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Worksheet WRITING: STRUCTURE & PARAGRAPHS, Below is a genuine example of a Year 9 student's timed article. In the spaces above the paragraphs, decide what her purpose is, and give the paragraph a heading. Purpose: Headi We all need ta take responsibility for looking after cur environment, If we don't the state of places we love will deteriorate, becoming the places we dread visiting, And it is true that the places we do not look after are the places we must fear. Purp Heading: Years aga, the school park was avery popular place, bright, safe and hygienic. But over the years the paint has peeled, the toys have broken and litter has Tilled the park, It is no place to take a young child, But it can be, If we start looking after this area it can become what it once was: a social meeting place far parents to talk and children to play. It makes no sense that children shauld be forced ta play alone in their homes, when ‘they cauld be exanessing themselves through Tun and games as their parents ance did. Purpose: Headi If the town gets together and fights for our park, our town and our childhood memories we can help give aur children the start in life that they deserve, All it casts is, a quick visit ta your local newsagents or café, All the shops in the town centre will be giving out leoflets containing all you need to know about what events will be taking place and the fundraising that will be going on all over the town, Purpose: Heading: Stillwant to help more? Enrole to be a ‘fundraising super visor’ and yau will quickly understend that help, consideration and friendliness is all you need ta rekindle fand memaries, and to make sure our children have a safe place to ploy. Please help out. You ‘will be giving an amazing git to this town and your children. They deserve a place to play, to grow up, to explore, They deserve your generosity. You have the power to create happiness for generations to came, and it will barely cost you a penny. What hes this student done well? What advice would you give this student to move up to the next level? cg

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