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1.1 Background to the Study

A building is regarded as an enclosure or “envelope” designed and constructed to provide
minimum level of comfort, and conveniences for man. Building provides safety, protects
human inhabitants, animals, materials and equipment from effects of weather, and gives
internal comfort (Ogunoh, 2008). According to Obiegbu, (2003) a building is an essential
modifier of micro-climate, a space isolated from climate temperature and humidity,
fluctuations, sheltered from prevailing winds and precipitation, and with artificial means.

Udeh, (2017) emphasized that public buildings are any type of buildings that is accessible
to the public and funded from public sources or private sources such as radio station,
assembly, education, church, and factory. He also, emphasized that building is a structure
with an envelope and walls standing more or less permanently in one place, such as house
or factory. Buildings come in shapes, sizes, and functions, and have been adapted
throughout history for a purposeful use.

That is why Obiegbu, (2003) states that buildings are enclosure for space, designed for
specific uses, meant to control local climate, distribute services and evacuate wastes. In
fact, building, being an essential part of human existence, is regarded as a basic need of
mankind and ranks second to food, (Ogunoh, 2014). He maintained that building is a
human imperative without which man’s survival is inconceivable. That is why people
and building are inseparable. As Akinsola and Iyagba, (2006) put it, that the existence of
a building structure is a basic necessity in every society, that their presence in most cases,
determines the level of growth and development in any developing society. In another
study, Mohamed, (2005) states that adequate residential accommodation and related
facilities constitutes one of the essentials of good life and therefore, a major requirement
of an efficient and satisfied labour force. Again, this constitutes the foundation of a
satisfactory community life. In other words, buildings are elements in the package of
basic needs, which a community would like to procure for better living (Ogunoh, 2014).

Generally, buildings are designed and constructed to provide healthy comfortable

environment, create a conducive atmosphere for working, living and learning (Okolie,
2011). In addition, a healthy building is one that adversely affects neither the health of its
occupants nor the large environment (Hal Leven, 1995). According to Okoye and
Ogunoh, (2008), buildings are expected to function effectively throughout their expected
life span. In a nutshell according to Ogunoh, (2014), a building must function to
accommodate the activities for which it is built, and provides comfortable indoor and
outdoor climates to its occupants.

Actually, for many decades, there have been much negligence of sound insulation in
buildings; therefore the benefits accompanied with it could not be achieved. It is certain
that man spend most of his time in the buildings and partly for outdoor activities. Lack of
sound insulation in building is a nuisance to the occupants because noise can easily
transmit from one room to the other or from part of the building to the other part.

Consequently, for buildings to meet these basic requirements, they require sound
insulation materials. Sound control in building, especially in public buildings is the
measure by which transmission of sound from inside to outside and vice versa is
prevented (Smith, 1971). Sound control in public buildings is the basic principles of
acoustics associated with the direction of disturbing noise/sound intensity in decibels
which affects our physical experience of all things with the vicinity of our abode.

For many years now, people have been neglecting the inherent benefits associated with
sound control in building. It is not a hidden truth that all over the world today individuals
and governments now invest on radio/television station (studio). Sound transmitted from
the studio to a caller during any program held in the studio if not well constructed and
insulated may cause nuisance or unintelligibly hearing. In terms of sound penetration and
transmission, it is necessary in a radio/television station (studio) room to consider the
way in which sound behaves with the space itself in order to ensure that speech or music
can be heard intelligibly. Any sound that leaks out of the studio into the neighborhood
and surrounding apartment is acquired to a significant extent, as an annoyance. Hence to
provide effective sound insulations in broadcasting house adequate provisions are made
from the design stage to the actual execution (construction stage).

