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High level exercise with explanation
By Rahul Rituraj and Vivek singh


“We work for humanity not

for money because your
happiness is our happiness”
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Sentence Completion 1 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. The kind man paid for my ticket.

A. simple
B. angry
C. kind
D. funny

2. After John washed his car, it looked very ______.

A. dirty
B. sweet
C. old
D. clean

3. I am ______ because I did well on my math test.

A. upset
B. rough
C. happy
D. sad

4. The ______ shirt is too ______.

A. big … crazy
B. large … big
C. heavy … small
D. wet … rainy

5. The library is a good place to ______ because it is very ______.

A. study … quiet
B. eat … hungry
C. learn … intelligent
D. read … open

6. I cannot sleep because my neighborhood is very ______.

A. happy
B. average
C. fun
D. noisy

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7. I always arrive to class twenty minutes ______ so that I have time to prepare.

A. late
B. early
C. young
D. old

8. The air is very ______, and there is ______ ice on the road.

A. warm … a large amount of

B. cool … many
C. cold … a lot of
D. hot … much

9. Turtles and snails do not move quickly. They are both ______ animals.

A. quick
B. slow
C. dangerous
D. strange

10. Paul and Marcus are ______. They have the same mother.

A. women
B. friends
C. students
D. brothers

Answers and Explanations

1) C .The man paid for my ticket. This is a kind thing to do. (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because simple means easy to understand. The man might have been easy to understand,
but this does not affect his decision to pay for my ticket.

(B) is incorrect because angry means mad or upset. If the man were angry, he probably would not have
done something nice, like paying for my ticket.

(D) is incorrect because funny means amusing or able to make people laugh.The man might have good at
making people laugh, but this does not affect his decision to pay for my ticket.

2) D

John washed his car. When you wash something, you make it look clean. Choice

(D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because dirty is the opposite of clean. When you wash something, you make it clean, not

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(B) is incorrect because sweet means tasting like sugar or candy. Washing a car would not make it taste
like sugar. It only makes it clean.

(C) is incorrect because old is the opposite of new. Washing the car does not make it new or old. It only
makes it clean.

3) C

In English, sometimes you need to say “well”. Other times, you need to say "good".

For example:
John speaks English well.
You play tennis well.
We did well on the test.
Sometimes you need to say “good.”
For example:
John is good at soccer.
Oranges are good.
You did a good job.
The question says that I did well on the test. This means I did a good job on the test. When I do a good
job, it makes me happy. Choice (C) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because upset means angry or sad. This is not how I would feel if I did a good job. I
would feel good or happy.

(B) is incorrect because rough means the opposite of smooth. This does not describe a kind of emotional
feeling. The prompt talks about how I feel emotionally, not whether my skin feels rough or smooth to the

(D) is incorrect because sad means unhappy or depressed. This is not how I would feel if I did a good job.
I would feel good or happy.

4) B

In this question, we need to find words that mean the sam e thing. Large and big are the only words that
mean the same thing. The large shirt is too big. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because big and crazy do not mean the same thing. A big shirt would not be too crazy.

(C) is incorrect because heavy and small do not mean the same thing. A heavy shirt would probably not
be small.

(D) is incorrect because wet and rainy do not mean the same thing. They are related, but they usually do
not both describe shirts. They usually describe the weather. A shirt can be wet, but it cannot be rainy.
Remember that “too” can mean something that is excessive, or something that goes beyond what is right
or what is needed.

For example:

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The food is too hot. I cannot eat it.

The car is too expensive. I cannot buy it.
The rock is too heavy. I cannot lift it.
5) A

The library is a place where you can go to study or read. If the library is quiet, then this makes it a good
place to study. This is because there is no noise to distract you. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because you should not eat at a library. Eating at a library is usually not allowed.

(C) is incorrect because although you can learn at a library, a library cannot be intelligent. Things that are
not alive cannot be intelligent. A library is not alive, so it cannot be intelligent.

(D) is incorrect because if the library is open, that does not help you read better.Even though you can read
at a library, you can also read somewhere else if the library is not open.

6) D

It is easy to sleep when it is quiet. It is hard to sleep when it is loud. If your neighborhood (the place
where you live) is noisy or loud, it is difficult to sleep.Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you would not have trouble sleeping if your neighborhood were happy. This does
not affect how well you sleep.

(B) is incorrect because you would not have trouble sleeping if your neighborhood were average. This
does not affect how well you sleep.

(C) is incorrect because you would not have trouble sleeping if your neighborhood were fun. This does
not affect how well you sleep.

7) B

When you arrive early, you have time to prepare. For example, if you arrive to work early, you can get
your desk organized before you have to start work. If you arrive to the soccer game early, you can find
your seat and get something to drink before the game starts. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because late is the opposite of early. If you arrive late, you will not have extra time to

(C) is incorrect because young describes a person or animal that is not old. This word does not make
sense in the context of the question. This word describes age, but not time itself.

(D) is incorrect because old describes a person or animal that is not young. This word does not make
sense in the context of the question. This word describes age, but not time itself.

