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BBU Comissioning

BBU Comissioning Tools

 LAN Cable

 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) Application –

install this first

 LMT Application
BBU Comissioning
 Change IP Laptop to
Open LMT application on folder LTE/LMT_V12.13.58_TL/LMT.Jar

 Start
BBU Comissioning
 Click Stasion to add Station Name and Station IP
BBU Comissioning

 Click Add
 Fill the Station Name (any name), Station IP :
 OK
BBU Comissioning

 Click OK
 Fill the User Name (any name), Station Name : Local
 Login Mode : Online configuration
 OK
BBU Comissioning

Normally login interface for TDD & FDD configuration

BBU Comissioning
BBU Comissioning

 Choose Ethernet Link Layer on the left menu

 Click the list of the Ethenet Link Layer on the right side

Ethernet Link Layer

BBU Comissioning

 Click + on VLAN ID
 Add the VLAN on the blank field
 The field already filled will turn into red
Ethernet Link Layer
BBU Comissioning

 Choose IP Layer Configuration on the left menu

 Right click on bellow of the list in the right side, then choose ADD
 OK
IP Layer Confguration
BBU Comissioning

 IP parameter link number : must be different / continued

 IP address, Network mask, Gateway IP : base on database
 Prefix length : 16
 Domain : invalid
 Used Ethernet Link Group : TransportNetwork=1,EthernetLinkNo=0
 VLAN : Base on database

IP Layer Confguration
BBU Comissioning

 Choose OMC Channel on the left menu

 Right click on bellow of the list in the right side, then choose ADD
 OK
OMC Channel
BBU Comissioning

 OMC interface link number : must be different / continued

 Interface type of operation and maintenance : Independent networking
 OMC gateway IP :
 OMC server IP :
 OMC Prefix Length : 16
 OMC subnet mask :
DSCP : 46
 Used IP layer configuration : TransportNetwork=1,IPLinkNo=5
 Used bandwidth resource : TransportNetwork=1,BandwidthResourceNo=1
OMC Channel
BBU Comissioning

 After all parameter already insert, click Export to base station button on the top of the
toolbar and wait untill the proccess done
 Re-login after the proccess done

OMC Channel
Ping Test

 Click ping test button on toolbar

 Choose Ping Test on menu in the left side

Ping Test

 Choose the IP then click ping button for ping test

 Don’t unplug the OTG (after up grade version). Make sure that the up grade
version proccess completed with login to BBU. If the interface has already
same with the configuration, up grade proccess is done and OTG can be

Turn off Windows firewall

 Turn off Filezilla FTP Server (if already installed)

Ode Ladamay

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