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“The notebook”, written by Nicholas Sparks is about the love story between Allie and Noah,
whom after 14 years met again, however at that moment Allie had a fiancé called Lon, who
Allie finally leaves to choose Noah, her first love.

I decided to write a letter from Lon addressed to Noah, because when I finished the book, I
realized that Lon hadn´t had the chance to say something about Allie’s departure. In the letter
Lon will first explain to Noah that he doesn’t want to bother him, instead he just needed to
write to feel better with himself, then he’ll express how he felt when Allie told him her
decision and he’ll say he understood that love between Noah and Allie was true and that is
why he did nothing to keep her. However Lon wants Noah to know that like Noah, Lon would
have done anything for Allie, and for that reason Lon says that Noah should value it, besides
Lon will understand that he lack of something and therefore he wasn’t the indicated for Allie,
so he needs Noah to swear he’ll take care of her better than Lon would have done, also Lon
will apprise he won’t do something against them. Finally he’ll ask for Noah for not telling
anything about the letter to Allie and he will wish them the best.

To reach my goal, I will use an informal register, because the letter needs to show
confidentiality and is addressed to Noah.

N° Words: 248
My dear friend,

Maybe you are asking yourself why I’m writing you, but believe me, it was necessary for me.
First I need you to know that I won’t complain about something, I don’t want to bother you, as
I said, it’s something I felt I had to do in the name of my great love towards Allie. After all,
she’s made a decision and I love her so much that if she’s happier with you, I’ll be fine. I just
can’t let her go doing nothing, I needed to tell you something’s.

When Allie, between tears, told me that she wasn’t going to marry me, I asked for her to don’t
let me, but without any more word she hugged me, so I hugged her too, in that moment, right
then I could feel how difficult was that situation for her and I understood that she really was
fell in love with you. Then with a hole in the middle of my heart;

I had to let her go… while she was going through the room I felt glad for her, Allie was going to
be better, I thought; but suddenly I sensed a horrible tingling in all my body because I realized
that my lover had gone, then I just started to cry.

However I’ve understood I’m nobody to question a love that ride on shooting stars and roar
like crashing waves, because that was what I could see in the Allie’s eyes, I knew the love
between you was true, so I comprehended I can do nothing to make her stay with me.

Allie loves you in an angelical and deep way, and I can trust in her criterion to know that you
love her in the same way, because if it wasn’t like that, she wouldn´t have chosen you. But, my
friend, you should know that such as you I would have turned down the sun just to see her
phenomenal smile; like you, I would have created what doesn´t exist just to make her happy.
So thank your luck cause you have won a beautiful and kind woman, and with just thinking,
you’ll be able to listen to her voice when you’ll lie down and that seeing her fulminant look is
the first you’ll do in the mornings, I can realize how much luck you have, so I hope you’ll be up
to the circumstances because Allie deserves the best of you.

If she chose you is for something that she couldn’t find in me, that is the true, however I don’t
care about that, I can understand that, I wasn’t just the one to take care of that diaphanous
soul. And that is why I need you to swear that you are going to look after her and love her as I
would have done, also I want you to know that I’m going to do nothing against nor to you and
neither Allie.

I need to ask you for something more, Noah I need you to swear that you won´t tell Allie
anything about this letter, my friend, believe it’s not indispensable for her.

My goal with this letter was making sure that Allie will be fine, that you are going to do the
right things to make her happy, I don’t mean you won´t do it, I just needed to tell you all of this
to overcome it and to feel myself free, I can know you’ll care for Allie in an unconditional way.

My best wishes for you and for Allie.


N° Words: 591

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