In most developed countries of the world there exist building ordinances as regards
noise/sound/insulation regulation in buildings. Emphatically, the building code for sound
control should be introduced to prevent and be used in constructions for the third world
countries also.
Sound control in a public building entails proper method of construction and treatment of
the building with acoustical materials. The mounting of acoustical materials should be
done under strict carefulness and supervision of an acoustical engineer according to
Udeh, (2017).
Adopting suitable acoustic measures can control internal sound in the room or hall, the
measure adopted to prevent external sound from entering the hall and its disturbance
effect inside, all under the name of sound control.
Acoustic is a science of sound as applied to buildings. It deals with the origin,
propagation and auditory sensation of sound, knowledge is used for the design and
construction of radio, television state with proper acoustical conditions (Smith, 1971). It
is also used for the design and construction of theatres. It can be used for correcting
acoustical faults in existing structures. It also includes the sound absorption and
dissipation of external noise. Sound insulation concerns the method of preventing
intrusion of sound and compact noise into an inhabited space in a building either from a
neighboring space, or from the outdoors. Sound is generated in the air when a surface is
vibrated. The vibrating surface waves of compression and refraction in the air and these
sets the eardrum vibrating. The movement of eardrum is translated by the brain into
sound sensation, when noise is generated the room, the distance between the source and
the wall is so small that there is little or no reduction due to distance. According to Udeh,
(2017), when sound waves strikes the surface of a room, three things occur;
Some of the sound is reflected back into the room.
Some of the energy is absorbed by the surface and dissipated in the form of heat
Some of the sound waves set the walls, floors and ceiling vibration.
Thus, setting up sound waves outside the room depends on the construction of the
walls, floor, windows, and doors that is the sound insulation values of the elements.
In design production for sound control, architect, and acoustical engineers should
consider among other things, the type of insulation methods to be used for the walls,
ceilings, floors and fittings, fixtures and appliances installed in the building.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem that ignited this research on sound control is the potential of far reaching
health hazards noise can cause to employees/workers working in the studio and occupants
outside the studio. The need for sound insulation results from the necessity to improve the
comfort of the studio workers/users. This brought about the need to make the entire
building free of noise, which causes discomfort or dissatisfaction to the users.
In radio or television houses, several factors contribute to sound or air pollution which
include motor traffic, human traffic both on the road and which the building, improper
planning of the building and its environment. The banging of doors noise emanating from
other electrical/electronic equipment in the house and poor construct techniques etc.

Because of the role radio or television houses play in the sustenance of social economics
and political activities in Nigeria, there arises the need to verify the causes of sound or
noise penetration into studio and the possible remedy to it.

But the problem is that an average Nigerian has a poor attitude towards sound control in
building, especially public buildings, government owned properties, and theatres (Udeh,
2017). When that sound control programme is in line with the words of Bastidas, (1998)
should be a continuous operation to keep the building in the best form of use and to
ensure the use of the building as broadcasting purpose, in order to prolong the expectance
of the building.

Unfortunately, lack of sound control in buildings (studio), especially in public buildings

in Nigeria has led to unproductive broadcasting environments in the Nigerian
broadcasting system (Osuagwu, 2011). The implication of this is that the studios in our
country are unhealthy with non acoustic material application and cracked buildings.
This, according to Onwuka, (2011) seriously undermines the goals and objectives of
national policy on sound control. The reasons for this state of affairs, according to Okie
and Amobi, (2009) are mismanagement of funds, lack of quality acoustic materials
applied in building, and location of the building.

Ogunoh, (2017) also lamented on the general tendency in this country to regard sound
control unproductive. This attitude he said, has resulted in the general cracks of our
public buildings. Okoye and Ogunoh, (2008) state that cracks in buildings and unwanted
noise in our environment, as a result of lack of controlling sound with some quality
acoustic materials depress the quality of life, and contribute in no small measures to
antisocial behavior of the citizens of Nigeria and development. In fact, the quality of
human life is generally dependent on the quality of buildings and its surrounding
environment especially in public buildings. Sound control neglect of public buildings
will lead to deterioration of the components of the building with discomfort on the users
and contents.
Imo state broadcasting service (orient fm) is one of the broadcasting stations in Nigeria.
According to Udeh, (2013), the studio is known to be one of the fastest growing
industries with lot of development schemes and investments. In its growth rate, there has
been serious increase in the rate of construction, from control room, machine room and
studio itself. A significant proportion of the broadcasting stations annual budget (about 30
percent)is spent on application of acoustic material, servicing and maintenance of those
materials (Esther Obong Egbuna, 2018). She maintains that, the built-up areas of the
station have increased approximately by 45 percent over a decade (2008-2018). The
efficient inclusion of acoustic materials in the building constitutes a challenge to the
management of the industry. These therefore, constitute a problem and motivation for this

In Nigerian today, the noise level produced by many sources of noise is on the immense.
In the urban area where there is regular traffic like vehicles, aircraft, motorcycles, etc, the
noise level is very high and needs attention as these posses a lot of environmental health
hazard in the form of noise pollution of people residing there Udeh, (2017). Noise within
building is getting high as there continues to be importation of highly sophisticated
gadgets (electronics) like cable, television, compact disc, home theatre system. Noise
control becomes difficult, as the owner would want a continuous enjoyment of his
gadgets while it is posing a nuisance to his neighbors.

