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Cambridge International AS Level Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Answers to EOC questions

Chapter P1 ■■ always view from directly above the mark
on the track when using a rule [1]
1 a 25.8 ± 3.3 cm or better 26 ± 3 cm [1] (Maximum [8] marks: [4] for the problems, and
b 2.80 ± 0.18 cm or better 2.8 ± 0.2 cm [1] the other [4] for solutions / improvements.)
c 24.0 ± 0.1 g [1]
4 a Values for m correct and to the same
2 a 1.1 ± 0.1 V; 0.7 ± 0.1 V [1] number of significant figures, or one more
than data [1]
b If R = kl then the two values of k are
Values for T correct and to the same number
0.0440 Ω cm–1 and 0.0467 Ω cm–1.[1]
of significant figures, or one more than data
The criterion is that, if the resistance is
proportional to length, then the percentage
difference in the values of k is less than the Mass / g T20 / s  m / g
percentage uncertainty in the value of V. [1]
20 12.2 4.5 0.610
Percentage difference in k values
0.27 = 0.6%
= 0.044 [1] 50 15.0 7.1 0.750
Percentage uncertainty in lowest value of
100 18.7 10.0 0.935
V is 14%, so the data is consistent with R
proportional to l.[1] 150 21.8 12.2 1.090

3 Apart from taking only two readings, which is 200 24.5 14.1 1.225
not enough, it is difficult to: 190 24.0 13.8 1.200
■■ release the ball without giving it an initial
velocity[1] 1.4
■■ start the stopwatch as the ball is released
■■ stop the stopwatch exactly as the ball
crosses the line [1] 0.8
■■ release the ball exactly on the line [1] 0.6
■■ measure small times that are not much
larger than reaction times [1]
■■ avoid the balling rolling to the side of the
track[1] 0 5 10 15
■■ measure the distance without introducing m / g 0.5
parallax error [1]
b Sensible axes used and labelled with
Suggested improvements quantity and unit [1]
■■ take readings at about five values of s and All points plotted to within half a small square
■■ plot a graph of T against s[1] [1]
■■ take a video of the ball rolling down the All points close to line [1]
ramp with a timer in the background and Line of best fit correct [1]
play it back frame by frame [1]
c Gradient drawn with more than half length of
■■ use a metal ball, held to an electromagnet
drawn line; value between 0.062 and 0.064[1]
at the same start position each time,
y-intercept between 0.30 and 0.32 [1]
turning off the magnet to start the ball [1]
■■ use longer distances [1] d C = value given for y-intercept with unit s,
■■ have a groove down the middle of the
e.g. 0.31 s [1]
track[1] k = value given for gradient with unit, e.g.
0.063 s g–0.5[1]
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics © Cambridge University Press 2014
Cambridge International AS Level Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions

5 a i 127 cm [1] c Only two voltage readings is not enough. [1]

ii 3 cm [1] The voltmeter reading fluctuates because of
2%[1] contact resistance. [1]
iii 4.7 s [1] The voltmeter reading fluctuates because of
a change in mains voltage. [1]
iv 0.1 s [1] The voltmeter reading falls because the
2%[1] resistance of the wire changes as it heats up.
b i When l = 40 cm, v = 27 cm s–1; [1]
when l = 60 cm, v = 38 cm s–1 [1] The temperature increases after the switch
ii Two significant figures, as this was the is turned off (while heat passes from the
lower of the number of significant figures resistor to the water). [1]
for s (3 sig. figs) and t (2 sig. figs) [1] (Maximum of [4] marks)
c i, ii k = l = 3.175 and 3.167. The percentage d Clean the wires first. [1]
difference in k values is 0.26%. [1] Use a car battery. [1]
This is less than the percentage uncertainty Use a metal whose resistance changes little
in s = 2%, so the data is consistent with s with temperature. [1]
proportional to l.[1] Use more than two voltages and plot a graph
d, e See comments for experiment 2, plus of θ against V 2 or calculate more than two
the difficulty of measuring to the middle of values of k.[1]
the trolley for l and s (measure from end of Stir well and take the highest reading on the
trolley and add on half the length of a trolley thermometer after switching off. [1]
found separately), difficulties that may occur (Maximum of [4] marks)
as the toy car hits the straight section (have
a slightly curved join), and difficulties with
the car not running straight (have wheels in
(Marks: [1] for each sensible source of
uncertainty, to a maximum of [4];
and [1] for each sensible improvement, to a
maximum of [4])

6 a Average value of voltage was 5.9 and

uncertainty is ±0.2 or possibly 0.3 V.
Percentage uncertainty is between 3%
and 5%.[1]
b i 0.42 °C V–2[1]
and 0.35 °C V–2 [1]
ii Two significant figures, as V was measured
to 2 sig. figs and q was measured to 3 sig.
figs. Choose the lower number. [1]
iii Percentage difference in values of k is 18%.
This is larger than the 5% uncertainty in
V (which is larger than the percentage
uncertainty in the value of θ). Thus the
data is not consistent with the suggested

Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics © Cambridge University Press 2014

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