8 Secrets For Women To Achive Financial Freedom

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| MONEY MANTRA [EEL 8 Secrets for Women To Achieve Financial Nirvana hy do so many women delegate their financial security to a spouse or significant other and allow divorce or death to plunge them into financial difficulty? Why do so many women spend more than they eam and become mired in debt? Why should boys always manage all the mon where they have to spend their time, which is limited, in exchange for somebody else's money which is available in Nobody wants to live a life abundance. People spend their time earning money which they don’t value, take loans which they can’t repay, to buy goods which they don’t require, to impress people who don't matter It's the birthright of each individual to achieve financial freedom, Andi's moreso fora woman who, even today in a liberalised Indian society, might be educated and working but is primarily expected to take care of the family, and home, When we ask a housewife ‘what you are doing with your money’, the typical answer is: T don't know; my husband cor father is doing thar’, A woman, whether working ‘or not, is always made to depend on the male for her financial needs, A woman takes care of her work as welll her home; a woman attends vo her husband, children as well as the adults; a woman keeps the house az well as ‘he image clean; a woman perfectly blends and unites the family with her love, dedication and sacrifice, But can’t the same woman manage money? Here are 8 secrets for women to achieve financial nirvana: 1. You, surely, take care of your home and family but, along with it, also try to earn some money. It need not necessarily he a full-time job or employment; it can be something which you ean do from home oF ‘with minimum time. Develop your hobbies and turn them into profitable ventures. Start small, make a beginning—earning some money will not give you financial independence bus will give a great boost 0 ‘your self-esteem, 2. Control your indulgent mind when you see the next ‘sale’ or ‘discount offer’ on your favourite clothes, garments, jewellery, ete. Remember that a40' ‘means that you have to pay the remaining 6" you keep buying the things which you don’t require, very soon, you will have to sell the things which you require, 3, Learn to budget and save for yourself. Develop a separate kisty for your own self 4, Don't use money to make yourself feel good. That type ‘of a high ie fleeting. Instead, do thinge that promote self-respect and creativity s0 you don’t have to seek those feelings through just mindless spending. 5. Get some financial education. Learn about protecting, budgeting, leveraging and investing. Believe me, in ‘most cases, it is simpler than learning to cook and more exciting than gol fon senseless shopping 6, Get involved in the long. term financial decisions of your family, Be a part of it and give your valuable contribution—it will improve your family's finances as well as boost your personal morale. 7, Always ensure that the earning member has a proper insurance policy as well as a succession plan. After loving him for his entire life, you would not want to curse your husband after his death because of money. 8. Don’t marry a man because of money; nor divorce ‘a man because of lack of money. Never force your husband into a jab or profession because you think ‘hat he will earn more money in that jab and give you a safe secured lif, Learn before you eam; protect before it’s taken away; budget before you spend; save before you invest; create cash flows as you invest; leverage before it grows; insure before you risk; live before you die. Your financial security is dependent om your attitudes and beliefs about money and your willingness to take your financial future into your own hands. Being financially secure and independent will help you love yourself and your loved ones more. m Mebrab Iran ie the author of acclaimed 10 Commandments for Financial eedom and best-seller Mad Money Journey, India’s first finance thriller

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