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Wee Calls2015-170 OP) fers A) Gob ge 12d Paper Code —- we 18s oy y 2 Inne 8dr Ze» DIC, = Lui td DEL sere nh eid be Ere Ure yap ge 2 ONC. BLA SIRAE ES dee Note:- You have four choices for each objective type question as 4, 8, C and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting oF filling two or more circles vill result in 2er0 mark in that question. () (B) (a) ‘QUESTIONS. a4 ait ae Pade ‘The element et 85% KL yee] 1 Nitrogen Carbon _| Hydrogen _| makes 65% ofthe otal mass of ving organism is et ft 2 wht PL EGARELDL SO eS 2 Organism | Organ System| — Organ Tissue —_| Cells perfoming similar functions are organized into groups called J ” bad é& Sole Lae vin fat L verte! 3 Principle Law Theory Resuts | The Hypotheses that stand the test of og 2 Uses eu fime, often tested and never ejected, are called s vu? uw ait YA kL Aner T| 4 Species Class Order _ | Augustus Rivinus introduced the Taxon of se pets pes ebay! 5 Centiole Golgi | Ribosomes | Lysosomes | ite of protein synthesis in the cellis Apparatus ve | nt | oF Fox! eth Whe KILL betenbiolnl Yu] 6 Exocytosis | Pinocytosis | Phagocytosis | Endocytosis. |The process through wich bulky mater isexpoted rom the call 3 a ay Bec tpiL eth len! | 7 Telophase | Anaphase | Metaphase | Prophase |The chromosomes arrange themselves along the equator of the cell in phase 39 38 37 36C hi Perlwid Li fhe tyre | 8 Optimum temperature for the maximum working speed of human enzyme is hb Ak tad ete. 9 Vacuole Nucleus cell cytoplasm | Process of Giycolysis occurs in Membrane ety & ot er Lit Sl Rt Uy 2] 10 Magnesium | Potassium | Sulphur Nitrogen |The element used for the formation of fruit and nut in plants is Adee g ede SAo Eider ee sui 11 The example of insoluble dietary fiber in human Wheat Bran | Beans Barley oats [rood is 20 15 10 5 eben DSA, Set Ete Z| 12 Rate of Transpiration doubles with how much degree centigrade rise in temperature. Meoee Coll) fera (ENGL gedit BE 21455 Part — ub! -. -— (5x2=10 ) - foe Liaibe 2, Answer any five parts from the following, awd edcionry, did ape Suny AarSre cuca — (vy wfeted 2 Feelin Ban sFEorh Mow in Usdetrndi Sista Su trek wy Ene wotbd Lumb nd itaan cent i) Leu ditipé enced (ily (i) Explain the Symbols of Dengue Fever. (i) Differentiate between population and community (ii) Biotechnology helps mankind, justly. (jv) Define quantitative and qualitative observation giving one example of each. (¥) Explain why biologists report the result oftheir findings at National and International evel. (vi) Give two reasons for the exclusion of Kingdom Fungi from Kingdom Plantae. (vi) Eucalyptus is harmful for other plants growing near it, Explain. (vii) Differentiate between benign and malignant tumors. (5x2=10) ~ Le feeL inh a bf 3. Answer any five parts from the following. Ufertne reel (i) LAIR ARE) ie Pe on ne te BSCE ON Sorin S AN Phat uve (vid efi WE Sg SHE LAA LRE PM Leib tor (ull) (i) Give two function performed by Cytoplasm. (i) Cell works as an open system. Explain. (ii) Show the effect of hypotonic soloution on animal and plant cell. (iv) Enzymes lower the activation energy of chemical reaction. Explain two methods. (v) Birds have high body temperature than mammals. What would happen to the activity of a bird's enzyme if it is given temperature of 37C. (vi) Induced-fit model of enzyme action is more acceptable than lock and key model of enzyme action. Justify. (vi) Explain redox reactions in ving organisms. (vil) Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration with respect to site of occurrence and final products. (5x2=10) ~ fewrLriniby df 4. Answer any five parts from the following whorl foil LG CM rust tuny (i) edie Mey peices LihoapA (i) where dnt agile Gy LRA ands Protec AB bind Seite ® (vy LEE L alr (ui) san ZeK RAL? vy) ahoewe ede EL bai tL RALa Es (vi) AIRS PG otait ainsi) (i) Explain the effect of deficiency of Nitrogen and magnesium on the plants. (i) If we supply inorganic and organic fertilizers to plants, which one whould be first available to the plants for uptake and why? (ji) Balanced lt differs with ‘age and gender. Explain. (jv) Pepsin is a powerful protein digesting enzyme. It does not digest the stomcach walls, which are mostly proteins. Justify. (v) Give harmful and beneficial aspects of transpiration. (vi) Differentiate between source and sink, (vii) Patients bleed from the nose, gums and under the skin in dengue fever. Give reason. (vil) Define universal donors and universal recipients, P.1.0. Part: 2 Note: Attempt any two questions. (9x2=18) tfeyelLetirne fad (4) wl Ug HE ll eB Ses busi SBE sile (N05 5. (0) Drawa diagram of intemal structure of ap animal cell apd label ifs any six parts, (3) (Sere be sre ee bine ale Meio (b) Which professions can be adopted after biological studies? Explain any four. (4) Fert Sums eign ALE oh (N)_6 6. (@) Explain tee main pes of egeisms placed in Kingdom Prost, (5) Pet hpn€ (b) Discuss four phases of interphase during cel cycle, PitnE Bde (Od (4) te nee Seon L Arb tunse (7 7. (a) How energy is released during oxidation reduction reactions in living organisms. ©) fern S Poi tn 3 SB FTE GH ( (©) Explain structure, location and function of any four types of Epithelial tissue

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