DRILL S36 Independence

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Tema-palavra: Independence

1. INDEPENDENTE (sensível autoridade - regras) (5): adam aeth anac ARN aster AUR Bell Calc Calc-
p CAPS CARC CAUST Chin cina CON CUPR des-ac dulc FERR FL-AC hep hippo-k ign iod KALI-
C kiss lac-ac Lac-f LACH lyc mag-c mag-m mag-s Med MERC nat-ar NAT-C nat-m NICC NUX-V
phos PLAT PLB raph sec SEP Spirae spong Staph SULPH TARENT tax TUB.
2. INDEPENDENTE_auto-suficiente (needs no help from others) (rz): aur calc caust cina cupr iod
mag-c nat-ar nat-m plb
3. INDEPENDENTE_conflito entre indepedência e dependência (gh): Anac aster calc KALI-C LAC-
F sec spirae
4. INDEPENDENTE_crianças de seus pais (Lamothe): aur Bell Calc calc-p carc caust Chin kali-c
5. INDEPENDENTE_não pode ser = dependente dos outros (5): adam agar anac ars bar-a bar-ar BAR-
C bar-m bar-s BERYL CALC crot-c erb-c kali-c kali-sil kiss LAC-AC lil-t LITH-C LYC MAG-C NAT-
51. Lack of independence. [f.h2] {nat.m}
4. He imagined that he had been especially singled out for divine vengeance, and he spent the greater
part of the evening in loudly deploring his sad fate, falling suddenly asleep at intervals of a few
minutes; towards 12 o’clock he became quiet, and passed the rest of the night in a sound sleep (first
day); he was walking his room, groaning and wringing his hands; he informed me that he had
been accused of robbing a friend, and that the officers were in search of him (second day); slept
from about 6 P.M. till 5 A.M., when he was quiet, composed, and altogether in his right mind (third
morning), <e.33>. [f.a1] {kali.br}
Independent character. {lyc} [f.gl]
Not an independent mind. {lyc} [f.gl]
Want of independence (after Calcarea). {nat.m} [f.gl]
The Complete Repertory
1. dependent: absin adam AGAR alab alum-s ars astac bar-br bar-c bar-s beryl-n calc calc-f calc-i
calc-m carc cer-c cere-b chr cich cypra-e electr excr-can fic-i gard-j gels gink hoch hydr-ac hyper
impa-w kali-c kreos lac-c lac-cpr lac-eq lac-f lac-lup lant-p lsd mag-m manc marm-a mimul-l
morg nat-i NAT-M ozon plac pras puls sac-alb SIL stram thul-o
2. dependent; children, on: excr-can
3. dependent; cost of others, at the: cich marm-a
4. dependent; mercy of others, at: alab astac bar-s calc cypra-e gink lac-c lac-eq lac-f lac-lup nat-i
ozon thul-o
5. dependent; parents, on: chr excr-can plac sac-alb
6. dependent; partner, wife, husband, spouse, of: plac (placenta humanum)
7. dependent; sexual, erotic: electr hoch
Mind; fear; independence, of: bar pras pras-c pras-m (baryta metalicum; praseodymium).
Mind; independence: absin adam aids aq-mar bell bry caes calc CALC-F cer cer-o cupr des-ac diox dysp
dysp-c dysp-f dysp-o erb erb-s eur eur-c eur-n eur-p ferr-ma gado gado-n gado-o gado-p gado-s gins
hippo-k holm holm-c holm-o iod lac-f lac-h lant-c lant-p lut lut-f lut-o mag-c nat-m neod neod-c neod-f
neod-o neod-p neod-s nux-v oro-ac oxyg pass-d pest plac pras-c pras-m pras-o pras-s prom ros-g sam
sam-c sam-m sam-p stoi-k sulph tax terb terb-c terb-m terb-o terb-p terb-s thul tub ulm-c uran ytte ytte-c
ytte-n ytte-p
Mind; independence; want of: calc cer cer-c cer-i cer-o cer-p cer-s dysp dysp-c dysp-f dysp-o electr erb
erb-c erb-o erb-p eur-o excr-can falco-p holm holm-c holm-m holm-o kiss lac-f lant lant-c lant-o lant-p
nat-m neod-c neod-p neod-s pras pras-c pras-f pras-m pras-o pras-s sac-alb sam-c sam-f sam-m sam-o
sam-p sam-s terb-n thul thul-c thul-f thul-m thul-o thul-s ulm-c
Mind; independence; want of; partner, towards: hoch sam-s

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