Global Education and The Global Teacher

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Global Education and the Global Teacher

Global Education

 UNESCO defines global education as a goal to become aware of educational conditions

or lack of it, in developing countries worldwide and aim to educate all peoples to a certain
world standards.
 Global education is a curriculum that is international in scope which prepares today’s
youth around the world to function in one world environment under teachers who are
intellectually, professionally and humanistically prepared.

Six (6) goals to achieve some standards of education

1. Expand early childhood care education

2. Provide free and compulsory primary education for all

3. Promote learning and life skills for young and adult

4. Increase adult literacy by 50%

5. Achieve gender parity by 2015, gender equality by 2015 and

6. Improve quality of education.

The 21st Century Learning Goals have been established as bases of various curricula

 21st century content: emerging content areas such as global awareness; financial,
economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; health and awareness.
 Learning and thinking skills: critical thinking and problem solving skills,
communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration, contextual learning, information
and media literacy.
 ICT literacy: using technology in the context of learning so students know how to learn.
 Life skills: leadership, ethics, accountability, personal responsibility, self-direction, others.
 21st century assessment: Authentic assessments that measure the areas of learning.
Global Teacher

 Is a competent teacher who is armed with enough skills, appropriate attitude and universal
values to teach students with both time tested as well as modern technology ibn education
in any place in the world.

Qualities and characteristic of a global Filipino teacher

 Understands how this world is interconnected.

 Recognizes that the world has rich variety of ways of life.
 Has a vision of the future sees what the future would be for himself/herself and the students.
 Must be creative and innovative.
 Must understand, respect and the tolerant of the diversity of cultures
 Must believe and take action for education that will sustain the future
 Must be able to facilitate digitally-mediated learning
 Must have depth of knowledge, and
 Must possess good communication skills (for Filipino teachers to multi-lingual).
 Must possess the competencies of a professional teacher as embodied in the National
Competency-Based Standards for teacher (NCBTS).

The Regional data of the United Nations show the numbers of teaching posts needed by

Number of new Teaching Positions needed

Regions of the world by 2015 by the thousands
Arab states 243,000
Central and Eastern Europe 80,000
Central Asia 22,000
East Asia and the Pacific 104,000
Latin America and the Caribbean 10,000
North America and Western Europe 155,000
South and west Asia 292,000
Sub-Saharan Africa 1,115.000

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