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Guide questions :
1.Identify the Intercultural issues that surfaced between PK and the people
around him?

O:The language and te culture that people around him, the communication
between PK and the people around him.

H:PK don't know about dressing, religion and verbal communication, because in
their planet they transfer ideas by holding hands. PK learned to fit and adopt
himans by wearing clothes and using money and communicate by verbal

2.How were the issues resolved or dealt with by the main character?

O:Think about the message you want to send to your audience and whether the
main character's path should represent the proper or improper way of dealing
with the issue. The main character represent the audience position in the story.

H:The issues between PK and the people around him resolved by faith and
believe. PK believe that if we reason with him, he'll never give his miracle.

3.Did the movie change your perception about understanding intercultural

communication? Why or Why not?

H:Yes, The movie wants to tell us that there's no boundaries set by religion.
Understanding Intercultural Communication cannot be effected by only the
boundaries of perception by religion, tradition and beliefs.

O:Yes, becouse PK show me how to learn and to get the culture tradition that
people around us. Intercultural communication between PK and the people
around him and also the environment to each individual.

4.Which pary of the movie helped you better understood intercultural

communication and diversity?

H/O::A part of the movie when the girl interview PK because jaggu was interested
with his story. And the part when jaggu didn't bealive of PK, and the part of the
movie when PK got dense by a stranger but then, they didn't know each other
they dont have the same culture religion and traditions but the love of friendship
they have must be treasure and that made us helped underatand the intercultural

5.What suggestions, would you give to avoid intercultural problems in the future?
H/O:learn more,adopt what other countries culture religion,beliefs and traditions
there's nothing wrong wuth that accept new environment accept the new world.
Communication to one another is the key to avoid intercultural problem in the

6.what cultures did you learn from the movie? Cite at least 5?

H:The cultures that i learned from yhe movie are

-God exist, God men shouldn't

-Religion is all about fashion

-bealive and have faith in god

-there is no boundaries in religion, culture and traditions.

-culture beliefs and religion must be love and can not be forgotten.

O:Beliefs in god, religion, language, faith in god, and the tradition and culture.



11-HE 2(TPS)

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