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English Grade 8
Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________________
Year and Section: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow, write only the letter of the correct answer.
Reading Selection1
Located at the south of Manila, just about an hour drive, is Tagaytay City. It is located a top of a ridge some 2,000 feet
above sea level. Tourists can view from this ridge the fascinating Taal Volcano and Taal Lake. Its climate is delightfully cool, that’s
why many Filipinos and tourists from other countries visit this place. There is a government hotel built especially for tourists. First
class accommodations can be had in this hotel. It has all the modern facilities that a tourist can ask for. There are many
restaurants overlooking the view. There are convention centers and many parks and picnic grooves. When you go to Cavite, do not
miss to see the beautiful spot. It is one of the most beautiful spots in the country.
1. What is Tagaytay City noted for?
a. nearness to Manila c. delightfully cold climate
b. it’s very beautiful view d. all of the above
2. How high is Tagaytay City?
a. 2,000 feet above sea level c. 2,500 feet above sea level
b. 2,000 feet below sea level d. 3,000 feet below sea level
3. Where Tagaytay City located?
a. south of Manila b. west of Manila c. north of Manila d. east of manila
4. What kind of topography Tagaytay City has?
a. plain b. island c. ridge d. peninsula
5. What volcano is seen from Tagaytay City?
a. Taal Volcano b. Kanlaon Volcano c. Mayon Volcanod. Hibok-hibok Volcano

Reading Selection 2
All normal children can speak spontaneously. All that seems to be required is that people to speak to them. It is a rare
child who learns to read without instruction. Associating the visual symbols of the written alphabet with the sounds and meaning
of a spoken language is a complex task.
At the very beginning of the process of learning how to read, children to read aloud because they must match the printed
symbols to the speech sounds they are already familiar with. Essentially they go through three steps. First they identify a letter of
the alphabet by the way it looks. It is open or close ( a or c)? Does it have straight line in it ( d or g? Second, once they can
recognize the letters, they pronounce or produce them as speech sounds. They learn that they are letters that match two or more
sounds for example “c” in English have the sound of /k/ in cat or /s/ in city. Also they learn that one sound can be written as two
or more letters-/f/ can be written as in face. /ff/ in cliff, /ph/ in phase, /gh/ in rough. Finally, because many combinations of letters
are pronounced differently from the letters themselves “oo” in English is different from “o” they must begin to learn the
pronunciation of common groupings of letters. After gaining the skill, they process sounds, words, and meanings simultaneously.
6. The essay is mainly about how the children first learn
a. about their language c. the alphabet
b. how to speak d. how to read
7. To match the letters with the sounds they already know, children first learn to read
a. silently b. aloud c. in groups d. within the teacher
8. Associating the letters of the alphabet with the sounds, words, and meanings of a language refers to
a. listening b. speaking c. reading d. writing
9. The essay directly states that learning how to read is a ____________ undertaking
a. simple b. spontaneous c. complex d. necessary
10. The main purpose of the essay is to
a. Inform b. describe c. persuade d. inspire

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct meaning of each underlined words, write the letter of the correct answer.
11. The old man is the mahout of the king.
a. camel’s driver b. elephant’s driver c. horse’s drive d. cow’s driver
12. Fish roe back then was very expensive.
a. egg of the fish b. head of the fish c. scale of the fish d. tail of the fish
13. He carefully scraped the seed on his finger.
a. scratched b. rubbed hard c. wet d. tilted
14. They go to public lavatory to change their clothes.
a. clinic b. hotel c. mall d. hospital
15. He was an orphan but he survived.
a. naughty child c. a child whose seeking attention.
b. an abandoned child d. a child whose parents are dead
16. Sally and Beth are invited on my birthday.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
17. I eat popcorn and I drink orange juice.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
18. The teacher checked the students’ homework.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
19. I like Mathematics but my brother likes Biology because he wants to be a doctor.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
20. You can’t pass the test unless you study for it.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
21. Numerous white daisies bloomed in the meadow.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
22. The king looks bored but the queen does not.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
23. Whenever afternoon comes, most employees chat in the internet and write email, but others prefer to eat their snacks.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
24. When you see the Big Dipper, you are looking at the easiest group of stars to locate.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence
25. The meal was expensive, but it was spoiled, so I threw it.
a. Simple Sentence c. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence d. Compound-Complex Sentence


