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LO: I can describe the position of shapes.

Which shape is:

1. Above the purple square? _________________________________

2. Below the green diamond? ________________________________

3. To the left of the pink octagon? ____________________________

4. To the right of the yellow rectangle? ________________________

5. 2 spaces to the left of the turquoise pentagon? ________________

6. 4 spaces to the right of the grey square? ____________________

Draw these shapes in the grid:

1. A Blue moon to the right of the pink rectangle.

2. A Black Diamond to the left of the green star.

3. An Orange Square 3 spaces below the red hexagon.

4. A Green Rectangle above the orange circle.

5. A Pink Star to the left of the purple pentagon.

LO: I can describe the position of shapes.

Find the green diamond.

Which shape is above it? __________________________________

Find the blue triangle.

Which shape is 2 spaces below it? ___________________________

Which shape is:

1. Above the purple square? ________________________________

2. Below the yellow rectangle? ______________________________

3. To the left of the pink rectangle? _________________________

4. To the right of the yellow rectangle? _______________________

5. 2 spaces to below the orange moon? ________________________

6. 4 spaces to the right of the grey square? ___________________

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