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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Oriental Mindoro
District of Gloria
Agsalin, Gloria



A.Content Standards:

The learner demonstrates understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts.
The learner demonstrates an understanding that English is stress-timed language to achieve accuracy and

B. Performance Standards:

The learners should be able to:

Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational text.
Reads aloud text with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody.

C. Learning Competency:

Distinguish fact from opinion in an informational text.


II. CONTENT: Fact and opinion

Curriculum Guide: pages 94
Teacher’s Guide: pages 404-405
Learner’s Material: pages 381-384
Other Learning Materials: powerpoint presentation, laptop, pictures, Process Skills: describing, identifying, visualizing
Value Integration: Love for reading
Subject Integration: Science and Araling Panlipunan


A. Reviewing previous lesson (Drill/Review)

Review: (A review on antonyms.)
Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activities
Questions before the game proper: - Prepare yourself
Ask: What must be remembered in playing games with - Try your best
your classmates? - Play safe and fair
Ask: What do you think will happen if you will not follow - There might be fights and misunderstandings between
those game rules? us.
(Science Integration) - There might be an accidents

Direction: The class will be grouped into 2 (boys &

girls). Each group will have one representative for
each round. Sweet-
Identify the correct picture that matches the antonym
of the words posted on the board. .
Using the laptop, let us check whether your answers
are correct.
(ICT Integration)


Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Motivation)

“Pass the Cabbage”

The teacher will give the paper cabbage to one pupil.

While she plays the music, paper cabbage should be
passed to everybody. When the music stops, the pupil
who holds the paper cabbage will be the one to open
one leaf and read the sentence and the instructions
found in it. Do this until all the sentences will be read
and answered.) 1.Mang Dadoy went to the sea to fish.(fact)
Tell whether the statement states fact or opinion. 2.I think he will catch many fish today.(opinion)
3.Kapitan Toting looks like Fernando Poe Jr. .
4.I believe he’s a good Barangay Captain.(opinion)

Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Presentation)

Unlocking of difficulties through picture analysis.

Ask:What is the meaning of the following words?
Fishing, caught, released, empty
(Literacy) Fishing caught

Release empty

Read the passage.

Yesterday, Jovan and Khervie went fishing at Agsalin

sea. Jovanl drove his new fishing boat to the north
side of the sea. After fishing for 20 minutes, Khervie
caught the first fish. It was a 23 inch Tambakol.
Jovan told Khervie to throw the fish back into the
water because he knew they were going to catch
many fish much bigger than 23 inches.
After fishing for another 30 minutes, Jovan caught a
20 inch Tawilis. Jamul threw the fish back because he
knew that he and Khervie are going to catch many
more fish.
As the day went on, Khervie caught two more
Tambakol that were under 17 inches long. The law
states that all Tambakol under 17 inches must be
released back into the water. Khervie released the
Jovan and Khervie had now fished for four hours and
the fishing was very slow. Khervie suggested they
move to the west side of the sea. Jovan felt the east
side would be a better fishing spot, so he drove his
boat to the east side of the lake. After two more hours
of fishing, neither fisherman had anything to show.
Both fishermen agreed that the fish weren't biting very
well and that the fishing would be much better
Ask: How much bigger does the tambakol caught by tomorrow. So, they packed up and headed home with
Khervie than the tawilis caught byJovan? an empty daily bag limit.
Ask:What will happen if Khervie did not release the Answer: 3 inch longer
17 inches Tambakol? Answer: he will violate the law and also the tambakol
Ask:What do you think is the reason why we should will not grow
release those fish which are under 17 inches long? Answer: so that the fish could still grow
Ask:How many hours did they spend in fishing? Answer:6 hours

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills! (Modeling)

Tell weather the following statement taken from the story 1. Khervie and Jovan are fishermen.
are fact or opinion. Fact
2. Khervie caught a 23 inch Tawilis.
3. The fishing will be much better for Jovan and
Khervie tomorrow.
4. Jovan is a better fisherman than Khervie.
5. There is a 17 inch minimum size limit on
6. Fishing on the west side of the sea is better
than fishing on the east side of the sea.

Developing mastery (Guided Practice)
Read the paragraph. Cut the underlined sentences The Sampaguita
and paste it in the proper column.
The sampaguita is our national flower. It is a small
(Values Integration – the fruit of Cooperation) woody plant but it is strong. It cannot be destroyed by
strong winds and heavy rains. I think its the best symbol
for Filipino women because Filipina are not only
beautiful but also they are strong.

Sampaguita has a white flowers that are small and

sweet-smelling.I believe its the most fragrant flower in
our country.These pretty flowers can be made into
pretty necklaces.These pretty necklaces are called
garlands.We can see people selling sampaguita
garlands in the streets or near the church.

fact opinion

F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative Assessment 3) (Independent Practice)

Read the selection, underlined the sentence that state fact

and encircle the sentence that state opinion. Clouds in the Sky

Clouds are visible water vapour floating in the sky. Clouds make
the sky look interesting. Sometimes they look like white sheep,
mountains, or flowers. Water from the seas, rivers, or lakes
evaporates and forms into water vapor. Then it condenses into water
vapor and forms into clouds.

Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living (Application)

The teacher will give a real life situation, and the

students will tell the importance of knowing facts and
You are reading a news report.
Ask: Do we need to believe in everything that we Answer: No, because not everything that we read or
hear or read from the news?Why? hear are true or fact
Ask:Which part of the news should we believe?
What is the importance of knowing fact and opinion
from the text we are reading or from the news that
we heard? Answer: only those that state fact and has an
Answer: (students may have varied answer)

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (Generalization)

Ask: A fact is something that is true and supported by
What is fact? evidence.

What is opinion? An opinion is only a belief. It is also an expression of

a person’s feelings. Clue words like think, believe,
feel, probably, or seems signals an opinion.

I. Evaluating learning (Evaluation)
Directions: Read the informational text and answer
the questions that follows.

Camels are well suited for life in the desert. They

have long eyelashes to keep the sand out of their
eyes.They can close their nostrils to prevent dirt
from getting in. They don't sink in the sand when
they walk because they have broad feet. I think
Tell whether the following statement state fact or they are awesome.
opinion. Draw a star if its fact
and moon if its an opinion. ____1.Camels are well suited for life in the desert.
____2.They have long eyelashes to keep the sand
out of their eyes.
____3.I think they are awesome.

I. Additional activities for application or remediation
Directions: Write two sentences that states fact and


VI. Reflection

Prepared by:
Class Adviser

Reviewed and Observed by:


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