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Study on




Reg. No: 160220






I dedicate this work to well known Islamic scholar and reformer of this society, Puthiya

Maliyekkal Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya Thangal.


I have been highly pleased to certify that Mr. MOHAMAD SADIQ, degree final year

student of Darul Huda Islamic University, has completed his work on “Study on History

of Shihabudheen Qabeela in Kerala” under my guidance. In my opinion it conforms to

acceptable standards, in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree regulation of

Darul Huda Islamic University.

Usthad Shafi Hudawi Chengara (Guide)

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . …….. Date… /…. /…….

I certify that this dissertation was submitted at Darul Huda Islamic University to be

considered for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree bachelor


Usthad Yousuf al-faizy (principal of DHIU, degree block)

Signature: . . . . . . . . Date:…./…./…….

Received to be sent for evaluation on . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

To office of Academic affairs

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:…./…./…….


I hereby declare this dissertation is the result of my research and hard slog, except where

otherwise stated. I also declare it has not been formerly done or concomitantly submitted

as whole for any other degrees at Darul Huda Islamic University or other institutions.


AD NO : H162

REG.NO : 160220




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Signature……..…… Date …/…/…….


For the completion of the study, I am indebted highly, first of all, to my honorable

guide who left for me his precious time instructing some of the ways to elaborate this

work in an informative way. I whole heartedly thank Jazeel Hudawi Mukkam, lecturer in

Darul Huda Islamic University, Chemmad, has helped me so much. Likewise, I never

forget the helping mentality showed by my friends, without their help and cooperation,

this work wouldn’t have been completed.

It’s time to show my gratitude towards the founding fathers of this great

institution, Darul Huda Islamic University, under whose shadow tree we stand today.

And also towards my teachers who were always a beacon light on my ways to the


Finally, I state that I am alone responsible for the entire faults that remain in this

research. May Allah accept this humble attempt and make it fruitful for this life and


‫ ﻧﺒﺬة ﻣﺨﺘﺼﺮة‬............................................................................................................................. 11
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................... 12
INTRODUCTION TO STUDY .................................................................................... 12
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 12
Statement of Problem ................................................................................................ 12
Research questions .................................................................................................... 13
Research objectives ................................................................................................... 13
Scope of study ........................................................................................................... 13
Significance of study ................................................................................................. 14
Research methodology .............................................................................................. 14
Literary review .......................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 15
AN INTRODUCTION TO AHLUL BAYTH .............................................................. 15
Reason for naming .............................................................................................................. 15
Background in Kerala ......................................................................................................... 16
Migaration of Ahlul Bayth ................................................................................................. 17
Approaches from Rulers .................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................... 18
SHIHABUDHEEN QABEELA; A GLANCE TO HISTORY ..................................... 18
History of Ba Alavis .................................................................................................. 18
Shihabudheen Qabeela .............................................................................................. 19
Against British ........................................................................................................... 20
Arrival to Panakkad ................................................................................................... 20
Why Ali?.................................................................................................................... 21
Genealogy of Shihabudheen Qabeela ........................................................................ 21
Role of Shihabudheen Qabeela in Kerala .................................................................. 23
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................... 25
SHIHABUDHEEN QABEELA; PAST AND PRESENT ............................................ 25
Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen .................................................................................... 25

Early life................................................................................................................. 25
Family .................................................................................................................... 25
Sayyid Muhlar ........................................................................................................... 25
Sayyid Husain Attakkoya .......................................................................................... 26
Sayyid Muhammad Koyanjikkoya ............................................................................ 26
PMSA Pookoya Thangal ........................................................................................... 27
Early life................................................................................................................. 27
Education ............................................................................................................... 27
Family .................................................................................................................... 27
Death ...................................................................................................................... 28
Politics.................................................................................................................... 28
Personal life ........................................................................................................... 28
Syed Mohammedali Shihab Thangal ......................................................................... 29
Early life................................................................................................................. 29
Career ..................................................................................................................... 29
Death ...................................................................................................................... 30
Religious harmony ................................................................................................. 30
Syed Umerali Shihab Thangal ................................................................................... 30
Early life................................................................................................................. 30
Education ............................................................................................................... 31
Family .................................................................................................................... 31
Death ...................................................................................................................... 31
Sayyid Hyderali Shihab ............................................................................................. 32
Sayyid Sadiqali Shihab .............................................................................................. 32
Sayyid Abbasali Shihab ............................................................................................. 33
Sayyid Hamid Shihabudheen Kappadu ..................................................................... 33
Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen Kattungal ................................................................... 34
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 35
BIBLIOGRAPPHY ............................................................................................................ 36


This is a study to examine the history of Shihabudheen Qabeela. Panakkad Sayyid family

is so famous and popular among the people of Kerala, because of their contributions and

leadership to this society. They had played a key role in political and spiritual fields of

Kerala, from ancient period itself. This study deals with the whole history and

contributions of Shihabudheen Qabeela. The researcher has added some personal data of

some important personalities of this Qabeela.

