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(10:30-12:00 TTH)


Submitted by: Regie Endrina

Daphny Canillo
Michelle Artigas

Submitted to: Mrs. Montezon


• Doveglion means “Dove, Eagle, Lion” is based on the characters he derived from
himself. These animals were also explored by another poet in Doveglion, Adventures In
Value, poem dedicated to Villa.

• Born in Singalong, Manila on 5 Aug 1908

• He is a son of Simon Villa, Emilio Aguinaldo’s physician, and Guia Garcia

• He graduated from UP High School And enrolled UP College of Medecine in 1925.

• He never finished his medical studies. In 1930 he won the Philippines Free Press literary
contest. He used his prize money to go to US. He enrolled at the New Mexico and
graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Arts.

• In 1933 he has a collection of stories, FOOT NOTE TO YOUTH, was published by

Charles Scribner’s son, also he included SELECTED STORIES published in Philippines
by Antonio Florentino.

• He is poet and short story writer, exerted more influence upon filipino of the short story
than any other writers

• He earned renown as a writer abroad.

• His principal are poems (1941); Have come Am Here (1941), which earned him a 1 year
Guggenheim Fellowship), Selected Poem and New (1942); Vol II (1949); and A
Doveglion Book of Philippine poetry (1962).

• Some of his awards were the Pro Patria Award for Literature (1961); Heritage Awards for
Literature, for poetry and short stories (1962); and National Artists Award for Literature

• He is also included in a volume of Who’s Who America


There’s a man new from the town his name is Doro. He had good looking that’s why all girls in
town wanted him but Doro had already a choice which is Tona. Then Tona and Doro they loved
each other and they do something quietly private. After that Tona wants to marry Doro but his
gone and never see him again. She got pregnant. After a month child was born, he was a boy,
Tona called him Berto.

When Berto was 17 so he decided to change himself as a teenager. He started shaving but he got
cut himself when her mother called him. Berto told her mother “I’m 17 now, I need to shave, it’s
doesn’t look good if one doesn’t shave “

When Berto was 18, One night he asked permission to her mother that he was going out
watching movie with Maria which was his girlfriend. But Tona fought hard to grasp the
significant at her son that Berto big, tall young going out to see a girl it seems like his father, she
always thinking “Berto Is A Man Now”.


• Introduction:

There’s a man named Doro which was all girls in town wanted him because he has good looking,
big, tall but he choosed Tona. Tona also crazy about him so she gave her body and soul to Doro.
Then she wanted to marry him but her mother disagreed of what she plans because Doro was
new from the town and how he can manage when they are get married.


• When Berto asking permission to her mother that he was going to watch a movie with a
girl which was his girlfriend named Maria,he said that he was came home late.

Man VS. Man

Because Aling Tona always thought Doro, when Berto getting teenager and she afraid that Berto
would do the same with his father.


• Berto talked about that he wanted to be together with Maria. Aling Tona looked
apprehensively to his son. Tona fought hard to grasp the significant of it. Berto big, tall,
young going out with a girl. She always said “Berto Is A Man “


• Aling Tona grew suddenly afraid of Berto, suddenly apart from him. A cruel tumult was

unleashed in her.


• She reached nervously for her shawl and ran impassioned into the night. She raced
Maria’s house and asking where Maria is to Aling Pipang which is Marias mother.


She told to Maria’s mother, her never to go out alone again with Berto.

• Tona – a single mother, and she wanted to race her son not like his father

• Berto – son of Tona, big, tall and good looking

• Maria – girlfriend of Berto

• Doro – young and new from the town had good looking and exboyfriend of Tona and
Berto’s father

• Aling Pipang – Maria’s mother






• Parents should take into account their children’s feeling and desire.



The narrator is non-participating who sees in the mind of all their characters.


• Death into Manhood – which means “MATURITY”

• Trouser – represents poverty

ENDRINA, REGIE O. LIT 3 (10:30-12:00)TTH




The story tells about a single mother and her son, it’s really hard for her to raise alone
with her son there are many certain things struggles would it take to pass. She had worked but it
seems like it cannot survive for them because his son was growing up and he needs going to
school but what she can bought for pad paper, notebook for her son that the salary here in
Philippines is really cheap and they cannot sustain their own needs. One day her son asked for a
long trouser but all she can say to his son that she will work hard so that she can bought it. I
realized to the story that our mother will do everything for us to be happy and give them the best
of what they can. Unfortunately, the new generation now are just wasting their mother’s money
just for them have fun with their classmates, yet the money would be payment for tuition.

Teenagers reached in puberty stage it’s like gonna really hard for it. Especially girls when
they got menstruation and they never know on that day it’s gonna happen sadly at school it’s
embarrassing for them that all your classmates would know because you’ll never prepare for it
and you don’t know on how can handle that thing. All your classmates hear them laughing, and
you really don’t know what you gonna do it’s embarrassing. To prevent that accident would not
happen to you just asked your mother on how can handle and what you’re going to do just aware
of it. For men, when they reached this stage, mustache will begin to grow, hair in under arm and
Other private part on your body have changes, it’s like so annoying because you have some
rashes on your skin because of hair started to grow. But some men have bulging their muscles
and have a nice body figure. And started courting girls and others acting like girls you know in
new generation now but it’s normal, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as nobody hurts. But
first, our parents will guide us in order to take that stage smoothly.

Most of the teenagers now they are aware of being teenager stage because of educational
knowledge base on what they have learn in school. But sometimes others fail because they really
tolerate of what teacher’s said. You might be knowledgeable about it to assure that you are not
shocked if that would be happen to you. Also listen to your parents because our parents know
about it just follow what they said I will assure that would be great. You know when you are
teenager you are very aggressive with girls be careful of it, it might you fail. Be responsible
because you are mature to think about what is the right thing to do.

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