26. Molly got an F on her spelling test when she did no study her words. What is the cause in this sentence?
a. Molly got an F. c. the test was too hard.
b. She did not study. d. not stated
27. The boy cries wolf because he is bored. What is the effect?
a. he is bored. c. the boy cries wolf.
b. the boy. d. not stated.
28. What is a possible cause of being grounded?
a. getting an “A” on a test. c. helping the neighbors.
b. getting in a fight. d. winning the spelling bee.
29. Which of these might be a cause of a broken glass?
a. the dog sneezes c. a storm is coming
b. a girl trips on a rug d. Jeff has a test tomorrow
30. What might cause a dog to bark?
a. the wind chimes tinkle c. the teacher rings the bell
c. the boy sits on a porch d. a cat runs past the house
31. What might cause a kite to fly higher?
a. a boy bought some string c. the wind blows harder
b. a man went swimming d. the sun shines brightly
32. Which of these might cause a boy to be hungry?
a. he didn’t eat his lunch c. he played a game of tag
b. he slept in this morning d. he brought carrots to school
33. The plant died because it did not get enough water. Identify the effect.
a. the plant did not get enough water. c. the plant is green.
c. the plant died d. all of the above.
34. The hare and the tortoise had a race because the hare bragged about being faster. What is the effect in this sentence?
a. the hare and tortoise had a race. c. the hare won the race.
b. the hare bragged about being faster. d. all of the above.
35. What could a driver do to cause an accident?
a. stop at a red light c. go through a red light
b. stop at a corner d. go past a billboard

36. A text structure where an issue is given and possible solutions are provided
a. problem and solution c. comparison
b. sequential d. cause and effect
37. How would you know if a text was written in problem-solution text structure?
a. The text would explain the steps of an event in time order
b. The text would explain one main issue, and the solution to this issue
c. The text would show how two things are similar and different
d. The text would define and describe one main topic
38. One problem to resolve in crocodile watching is transportation. How can an observer get close enough to watch without
scaring it away or being attacked? Which text structure is this?
a. directions c. cause and effect
b. problem and solution d. description and list
39. Others, too, are hungry, including bands of timber wolves, which sometimes follow the musk oxen. In spring, when the
calves are born, the wolves become particularly menacing. The musk oxen form a defensive ring, with calves and young animals in
the middle. Even a dozen wolves attacking together stand little chance against the circle of lowered heads and sturdy horns. What
is the problem?
a. directions c. there is no order
b. wolves are bad d. the wolves and other animals are hungry
40. Every year, thousands of car accidents occur because of drivers distracted by their phones. Safe drive Corporation developed
a product that will disable cell phones inside a car, and many people feel this product will help save lives. What is the problem
and solution?
a. ignore it will go away c. order & sequence
b. no problem no solution d. car accidents are a problem and a possible solution is to not use cell phones in the car

III. LITERATURE: From the stories that we have discussed, answer the following questions.
41. Who is the main character?
a. Pra Ruang b. the old woman c. Makato d. Sukhothai
42. How did Makato spend the cowrie shell given by the king?
a. He bought seeds of lettuce. c. He gave it to the old mahout.
b. He bought food to eat. d. He bought a pair of shoes
43. What happened to Makato in the end of the story?
a. He became the king of mahouts. c. He became the assistant of Pra Ruang.
b. He became a good planter of lettuce. d. He became the king of that prosperous kingdom.
44. What are the traits of Bata that endeared him more to Anpu?
a. Bata is his only son.
b. Bata would bring home several vegetables, milk and wood every day.
c. The spirit of god was within him.
d. Bata grew to be a young man.
45. What did the wife do to get the attention of Anpu?
a. She pretended to be in great pain and beaten up by Bata.
b. She prepared dinner that evening.
c. She combs her hair very well.
d. She calls the name of Anpu very loud.
46. Where did Bata go after the confrontation?
a. to the corn fields c. to the valley of Acacia
b. to Sukhothai d. to his bedroom
47. What does Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup represent?
a. It represents death. c. It represents the selfishness of the children.
b. It represents Mak Minah being alone. d. It represents the devouring rock, eater of suicides.
48. How did the mother feel learning that his share of fish had been eaten?
a. She was devastated. c. She was excited.
b. She was so happy. d. She just went to bed.
49. What is the lesson of the story?
a. Be an honest person. c. Love your brother.
b. Love your mother, be appreciative. d. Don’t be selfish.
50. What kind of fish Mak Minah was able to catch?
a. Milk fish c. Tembakul
b. Tilapia d. Salmon

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