‫ﻧﺒﺬة ﻣﺨﺘﺼﺮة‬
‫ﻫﺬﻩ دراﺳﺔ ﻟﻔﺤﺺ ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ ﻗﺒﻴﻠﺔ ﺷﻬﺎب اﻟﺪﺑﻦ‪ .‬ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺔ ﺳﺎدات ﺑﺎﻧﻜﺎد ﻣﺸﻬﻮرة ﺑﲔ ﺷﻌﺐ ﻛﲑاﻻ ‪،‬‬

‫ﺑﺴﺒﺐ ﻣﺴﺎﳘﺎ ﺎ وﻗﻴﺎد ﺎ ﳍﺬا ا ﺘﻤﻊ‪ .‬ﻟﻘﺪ ﻟﻌﺒﻮا دورا رﺋﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﻣﻬﻤﺎ ﰲ ا ﺎﻻت اﻟﺴﻴﺎﺳﻴﺔ واﻟﺮوﺣﻴﺔ‬

‫ﰲ ﻛﲑاﻻ ‪ ،‬ﻣﻦ اﻟﻔﱰة اﻟﻘﺪﳝﺔ ﻧﻔﺴﻬﺎ‪ .‬ﺗﺘﻨﺎول ﻫﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺦ اﻟﻜﺎﻣﻞ وﻣﺴﺎﳘﺎت ﻗﺒﻴﻠﺔ‬

‫ﺷﻬﺎب اﻟﺪﻳﻦ‪ .‬أﺿﺎف اﻟﺒﺎﺣﺚ ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﺒﻴﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺸﺨﺼﻴﺔ ﻟﺒﻌﺾ اﺷﺨﺎص اﳌﻬﻤﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻫﺬﻩ‬



Shihabudheen Qabeela is one of the important Sayyid families in Kerala, like

Jamalullaily, Hydroosi, Jeelani, Aalu Faqeeh, Aalu Haddad,etc. Their family belongs to

Hazrmauth, their forefathers or ancestors have come to Kerala for the propagation of

Islam in these lands. They have played a key role in spreading of Islam in Kerala, in

political-cultural and social sectors of this land.

They rose to the leadership of keralite people regardless of their religion and

caste. Their role in forming a community based on the harmony is undeniable and they

set keralite people a model for other states. Their arrival in kerala and their life here

changed the situation altogether. This work will mainly focus on the arrival and activities

of this family in Kerala.

Statement of Problem

Panakkad sayyids are well known among the people of Kerala, but most of the people

don’t know even the name of their family. The common people are not aware of their

history by the dint of no more authentic texts or reliable sources on this topic. The lack of

resources is the main problem of this topic, that’s why the people don’t know about their

history in detail.

Research questions

1. Who is Ahlul Bayth?

2. Who is the father of Shihabudheen Qabeela?

3. When and why they came to Kerala?

4. Who are the important personalities of Shihabudheen Qabeela?

5. Why the sons of PMSA Pookoya Thangal added Ali in the name of his sons?

Research objectives

1. To study about Ahlul Bayth.

2. To find out the historic proofs of Shihabudheen Qabeela.

3. To discuss about their arrival to Kerala.

4. To light to lives of some important personalities of Shihabudheen Qabeela.

5. To discuss about the reason of adding Ali in their names .

Scope of study

Panakkad Sayyids are the leaders of keralite society both in religious and political affairs.

Even though, there is no specific researches or studies completed on this important topic,

because there is no sufficient authentic and reliable sources to research about it in detail.

That’s the scope of this study in this time about this so called Sayyid family in Kerala.

Significance of study

Nowadays, the people are searching for the backgrounds or history of significant and

important personalities and their contributions for the community. The researcher has

chosen this topic by its relevance in current situation, and to collect the authentic proofs

and resources on this topic, and to contribute a good source of study for the society.