8) C

If there is a lot of ice on the road, it must be cold outside. Ice only forms in very cold conditions. Choice
(C) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because ice cannot form if it is warm outside. It must be cold for there to be ice on the

(B) is incorrect because ice cannot form if it is cool outside. Even though cool is close in meaning to
“cold,” ice still will not form. It must be very cold in order for ice to form on the ground. Cold is more
extreme than cool.

(D) is incorrect because ice cannot form if it is hot outside. It must be cold for there to be ice on the road.

9) B

Turtles are slow. Snails are slow. Turtles and snails are both slow animals. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because quick is the opposite of slow. Snails and turtles are not quick animals.

(C) is incorrect because snails and turtles are not dangerous. They cannot hurt you.

(D) is incorrect because snails and turtles are not strange. They are common animals—you see them in a
lot of places.

10) D

When two people have the same parents, they are either sisters or brothers. Sisters are girls with the same
parents, and brothers are boys with the same parents. Sisters is not an available answer choice. Also, Paul
and Marcus are usually boys’ names, so they are brothers. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because there is nothing in the question to suggest that Paul and Marcus are women.
Even if you did not know that Paul and Marcus are boys’ names, this still would not be the best answer
choice. Not all women have the same parents.

(B) is incorrect because there is nothing in the question to suggest that Paul and Marcus are friends. They
might be friends, but not all friends have the same parents.

(C) is incorrect because there is nothing in the question to suggest that Paul and Marcus are students.
They might be students, but not all students have the same parents.

Sentence Completion 2 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. After she completed the hard exercise class, Angie felt ______.

A. strange
B. angry
C. tired
D. old

2. Elephants are ______. Ants are ______.

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A. big … large
B. small … big
C. tiny … small
D. huge … tiny

3. The rope is hard to cut because it is so ______.

A. new
B. weak
C. sad
D. thick

4. This food tastes ______. It was prepared by ______ chef.

A. great … an excellent
B. delicious … an angry
C. terrible … a good
D. boring … an interesting

5. The letter A is the ______ letter of the English alphabet.

A. last
B. first
C. second
D. third

6. Although Mary tries to be on time for her class, she still arrives ______.

A. late
B. great
C. silly
D. noisy

7. John got very ______ because Marcy broke his toy.

A. hungry
B. upset
C. sleepy
D. slow

8. When I said the correct answer, the teacher told me that I was ______.

A. right
B. wrong
C. bad
D. close

9. After working on it for days, Xavier finally finished the ______ puzzle. It was hard.

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A. easy
B. difficult
C. dangerous
D. wise

10. The ______ recipe has ______ ingredients.

A. simple … a lot
B. difficult … few
C. complicated … many
D. sweet … bitter

Answers and Explanations

1) C

Angie completed a hard exercise class. If you exercise hard, you feel tired afterward. Therefore, Angie
must feel tired after her workout. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because there is no reason why Angie would feel strange after doing exercise. This
feeling has no relationship to exercising.

(B) is incorrect there is no reason why Angie would feel angry after doing exercise. This feeling has no
relationship to exercising.

(D) is incorrect there is no reason why Angie would feel old after doing exercise. Age has no relationship
to exercising.

2) D

Huge means very large. Tiny means very small. Huge ... tiny is correct because it means that elephants
are very large and ants are very small, which is true. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because although elephants are big, ants are not large.

(B) is incorrect because elephants are not small and ants are not big.

(C) is incorrect because ants are ants are small, but elephants are not tiny.

3) D

A thick rope is difficult to cut because it has more material than a thin rope. It is usually more difficult to
cut something that is thick versus something that is thin. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a new rope can be thin and easy to cut.

(B) is incorrect because a weak rope is easy to cut.

(C) is incorrect because a rope cannot feel sad. Only living creatures can feel emotions like sadness, and
ropes are not living creatures.

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4) A

For this sentence to make sense, we need to find words that have the same charge, or feeling. Great and
excellent are either positive, or good, words. If your food is great, the person who cooked it (the chef) is
excellent. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because delicious is a positive word, while angry is a negative word. Also, there is no
direct relationship between an angry chef and delicious food.

(C) is incorrect because terrible is a negative word, but good is a positive word.

(D) is incorrect because boring is a negative word, but interesting is usually a positive word. Also,
“boring” is not a word that usually describes food.

5) B

The English alphabet starts with the letter A. Therefore, A is the first letter of the alphabet. Choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because the letter Z is the last letter of the alphabet.

(C) is incorrect because the letter B is the second letter of the alphabet.

(D) is incorrect because the letter C is the second letter of the alphabet.

6) A

The word “although” means that two things are related in a negative or opposite way. Mary tries to be on
time, but she is not on time. If you are not on time, you are either early or late. “Early” is not an answer
choice, so late must be correct. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because great does not form an opposite relationship with “on time.” Only “early” and
“late” are opposites of “on time.”

(C) is incorrect because silly does not form an opposite relationship with “on time.” Only “early” and
“late” are opposites of “on time.”

(D) is incorrect because noisy does not form an opposite relationship with “on time.” Only “early” and
“late” are opposites of “on time.”

7) B

Because Marcy broke Johns toy, he feels angry or sad. Upset is another word for angry or sad. Therefore
it explains how you John feels. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because John would not feel hungry as a result of someone breaking your toy.

