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1. Adaptation
2. Habitat
3. Terrestrial
4. Aquatic
5. Aerial
6. Amphibian
7. Arboreal
8. Parasite
9. Camouflage
10. Hibernation
11. Aestivation
12. Migration
Flip chart showing Adaptive features:
 Terrestrial animals
 Aerial animals
 Amphibians
 Arboreal animals
 Aquatic animals
Mind map
 Animals based on their eating habits
1. Hibernation- The long winter sleep of animals to save energy is
called hibernation
2. Aestivation- The long summer sleep of animals to avoid
extreme heat is called as aestivation
3. Migration- The movement of animals from one place to
another for feeding, breeding or to escape harsh weather is
called migration.
4. Camouflage – The ability of some animals to change its skin
color to match with the surroundings is called camouflage.
Answer the following
1. How are animals classified based on their habitat?
Ans) Terrestrial, Aquatic, Aerials, Amphibians, Arboreals
2. How do the following animals protect themselves from
Ans) Buffaloes and elephants- stay in groups and form circle
around the young ones to protect them.
Deer and Kangaroos- Run very fast
Rhinoceros and Buffaloes- Have horns
Tortoise and snails- Hide in their hard shell
Porcupine- Sharp spines
Polar bear, Stick insect, chameleon- Camouflage
Cuttle fish- Releases ink which makes the water blue

3. How is camouflage helpful to animals?

Ans) Camouflage helps animals to find their prey and to hide
from enemies.
4. Why do animals migrate? Name an animal that migrate.
Ans) Animals migrate for food, breeding and to escape harsh
climate. Eg: Siberian crane
5. How do animals prepare themselves for hibernation?
Ans) The animals eat a lot of food during summer and store the
extra food in their body in the form of fat. When they hibernate,
they use the extra fat stored in their body to survive.
6. Discuss the features of bat that help it fly?
Ans) The wings of the bat are made of thin layers of skin which are
stretched across the arms and fingers.
7. Mention any 2 ways to protect endangered animals
Ans) Do not hunt wild animals.
Avoid the use of leather products.
1. If a polar bear decides to go and live in desert, would it be able
to survive. Justify your answer.
Ans) No, the polar bear won’t be able to survive in the desert
because its body features are not suitable for living in the desert.
It has thick fur and a thick layer of fat under its skin which traps
more heat.

2. If we put our hand in water for some time, it gets wrinkled but
the skin of the fish does not get affected in water. Why?
Ans) Fishes have scales on their body that are water proof and do
not let water come in contact with the skin.

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