Research methodology

The methodology adopted in this research is qualitative. The researcher will depend upon

all the primary sources from classical texts and other books written by remarkable great

scholars. There is no more books discussing this topic itself, but the subject is widely

spread in different books. The researcher will pass through all these books and will check

out the articles on subject.

Literary review

From the deep observations, researcher has got that there is no any study has done about

the History of Shihabudheen Qabeela. There are a large collection of books discussing

about this topic, but no one studied about it yet. Here, this study will discuss in detail

about History of Shihabudheen Qabeela and their contributions to this community. The

researcher expects a detailed study on this topic.



Ahlul Bayth is the descendents of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), they were known

as Sayyids, Sheriffs or in other titles in different parts of the world. The keralite people

called them Thangal as honorary; Ahlul Bayth became renowned and celebrated

personalities in the name of Thangal among the keralite society. The ancestry or the

lineage of Ahlul Bayth comes through Hasan bin Ali and Husain bin Ali who were two

sons of Fathima binth Muhammad (Pbuh) and his son in law Ali bin Abee Twalib. The

end of this family reaches to Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). This family had played a key

role in spreading Islam throughout the world as religious and spiritual leaders, by

migrating to different parts of globe for the propagation of Islam.

Reason of naming

The term Ahlul Bayth was endearingly and sweetly used or firstly introduced by

the Almighty God Allah in Holy Quran, and the Prophet (Pbuh) also used this term in

Hadeeth, when he was at his wife’s1 house. Ummu Salama heard Prophet (Pbuh),he said

“Bring them to me, bring them to me”. Prophet (Pbuh) wanted to see his daughter

Fathima, Ali and their two sons Hasan and Husain in an immediate way. Prophet

Muhammad (pbuh) asked Hasan, Husain, and their mother Fatima to partially cover
Ummu Salama(r)

themselves with his mantle and veil their body inside it , then he asked Ali to do likewise,

he thereupon did the same. The mantle became a uniting cover shared by all five, partly

covering every one of them, thus becoming a visible uniting bond, gathering all five.

Then the Prophet raised his hands in supplication before the inquisitive audience, and

said: “Dear Lord! this is my Ahlul Bayt, I implore thee to sanctify them, and remove

from them all the impurities.” After that, Prophet recited Qura’nic verse which denotes

the purity of Ahlu bayt: “Verily, Allah has decreed to purify you, O' Ahlul Bayt, and

sanctify you in a perfect way”2. The verse itself indicates that Allah has honoured and

promised to keep them pure, spotless and sanctified.

Background in Kerala

Ahlul Bayth had migrated tvarious parts of globe, some of them reached to

Hazrmauth near Tareem in Yemen, and others had gone to Bukhara in United States of

Soviet Russia.Ahlul Bayth in Kerala is Hazramids3 and Bukharids4, they had played a

key role in religious-social and cdultural improvement of Keralite society. both of these

ancestries reach to Jafar al Sadiq son of Sayyid Muhammed al Bakhir. Then, all sayyids

of kerala are Husainis, from Husain bin Ali, grandson of Prohet Muhammed (Pbuh).

(33-‫اﻧﻣﺎ ﯾرﯾد ﷲ ﻟﯾذھب ﻋﻧﻛم اﻟرﺟس اھل اﻟﺑﯾت وﯾطﮭرﻛم ﺗطﮭﯾرا )اﻻﺣزاب‬
The descendants of Prophet came from Hazrmauth.
The descendants of Prophet from Bukhara.

Migaration of Ahlul Bayth

Hazramis are from Yemen’s most popular prophetic ethnicity ‘Ba Alavis”5. The

main aim of Ba Alavis who migrated to India, was the propagation of Islam. They had

migrated to Malabar, Ahmedabad, Soorath, Hyderabad, Bijapur, Kongan, Kayal

Pattanam, Keelakkara, Ramanadhapuram and many other parts of India, for the

propagation of Islam. They also migrated to Egypt, Indonesia, Mogadishu6, Sri Lanka

and Malaysia. Ahmad bin Eisa is the forefather of Ba Alavis in Hazrmauth, Ahmad was

grandson of Aliyyul Uraizi7.

