuan dengan halus: asking about wants ( meminta sesuatu )
- I agree the point, but ….. - would you like anything to eat?
- I see your point but ….. ( apakah anda ingin pesan makanan ? )
( saya paham intinya, tapi ….. ) - Would you care for anything to drink?
- I suppose you are right, but ….. ( apakah anda mau pesan minuman )
( saya rasa anda benar, tapi … ) - Would you like me to get ……?
- they may be so, but …… - Would you like to have …… ?
( bisa jadi seperti itu, tapi ……. ) Respond ( + )
- yes please
Respond (- )
SKL NO 26 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) - I’m afraid we don’t
Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian arah dan lokasi - I’m sorry we don’t
Could you tell me the way to go to…. Customer :
Can you tell me to get to…. - well, I’ll have ……….. , then
Could you direct me to…. ( mmm… saya ingin …. Dan …. )
Can you tell me how to get to …. - OK I’d like some, please……..
Where is the nearest ….. ? ( OK saya ingin )
( manakah ……. yang terdekat dari sini ) Respond :
Which way is to …….. ? Yes, certainly
( jalan manakah untuk ke …… .. ? )
follow this way, turn right and then turn left. It is on your left. SKL NO 29 ( INCOMLETE DIALOGUE )
Note : it is on your left = location : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan suatu
LOCATION Beberapa ungkapan yang biasa dipakai sbb:
Where the location of…. Ungkapan psoitif
Could you tell me where the location of…. - I know that ….
Could you tell me where the nearest ………………. ? - I’m certain that …..
Ie: - could you tell me where the school is? - I have no doubt about ……
- can you show me where the library is ? - its positive that …..
response : - you might right about ….
- the school is infront of the permata bank . you can go along this street, Ungkapan negative :
and then you turn left after you find T-junction - I’m not sure / certain / convinced that ……
- the library is across of smk dwp - we have doubt that……
note : you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T- ( kami telah ragu kalau ….. )
junction = direction
Atau bisa dengan ungkapan dibawah ini :
SKL NO 27 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) Ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemungkinan sbb:
: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan rutin/sehari-hari. Will
Simple present It will rain - 50 %
To be + going to
Positif: S + V1 (s/es)
it is going to rain - 90 %
Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1
To be she is sick - 100 %
Must = pasti it must rain - 95 %
Contoh Kalimat Positif: May = mungkin it may rain - 50 %
I drink coffee Might = mungkin it might rain - 50%
She drinks coffe Could = dapat it could rain - 50 %
We drink coffee
You may be sick
*) untuk Subject tunggal kata kerjannya ( verb) ditambahi “s/es” She must be smart
They are supposed to be here ------------------ to be + supposed to
They should be here -------------------should + v1
- puts on = memakai
SKL NO 30 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) - wear = memakai ( benda yang nempel. ie: shirt, hat, watch )
: menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan - use = memakai ( benda aplikasi. Ie: hoe, handphone etc )
seseorang / sesuatu ( CAPABILITIES EXPRESSIONS ) - cover = menyelimuti / menutupi
Some words usually used ( beberapa kata yang biasa dipakai ):
- can Vocabulary :
- able / ability Shirt = kemeja
- capable / capability T shirt = kaos
Contoh: Pants = celana
She can move the table Short = celana pendek
She is able to move the table Skirt = rok
Uniform = seragam
Pattern / pola: Can = to be + able to = dapat Gawn = gaun
Jacket = jaket
*) “(be) able to” bisa dikombinasikan dengan Modal yang lain. In example Eye glasses = kacamata baca
( contohnya : ) Sun glasses = kacamata hitam
Watch = jam tangan
She will be able to + V1 Bracelet = gelang
She might be able to + V1 Neckless = kalung
Earings = anting
Bag = tas
Menentukan ungkapan perbandingan benda / orang Moustache = kumis
1. positive degree ( perbandingan sama ) Beard = jenggot
as + adj + as
contoh : she is as smart as Adi Bald = botak
( dia sama pintarnya dengan adi ) Short hair = cepak / rambut pendek
( dia sepintar Adi ) Curly hair = keriting
2. comparative ( perbandingan 2 benda ) Wavy hair = ikal
a. one syllable ( 1 suku kata ) Straight hair = rambut lurus
adjective + er + than
contoh : Anto is smarter than Adi Eyebrows = alis
b. two syllable ( 2 suku kata ) Slanted eyes = mata sipit
more + Adjective + than Nose = hidung
contoh ; Dewi is more beautiful than Ratih Cheek = pipi
3. superlative ( perbandingan paling ) Ears = telinga
a. one syllable ( 1 suku kata ) Lips = bibir
the + adj + est Face = muka
contoh : she is the tallest in the school
( dia paling tinggi di kelas ) Smile = senyum
( dia tertinggi di kelas ) Gloomy = murung

b. two syllable ( 2 suku kata )

the most + adjective SKL NO 35 ( ERROR RECOGNITION )
contoh : Rendi is the most handsome in the class : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan
( Rendi paling tampan / tertampan di kelas ) permohonan/pemberian izin
SKL NO 32 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) Pattern / rumus ;
: menentukan ungkapan tentang deskripsi benda ( adjective clause ) - can I + V1
ADJECTIVE CLAUSE ( ie: can I go to your house? )
Adjective clause adalah sebuah klausa ( kalimat ) yang mempunyai subject dan - please let me + V1
predikat yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda ( noun ). Beberapa kata ( ie: please let me to go to your house )
yang biasa dipakai adalah sbb: - may I + V1
- Who : menyatakan orang ( may I have your name please )
- Whom : menyatakan orang ( khusus object ) - do you mind if I + V1
- which : menyatakan benda ( ie: do you mind if I take this book? )
- that : menyatakan benda - do you allow me to + V1
- whose : menyatakan kepemilikan ( ie : do you allow me to go out ? )
Contoh : - do you permit me to + V1
I met a woman who is kind to everybody The woman who is my teacher buys a ( ie: do you permit me to borrow you book? )
I met a woman Responses ( + )
new car
A woman is kind to everybody - sure. Go a head
I know the students who are smart - no, I don’t mind
The woman buys a new car
I know the students ( saya tidak keberatan )
She is my teacher
The students are smart - why not ( kenapa tidak )
- you have my permission
- I won’t stop you
: menentukan ungkapan penawaran / persuasi ( persuading /
convincing ) Responses ( - )
Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang biasa dipakai : - no, you may not
- you’d better + V1 - yes, I do mind
( kamu lebih baik …. ) ( ya, saya keberatan )
- why don’t you + V1 - I don’t think to
( kenapa kamu tidak …. ) - I will not permit you to
- I think you ought to + V1
( saya rasa kamu seharusnya …. )
- I think its good if …….. SKL NO 35+ ( ERROR RECOGNITION )
- my advise would be to + V1 : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perasaan seseorang
- I would + V1 + if I were you Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan:
( saya akan ….. jika saya jadi kamu ) - what are you thinking about?
- How is it going ?
- Are you OK?
SKL NO 34 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) - How do you feel about it ?
Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi fisik seseorang (physical appearance) - Are you worried about something ?
VERB yang seringkali dipakai: I feel + adj ………
- look = terlihat She feels + adj ………….
- seem = terlihat
- to be ( is/am/are )
- appear = terlihat / rupa
- hold = memegang

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