(C) is incorrect because John would not feel sleepy as a result of someone breaking your toy.

(D) is incorrect because John would not feel slow as a result of someone breaking your toy.

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8) A

Right is another way to say “correct.” If you say the correct answer to a question, you are right. Choice
(A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because wrong does not mean the same thing as “correct.” In fact, it means the opposite
of correct.

(C) is incorrect because bad does not mean the same thing as “correct.”

(D) is incorrect because close does not mean the same thing as “correct.”

9) B

Difficult is another way to say “hard.” If the puzzle was hard, it was also difficult. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because easy means the opposite of “hard.”

(C) is incorrect because dangerous does not mean the same thing as “hard.”

(D) is incorrect because wise does not mean the same thing as “hard.”

10) C

If something is complicated, it has many parts or is difficult to understand. A complicated recipe is

probably difficult because it has many ingredients. Choice

(C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a simple recipe would not have a lot of ingredients. Having too many ingredients
would make it complicated.

(B) is incorrect because a difficult recipe would probably not have only a few ingredients. A difficult
recipe would probably have a lot of ingredients.

(D) is incorrect because the number of ingredients does not affect whether a recipe is sweet or bitter.

This question uses the phrase "a lot of." This is used to talk about a large number

of something. Here are more examples of words that talk about numbers.

1 = one, a, an, single

2 = two, a couple, a pair, double

3 = three, a few, several, a triple

4 = a few, several, multiple

5 = many, a few, some, multiple

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6 = many, some

Small numbers = few, a little, some

Large numbers = many, a lot, a bunch

Also, remember the importance of context. Eight ingredients is a lot of ingredients for one recipe, but
eight pages is not a lot of pages for one book.

Sentence Completion 3 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. While walking together at night, the children hear a loud noise and get ______. They run away in
search of a place to hide.

A. angry
B. excited
C. scared
D. tired

2. Oranges and apples are ______. They are both ______.

A. similar … fruits
B. special … red
C. identical … different
D. bad … healthy

3. The ______ woman has gray hair and many wrinkles. She was born many years ago.

A. strong
B. young
C. old
D. kind

4. Timothy is ______. He always gets good grades. He studies hard and always does his homework.

A. smart
B. funny
C. tall
D. popular

5. Jim ______ brings a hammer to work. He uses it every day.

A. never
B. always
C. rarely
D. sometimes

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6. The ______ man is the only one who can lift the heavy rock.

A. silly
B. tall
C. proud
D. strong

7. The animal looks ______. Tom has never seen one like it before.

A. calm
B. embarrassed
C. strange
D. disgusting

8. When the sun goes down, the sky gets ______.

A. warm
B. dark
C. bright
D. cloudy

9. We were driving east, but we needed to go the opposite way. So we turned around and drove ______.

A. west
B. north
C. left
D. right

10. My mother says I am too ______ and that I need to eat ______.

A. young … better
B. healthy … meat
C. skinny … more
D. old … vegetables

Answers and Explanations

1) C

The children are walking alone at night and hear a loud noise. When you are alone at night, loud noises
can be scary. Using this information, we can understand that the children are scared of the noise, as they
away in search of a place to hide. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you do not run away and hide if you are angry.

(B) is incorrect because you do not run away and hide if you are excited.

(D) is incorrect because you do not run away and hide if you are tired.

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2) A

If two things are similar, they have something in common. Apples and oranges are similar because they
are both fruits. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because oranges are not red.

(C) is incorrect because identical means that two things are exactly alike, but apples and oranges are
different from each other.

(D) is incorrect because fruit is not bad or unhealthy for you. The opposite is true. Fruit is good, or
healthy, for you.

3) C

When people get old, their hair turns gray and their skin becomes wrinkled. Also, the prompt tells us that
the woman was born many years ago. Given this information, we can understand that she is probably old.
Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because although the woman might be strong, we can cannot tell from the question. We
only know from the question that she has gray hair and wrinkled skin and that she was born many years

(B) is incorrect because young is the opposite of old. We only know from the question that the woman
has gray hair and wrinkled skin and that she was born many years ago.

(D) is incorrect because although the woman might be kind, we can cannot tell from the question. We
only know from the question that she has gray hair and wrinkled skin and that she was born many years

4) A

Smart students usually perform well in school. If Timothy gets good grades, studies hard and always does
his homework, then it makes sense to say that he is smart.

Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because although Timothy might be funny, we cannot tell from the question.

(C) is incorrect because although Timothy might be tall, we cannot tell from the question.

(D) is incorrect because although Timothy might be popular, we cannot tell from the question.

5) B

If Jim needs to use something every day, it makes sense for him to always bring it to work. Choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because never means that something doesn’t happen at all. This is the opposite of “every
day” or “always.”

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(C) is incorrect because rarely means that something happens very little.

(D) is incorrect because sometimes means that something doesn’t happen all the time, only some of the

6) D

Someone who is strong can lift a lot of weight. If something is very heavy, only a strong person can lift it.
Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a silly person may able to lift a lot of weight, but this characteristic does not
directly affect whether or not he is able to do so. Only a person’s strength determines whether or not he or
she can lift a weight.