Approaches from Rulers

The descendants of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) faced a lot of troublesome and

problematic situations in the period of Prophet (Pbuh) and after his death also, they faced

a cruel approach from Amavi rulers, Amavis were frequently abusing Ahlul Bayth. But

they became free from all these problems in the period of Abbasids; they respected Ahlul

Bayth very well for Allah. In tenth century, Qaramids were enthroned as the rulers; they

were arch rivals of Ahlul Bayth. Qaramids opposed the people from their love and

respect towards Ahlul Bayth. By the dint of these atrocities, they migrated to the nooks

and crannies of the world. Thus, Ahmad bin Eisa reached to Hazrmauth8

Descendents of Sayyid Alavi `
Capital city of Somalia
Son of Jafar al Sadiq
Al Mashrooa’ al Rawiyyah-a book describing the history of Hazrami sayyids




History of Ba Alavis

In tenth century, Qaramids were enthroned, they abused Ahlul Bayth. They never respect

the descendants of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) but they expelled them from their own

lands. Ahmad bin Eisa9 migrated from Basara10 to Hazrmauth, he migrated to there with

his son Ubaidulla. They were resided in Al Hajarain at first and changed their shelter to

Al Husaisiyya, where Ahmad bin Eisa was died. Sayyid Alavi, the elder son of Ubaidulla

is the forefather of Ba Alavis. The chain of Ba Alavis paves the way through Ali. Ali had

thirteen sons; the ancestry grew up by these sons of Ali binMuhammad bin Sayyid Alavi.

Imamul Quthub Muhammad Shaheer11 became so famous among the people from Ba

Alavis. His son Alavi12, his son Ali13 and his son Muhammad Mauladhaweela14, all were

died in Tareem15. Mauladhaweela had fourteen sons. The spirituality of Ba Alavis

became so popular in the time of Abdurahman Saqaf16. Their spiritual purity made them

so influential among the people.

Ba Alavis were followers of Shafi’ School of Fiqh and Ashary School of Aqeeda.

The people called them Habeeb as an honor.

He is known as al muhajir
A place in Iraq, it was a hub of islam at that time.
Died in 1225
Died in 1270
Died in 1309
Died in 1363
A place situates in Hazrmauth, Yemen
Son of Muhammad Mauladhaweela

The Sufi centre of Hazrmauth were known as Hawthwas, it was centre of Ba

alavis. Every people were coming to them for the blessings, including tribal leaders and

ordinary people. The rulers also were coming there bare footedly, and they were seeking

their advice in ruling affairs. The Sayyids were handing over their flags to the

commanders of military troops, before beginning of battles.

In thirteenth century, Ba alavis turned to the way of Sufism17, and they

understood that the reformation is possible only through the self purification. They

became patrons of Thasawuf18 and Sufism in that time.

The characteristics of Ba alavee were love towards people, strict following of

religious ideologies, peaceful mentality towards the human kind, less-talking and host-

minded. Hazramis were popular for their sea trade from ancient period itself. They had

formed a trade bond with India from eighth century. Many people were converted to

Islam, and they taught new comers about the ideologies of Islam.

Shihabudheen Qabeela

The ancestry of Shihabudheen Qabeela reaches to Sayyid Ahmed19, people called

him Shihabudheen in a respecting way, his ancestry reaches to Sayyid Alavi of Ba alavi

Qabeela. He was also known as Shihabudheen Asgar, his grandfather was known as

Shihabudheen Akbar. Even though, the Qabeela is considered from Shihabudheen Asgar,

not from his grandfather.

Sufism is the way of purifying ourselves.
The study about Sufism.
Born in 887 (h).

Sayyid Shihabudheen Aliyyul Hazrmy20 who was the descendent of Sayyid

Ahmed Shihabudheen, was the first person of this Qabeela, came to Kerala for the

propagation of Islam. He was warmly welcomed by the people of Malabar. Shihabudheen

Aliyyul Hazramy was resided with Shaikh Jifry for three days and went to

Valappatnam21, it was a famous Muslim center of that time in Kerala. He was married

from the royal family of Arakkal.

Sayyid Muhlar22 was one of the grand sons of sayyid shihabudheen aliyyul

Hazrami. He married from a Bukhary family of Malappuram. Sayyid hussain Attakkoya

was one of his sons.

Against British

Alavees were arch rivals of imperialism and autocracy. British were their

enemies, they fought against British people. Sayyid Hussain Attakkoya was a rebal

towards British policies of colonialism. Hussain Attakkoya was a revolutionary leader of

ordinary people against British army, that is why he was arrested23 and imprisoned in


Reached to Kerala in 1181 (h)
A place in Knnur.
Died in 1258.
He was arrested in 1826
He died in 1320 and was buried near Baqiyathu Swalihath.

