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Year Degree / Board Institute GPA / Marks(%)
--- B.Tech and M.Tech in Mathematics & Computing Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 9.171
• Facebook, London, Software Developer (Semester Long Internship): Diff Batching
- Reduced redundant information writes to databases by 40% for a distributed system responsible for continuous integration
within Facebook and added logging and measurement for measuring latency between events of said distributed system
- Built a Simulation System improving throughput of testing & validation to code changes before commit time with less risks
• Bidgely Technologies, Data Scientist (May, 2019 - July, 2019) : Lifestyle Clustering and Demand Side Management
- Pioneered an end to end product enabling effective and efficient demand side management for electric utilities companies
- Developed an algorithm to cluster users on the basis of their lifestyle and predict kWh reductions and $ savings possible
- Built a demo application for the product showing savings and mapping zipcodes for users returned by the filters selected
Awarded a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) at the end of the Internship for exemplary performance
• Adobe, Machine Learning Researcher (May, 2018 - July, 2018) : Topological Data Analysis
- Differentiated Natural & Adversarial Data manifold & guided Selection of Neural Network architectures for given input data
- Analyzed decision boundary topology to better understand feature space of neural networks for classifcation task at hand
Awarded a Pre-Placement Training Offer (PPTO) at the end of the Internship for exemplary performance
• Cerise Internet Technologies, Software Developer (May, 2017 - July, 2017) : Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
- Implemented a centroid based heuristic algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing problem leading to optimal routes
- Optimised the routes both in terms of time and distance based on the values extracted from Google's distance matrix API
• Department Rank 3 : Currently ranked 3rd in Mathematics and Computing(Dual Degree), Batch of 2020 Present
• Undergraduate Teaching Assistant : Assigned TAship for the course on Analysis & Design of Algorithms (MTL342) Present
• Worldquant University (Data Science Module) : Completed the 8 week module on Data Science with honors 2018
• IIT Delhi Semester Merit Award : Institute Award for being a student in the Top 7% in the 2nd and 6th semester 2018
• Discover & Learn 1-2-3-4 : Awarded by IRD for novel research in Recommender Systems, funded by IIT Delhi 2017
• Department Change as a result of excellent academic performance in the first year among 850 students 2016
• NTSE Scholar : Awarded prestigious scholarship by Govt. of India following a rigorous 2-tier selection process 2013
• Deep Movie Recommender (Jan,2018 - May, 2018) : Prof Niladri Chatterjee (Discover & learn)
- Designed and implemented a novel user modeling approach using movie embeddings to solve Item Cold Start Problem
- Encoded each movie based on its visual and textual features using dense word embeddings, CNN's, RNN's and LSTM
Project displayed in Open House’ 18 , a research paper is in pipeline
• Handwritten Digit Recognition (Sep, 2018 - Oct, 2018) : Prof Prathosh A.P. ( Machine Intelligence and Learning)
- Compared classifying accuracy for classical approaches like SVM, FCNs and Deep CNNs with/without PCA decomposition
- Implemented Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to improve accuracy
• OS Process Scheduling Simulator (Aug, 2018 - Sep, 2018) : Prof Minate De ( Operating Systems)
- Compared various process scheduling strategies for a discrete event process scheduler while randomly generating processes
• Taxi Aggregator Service (Nov, 2016 - Dec, 2016) : Prof Amitabha Bagchi (Data Structures and Algorithms)
- Simulated a real life model like Uber that assigns nearest taxis to customers using DFS and Dijkstra's algorithm on graphs
• K - Nearest Neighbour Search (April, 2018 - May, 2018) : Prof Sayan Ranu (Database Management Systems)
- Implemented KNN query using KD-Tree for any dimension and analysed the running time for different values of K and D
• Multi Threaded Stock Exchange (Aug, 2016 - Sep, 2016) : Prof Amitabha Bagchi (Data Structures and Algorithms)
- Developed java-based no-cost stock exchange prototype to handle real-time buy & sell requests while maximizing spread
- Used Multi-threading to handle time-bound trading requests and matched the requests to maximize the overall profit
• Languages & Tools: Python, C++, PHP, Java, SQL, Tensorflow, Keras, Git, pandas, numpy, sklearn, MATLAB, R, LaTeX
• Table Tennis, Meditation, Music, Dance, Badminton, Yoga, Cricket
Disclaimer: All the information on this page is entered by student. Page 1

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