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Remember watching the British sitcom, Mind Your Language,

where Barry Evans plays a language teacher and tries to teach
English to people of various nationalities? While he tries his best
to make his eclectic group of students comprising people from
India, France, China, and many other countries gain a good
command of the English language, his classes inevitably do not go
as planned, leading to some hilarious circumstances. Well, that
was the case in the late ’70s. As time passed by and technology
came in to the picture, language learning, and developing
software tools to make dear old Barry Evans accessible to every
prospective learner became a thriving business in India.
Bridging the gap:

As time passed by world realised the importance of

communication skills for livelyhood.Several technical institutes
understood the potential of communication skill training and
devloped language learning apps .They were keen to bridge the
gap between language learning and employement.Devlopers used
the Techh-led appraoch to make language learning a peice of cake
for students.
Due to the high demand of communication skills in
professional and personal life language learning apps gained
immense popularity and proved that they have the potential to
transform the way languages are learnt.

How Technology has Revolutionized Language Learning:

Language learning apps are a great example of how technology
has revolutionized learning. Often, learning a new language
involves a lot of repetition and can get monotonous. Also, in a
classroom with 10-15 students or even more, every student will
learn at a different pace, and this may lead to one of two
situations – either a few students are faster than the rest of the
class and the course gets boring for them or the teacher is moving
too fast for a few students who find it difficult to maintain the
same pace.The advantage of a language learning apps is that it is
always on you. With the ability to adopt a course according to the
needs and preferences of each learner, language learning apps
have created a big advantage over traditional classrooms for
themselves. This ability to personalize a course using a learner’s
past data is arguably the most significant feature of all online self-
learning educational tools, especially language learning apps.

Language learning apps have also enabled students to interact

with teachers through live classes, which is a godsend for students
located in remote areas or those who are striving to learn a
language for which there are very few teachers available nearby.

Mining motivation:

In a classroom, the human element drives motivation naturally,

but it’s not as easy with an app.
But with an app it becomes hard to concentrate for a longer
time.As our ancestors said every problem has a solution devlopers
also found a solution for this teeny tiny but not so easy problem
by using game mechanics such as earning points and levelling up

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