Arrival to Panakkad

The arrival of Shihabudheen Qabeela to Panakkad, was through Sayyid

Muhammad Koyanjikkoya Thangal25, son of Attakkoya Thangal. They were resided in

Puthan purakkal house at that time. The famous figure of this family PMSA Pookkoya

Thangal was son of Koyanjikkoya Thangal. aThe grand sons of Koyanjikkoya Thangal

are the political and spiritual leaders of present Kerala.

Why Ali?

The members of shihabudheen qabeela was known as shihabs, but the sons of

Puthiya Maliyekkal Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya Thangal were added Ali with shihab, why?

Koyanji Thangal -father of Pookoya Thangal- was died in his childhood itself, Pookoya

Thangal was under the care of Sayyid Ali Pookoya Thangal. Then, PMSA Pookoya

Thangal added Ali in the name of his own sons for the memory of Sayyid Ali Pookoya


Genealogy of Shihabudheen Qabeela

Prophet Muhammed(S)

1. Fathima Binth Muhammed

2. Husain Bin Ali26

3. Sayyid Zainul Abideen

He was died in 1337.
Died in 61(h)

4. Sayyid Muhammedul Bakir

5. Sayyid Jafarul Sadiq

6. Sayyid Aliyyul Uraizi

7. Sayyid Muhammed

8. Eisa Annaqeeb

9. Sayyid Ahmmedul Muhajir

10. Sayyid Ubaidullah

11. Sayyid Alavi27

12. Sayyid Muhammed

13. Sayyid Alavi

14. Sayyid Ali28

15. Sayyid Sahibu Mirbath

16. Sayyid Ali

17. Sayyid Muhammedul Faqeehul Muqaddam

18. Sayyid Alavi

19. Sayyid Ali

20. Sayyid Muhammed Mouladhaveela

21. Sayyid Abdurahman Saqaf

22. Sayyid Abubakkar Sakran29

23. Sayyid Sheikh Ali30

24. Sayyid Abdurahman31

Forefather of Ba Alavis, died in 406(H).
Died in 527(h)
Died in 821(h)
Died in 895(h)

25. Sayyid Ahammed

26. Sayyid Shihabudheen Ahammed32

27. Sayyid Umer

28. Sayyid Shihabudheen

29. Sayyid Umer Mahboob

30. Sayyid Ali Shihabudheen

31. Sayyid Muhammed

32. Sayyid Ali

33. Sayyid Ahammed

34. Sayyid Ali Shihabudheen

35. Sayyid Husain

36. Sayyid Muhzar

37. Sayyid Husain Attakkoya

38. Sayyid Muhammed Kunjikkoya33

39. Sayyid Ahammed Pookkoya

40. Sayyid Muhamed Ali Shibab And His Four Brothers

Role of Shihabudheen Qabeela in Kerala

Shihabudheen Qabeela is one of the famous Sayyid families in Kerala. Every one

of Kerala are aware about this Sayyid family because their contributions for this society

Died in 923(h)
Forefather of Shihabudheen Qabeela.
He is also known as Koynjikoya Thangal

is enormous and countless. They play a key role in political, social, cultural and spiritual

fields of Kerala. Every people have recognized the legacy and dignity of this family by

the dint of their well behaving to the community.

This family is the messenger of peace and harmony among the people, they never

blame anyone in public while they are the leaders of this society. They worked for the

unity of this community as a messenger between all religions. All people love and respect

them because of their acceptance among the society. The reason of their dignity among

all other sayyid families, was by the dint of their interferences in religious and political



Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen

Early life
Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen was born in 1183 at Kannur, as the son of Sayyid
Ali Shihabudheen. His basic or primary education was from his own parents, later he
gained Islamic education at Kuttichira Masjid, Mithqal Masjid at Kozhikkode and at
Knnur Jumua Masjid. He accepted Qadiriyya school of Sufism from his own father
Sayyid Ali Shihabudheen and Quthbuzzaman Sayyid Alavi of Mampuram. He was a
great sufi scholar who easily gained respect and love from the people.

Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen married Khadeeja from the most popular royal
family of that time, Arakkal. They had four sons and a daughter. Sayyid Muhlar, Sayyid
Ali, Sayyid Hamid and Sayyid Muhammad are his four sons and Shareefa Fathima is the
only daughter. Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen was died in 1245. His maqbara locates at
Kozhikkode Ilaya Palli.