(B) is incorrect because a tall person may able to lift a lot of weight, but this characteristic does not
directly affect whether or not he is able to do so. Only a person’s strength determines whether or not he or
she can lift a weight.

(C) is incorrect because a proud person may able to lift a lot of weight, but this characteristic does not
directly affect whether or not he is able to do so. Only a person’s strength determines whether or not he or
she can lift a weight.

7) C

Something that is strange has a different, sometimes bad characteristic that sets it apart from other things.
If the animal looks different from any Tom has seen before, then it probably looks strange. Choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because the sentence does not provide information to make us think that the animal looks

(B) is incorrect because the sentence does not provide information to make us think that the animal looks

(D) is incorrect because the sentence does not provide information to make us think that the animal looks

8) B

The sun makes the sky light up. When the sun goes down, part of the sky no longer receives light.
Therefore, when the sun goes down the sky gets dark. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because the sky does not necessarily get warm when the sun sets.

(C) is incorrect because the sky does not necessarily get bright when the sun sets.

(D) is incorrect because the sky does not necessarily get cloudy when the sun sets.

9) A

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The word “but” means that two things are related in a negative or opposite way. East is the opposite of
west. If you are traveling east and you turn around, you will be traveling west. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because north is a direction word, but it is not the opposite of “east.”

(C) is incorrect because left is a direction word, but it is not the opposite of “east.”

(D) is incorrect because right is a direction word, but it is not the opposite of “east.”

10) C

The more food you eat, the more weight you will probably gain. If someone is too skinny, he or she could
eat more food to try to gain weight. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because there is no relationship between being young and eating better.

(B) is incorrect because there is no relationship between being healthy and eating meat. You can be
healthy without eating meat at all.

(D) is incorrect because there is no relationship between being old and eating vegetables.

Sentence Completion 4 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. I read some ______ news this morning: there was an earthquake in China.

A. wonderful
B. good
C. funny
D. bad

2. Jenny has a fever and a headache.She is ______.

A. crazy
B. sick
C. old
D. healthy

3. The circus clowns make Rafael laugh very hard. They are ______.

A. hilarious
B. sad
C. boring
D. angry

4. Max loves to eat sweets. For this reason, he always orders ______.

A. dessert

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B. lunch
C. dinner
D. French fries

5. The game is ______. It only has two rules.

A. complicated
B. exciting
C. simple
D. long

6. Mom wanted to be ______, so she gave each child the same amount of candy.

A. cruel
B. fair
C. honest
D. pretty

7. If you want to be a great athlete, you have to ______.

A. run
B. practice
C. study
D. win

8. The bridge is too ______. The construction workers need to ______ it so that cars can pass underneath.

A. high ... lower

B. strong ... weaken
C. low ... raise
D. empty ... fill

9. Although ants are tiny, they can lift very ______ objects.

A. fragile
B. soft
C. big
D. round

10. The car is ______. We bought it last week.

A. ugly
B. small
C. expensive
D. new

Answers and Explanations

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1) D

An earthquake is a type of disaster. During an earthquake, the ground shakes violently. This can destroy
buildings and hurt people. Every time an earthquake happens it is bad news. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because something wonderful is great or amazing. This is not a good word to describe
earthquakes, which are very bad destructive.

(B) is incorrect because earthquakes are bad, which is the opposite of good.

(C) is incorrect because something funny makes people laugh. Earthquakes are scary, and people don’t
laugh when they’re scared.

2) B

People can know if they are sick because of certain signs. A high temperature, or ever, can be a sign that
you are sick. Headaches are another possible sign that you are sick. Since Jenny has these signs, she must
be sick. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because it does not make sense to say that Jenny is crazy just because she has a fever and
a headache.

(C) is incorrect because it does not make sense to say that Jenny is old just because she has a fever and a

(D) is incorrect because it does not make sense to say that Jenny is healthy because she has a fever and a
headache. If Jenny were healthy, she would not have a fever and a headache.

3) A

Hilarious means very funny. When something is very funny, people laugh. If Rafael laughs very hard, the
clowns are probably hilarious. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because sad means unhappy. When people are unhappy, they sometimes cry, which would
not make people laugh. Since Rafael is laughing, the clowns must not be unhappy.

(C) is incorrect because boring means not interesting. If the clowns were boring, Rafael probably
wouldn’t even be watching them.

(D) is incorrect because angry means mad. Angry clowns would not make Rafael laugh. In fact, they
might even scare him!

4) A

Sweets are sugary treats like chocolate and candy. Since Max loves to eat sweets, it makes sense that he
always orders dessert. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because there to no reason to think Max always orders lunch simply because he loves to
eat sweets.

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(C) is incorrect because there to no reason to think Max always orders dinner simply because he loves to
eat sweets.

(D) is incorrect because there to no reason to think Max always orders French friessimply because he
loves to eat sweets.

5) C

The game only has two rules. Therefore, it is simple, basic, or easy to learn. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because the question does not provide information to support the idea that the game is
complicated, simply because it only has two rules.

(B) is incorrect because the question does not provide information to support the idea that the game is
exciting, simply because it only has two rules.

(D) is incorrect because the question does not provide information to support the idea that the game is
long, simply because it only has two rules.