In radio station (studio), if not well constructed and organized, noise produced or
generated by the equipments in the studio might often create an unintelligible hearing of
the people in the studio and the callers (phone callers) if any program is being conducted
in the studio.
During the design of radio/television transmission house (studio), a design principle,
which is unavoidably considered, is the elimination of echo, but this principle most times
thoroughly considered is not achieved because of the neglecting of the usage of
appropriate acoustic materials.
In Nigeria today, it would be observed that the country does not suffer from cold weather
because of its location on the tropical zone, rather the problem would be on how to
reduce noise penetration because noise is disastrous and detrimental to health.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

This research work is aimed at evaluating sound control measure in radio transmission
rooms (studio) and how to minimize sound in buildings.
This is achieved through the following objective;
To determine types of sound in the study area.
To evaluate the sources of sound (noise) in the study area.
To analyze the effect of sound in buildings (broadcasting station).
To recommend measures on how to control sound in buildings.

1.4 Research Questions

What are the types of sound in the study area?
What are the sources of sound (noise) in the study area?
What are the effects of sound in buildings (broadcasting station)?
What measures are to be recommended in order to control sound in buildings?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Sound control in public building in Nigeria has not been accorded the needed attention
observed by Ethelbert, (2013). According to Onwuka, (2011), sound control is still a
developing field of knowledge and expertise. As a result of this, sound control culture
poses a great problem to this country. So the primary aim of every research is to
contribute and update the existing knowledge on the subject under study. This research
therefore, provides data for effective best practices in our radio broadcasting stations.
The results would assist policy makers in proposing actual improvements of sound
control in public buildings. The research, would also provide information on the causes
and effects of sound in buildings, and highlight ways of formulating, implementing and
regulating the control of sound in buildings especially public buildings. This improves
building conditions, sustain the habitability of our environment, and improve the
economic activities needed for a vibrant economy.

The reason (goal) of this research is to make amendments in the ways, techniques and
methods of constructing a studio to control sound in order to justify both the people
working in the studio and the people outside i.e. people that call the station through
phone during a program and to also reduce reverberation (echo).

1.6 Research Hypotheses

Based on the objectives of this research, the following null hypotheses were formulated
and tested in the cause of this research:
Hypothesis 1. H0: Lack of applying acoustic materials in a studio do not significantly
affect the activities carried out in the studio.
Hypothesis2.H0: The design and construction of public buildings do not
significantly cause noise pollution in buildings.

1.7 Scope and Delimitation

The research specifically evaluated sound control in building in orient fm studio. The
Orient FM whose transmitting frequency is 94.4 megahertz while its television authority
(IBC) has the transmitting channel at 59. Both the Television and the FM channels
transmit on 30-kilowatts capacity transmitters. Both the radio and television station is
located at Achike Udenwa Avenue, New Owerri, PMB 1129, Owerri, Imo State.

The study holistically assessed the types of design, the types of acoustic materials used in
the building as well as causative factors of noise in the building and how to minimize it.
Furthermore, it recommends measures on how to minimize noise in the building (studio)
in the case study. Any radio station under construction or yet to be constructed at th time
of this research was not studied.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

However, no research work goes without short comings. There was problem of data
collection from offices for reasons of bureaucratic bottle neck and official secret
syndrome. There was also lack of co-operation of some staff and students who failed to
understand the purpose of the research. There was a limited publication and research
works on sound control in public buildings, especially in a developing country like
Nigeria. Due to the fact that the research was simultaneously conducted in owerri, more
personnel (research assistants, professionals such as builders, engineers, architects) were
needed to administer the questionnaires. This gave rise to some financial constraints.
Some questionnaires were lost in the hands of the respondents, though, they were

1.9 Assumptions of the Study

According to Leedy and Ormrod, (2010), assumptions are conditions that are taken for
granted. The following underlying assumptions was therefore made and held constant in
carrying out this research. The assumptions also provided a direction to the understanding
of the research as conceptualized;
Public Buildings are essential major facilities and therefore constitute;
Financial resources for design and construction of a broadcasting station will always be
Some of the respondents are experienced enough and well informed to give authoritative
feedback on the information sought and
Design, construction and operational effectiveness of public buildings in Nigeria must be
considered as factors that positively contribute to development.
The sources of data for the research are authentic and reliable.