Sayyid Muhlar

Sayyid Muhlar was born in 1212. He gained the Islamic knowledge from Qazi
Shaikh Muhyudheen and Qazi Abdussalam. He accepted the Qadiriyya school of Sufism
from Quthbuzzaman Sayyid Alavi Mampuram. He had a lot of students studying Islamic
knowledge from him. He from a Bukharid family at Malappuram. Husain Attakkoya
thangal is the only son of Sayyid Muhlar. Sayyid Muhlar was died in 1258.

Sayyid Husain Attakkoya

Sayyid Husin Attakkoya was born in 1231, as the loving son of Sayyid Muhlarand

Fathima at Malappuram. He was a great faqeeh, poet, sufi, mufti and brave person. He

gained his primary education from Malappuram Masjid and later from Chalilakath

Allama Kusayi Haji, Qazi Zainudheen Musliyar Maqdumi, Allama Aukoya Musliyar

Parappanagadi, who were the great scholars of that time. He married the daughter of his

own uncle Sayyid Hamid. Sayyid Muhammmed Koyanjikkoya and Sayyid Ali Pookoya

are his sons. Later he married the daughter of Qazi Kunjahammad Musliyar from the

family of Odakkal. Sayyid Imbichikkoya, Sayyid Muhlar Kunji Seethikkoya, Fazl

Cherukunchikkoya, Sayyid Abdullakkoya are their sons, and they had two daughters Bee

Kunji Beevi and Mulla Beevi. He received the Qadiriyya school of Sufism from Fazl

Mouladhaveela Pookoya thangal. He was expelled from Kerala by British and his tomb

situates near Baqiyathussalihathu at Vellur.

Sayyid Muhammad Koyanjikkoya

Sayyid Muhammad Koyanjikkoya was born in 1270 at his maternal house near

Kappadu in Kozhikkode. After that, he came to Panakkad along with his father. Later he

went to Chalilakath Ali Hasan Musliyar at Tirurangadi to attain the knowledge from him.

He married from Quilandy, then Husain Attakkoya was born and they lived in Tanur.

Later he married Ummu Hani Beevi daughter of Sayyid Muhammadul Hadi of Mattathur.

They had two sons Sayyid Abdurahman Kunji Seethikkoya and Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya.

PMSA Pookoya Thangal
Early life

Panakkad Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya Thangal was born in 20 January 1917 at Anakkara in

Malappuram district. Pookoya Thangal was one of the hard working member of Indian

Union Muslim League, thus he became the state president of Muslim League until his

death in 1975. He led a legendary life socially, religiously and culturally,he was born as

thirty ninth son of Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh). He was the managing director of

Chandrika news paper. He was the son of Muhammad Koyanji Thangal and Ummu

Hania Beevi.


Panakkad Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya Thangal gained the knowledge from different

teachers. His primary education was from a school at Panakkad, and the remaining

studies were from the traditional Dars of that time. He was travelled to different parts of

Kerala for collections of both spiritual and material education.


PMSA Pookoya Thangal married twice in his life, he had three sons in first wife34

and two sons and a daughter in second wife35. Muhammedali Shihab Thangal, Umerali

Shihab Thangal, Hyderali Shihab Thangal, Sadiqali Shihab Thangal and Abbasali Shihab

Ayisha Cherukunhi Beevi, daughter of Sayyid Hamid Shihabudheen Kunjikkoya.l
Sayyidath KHADEEJA Imbichi from Puthan Maliyekkal Nahri family.

Thangal are his sons who are the spiritual and political leaders of this society like their



PMSA Pookoya Thangal died in 6 July 1975 in his sixty second year at Panakkad.

He was the state president of Muslim League until his death in 1975, from 1973.

Muhammadali Shihab Thangal was the next president after the death of his father.


The first appearance of PMSA Pookoya Thangal in politics, was to help

candidate of Indian National Congress Abdurrahman Sahib, who was competing for

Madras Legislative Assembly36. He became a member of Muslim League after its

formation, thus he became the president of Muslim League in Ernad taluk. He was

imprisoned for two weeks in the period of Hyderabad Action in 1948.

Personal life

PMSA Pookoya Thangal was a shining star both in religious and political fields.

Thangal’s personality and ideal life were amazing one according to others. He gave more

priority towards the religious affairs, than political needs. He was wearing white clothes

in almost time. He was working hard for the society, Kodappanakkal house was a centre

of cultural and religious versetality, the all problems were solved there in front of


Thangal. In a nutshell, his life was a role modal to all of us, he has depicted the picture of

a muslim’s life.