6) B

Being fair means you treat people the same. It is not fair for a mother to give candy to one of her children
but not the other. To be fair, she must give the same amount of candy to each child. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because cruel means very mean. Mom gave each child the same amount of candy, which
is very nice and not mean at all.

(C) is incorrect because honest means truthful. The question does not provide information to support the
idea that mom was being honest by giving each child the same amount.

(D) is incorrect because pretty is a word that describes the way Mom looks, not what she did. The
question only tells us that she gave candy to her children. It does not say anything about the way she

7) A

A great athlete is very good at sports. In order to be great at sports, you have to practice. Choice (A) is

(B) is incorrect because you don't necessarily have to run to be a great athlete.

(C) is incorrect because you don't necessarily have to study to be a great athlete. You have to study to be a
great student.

(D) is incorrect because you don't necessarily have to win to be a great athlete..

8) C

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In order to pass under a bridge, the bridge must be taller than your car. If the bridge is not tall enough, it
is too low for cars to pass underneath. Therefore, it makes sense that he construction workers need to raise
it, or make it higher, so that cars can pass under it. “Underneath” is another way to say “under.” Choice

(C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a high bridge means that it would be much taller than cars, so they would be able
to pass under it easily. If you lower the bridge, you will make it harder for cars to pass underneath.

(B) is incorrect because the construction workers do not need to weaken a strong bridge in order to pass
underneath it. The bridge’s strength does not affect a car's ability to go under it.

(D) is incorrect because a bridge cannot be empty, so it does not make sense to fill a bridge in order to
pass under it.

9) C

The word “although” means that two things are related in a negative or opposite way.

Here are some examples:

Although I want to buy the shirt, I do not want to buy the shoes.
Although George is tall, his brother is short.
Although Pam has two cats, she doesn’t have any dogs.
This question begins with “Although ants are very small.” We know the answer must relate to size. Big is
the only choice that relates to size, and it sets up an opposite relationship with “small.” Choice (C) is
(A) is incorrect because fragile is not an opposite of “small.” It does not make sense in the question.

(B) is incorrect because soft is not an opposite of “small.” It does not make sense in the question.

(D) is incorrect because round is not an opposite of “small.” It does not make sense in the question.

10) D

We bought the car last week. This means it is new. A new car is a car that you have owned for only a
short period of time. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because a new car does not have to be ugly. In fact, the question does not tell us how the
car looks, so it could be very beautiful.

(B) is incorrect because small describes the size of the car. The question does not say anything about the
size of the car, only that we have had it for a short period of time.

(C) is incorrect because expensive describes how much the car costs. The question does not say anything
about the cost of the car, only that we have had it for a short period of time.

Sentence Completion 5 (high-beginning level)

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Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. The children are ______ because they are playing a game.

A. careful
B. bored
C. happy
D. scared

2. The pigs on our farm eat table scraps mixed with corn and milk. Pigs love it, but to me it seems

A. disgusting
B. delicious
C. tasty
D. interesting

3. The big dog ______ me. He is very ______.

A. likes ... friendly

B. hates ... large
C. loves ... mean
D. scares ... sweet

4. Ben’s watch was very ______. It did not cost much, and after two days it stopped working.

A. huge
B. cheap
C. expensive
D. fancy

5. Kevin is ______. He always does his homework and his chores. He even watches his little brother for
his mom when she is busy.

A. kind
B. funny
C. smart
D. responsible

6. Mary is ______, but Jill is just the opposite. Jill is ______.

A. happy ... crazy

B. interesting ... entertaining
C. silly ... serious
D. ridiculous ... sweet

7. Amy only likes small animals. She has a hamster, two birds, and three ______. She doesn't have any


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A. giraffes ... dogs

B. elephants ... pigs
C. fish ... mice
D. cats ... horses

8. The woman drank all of the water from the bottle. There is nothing left in it. The bottle is ______.

A. dusty
B. empty
C. full
D. thirsty

9. The guests had a ______ time at the party. Every one of them said that hey had a wonderful time and
would love to be invited back again.

A. boring
B. terrible
C. terrific
D. sad

10. Sarah accidentally dropped the ______ glass, and it broke into many pieces when it hit the floor.

A. hard
B. fragile
C. tough
D. thick

Answers and Explanations

1) C

Games are fun. If the children are playing a game, then it makes sense that they are happy. Choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because being careful means that you are trying to be safe. If you are playing a game, you
are probably having fun, not concentrating on being safe.

(B) is incorrect because being bored means that you are not having fun. Games are fun, so you would not
be bored if you were playing one.

(D) is incorrect because scared means afraid. Games are fun, so you would not be afraid if you were
playing one.

2) A

The word “but” means that two things are related in a negative or opposite way.The pigs “love” their
food, so the answer choice needs to mean the opposite of love. If you think something is disgusting, you
do not love it—in fact, you don’t even like it. It makes you sick! Choice (A) is correct.

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(B) is incorrect because delicious describes food that you would like to eat. The pigs think their food is
delicious, but the word “but” means that you think the opposite.

(C) is incorrect because tasty describes food that you would like to eat. The pigs think their food is tasty,
but the word “but” means that you think the opposite.

