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Agglomeration of Milk Powder and Its Influence on

Reconstitution Properties
E. NEFF ~ and H. A. L. MORRIS
Department of: Food Technology, Massey University
Palmerston North, New Zealand

Abstract enlargement or agglomeration operations used

Powder granulation involving rewetting, in many industries. One operation is that of
granulation, drying', and screening has been wet granulation used in the pharmaceutieaI
used to simulate commercial instantizing of and fertilizer industries.
nonfat dried milk (NteDM). Effects of Undoubtedly. much work has been done oll
rewetting moisture on dispersibility, sink- the agglomeration of food powders and, in
ability, solubility, bulk density, and poros- particular NFDd,[, by instantizing processes.
ity of the redried granulated product bare Unfortunately little has been published, as most
been studied, with effects of particle size instantizing processes are patented. Neverthe-
on reeonstitution. Rewetting moisture is less, the paucity of information indicates the
most critical in actual granule formation, difficulty in conducting controlled experiments
a sharp break point occurring at 11-12% in commercially available instantizing equip-
moisture, and optinmm conditions for re- ment.
constitution coinciding with this point. The rewetting moisture content during ag-
Granulation increased dispersibility of glomeration is acknowledged as commercially
powder from 41 to 62% at optinmm re- important, but the range of rewetting moistures
wetting conditions, whereas beyond the specified in patents shows great variation, and
break point there occurred a sharp de- appears to be the basis of differences between
crease in dispersibility and solubility. patents. ]d~or example, Peebles (22) specified
Optimum particle or granule size for the an optimum rewetting moisture of 15% ; Louder
reconstitution has been determined by and Hodson (15) an optinmm of 5.5%; and
sieve fractionation of the granulated prod- Scott (24) specified 10-14% rewetting n,oisture.
uct. Particle size of 200 > represented Processes for instantizing milk powders are
optinmm dispersibility associated with in- described by Bullock (5).
finite sinkability. Two major variables Peck (21) and Little and Mitchell (14) de-
influencing reeonstitution of instantized scribe wet granulation practices in the phar-
NFD.K are rewetting moisture and particle umceutical industw, giving no quantitative
size of the redried product. moisture requirements.
More £undamental research has been done
It is well known that nonfat dried nfilk on the mechanism of granule formation frmn
(NF1)M) a~d other powders, sucl~ as chocolate moist powdered material, such as moist sand,
mix, sugars, starches, etc., may be instantized in a troubling-type drum mixer by Newitt and
by a rewetting'-redrying process. Mort and Conway-Jones (20) and Capes and Danek-
Hedriek (18) emphasized the importance of wefts (6). Newitt and Conway-Jones (20) de-
instantizing in the United States and stated scribe three states of water in an assembly of
that practically all NFD;~{ for home use was spherical particles, viz., pendular, funicular,
instantized. Hall and Hedrick (9) described and capillary state. The capillaw state is a
the manufacture of instant milk powders, while saturation of the voids between particles with
other agglomerated and instantized food pow- liquid. These workers postulate that in granu-
ders are discussed by Moore et al. (17), Claus latiou a kneading action occurs, resulting in
and Brooks (7), Miller and Powell (16), and decreasing internal pore space; hence, if suf-
Lachmann (13). ficient water is present the pores may become
What is not well recognized, bowever, is saturated to form stable granules. Capes and
that instantizing processes are similar to size Danckwerts (6) extended this work and showed
Received for loubliea.tion June 20, 1967. that in granulation of sand significant growth
Present address: Department of Agriculture, of granules occurred only when liquid contents
Melbourne, Australia. This work was done at were equal to between 90 and 110% of the
Massey University during tenure of an Australian amount required to l]tl tim voids in a highly
Dairy Produce Boa.rd Studentship. compacted sample. S~ituration or' voids in the

