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Worksheet WRITING A SPEECH The following is an extract from a speech given on hearing that socks are to be banned. Tt is nothing short of an outrage that socks are to be bamed They are vital for our warmth, hygiene and our very serse of who we are, Our serse of who we are, T heor you ask. How mary of us do not cherish apersonal memery about socks? Perhaps your memories are of comforting rows of socks tucked away in drawers, of mother lovingly pulling white socks over our feet as a child, of your sense of rebellion in wearing red socks for the first time. And shall we let them rob us of those memeries? If we do, what further liberties will they take, what further intrusions in our lives will we be forced to suffer? It is indisputable that the greatest civilisations are those thct wear socks, By taking away the human right of wearing socks, they evidently want to turn us back into the primitive shoeless people we once were. So join with me in resisting this invasion of our civil liberties! We can see all too clearly how it would lead to the very collapse of the civilisation we have worked so hard to buikl me rhetorical questions exaggeration emotive language lists of three appeal to the audience war metaphors logical argument toking the audience into your confidence use of the imperative —llliteration change of tone repetition talking positively about the future talking about the everyday: impassioned utterance talking as if the audience and you are one Now match up each of the descriptions above with a phrase or sentence in the speech. Drawa line from each description to a place in the speech 183 1c Bronk

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