(D) is incorrect. Although pig food may be interesting, this is not the best logical choice for the missing

3) A

Friendly dogs are playful and nice to people. A dog that likes people is probably a friendly dog. Choice
(A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because, while a large dog might hate people, he or she might also love them. Also, the
size of the dog does not have anything to do with how he or she acts towards people.

(C) is incorrect because a mean dog probably does not love people. So this answer does not make sense.

(D) is incorrect because a sweet dog probably does not scare people.

4) B

Cheap means inexpensive or low-quality. If Ben's watch did not cost much and it stopped working after
two days, it was probably cheap. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because huge does not describe why the watch did not cost very much and stopped

(C) is incorrect because expensive does not describe why the watch did not cost very much and stopped

(D) is incorrect because fancy does not describe why the watch did not cost very much and stopped

5) D

Someone who is responsible always does what he or she is supposed to do. If Kevin always does his
homework, chores, and watches his little brother for his mom when she is busy, then he is a responsible
boy. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because kind does not have anything to do with Kevin doing his homework, chores, and
watching his little brother.

(B) is incorrect because funny does not have anything to do with Kevin doing his homework, chores, and
watching his little brother.

(C) is incorrect because smart does not have anything to do with Kevin doing his homework, chores, and
watching his little brother.

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6) A

In this question, we need to find opposites that describe Mary and Jill. Silly is the opposite of serious.
Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because happy is not the opposite of crazy.

(C) is incorrect because interesting is not the opposite of entertaining.

(D) is incorrect because ridiculous is not the opposite of sweet.

7) D

Amy only likes small animals. This means she does not like big animals. This means we need to fill the
first space with a small animal and the second space with a big animal. Cats are small animals. Horses are
big animals. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because giraffes are big animals. Dogs can be both big and small.

(C) is incorrect because elephants are big animals. Pigs can be both big and small.

(D) is incorrect because fish are big animals. Mice are small.

8) B

Something that is empty has nothing inside of it. If there is nothing in a bottle, it is empty. Choice (B) is

(A) is incorrect because dusty does not logically fill the blank space as well as empty.

(C) is incorrect because a full bottle would have something in it. But the question tells us that there is
nothing in the bottle, so this answer does not make sense.

(D) is incorrect because a bottle cannot be thirsty. Thirsty is a word that only describes living creatures.
The bottle is not a living creature, so it could never be


9) C

In this question, we are told that "had a wonderful time" at the party, and would "love to be invited back
again." This lets us know that we are looking for a positive word to fill the blank space. Terrific is the
only positive word. Choice (C)

is correct.

(A) is incorrect because boring is a negative, not positive word.

(B) is incorrect because terrible is a negative, not positive word.

(D) is incorrect because sad is a negative, not positive word.

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10) B

Something that is fragile can break very easily. If you drop something that is fragile, it breaks into pieces.
Since the glass breaks into pieces after Sarah accidentally dropped it, we know that choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because if the glass is hard, then it is not easy to break.

(C) is incorrect because if the glass is tough, then it is not easy to break.

(D) is incorrect because if the glass is thick, then it is not easy to break.

Sentence Completion 6 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. My bicycle cost $85. Carla's bicycle cost $106. Carla's bicycle was ______ than mine.

A. newer
B. better
C. more expensive
D. less valuable

2. Jared said he fixed my car, but it is still ______.

A. repaired
B. clean
C. broken
D. expensive

3. Ms. Martin lives next door to me. She is my ______.

A. mother
B. teacher
C. doctor
D. neighbor

4. The pool is very ______. I cannot touch the bottom of it.

A. deep
B. cold
C. shallow
D. blue

5. The coins were ______ after Rachel polished them.

A. dirty
B. shiny
C. heavy
D. expensive

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6. The carpenter uses a ______ to pounds nails. He uses ______ to pry them back out.

A. hammer ... pliers

B. shovel ... goggles
C. screwdriver ... gloves
D. tape ... screws

7. The pot was made thousands of years ago. It is ______.

A. old
B. new
C. ugly
D. fake

8. Before Alexi can move into his new apartment, he has to ______ the contract.

A. form
B. make
C. sign
D. read

9. You should be ______ when you are using a ______.

A. smart ... pencil

B. mean ... stick
C. careful ... knife
D. friendly ... phone

10. Although Antonio knows his lines for the play, he is still ______.

A. nervous
B. angry
C. thirsty
D. ready

Answers and Explanations

1) C

106 is a bigger number than 85. Since Carla's bicycle cost $106 and mine cost $85, this means Carla's
bicycle was more expensive than mine. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect. Although Carla's bicycle was more expensive than mine, this does not necessarily mean
it was newer than mine.

(B) is incorrect. Although Carla's bicycle was more expensive than mine, this does not necessarily mean it
was better than mine.

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(D) is incorrect. Carla's bicycle was more expensive than mine. This means it was not less valuable than

2) C

The word “but” sets up a negative or opposite relationship. The correct answer isthe opposite of “fixed.”
If the car is still broken, it is not fixed. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because repaired is not the opposite of “fixed.”

(B) is incorrect because clean is not the opposite of “fixed.”

