CALTEX (Appellee) Vs ENRICO PALOMAR (Appellant) GR L-19650 - Sept. 29, 1966

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Definition of Construction
CALTEX(appellee) vs ENRICO statute . . .to determine any question of construction or validity
arising under the statute and for a declaration of his rights or
PALOMAR (appellant) duties thereunder
GR L-19650 | Sept. 29, 1966  Appellee has right to exploit every legitimate means
to advertise products; appellant has power to suppress
Construction is the art or process of discovering and transgressions thereof (issuance of fraud orders)
expounding the meaning and intention of the authors  Appellee laid out plans for promotion but by virtue of
of the law with respect to its application to a given case, jurisdiction of appellant in the constructions of the
provisions of postal law, latter saw a violation and
where that intention is rendered doubtful, among decline requestpositive claim of right actually
others, by reason of the fact that the given case is not contested
explicitly provided for in the law (Black, Interpretation  Issue at hand is a question of construction in intended
of Laws, p. 1). meaning of the words used
 Appellant underrated force and binding effect of
Facts: ruling of the court in a past judicial decision (Art 8,
CCP)- judicial decision assume same authority as a
 1960- Caltex promotional scheme (Caltex Hooded statue unless authoritatively abandoned
Pump Contest)  Past case-Liberty Calendar Co. vs Cohen (ruling:
 Rule of the game is to estimate actual number of corporation was entitled to maintain a declaratory
liters a hooded gas pump will dispense in a specified relief action against the county prosecutor to
period determine the legality of its sales promotion plan.)
 Participation is open indiscriminately to all motor
vehicle owners and/or licensed drivers Postal Law empowers Postmaster General to issue fraud
orders, otherwise, deny use of facilities, against any
 There is local, regional, national level of the contests
information concerning "any lottery, gift enterprise, or
 Extensive use of mails- representations were made
scheme for the distribution of money, or of any real or
with postal authorities for contest to be cleared in
personal property by lot, chance, or drawing of any kind".
advance (pursuant to Sec 1954, 1982 and 1983 of
RAC)  Definition of LOTTERY (El Debate vs Topacio): all
 Formalized in a letter to Postmaster General in which schemes for the distribution of prizes by chance,
petitioner enclosed copy of contest rules and such as policy playing, gift exhibitions, prize
endeavoured to justify its position that it does not concerts, raffles at fairs, etc., and various forms of
violate anti lottery provisions of Postal Law gambling. There are 3 elements
 Postmaster Gen declined clearance o Consideration
 Caltex sought recon stressing that it cannot be o Prize
condemned as lottery o Chance
 Postmaster Gen relying on opinion by Sec of Justice,  field of inquiry is narrowed down to the existence of
maintained its view that it is a gift enterprise equally the element of consideration
banned by Postal Law (he denied use of mails for that o law does not condemn gratuitous
purpose and threatened that if contest was conducted, distribution of property by chance
a fraud order will have to be issued against o condemns criminal schemes such as when
petitioners) valuable consideration s paid for a chance to
 Caltex filed present petition for declaratory relief draw a prize
against respondent, praying that the contest be not  Rules of contest: only invitation to join and there is
declared as violative of postal law and ordering resp no req to pay a fee or buy a merch or service for the
to allow pet the use of mails to bring the contest to privilege to participate; what participant has to do is
the attention of the public just go to Caltex, guess and fill up a form and submit
 Trial Court held judgment in favour of petitioner for drawing. (failed to exhibit that it is a lottery)
 Respondent appealed  No point in resp’s contention that non Caltex
customers may buy products simply to win
Issues: prizenot needed to join draw
 GIFT ENTERPRISE-goods are sold for their
1. WON the scheme proposed by Caltex is within
market value but by way of inducement each
prohibitive provisions of Postal Law
purchaser is given a chance to win a prize
Ruling:  Is it not a gift enterprise?  No, as it is open to all
qualified contestants irrespective WON they bought
Mandate: Sec 1, Rule 64 of old Rules of Courtdeclaratory appellee’s products
relief is available to any person "whose rights are affected by a
Definition of Construction
 Noscitur a sociis-term under construction should be
accorded no other meaning than that which is
consistent with the nature of the word associated
therewith lottery is prohibited only if it involves a
consideration, so also must the term "gift enterprise"
be so construed (condemned only if they involve

Appellee has made out a case for

declaratory relief; the contest does not
transgress provisions of Postal Law

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