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History of Journalism

Journalism started around the 1400 when both German and Italian cities circulate hand written
news to their business collections. Jumping to the year 1556, where the Venice government released
Notizie Scritte, which meant “Written Notices” were handwritten news that had topics about politics,
the military and the economic status of Europe, particularly Italy. However, this was not entirely
considered as “true newspapers”. It was in the year 1600s where the newspapers we have today are
similar with. However, this was also the time when press freedom was questioned. Journalists were
hesitant to deliver news against the government. It was only when journalism grew and respected as a
professional job that it was given significance in the field of delivering news in both political and public
fields. The Gazette de France was subjected to censorship and was required to comply with politics,
showing their support to the monarchy. India first circulated their newspaper in 1780 that made their
citizens aware with politics. After Napoleon’s departure, Paris started magazines and was into poetry
and literature around the year 1800s. China also started journalism around the early 1900s where they
first served internationally. During the 20th century in France, the press was tightly controlled by the
French government, keeping its citizens uninformed with international concerns. Meanwhile, Britain’s
journalists were successful with booming numbers of readers where journalists fought against
politicians during the World War I. Afterwards; this is where radio and television grew popular where
both were highly important during the World War II. Few years pass, the internet was discovered and
almost all information was easily found and given out. However, due to the rise of the internet, printed
media is no longer that popular anymore.

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