aggregated particles with liquid is necessary Experimental Procedure

to obtain a stable system. Dispersibility. The dispersibility of the
Another important factor affecting reconsti- NFDM powders and granules was deternfined
tution characteristics of powder is particle size. by a modification of the American D17 Milk
However, conclusive evidence is lacking con- Institute (ADMI) method, described by Neff
cerning the optimum particle size for milk and Morris (19). Dispersibility is expressed as
powder as revealed by King (12). the percentage of powder reconstituted under
Bockian et al. (4) noted that instant pow- conditions of test.
ders consisted of very large aggregates of SinkabiIity index. The sinkability index of a
180-840 ~, and suggested that this may be one powder was determined by the method of Neff
of the main factors affectin~ disoersibility of and Morris (19), being expressed as mg of
instant N:FDM. Similarly, Peebles (22) con- powder sinking per minute per em-~ of area.
sidered it important that ap~)roximately g0% Solubility index. This was deternfined by
of instant NFDM have particle sizes greater the ADMI method (1), being expressed as ml
{hun 74 t~ to obfain a powder of desired charac- of' sediment.
Bulk density, particle density, and porosity.
Swanson (25) fractionated tmwders into dif- These properties of a powder were determined
:ferent sizes and concluded that NFDM particles by a hexane displacement method, described by
of 30-50 ~ in diameter seemed to wet and dis- Beckett et al. (3). The method measures the
perse most readily, whereas, sizes on either side bulk density and porosity of a loosely compac-
showed decreased dispersibility. Baker and ted sample. Bulk density and particle density
Bertok (2) sieve-fractionated powders and con- are expressed as g/ee, while porosity is ex-
cluded that decreased particle size was associ-
pressed as ec of voids per cc of bulk powder.
ated with decreased wettability and dispersibil-
Moisture. Moisture was determined by dry-
ing weighed samples in a fan-assisted air oven
Hall and Hedrick (9) stated that manufac- at 102-103 C for three hours. Moisture was
turers of instant N]~DM are fully aware of the expressed on a wet weight basis.
importance of particle size. They describe a
State of lactose in NFDM. The railk powder
desirable particle distribution as being in the
was examined for crystalline lactose by polar-
range 100-500 tL; no more than 10-15% of
ized light microscopy, as described by King
weight of particles should be less than 150
in diameter. Similarly, Claus and Brooks (7)
dealt with the properties of instantized wheat Sieve separatim~. Sieving of samples was
flours, emphasizing increased particle size. done using British Standards test sieves, to-
gether with a mechanical sieve vibrator. All
Researchers have shown the importance of
powder handling and sieving was done in a
particle size on dispersion of a food powder, room held at a relative humidity of 40%, to
although there appears to be little evidence for nfinimize moisture pickup and facilitate han-
specifying an optimum size, even for NFDM. dling.
Pyne and Coulter (23) emphasized that there Procedure for granulation. A granu]ation
must exist an optimum size corresponding to procedure, similar to that used in the phar-
maximum dispersibility. They found that dis- maceutical industry as described by Peck (21),
persion of milk powders is inversely propor- was adopted. A mixer (Kenwood Chef model)
tional to the surface-to-mass ratio while the was used for the first two steps. This mixer
rate of solution is directly proportional to this employs planetary motion, ensuring thorough
ratio. I t is reasonable to deduce, therefore, that nfixing. The beater was used for the rewetting
an optimum surface-to-mass ratio, or particle operation, while the colander and sieve at-
size, exists, and is related to optimum re- tachment was used to force moistened particles
constitution characteristics. through a screen, having a rotating paddle
fitted with scraper blades which travel over the
It was the aim of our study to simulate
surface of a screen inside the colander bowl.
an agglomeration process, applying the prin- I n this study the finer of the two screens was
ciples of wet granulation. Once a simulated employed, having holes of 1,600 ~ in diameter.
instantizing process has been developed, it can The speed of the mixer was regulated with a
then readily be employed to study some of the variable voltage control, as the control for the
hasie factors controlling the process; such as, Kenwood could not be regulated to low speeds.
effects of rewetting moisture and of particle The four steps used in this procedure were
size on the reconstitution properties of NFDM. as follows :
.J. DAIRY SOlE~OE YOL. 51, NO. 3
332 N E F I ~~ A N D MORRIS

