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Cameron Howe

Mathematics & Time- Planning a Show Day Year Level:

Outcomes- Children to be able to tell the time in half past, quarter past 1/2
and quarter to.
Children be able to plan a day using these times.
ACARA Curriculum Links: Resources Needed:
Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020 Sheet to work on
Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the Big clock
language of 'past' and 'to' (ACMMG039

Lesson Plan:
Sit children down on the floor so they can all see me and I can see them.

Make sure to have all the children’s attention. Move any students who do not sit well together.

Inform children of learning intention: To tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past, and quarter to.
And our success criteria is:
I can record time on analogue and digital clocks.
I can manage my distraction while learning.

I can order times in sequence.

Introduce activity:
Draw a clock on the board with an o clock time on it and ask the students what they think the time
is and why.
Repeat for half past, quarter to and past.

Questions to ask:
 Why is this _____ time?
 How could I change this to ___ time?
 If I go on the roller coaster at 1:00 and the rollercoaster goes for 15 minutes. What time
is it going to be when I finish the rollercoaster?
 So if I get off the rollercoaster at 1:15, why couldn’t I go and see the showbags at 1:15?

Introduce show day:

Instruct children that they are going to be planning their day at the show.

The students will pick 5 things they want to do while at the show.

They will write down what they want to do, what time they will do it and how long they think it will
take them.

Instruct year 1’s to use half past and o’clock times

Instruct year 2’s they need to use quarter past and quarter to.

The students will then go back to their desks and complete the task.

I will be walking around the classroom providing help to students

Cameron Howe

Evaluation Other Considerations:

Divon, Jayden, and Kobe will need some assistance
with this task with thinking of things to do at the
show and general capabilities. They will need more
support from the teacher than others. Grace will
need to be positioned at the front near me to help
with her hearing impairment. I need to make sure
that when I talk to the class she is near me and can
see my lips. I also need to make sure that I’m
wearing the FM responder.

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