1.10 Study Area

1.10.1 Imo state
Imo State is one of the seven states created by the Federal Military Government on
February 3, 1976 during Murtala Muhammed regime. Hitherto, the area known as Imo
State was part of the defunct east central state which was one of the twelve states initially
created by the Federal Military Government (General Yakubu Gowon’s regime) in 1976.
With the creation of more states in 1991 by General Ibrahim Babangida, Abia State was
carved out from Imo State. The new Imo State is divided into twenty seven (27) Local
Government areas (LGAs), and three senatorial zones. Situated in south eastern Nigeria,
Imo state covers an area of 5,530 square kilometers. Imo state shares boundaries with
Enugu and Ebonyi State to the north, Anambra State to the west, Rivers State to the South
and in the North, Cross River and Akwaibom State to the East. The inhabitants of Imo
State are Igbo. The official language of the state is Igbo alongside English. Imo state has
a rich cultural heritage. This is manifested in dressing, music, dance, festivals, arts and
crafts. Imo state derives its name from Imo River, which takes its course from the
Okigwe upland. It lies within latitudes of 4 045’N and 7015’N, and longitude 6015’E and
7025’E. Imo State has many rivers. The main rivers in the state are Imo River, Nworie,
Otamiri and Njaba. The major lakes are in Oguta and Abadaba in Obowu Local
Government area.

The main streams draining the state are Imo, Otamiri, Njaba and Orasi rivers, all of which
have very few tributaries. With the exception of Imo River, this runs through the area
underlain by the Imo Shales, other rivers rise within the coastal plain sands. Generally,
river valleys constitute the major physical features, which are often marshy. The
vegetation is tropical rain forest. Imo State has an estimated population of about 4.8
million and the population density varies from 230-1,400 people per square kilometer.
The state is culturally homogeneous as it is a predominantly Igbo speaking state with
minor differences in dialects. Imo State has a very rich cultural heritage and this is
manifested in dressing, music, dance, festivals, arts and crafts, and the traditional
hospitality of the people. Imo State indigenes are predominantly Christians of different
denominations, but mostly Catholicism. Some people in the state still practice traditional
religions. Therefore choosing these towns for study in Imo State was not done by chance.

(Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1 Map of Nigeria, showing Imo State (Study Area)
Source: National Space Research and Development Agency , 2018.
I.10.2 Owerri West
Owerri West is a Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in
the town of Umuguma. Owerri West Local Government is administered under the terms
of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Elections to the office of the
Chairman of the local government are held through nominations by registered political
parties as stipulated by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, under the
supervision of Imo State Electoral Commission. Owerri West was carved out of the
former Owerri Local Government Area in 1996. A very large portion of the local
government constitutes the capital city of Imo State, Nigeria.
It has an area of 295 km² and a population of 99,265 at the 2006 census.
The postal code of the area is 460.[1]
The Owerri West Local Government Headquarters is situated at the heart of Umuguma
community by the central market square

Prominent locations in Owerri West include:

Federal Polytechnic Nekede

Federal University of Technology Owerri - located at Ihiagwa and Eziobodo

Federal Secretariat - located at Umuguma along Port Harcourt Road

State Secretariat

General Hospital Umuguma

World Bank Housing Estates Umuguma, Area L, M, N

Federal Housing Estate Umuguma

Imo State Housing Estate Umuguma and Concord Hotel

Figure 1.2
Figure 1.2 Map of Imo State, showing Owerri (Study Area)
Source: Nigeria zip code map
Sound: Is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through some
medium (like air or water), composed of frequencies which are within the range of
Control: Means the power to influence or direct people’s behaviour or the course of
events. It can also be determine the behaviours or supervise the running of event or
Acoustic: Is a science of sound as applied to buildings. It deals with the origin,
propagation and auditory sensation of sound, knowledge is used for the design and
construction of radio/television station (studio) with proper acoustical conditions, its
materials is used to prevent reverberation.
Acoustic Material: This is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties,
especially it properties of absorbing or deadening sound. Acoustic materials are things
that have the ability to absorb redundant noise and enhance transmission of sound.
Reverberation: Is the collection of reflected sounds from the surfaces in an enclosure
like an auditorium. It is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original
sound is produced. To quantitatively characterize the reverberation, the parameter called
reverberation time is used.
Reverberation Time: Is perceived as the time for the sound to die away after the sound
source leases, but that of course depends upon the intensity of the sound.

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