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Chapter 2


This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature, the review of related

studies, the conceptual framework, the research hypothesis and the definition of terms.

Related Literature

If the circuit is overload, a circuit breaker should trip or a fuse should blow. If GFCI

receptacle or circuit breaker is part of the non-working circuit (typhically in a kitchen, bath or

outdoors) you can often solve the problem by simply pushing the reset button on the GFCI

device. (Vandervort, 2019)

The abovementioned literature has a significant relationship with the present study since it

tackles about on what we can do if this situation happened on us which can help us to solve the

problem about power interruption especially inside the computer room/shop.

Electrical problems can be dangerous for you, your house and your electrical equipment.

The first step to trouble shooting one, whether it's an ask the neighbors if they are having the

same problem if they are, you probably call power company if only you are having the problem.

It may take some detective work to discover the source. (Deziel, 2018)
The foregoing literature bears a connection with the researcher's study since it explains on

how we are going to do if we are experiencing electrical problems.

When a PC's constant power is interrupted, its components lose the power to continue

running. This usually occurs when there's a problem at a power station or within the network in

the home, like a tripped fuse. This cause the entire computer to be shut off, regardless of where it

was in its processes. The actual act of a shutdown is mostly harmless after all, we do it to PC's on

a daily basis! That's not to say its entirely free of risk, however. The most likely issue caused

with a power outage is data corruption. If a power outage occurs just as you're saving changes to

file, it will be permanently stuck in mid-save. This may corrupt some of the data in the file or

make it unopenable. This isn't too bad when you're editing a shopping list but if you're doing

work on an important work document or saving changes to an important system file this can

cause a loss of work or even render the operating system unusable until it's fixed. (Batt, 2018)

The discussed statements and facts above have significant relationship to the present study

because it bears the possible things that will happened on the computer if power has been

interrupted, and how this thing can harm the computer.

According to Wunderlich, 2017 a CPU is basically comprised of little transistors, so electric

an off switches hence the binary system of 1/0 translated 1/10 representing the two possible

condition of not transistor in a CPU. As this are electric based a computer needs energy
(electricity) to be able to make switches between this conditions. While, (Johnson, 2017) state

that most modern conputers manipulate electricity with transistorized circuits to take input data

and convert it to output data, but computers don't necessarily require electricity.

A CPU is composed of billions of electric transistors. These transistors are ingineered to

form "logic gates". The electricity is what flows through these logic gates. It might help in an

abstract sort of way to think of the logical gates as pipes and the electricity as water. The pipes

serve a specific purpose and without the water following through them that purpose is not being

serve. When we're talking about the calculation in the context of a CPU, the result of a

calculation is determined by the flow of electricity through the logic gates. (Christenson, 2017)

The literature overhead place a vital applicability with the researcher's study since it

evidently describes the relationship of CPU and computers to the electricity. And it describe how

important of electricity for the process of CPU and computers.

Frequent power outages can reduce a hard drive's physical lifespan. The read-and-write

head, which hovers over the spinning platters during operation, snaps back into its orginal

position upon power loss. This sudden movement can cause tiny imperfection that occumulate

over time, increasing the likehood of a "head crash": a malfuction that occurs when the head

touches and scrapes the platter surfce, effectively destroying the hard drives. And, Solid-state

drives can also suffer catastrophic damage from sudden power cuts. Issues can range anywhere

from data corruption to total malfunction. It should be noted that although power outage will not
cause direct harm to computer hardware other than data drives, it's possible for power outages to

be accompanied by power surges, which can cause severe damage to hardware. (Lee, 2014)

The aforesaid literature is suitable with the existing study of researchers because it

disscussed the effect of frequent power outage or interruption on the hard drive which is one

parts of the computers.

The Ohm's law is absolutely the most common and most powerful single relationship in the

study of electricity or electronics today. This law will be used repeated throughout the circuits

course because it explains the basic interrelationship of voltage, current and resistance. These

relationship were originally, formulated by George Simon Ohm, an early scientist who

discovered that the basic relationship between, voltage current and resistance is especially

simple. (Cardenas, 2008)

The foregoing literature has a significant relationship with the researcher's study because it

shows the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance which is part of power supply

that the researcher uses on their study.

Stanby Power Generation System include alternate power system for application such as

heating, refrigeration, data processing or communication cause humn discomfort or damage to a

product in manufacturing but where life and safety do not depend on the system. Several method
of removing heat from a transformer involved forced cooling-cooling is achieve by using pumps

to force the circulation of air past the oil-filled radiators or by immersing water containing coils

removes the heat stored in the oil. Shows internal construction of an oil filled transformer.