Syed Mohammedali Shihab Thangal

Early life

Syed Mohammedali Shihab Thangal was born as the eldest son of Panakkad Syed

Ahmed Pookoya Thangal in 4 May 1936,he was a profound islamic leader and spiritual

icon of Kerala.His life was a perfect example for both political ideologies and spiritual

purity.He was a political leader and an Islamic scholar on the same time.He had his

primary education at the M.M.High School,Kozhikkode.He continued his religious

eduction at Thalakkadathur and Kunanchery Dars under Ponmala Moideen Musliyar.In

1958,he left for Egypt for further studies and obtained his master’s degree in Arabic

literature from Al Azhar University in 1961.He continued his studies in Cairo University

and pursued a Doctorate in Arabic literature in 1966.In 1967, Thangal married Sayyida

Fathima Beevi, daughter of Syed Abdur Rahman Bafaqui Thangal. After her death in

2006, he married Aysha Beevi. Thangal had two sons: Syed Basheerali Shihab Thangal

and Sayyid Munavvar Ali Shihab Thangal


Mohammedali Shihab Thangal was appointed as the president of indian union

muslim league kerala committee in 1975,after the death of his father PMSA Pookoya

Thangal.He was remained as the president until his death in 2009.While he was a

political figure of Muslim League, he was Qazi to hundreds of Mahals in Kerala.He had a

close relation and a good role in Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama.He was the

president of many Islamic institutions in Kerala like Darul Huda Islamic University.


Shihab Thangal died on 1 August 2009 following a cardiac arrest. Thangal was

admitted to a private hospital after he slipped and fell down at his home, Panakkad

Kodappanakkal. He was 73 years old at the time of his death, and suffered from various

ailments like diabetes and hypertension. His body was buried with full state honors at the

Panakkad Juma Masjid on the day after his death

Religious harmony

Sayyid Muhammadali Shihab was an ambassador of religious tolerance and

harmony among the keralite society. When Babari Masjid was demolished37 by the

extremists, Muhhammedali Shihab Thangal said to muslims of Kerala, to protect temples

from all problems, it was the declaration of peace and tolerance which the world have

ever seen. All the members of different religions were visiting Thangal, to solve their

problems. He sacrificed his life for the society.

Syed Umerali Shihab Thangal

Early life

Syed Umerali Shihab Thangal was born in 28 November 1941, as the son of

Puthiya Maliyekkal Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya Thangal and Sayyidah Ayisha Cherukunji


Beevi. He was the second son of PMSA Pookoya Thangal, after Muhammadali Shihab



Primary education of Sayyid Umerali Shihab was from Devadhar LP School at

Panakkad, and graduated SSLC from M M High School at Kzhikkod. He was attended in

some of Dars in Kanancheri, Achippura and Oravampuram for five years. He was

admitted to Jamia’ Nooriyya in 1964, and graduated as Faizy in 1968. Ponmala poovadan

Moideen Musliyar, EK Aboobackar Musliyar, KC Jamaludheen Musliyar and

Thazhekkad Kunjalavi Musliyar were his teachers in his religious studies.


He married Sayyidah Khadeeja Mulla Beevi in 1968. He had four brothers and six

sons. Sayyid Rasheedali Shihab Thangal, Sayyid Hameedali Shihab Thangal are his two

sons, the remaining are daughters, Sayyidah Bushrah, Sayyidah Haseenah, Sayyidah

Swalihah, Sayyidah Sumayyah.


Sayyid Umerali Shihab died in 3 July 2008. He had visited Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Egypt before his death in

2008. He was Qazi of different mahals when he dies. He was vice president of Samastha

Kerala Jam’iyyathul Ulama, chairman of Waqf Board, etc. He was the president of many

Islamic institutions like Darul Huda and Islahul Uloom.

Sayyid Hyderali Shihab

Panakkad Sayyid Hyderali Shihab is the Kerala state president of Indian Union

Muslim League, as the successor of his elder brother Muhammadali Shihab Thangal,

when he was died in 2009. He is also the vice president of Samastha Kerala Jam’iyyathul

Ulama. He was elected as the Qazi of many Mahals due to the death of his brother Sayyid

Umerali Shihab. He is also president of some Islamic institutions like Darul Huda Islamic

University and Rahmaniyya Arabic College.

He married Shareefa Fathima –daughter of Abdulla Bafaqi from Bafaqi qbeela. From this

pious relation, Sayyid Naeemali Shihab, Sayyid Mueenali Shihab, Shareefa Sajida were

born as bloomed flowers. He has played many prominent roles as patron of Islam.

