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The level of patient satisfaction in terms of hospital services is very calculated. Several factors that affect
the level of satisfaction of hospital services such as a consultation with a doctor, waiting time for
patient, the ability of medical personel in terms of explaining the actions and illnesses suffered by the
patient or patient's family, in terms of patient examination, there is a subjective perspective on the level
of satisfaction patients in the hospital services.

Time for waiting is the key of high and low levels of patient satisfaction in hospital services. The faster
the patient is treated by medical personnel, the higher the level of satisfaction obtained by the patient.
Although actually the time needed to examine these patients all depends on the level of triage.

The level of knowledge and the way medical personnel explain the illness suffered by the patient or the
patient's family is one of the keys in the high and low level of patient satisfaction. If medical personnel
can explain simply and easily understood by patients, patients have a sense of increasing their sense of
empowerment and care status for themselves or the patient's family.

Whereas within the internal medical service itself, a factor that influences the level of service
satisfaction is the level of stress at work. Medical personnel who are too tired in handling patients can
reduce the performance, effectiveness, efficiency, and commitment of the service organization which
results in decreased quality or level of patient satisfaction with hospital services.

4.2 Sugestion

1. Improve communication between health care providers (HCP) and patients, through ongoing
basic communication
2. 2. Communication skills training; better training will result in a range of health service providers
(HCP) who attentively listen to their patients and communicate clearly.
3. 3. Patient activation programs must be developed to teach and provide instructions on how
patients should explain the problem clearly, ask relevant questions, seek clarification and make
sure they understand what has been conveyed.
4. 4. Health information technology is another promising strategy to improve communication
between health care providers (HCPs) and patients because it allows the exchange of structured
and standardized information between HCPs and patients. For example, clinics can provide
computer rooms so patients can enter their data while waiting for their consultation. This
information is then transmitted to HCP, allowing both HCP and patients to review data
graphically during the visit. These results can lead to more efficient communication and
information exchange during subsequent face-to-face visits with HCP
5. 5. Increasing the provision of services that are humane and adequately educate patients in
aspects of health care such as housekeeping services (such as hygiene).

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