Forced air movement by the use of fans is a common practice Fans are generally controlled by

thermostants. (Keljik, 2008)

The above mentioned literature bears a connection with the researcher's study since it

illustrates the power generation system or electricity , how it cause human discomfort or damage

to a product in manufacturing. And it indicate on how to remove heat from a transformers that

one of the source of frequent power interruption.

Energy is the ability to do work. When work is accomplished during a period of time power

is created. Electrical power is similar to mechanical power. When a light bulb indicates 60 watts

it means that it takes 60 watts of power to make it up-1 horse power is equal to 746 watts of

elecrical power . When we buy energy from power company, the unit of energy. We pay for it in

watt hours. That is we pay for the period of time (watt times hours). The power company sells

energy in kilowatt-hours. (Kubala, 2008)

The foregoing literature has a significant relationship with the researcher's study because it

tackles about on how we going to pay power company , which is important in the business of

computer shops.
Failure Spark Plugs. The first sign of failing plug is when the engine misfires faulty plugs

are not the only causes of engine misfire. But check the condition of plugs. There are two main

failure of spark plugs. First, fouled plugs around the electrodes and tip can result from lack of

heat to burn of the deposits of the timing point. Secondly, eroded plugs are caused by too much

heat at the firing point. (Francisco, 2007)

The above literature discussed has a essential relationship with the present study because it

describe the one sources of frequent power interruption which is the failure of spark plugs.

Related Studies

A power outage can have many different causes extreme whether, human error, equipment

failure, supply/demand issues etc., hope owners and business need to prepare continuity planning

which should include a reliable power back up solution, data back up and recovery as well as

plan how to resume operation. Common technology applications for personal (eg. Computer

gaming consoles, etc.) And proffesional use (eg. Office it solutions), require a high level of

power quality to work properly-surge protection or an Uninterruptible Power Supply, can shield

this electronics and their data from these common event. (Schneider Electric, 2019)
The above mentioned study bears relativeness with the researcher's study for the reason that

it also deals with the effect of power outage or power interruption to everything that exist with

electricity and it is telling what we need to do to lessen the problems from it. Nevertheless, the

latter study is quite different with the current study since in the researcher's study it is only

focusing on the computers and business of the owners of computer shops. Extreme whether,

human error, equipment failure, supply/demand issues etc. is not involve in present study unlike

the above study.

A power outage can do devastating damage to your computer if it is not protected properly.

The reason for the damage is usually not the fact that the computer does not receive any power

during an outage but rather the suddenness of the power outage and the potential power surges

associated with it. A schedule power outage for line maintenance for instance does not pose any

risk to your computer if you shut it down before the outage. (Botton, 2019)

The foregoing study speaks suitability with the present study since the latter study also

shows about the damage of power outage/interruption to a computer. However, the above study

is a bit different to the present study because it something stated that this problem doesn't pose

any risk to your computer if you shut it down before the outage while, researcher's study

illustrate the frequent power interruption that anyone can't be aware of.
Brownouts, whether intentional or unintentional, always have undesirable effect on various

electric appliances that are connected to the supply grid. These effects also vary from one device

to another some problems. Brownouts are insentences where in the voltage supply to our homes

takes a temporary dip whether intensional or unintensional, it always brings with it certain

undesirable and even harmful effects. However, now that you know what it is and what are its

sign you are in a much better position to handle a brownout situation and protect your valuable

electronic devices against it. (Vispute, 2018)

The above indicated study holds a similarities with the current study for the reason that it

explicates the undesirable effect of brownouts that we must be prepared of. Yet, the above study

explains about the affected electric appliances even, present study only look on the effect of

power interruption in computers not in all appliances.

Power outages frequently occur in the johannesburg area and can be of such a long duration

that a whole business day is lost. This has a significant impact on small businesses and can be

considered as a regular occurrence that needs to be dealt with in the running of a business.

Dealing with power outages adds to the running cost of a business. In shopping centers that

provide back-up power measures, the small business must pay more per month for this service. If

such as service is not provided, the business must spend money on buying a back-up power

source and also spend money on running and maintaining such back-up measure. Further cost to

a business may result from equipment damaged due to power surges and stock that needs to be
replaced. Not only does power outages increase the running cost of businesses but 42.6 per cent

recorded a reduction in income on days with power outages.(Schoeman & Saunders, 2018)

The article above demonstrate a comparison with the current study since it clarify the effect

of power outage/interruption. Someway, the above article has a little exception because it ,

defines a very broad area even researcher study has a narrow area.