1). Two hundred grams of powder were hy wtwing screen size. For this purpose special
placed in the mixer bowl and the heater set screens were e(mstrncted by soldering standard
in motion. The quantity of water needed was wire mesh on to a perforated supporting base
allowed to drip slowly and in stages. Regular plate to fit into the colander attachment of
manual stirring with a rubber plate scraper was the Kenwood Chef mixer.
also used to eliminate quiescent spots in the 3). The moist granules were spread on to
mixer. Mixing required 10-15 minutes. Through- a tray and air-dried at 60 C in a fan-assisted
out this work, powder samples and water were dryer for 50-60 minutes, drying time being ad-
used at 18 C.
justed to give a final product of 3.0-4.0%
2). Af t er allowing the moistened mix to
moisture. The granules on the drying tray
stand for 5-10 minutes, granulation was done
in the colander and sieve attachment. F o r most were stirred periodically during d r y i n g
of this work the moistened N F D M was granu- 4). The dried granules were passed through
lated through a screen having holes 1,600 tL in a 2,000-/* (B.S. 8-mesh) sieve to eliminate large
diameter. However, granule size was also varied clumps formed during drying.

Fia. 1. Four steps in the granulation procedure. A. Mixing and rewetting of base powder. B. Granu-
lation in colander and sieve attachment. C. Tray drying at 60 C. D. Dry screening through 2,000-~
J , ~)AII~Y S C I E N C E ~ O L , 5 1 , NO, 3

The four stages in this procedure are de- by sampling the product after treatment in the
picted in Fig. 1. colander and sieve attachment. Some drying
occurred during granulation, as moist powder
Results and Discussion 2
was forced through the screen, but it was not
Temperature of d~'ying of granules. In dry- significant. I t was found more satisfactory to
ing moist granules it was desired to effect a sample after granulation.
minimum of heat damage. Some experimenta- Therefore, both powders were granulated
tion was done to determine a satisfactory drying corresponding to a range of rewetting mois-
temperature-time combination which would give tures. They were analyzed for dispersibility,
minimum damage. The solubility index of the sinkability index, solubility index, bulk density,
dried granules was the index of heat damage. and porosity. Results are presented in Figs.
Results are presented in Table 1. 2 and 3.
The effect of rewetting moisture upon actual
granule formation is shown in Fig. 4 for Niro
Effect of various drying conditions on solubility
index of granules NFDM.
The critical nature of rewetting moisture on
Drying the properties of the final product is self-
tions Initial Final Solu- evident in every respect. Firstly, the rewetting
on moist mois- tools- bility moisture content controlled the actual granulat-
granules tm'e ture index
i ,
(%) - - (ml)
70 iIi'"' ' ' = ' NIRO NFDM
Control Niro BREAK PT, AT
NFDM 3.5 0.] 0 11-5% MOIST.
43 C/165 mia 11.5 4.~0 0.10
49 C/100 rain 11.5 3.7 0.10 0
54 C/100 rain 11.5 3.3 0.15 J 50
60 C/ 55 rain 11.5 3.2 0.] 0
71 C/ 35 min 11.5 3.2 0.40 i
-w 30- 01 BREAK PT. AT --'~J'
As can be seen for granules, initially at ~1 12'2°/oMOIST. ~ "
11.5% moisture no heat damage was reflected
in the solubility index until the drying tempera- i