Sayyid Sadiqali Shihab

Sayyid Sadiqali Shihab is the son Puthiya Maliyekkal Sayyid Ahmad Pookoya

Thangal, he was born at Panakkd. His primary education was at his birth place, after the

completion of high school education he was graduated PDC from Government College at


He married Sayyidah Shareefa Zinaba Zulfath Beevi –daughter of Sayyid Aboobackar

Pookoya Thangal at Kodinji-. Sayyid Ahmad Aseelali Shihab, Sayyid Shahinali Shihab

and Sayyid Muhammad Yaminali Shihab are the sons of this relation.

He holds the position of Malappuram District president of Indian Union Muslim League.

He is the managing director of Sathyadahra as well as Gulf Sathyadhara, and he is the

Committee Chairman of Darshana TV.

Sayyid Abbasali Shihab

Sayyid Abbasali Shihab is the younger son of Puthiya Maliyekkal Sayyid Ahmad

Pookoya Thangal. He studied upto SSLC at Panakkad high school. He attained the degree

of BA at Aligarh Muslim University, and was graduated PDC at Farooque college, he

completed his post graduation at TKM College. He gained the religious knowledge from

Ponmala Moideen Musliyar.

He married Sayyidah Sajna Beevi-daughter of Sayyid Cheriya Koya Saqaf of Quilandy.

Sayyid Ahmad Rajihali Shihab and Sayyid Razanali Shihab are his sons.

He has held a lot of positions religiously and politically, he was the former president of

Samastha Kerala Sunni Students’ Federation. He is a spiritual figure of keralite muslims

as well a political leader of Indian Union Muslim League.

Sayyid Hamid Shihabudheen Kappadu

Sayyid Hamid Shihabudheen was born in 1226(Hijra). After primary education

from his own father, he went to muhyudheen-qazi of Kozhikkode- for religious studies.

After this, he went to Kappadu and married a noble woman from Kappadu. Sayyid

Muhlar Attakkoya, Sayyid Husain, Sayyid Abdul Qadir Cheriya Koya and Sayyid

Muhammad Kunji Seethikkoya are his sons, Shareefa Raulah, Shareefa Fathima and

Shareefa Alaviyyah are his daughters.

All of his sons were resided in different areas, Sayyid Muhlar resided and married from

Kappadu itself, Sayyid Husain resided at Kattungal, Malappuram and died on 1345,

Sayyid Abdul Qadir Cheriya Koya resided at Edarikkode and died in 1343. In 1349,

Sayyid Muhammad Kunji Seethikkoya died at Kappadu.

Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen Kattungal

Sayyid Husain Shihabudheen was born in 1261 at Kapppadu, as the son of Sayyid

Hamid. He married his uncle Sayyid Muhammad’s daughter Alaviyyah. After his

marriage with Alaviyyah, he went to Kattungal of Malappuram and started to live there

with his family. He studied at Kappadu Mosque and was a member of Qadiri school. He

had a lot of famous disciples like Pallippuram Yoosuf Musliyar, Musliyarakath

Aboobackar Musliyar and so on. He was died in 1345. He now rests at graveyard of

Kattungal Juma Masjid along with his family members.


Shihabudheen Qabeela have come to Kerala from Tareem of Hazrmauth. They

have played a key role in spreading of Islam in Kerala. Here, the researcher concludes

this work about the History of Shihabudheen Qabeela, by his own sincere approach

towards the work. May Allah accept all these hard works as good deeds for the life of


The researcher discusses about the history of this prominent Qabeela in the light

of some historic proofs, first two chapters are about the history and the last chapter is

about the biographies of a few important personalities of this Qabeela.

1. Al Mashrooa Al Rawiyyah

2. Editorial –Sathyadhara (25 APRIL 2013)

3. Keralathile sayyid kudumbangal (book)

4. Kerala mourns passing away of Panakkad Thangal-Gulf news

5. Kodappanakkal house in despair, as Family head loses soul mate (article)-zoom

information (10 march 2008)

6. IUML launches campaign-The Hindu (11 february 2006)

7. Mohammadali Shihab Thangal: A proud Muslim, a proud Indian.-(Two articles-4

august 2009)

8. Muslim League leader Shihab Thangal died (article) – The Hindu.

9. Sathyadhara

10. Sayyid Family-

11. Sayyid Muhammadali Shihab Thangal(book)-Cherooppa

12. Sayyid Umerali Thangal-Darul Huda Publishers

13. Sayyid Hyderali Shihab Thangal(book)


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