(D) is incorrect because expensive is not the opposite of “fixed.”

3) D

Someone who lives “next door” to you is your neighbor. Your neighbors are the people who live near
you. The phrase “next door” refers to the house that is immediately next to your house. The person who
lives next door to you lives near you, so that person is your neighbor. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because your mother does not necessarily live “next door” to you. Many people live very
far away from their mothers.

(B) is incorrect because your teacher does not necessarily live “next door” to you. Many people live very
far away from their teachers.

(C) is incorrect because your doctor does not necessarily live “next door” to you. Many people live very
far away from their doctors.

4) A

When water is deep, there is a lot of space between the surface and the bottom. If you are trying to stand
in a deep pool, your feet do not touch the bottom. This is because the space between the surface and the
bottom is greater than the space between your head and your feet. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because cold describes the temperature of the water. The water temperature does not
affect your ability to stand in it.

(C) is incorrect because shallow means that the space between the surface of the water and the bottom is
very small. You would easily be able to stand in shallow water, because your feet would touch the

(D) is incorrect because blue describes the color of the water. The water’s color does not affect your
ability to stand in it.

5) B

To “polish” something means to make it clean and shiny. If Rachel polished her coins, they must be
shiny. Choice (B) is correct.

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(A) is incorrect because when you polish something, you remove the dirt from it. A coin that has been
polished would not be dirty.

(C) is incorrect because heavy describes the weight of the coins. Polishing something does not change its
weight, so this answer does not make sense.

(D) is incorrect because expensive describes the cost of the coins. Polishing something does not change
how much it costs, so this answer does not make sense.

6) A

A hammer is used to hit things. You can use a hammer to pound nails into wood. Pliers are used to pull
and twist things. You can use pliers to pry out nails. Choice (A) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you cannot use a shovel to pound nails. You cannot use goggles to pry them out.

(C) is incorrect because you cannot use a screwdriver to pound nails. You cannot use gloves to pry them

(D) is incorrect because you cannot use a tape to pound nails. You cannot use screws to pry them out.

7) A

Something that was made thousands of years ago is very old. When something is old, it has been around
for a very long time. A thousand years is a very long time. If the pot was made a thousand years ago, it is
old. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because new means that something has not been around for very long, certainly not for a
thousand years.

(C) is incorrect because ugly describes the way the mask looks. The question only tells us that it was
made a thousand years ago, not how it looks.

(D) is incorrect because fake means not real. The question only tells us that the mask was made a
thousand years ago, not that its realness is uncertain.

8) C

A contract is used to make an agreement between two people. To make the contract work, both people
must sign it. In many cases, a contract must be signed before moving into a new apartment. Choice (C) is

(A) is incorrect because you do not need to form a contract before you move into a new apartment.

(B) is incorrect because you do not need to sign a contract before you move into a new apartment.

(D) is incorrect because you do not need to read a contract before you move into a new apartment.

9) C

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Knives are used to cut things, but you do not want to cut yourself by mistake. When you use a knife, you
must be careful. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you can use a pencil without being smart.

(B) is incorrect because you can use a stick without being mean.

(D) is incorrect because you can use a phone without being friendly.

10) A

Many people get (A) nervous when they perform on stage or speak in front of other people. We know
that Antonio will be on stage because “lines” are the memorized words actors say when they perform.
Because the question starts with “although,” we need to set up a negative or opposite relationship. If
Antonio knows his lines, he should be confident, but he is nervous.

(B) is incorrect because Antonio would not be angry about knowing his lines. In fact, he would be very
happy about it.

(C) is incorrect because knowing his lines has nothing to do with being thirsty.

(D) is incorrect because the question tells us that Antonio knows his lines, which means that he is ready.
This answer does not set up the opposite relationship that we need.

Sentence Completion 7 (high-beginning level)

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. Because it was getting ______, Kristi traded her car for a ______ one.

A. mad ... happy

B. new ... expensive
C. old ... new
D. fast ... slow

2. Although Marissa never wears makeup, I think she is ______.

A. crazy
B. friendly
C. strange
D. pretty

3. We visited many interesting ______ in the historic city.

A. deserts
B. museums
C. farms
D. forests

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4. Blake is fifteen years old. He is ______.

A. a teenager
B. a baby
C. a man
D. an adult

5. The music is too ______! It is hurting my ears!

A. soft
B. good
C. fast
D. loud

6. Although Andy thinks tennis is______, golf is his favorite ______.

A. boring … football
B. fun … sport
C. exciting … time
D. interesting … place

7. There are many fruits and vegetables for sale at the ______.

A. market
B. office
C. bank
D. hospital

8. Jacob and I ______ our money, but the ______ was still not enough.

A. lost ... cost

B. spent ... price
C. combined ... total
D. added ... tax

9. The movie is ______ at the beginning, but it is ______ at the end.

A. sweet ... sour

B. excellent ... great
C. sad ... happy
D. slow ... lazy

10. There are ten desks in the classroom, but there are only eight ______.

A. windows
B. chairs
C. teachers
D. lamps

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Answers and Explanations

1) C

To “trade” means to exchange one thing for another. Since Kristi's car was getting old cars to get new
cars. When a car gets too old, you might not want to drive it anymore. You can trade it in for a new car
that runs better and looks nicer. Choice (C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because most cars already run on gasoline. You can trade your poor car, but it probably
already runs on gasoline.