ture was raised above 60 C. I t was, therefore, 10- 1

decided to tray-dry all granules at 60 C for
50-60 minutes, i.e., to reduce moistures to 3.0- ,4
; ; 1'o 1~2 14 16 1'8
4.0% 8-0- I ~ / INFINITE
Effect of rewetting moisture. As discussed SINKABIL[TY Ar
earlier, there is considerable evidence to sug- MOISTURE AND
gest the importance of rewetting moisture in U 6,0- Ji NIRO ABOVE
determining stable granule or agglomerate for- Oi N F D M 7
mation. But, there is no evidence of the effect zaL9
of rewetting moisture on the properties of 4o zo,,
instant powders such as instant NFD3/[. Em- 1
ploying the technique of wet granulation, it I
is possible to study such relationships.
Two samples of commercial NFDM, viz., 2.0 ~,
,4 ; ~; lb ;2 & ;s 1;
Niro N F D M and Rogers NFDIV[, were granu- I
10, t
lated over a range of rewetting moistures. All ,
these samples were granulated through the 8. I
1,600-t~ screen and then dried and sieved as I

described. Rewetting moistures were determined ~" ~w J[

jl,~ ~1 POIN('~ ? ROGERS
Samples of NFDM employed have been desig- O_z
t ~x
j Oi \ ~ / 1 NFDM
nated Niro NFDM mtd Rogers NFDM, referring
to the spray dryers used in manufacture. Such
reference has been included for the sake of com- C, ,A ,,~~ - -- - O - --
I i - i - T I I I
pleteness only, and is not intended to discriminate 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20'
between these or any other types of spray dryers, REWETTING MOISTURE % WEIGHT
nor are the samples necessarily typical of the FIG. 2. Properties of granulated nonf&t dr 3-
spray dryers. milks (redried).
334 N~F~ ~ D ~oaazs

0"60 ;, i I i i , , itt and Conway-Jones (20) and Capes and


0-55- % ROGERS Danekwerts (6). Taking the break point for

NFDM at 12% moisture, the comparison is
~m 0,50. made in Table 2. A break point moisture of
', 12% is comparable to 16.4% on a v / v basis,
wj :
and to 16% void saturation as compared with
~ 0.40- 96% void saturation for the granulation of sand.
~. ~'I NFDM ~ ~ I / This shows clearly that void saturation is not
necessary in the granulation of a noninert
powder such as NFDM, adhesion o£ particles
0-30- I ~/g
in this case no doubt being assisted by dissolved
0-25 i solids to form a binder solution.
,,; ~ ; 6 1'2 ~'~ & ?s
I The effect of rewetting moisture upon the re-
0.8- ~ BREAK POINT constitution characteristics of the redried granu-
lated powders is shown in Fig. 2. The dispersi-
I NFDM f - ' l l ~-~
bility of both Niro NFDM and Rogers NFDM
could be increased markedly, optimum condi-
tions coinciding with break point rewetting.
ou g', x"~"- ROGERS ~0. At this optimum, dispersibility values are equal
~- U 0,' ~,, ~- NFDM
0"6. to those of instant powders, as revealed by
analysis of commercial samples by Neff and
Morris (19). The sinkability index of the Niro
NFDM increases with increases in rewetting
nmisture. At break point rewetting and above
the sinkability index has been termed infinite,
Fro, 3, Properties of grmmlatecl non,fat dry as the granules lose all tendency to float on the
milks (redried). surface of the water. Siukability index values
were not determined for the Rogers NFDM,
ing process. With increasing moisture content a but showed an identical trend when examined
point was reached where the granulated product qualitatively. The solubility index of samples
changed from a fluffy powder with a poor flow shows a sharp increase beyond break point re-
to well-formed granules of excellent flow prop- wetting, whereas below break point, solubility
erties. The point at which this change oc- indices are satisfactory and would pass ADMI
curred has been called the break point~ and may standards of 1.0 ml.
be detected in Fig. 4. The increase in dispersibility and sinkability
It is interesting to compare the break point index up to the break point suggests that this
moistures obtained in the granulation of NFDM is due to the process of size enlargement. De-
with those for the granulation of sand by New- creased dispersibility beyond break point is
more difficult to explain and nmst be attributed
to increase in solubility index; that is, the
decrease in solubility proper of granules pro-
duced at these higher rewetting moistures. Two
further observations giving evidence of the