A computer's core, it's central processing unit (CPU), naturally generates heat as it carries

out algorithms, as does the graphics processing unit (GPU), which typically handles 3D imaging

for display. Gaming can result on higher temperatures, especially as they often require GPUs to

carry out complicated calculation (in many instances the CPU) hard disk driver can also

contribute to heat generation, especially when copying large files. Similarly the optical disc

drive can generate large amount of heat when playing DVDs or CDs, both as if forces discs to

spin and as if reads the contents using a laser. (Bates, 2014)

The above study conducted a similarity with the researcher's study because it describe a

parts of computers that using much of electricity and produce more heats. But, the above study

still have a difference with the present study forasmuch as it didn't professed about a power

interruption that the researcher's problem in the study.

The power supply in the computer is designed to take the electricity coming out of the wall

and convert it into something that the computer can use. In principle this is a simple task, but in

practice it's rarely simple. The problem is that the coming electricity is in a constant state of flux.

It filled with power problems such a spikes, surges, sags, brown outs, and complete outages.

Digital electronics in contrast, must have a very clean and undisrupted even slightly the results

are usually a locked up computer or one that reboots at random. (Bogue, 2003)

The told study have a significant similarities with the present study because it explains a

problems that may encountered of power supply which is very important parts of computer

because it is the reason why the computer is working. However, the above study is differ from

current study in the way of it didn't tackles how can it affects in person's business instead it

solely talk about the problems in power supply.

A complete desktop uses an average of 200 watt hours (wh). This is the some of the average

consumption per hour of the computer itself (171 W) the internet modem (low), the printer (5W)

and the loudspeakers (20W). Assuming that a computer is on for eight hours a day, the annual

consumption comes to 600 KWh that corresponds to CO² emmisions of about 175 kg per year.

i.e. 1.75% of the average annual emission of a Belgian. A laptop uses considerably less between

50 and 100 Wh that it is on, depending on the model. If it is used for eight hours a day,

consumption therefore varies between 150 and 300 KWh/year that corresponds to CO² emissions

of between 44 and 88 kg per year (or between 0.44 and 0.88% of the average annual emission of

a Belgian). On stand-by the power consumption of both a desktop and a laptop computer falls to
about a third. Putting the monitor on stand-by reduces its consumption by 15%. If the monitor is

switched off completely then of course it does not use any power. Although the internet is a

virtual space, using it still requires power and results in CO² emissions.



The said study has a similarity with the researcher's study because it says that computer and

laptop is using electricity and it describes how is the flow of electricity that used by the computer

and laptops per hour. Nevertheless, the latter study is different with the current study since it

didn't specified about power interruption instead, it only shows about the consumed electricity of

computer and laptop per hour.

Conceptual Frameworks

Effect of Frequent Power Interruption

in Computer Shops

a. Software Damage of b. Physical Damage in

Frequent Power Interruption Computers/appliances inside c. Business of Owners

in Computers the computer shops

Frequent power interruption It may cause harmful effects or It can cause low income but

can distruct and ruin the good damage in the computers and higher charge of electricity

process of computers, it is not its parts in terms of it should be that's not healthy in one

good when doing important destroyed and will never work business.

documents. properly that can cause severe

problems in processing of the

The figure introduced described the effects of frequent power interruption in computer shop,

in the appliances inside it and in the process of business of the computer shop. (a.) The problem

has a software damage in computers. It can distruct and ruin the good process of computers, it is

not good when doing important documents. (b.) Frequent power interruption has a physical

damage in computers/appliances inside the computer shops. This may cause harmful effects or

damage in the computers and its parts, in terms of it should be destroyed and will never work

properly that can cause severe problems in processing of the computers. (c.) Researcher's

problem contain a difficulty in business owners of computer shops. Frequent power interruption

may cause low income but higher charge of electricity that's not healthy in one business.

Research Hypothesis

Specific problem:

Do frequent power interruption have lots of effects in computer shops?

Null hypothesis:

The frequent power interruptions have no effects in computer shops.

Definition of terms

Operational definitions

Electricity - Electricity is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout nature and takes many

different forms. (


Computer - a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on

instructions provided.

Lightning - the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity; also: the

discharge itself. (Merriam Webster)

Interruption - something that causes a stop in action.

Coals - a black or brownish-black solid combustible substance within the earth that is used as a

fuel. (Merriam Webster)

Conseptual definition
Electricity - refers the researcher as the important needs of computer shops in order to work all

of the appliances inside it.

Computer - used by the researcher as the one of the most affected appliances inside the

computer shops when frequent power interruption is being occurred.

Lightning - specify by the researcher as the one of too many causes of frequent power

interruption is being happened in specific location.

Interruption - used by the researcher as the problem on electricity that affects the operation of

the business in computer shops.

Coals - used the researcher as one of the lot sources of electricity.

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