(B) is incorrect because you can trade your new car, but a new car is probably already expensive. There is
no reason to trade for an expensive car if you already have one.

(D) is incorrect because you can trade your car for a blue car, but that is not why most people trade their
cars. If you already have a good car, you probably do not want to trade it.

2) D

The word “although” sets up a negative or opposite relationship. Many people wear makeup to look
better, but Marissa doesn’t wear any makeup. If you think she is pretty even though she does not wear
makeup, this is the opposite of what is expected. Choice (D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you might think Marissa is crazy, but this does not relate to her appearance. The
correct answer choice must relate to her appearance in order to set up the opposite relationship we need.

(B) is incorrect because you might think Marissa is friendly, but this does not relate to her appearance.
The correct answer choice must relate to her appearance in order to set up the opposite relationship we

(C) is incorrect because you might think Marissa is strange, but this does not relate to her appearance. The
correct answer choice must relate to her appearance in order to set up the opposite relationship we need.

3) B

Museums is the only answer choice that makes sense . When you visit a new city, you can tour its
various museums. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because you do not find deserts inside of a city. A city is a place where you find concrete,
buildings, and people. Museums are buildings, so you can find museums in most cities.

(C) is incorrect because you do not find farms inside of a city. A city is a place where you find concrete,
buildings, and people. Museums are buildings, so you can find museums in most cities.

(D) is incorrect because you do not find forests inside of a city. A city is a place where you find concrete,
buildings, and people. Museums are buildings, so you can find museums in most cities.

4) A

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A teenager is someone between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. If Blake is fifteen, then he falls between
the ages of thirteen and nineteen. Therefore, he is a teenager. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because Blake is not a baby. Babies are much, much younger than fifteen.

(C) is incorrect because most people think that a man is someone older than Blake, who is only fifteen.

(D) is incorrect because most people think that an adult is someone older than Blake, who is only fifteen.
According to the laws of the United States, an adult is at least eighteen years old.

5) D

If you listen to a sound (like music) that is very loud, it may hurt your ears. Choice

(D) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because soft music does not hurt your ears.

(B) is incorrect because good music does not hurt your ears.

(C) is incorrect because fast music does not hurt your ears.

6) B

The word “although” sets up a negative or opposite relationship. Andy thinks tennis is fun, but it is not his
favorite sport. Golf is his favorite sport. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because golf and football are two different sports, so this answer choice does not make

(C) is incorrect because golf and time are two completely different things, so this answer choice does not
make sense.

(D) is incorrect because golf is not a place, so this answer choice does not make sense.

7) A

A market is a place where items such as fruits and vegetables are sold. If you are buying fruits and
vegetables, you are probably buying them at some type of market. Choice (A) is correct.

(B) is incorrect because it is not likely that you would buy fruits or vegetables at an office. Offices do not
usually sell items in general, so they definitely do not sell fruits and vegetables specifically.

(C) is incorrect because it is not likely that you would buy fruits or vegetables at a bank. Banks do not
usually sell items in general, so they definitely do not sell fruits and vegetables specifically.

(D) is incorrect because it is not likely that you would buy fruits or vegetables at a hospital. Hospitals do
not usually sell items in general, so they definitely do not sell fruits and vegetables specifically.

8) C

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When you combine two or more things, the result is the total. You can combine money to reach a new
total. For example: Jacob has five dollars and I have seven dollars. If we combine our money, our total
will be twelve dollars. Choice

(C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because there is no relationship between having lost your money and the cost of an item
you wish to buy. If you lost your money, you will not be able to afford to buy anything at any cost.

(B) is incorrect because there is no relationship between having spent your money and the price of an
item. If you spent all your money, you will not be able to afford to buy anything at any price.

(D) is incorrect because there is no relationship between adding money and the tax on an item. You can
add your money to someone else’s money, but that will not affect the tax on an item.

9) C

The word “but” sets up a negative or opposite relationship. Sad and happy are opposites, so they fit the
pattern. If the movie is sad at first but happy in the end, then there is an opposite relationship between the
beginning and the end. Choice

(C) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because although sweet and sour are also opposites, they cannot be used to describe a

(B) is incorrect because excellent and great are not opposites. They mean almost the same thing.

(D) is incorrect because slow and lazy are not opposites. They don’t necessarily mean the same thing, but
they still do not fit in the context of the prompt.

10) B

The word “but” sets up a negative or opposite relationship. We want to set up a relationship between ten
desks and eight of something else. Desks are usually paired with chairs. Having ten desks and only eight
chairs is the opposite of what is expected. Choice (B) is correct.

(A) is incorrect because it is not illogical or contradictory to have ten desks in a room and eight windows.
The number of desks and windows in a room does not have to match.

(C) is incorrect because it is not illogical or contradictory to have ten desks in a room and eight teachers.
The number of teachers and windows in a room does not have to match.

(D) is incorrect because it is not illogical or contradictory to have ten desks in a room and eight lamps.
The number of desks and lamps in a room does not have to match.

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