Comparison of brea.k point moistures in the granu-

lation of sand and nonfat dry milk
Density :g/co 2.61 1.20
Void volume:ec void 0.270 0.83
g solid
(=0.50 ce/ec)
Granulation break point at:
Moisture v/v 68% 16.4%
Fro. 4. Samples of redried granulated Niro Moisture cc/g 0.260 0.136
nonfat dry milk showing effect of rewetting mois- Void saturation 96% 16%
ture upon granule formation.
5. DAIR.Y SCIENCE ~OL. 51, NO. 3

critical nature of the rewetting nmisture were dispersibility Of the powder, it will be shown
made : that the effect of particle size also is most im-
1) Granules produced at above break point portant.
rewetting appeared to be more yellow than Peebles (22) in his instantizing patent of
samples below break point. This could be p a r t l y N F D M notes that optinmm rewetting, e.laimed
attributed to an optical effect, due to increased to be 15% moisture, corresponds with a mini-
particle size (demonstrated by grinding up mmn bulk density of the product. He states
granules to a finer particle size), but it was that if too much water is introduced, it becomes
concluded that some of this color change was readily apparent by a decrease in the apparent
due to a chemical effect. bulk of the material. Peebles stated this as
2) During rewetting of NFDM, then at a qualitative observation, whereas our study has
approximately 14% rewetting moisture, the shown conclusively the critical nature of re-
mix passed through a definite doughy stage. wetting moisture upon both dispersibility char-
This is as if a gel state had been formed during acteristics and bulk density of the product.
mixing. Another interesting point emerges from Figs.
These observations suggest that at above 2 and 3 when comparing Niro ~ F D M and
break point moistures, additional water is avail- R ~ ' e r s N F D M ; uamely, the very narrow range
able for reaction above the minimum required of rewetting moistures over which the Rogers
to act as a binding liquid for granulation. The N F D M may be instantized. This result illus-
possibility exists that some of this water may trates the notion held in the dried milk industry
combine with protein to form a gel; removal in the United States float some types of N F D 3 I
of such water would be more difficult upon are comparatively difficult to instantize. The
subsequent drying" and could account for the reason for this is not clear, although it was
increased solubility index and decreased dis- noted in our work that the sample of Rogers
persibility. F u r t h e r support for the critical N F D M had an extremely low mean particle
nature of this rewetting moisture comes from s~_ze, being less than 10 tL.
a study of the browning reaction, with as- Effect of particle size. A p a r t from having
sociated insolubilization, in a N F D M system. elucidated optimum rewetting conditions, it
Such changes are comprehensively discussed by would be desirable to determine optimmn par-
Coulter et at. (8). I t is noted that moisture is ticle size of N F D M with respect to dispersibil-
an important factor in determining rate of ity. This was approached in three ways: I )
browning', the optimmn moisture for browning Granulation through different size screens at
in a N F D M system being approximately 12- above break point moistures; 2) sieving of large
~4%. sample produced at break point rewetting to
Samples of the redried granulated Niro give different size fractions; 3) grinding of
N F D M were also examined for state of lac- large sample of granules produced at above
tose. I t was found that as rewetting moisture break point rewetting, followed by sieving to
increased, there was a gradual increase of obtain different size fractions.
crystalline lactose, with a shal~p change to pre- Granula.tion thro.ugh diff'ere~t .~ize screens.
dominantly crystalline lactose coinciding" again Batches of Niro N F D M were moistened as
with break point rewetting conditions. described, using the same quantity of rewetting
The bulk density and porosity measurements water in each case, so as to yield granules of
shown in Fig. 3 are quite interesting, especially approximately 14% moisture before redrying.
when compared with the corresponding dis- Instead of grauulation being achieved through
persibility curves in Fig. 2. Again it is seen the 1,600-~ screen, as in all the other work, in
that minimum bulk density values, or maximum this case granulation was done through the
porosities, coincide with break point conditions. specially manufactured screens of differing
The strong correlation observed between dis- mesh size. Screens down to 80 mesh were manu-
persibilities of samples and their porosities (or factured, but the finest mesh through which
inversely, bulk densities) is interesting, in moistened N F D M could be granulated was 40
view of the findings of H a r p e r et al. (10). mesh. Increasing difficulty was encountered
They consider that the concentration of milk in forcing the moistened mix through the
solids in the vicinity of powder particles is an screens, as the mesh aperture size was de-
important factor in their instant solubility; creased. This was evident in drying which oc-
hence, the lower the bulk density the higher curred during actual granulation--increasing
the instant solubility of a powder. Although difficulty in granulation leading to greater
the effect of increasing porosity as the break moisture loss. This can be seen in Table 3,
point is approached would certainly assist the showing the moisture contents of the granulated
J. DAIRY SCIE~-CE V(>L. 51, NO. 3

Moist.ur~ content of nonfat dry milk granulated 70" NIRO NFDM
through different size screens GRANULATED AT 11,6%
size Aperture Moisture ~_ 50-
(~) (%) aWL~
]0 Mesh 2,000 14.0 fL ~ 30-
Kenwood screen 1,600 13.6 2O-
]6 Mesh 1,000 13.7 GRANULATED AT 14°/oMOtSTURE
30 Mesh 500 13.3 ~0- (REDRIED AND GROUND )
40 Mesh 390 12.7
o 26o 460 680 860 ~obo

samples. All batches were rewet with equal INFINITE SINKAGILITy
9.O- ~ /~ NIRO NFDM
quantities of water, and moistures were de- --GRANULATED AT 14°/o MO[STURE
~ermined on the granulated NFD~I. 5.O" (REDRIED AND GROUND)

Since the same amount of moisture was added 7.0-

to all five batches initially, these samples may _z 8O-
be assmned to represent equivalent rewetting
~5 . . . . . . . . . . . .
umistures (viz,, 14.0%), the only variable being /~GRANULATED AT 11'E°1~ MOISTURE
m--~ 4-0" (REDRIED)
the granulation size. Good granules were <Z
formed in all cases.
Samples were analyzed for dispersibility .(

porosity, and solubility index. The results are 2.0 200 4~0 5(~0 5~0 10'00 ~200
presented in Fig. 5.
Sieving of sample prod~ced at break point. FIG. 6 . E f f e c t o f p a r t i c l e size On r c c o n s t i t u t i o n
o f n o n 2 a t d r y milk.
Four batches of Niro N F D M were granu-
]ated using the ],600-t~ screen. The same quan- sieving to yield sufficient fractions in each size
tity of moisture was added to each batch to range for analysis. Eight sieve fractions were
correspond to approximately break point re- obtained and analyzed for dispersibility and
wetting. The moisture content of the moist sinkability index, the results being presented
granules was 11.6%.
in Fig. 6. In addition, a particle size distribu-
Under break point conditions a wide size tion curve was obtained and is presented in
distribution is produced in the dried product. Fig. 7.
Production of four batches, therefore, allowed
Sieving of ground granules. Four batches of
~O ~ , , , i
Niro NFDM were granulated, using the 1,600-~
screen. Again equal quantities of water were

added to each batch but this time corresponding
moisture in the moist granules. The
to 1 4 . 0 %
dried granules were then ground to give a wide
size distribution for subsequent sieving. It
was found that an attrition mill, or coffee
grinder, gave a wide size distribution suitable
for this purpose.
°1 460 8oo 12'oo
16100 2000
The ground granules were sieve-separated to
~e (REDRIED) give eight fractions, which were analyzed for
mu G,T
dispersibility and sinkability indices. The re-
2o sults are presented in Fig. 6.
From Fig. 5 it can be seen that dispersibility
~8o 88o ~2'oo ~5'o0 2obo of a redried granulated product increases as
e- NiRO NFDM the granulation size is decreased from 2,000
(REDR~ED) to 390 t~- It must be remembered that these
granules were produced by rewetting to 14.0%
J o 4-
moisture, which is well beyond the optimum for
~ •
reeonstitution. Yet, even so, the dispersibility
is increased from 25.0 to 54.3% merely by
0 o ~6o ~& dOG ~560 ~o'o0 2~oo
GRANULATION SCREEN S I Z E MICRONS decreasing granulation size. However, as wet
FIG. 5. Effect of granulation screen size on granulation could not be achieved through finer
properties of nonfat dry milk. screens, an optimum size for granulation has
~T. DAI}~¥ SCIENCE VO]J. 51, NO. 3

25 I I I i I I I I I





0 ! I
10 20 35 4S '0 1 O0 250 350 400
' 500
' '
1000 2000
Fro. 7. Particle size distribution of break point granulation of nonfat dry milk.
not been determined. All that can be deduced This phenonlenon of a particle sinking beyond
from Fig. 5 is that an optimum granulation a critical size would require a knowledge of
size will be less than 390 tL. solid-liquid surface tensions and contact angles
Porosity and solubility index determinations at the water surface for any quantitative treat-
in Fig. 5 show only very slight change with ment. However, qualitatively this change to
granulation size. This is as would be expected infinite sinkability may be explained as fol-
as, theoretically, porosity will be independent lows: The force tending to submerge a par-
of particle size, providing a population con- ticle on the surface is its weight less the buoy-
sists of spherical particles all of the same ancy effect. As the radius, R, of a particle
diameter. increases, this force will increase as a function
Figure 6 shows the effect of particle size of R ~. On the other hand, the force supporting
upon reeonstitution characteristics for a nmre the particle on the surface is due to a surface
complete particle size range. I n this instance, tension effect, being a function of perimeter in
an optimum particle size has been determined. contact with the water. This supporting force
I n both granulated powders, that is, rewetting will vary with R only. Therefore, on increase
to 11.6 and 14.0% moisture, the optinmm par- in particle size the surface perimeter-to-mass
ticle size has been determined at approximately ratio of the particle will decrease. I t is rea-
200-t~ diameter. This optimum represents op- sonable to predict, therefore, that a critical size
timum dispersibility togther with infinite sink- exists where the force tending to submerge the
ability. I t may be emphasized that the maxi- particle becomes greater than the force tending
mum dispersibility of 75% obtained for the to support the particle at the surface. This
optinmm size, optimum rewetting fraction is critical size appears to be approximately 130-
higher than any commercial instant powders 180 ~ for N F D M granules.
tested by Neff and Morris (19). F r o m the particle size distribution curve in
I t should be noted that beyond 130 and 180 Fig. 7 it is seen that at break point rewetting
particle size for the 14.0 and 11.6% rewet the final product consists of a population
granules, respectively, there was an infinite with two definite peaks at 130 and 680 F. This
sinkability index, when the powder no longer is interesting, because optimum size is ap-
floated on surface of the reconstituted liquid. proximately 200 t~, indicating that dispersibility
J . ])AIRY SCIENCE V0~. 51, NO. 3

of this p r o d u c t could be increased f u r t h e r by Physical, Chemical and Baking Characteris-

r e d u c i n g the oversize fraction. tics of Instantlzed Wheat Flours. Cereal
Since the w e i g h t f r a c t i o n a n d d i s p e r s i b i l i t y Sci. Today, 10 (2) : 41.
of each size f r a c t i o n is k n o w n ( F i g . 6 a n d 7) (8) Coulter, S. T., Jenness, R., and Geddes,
W. F. 1951. Physical and Chemical As-
in the case of the 11.6% rewet g r a n u l a t i o n , it
pects of the Production, Storage and
is possible to calculate a weighted average dis- Utility of Dry Milk Products. Advances in
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