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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................1

2. Goal ..........................................................................................................................................................3

3. Strategies ..................................................................................................................................................4

4. Scope ........................................................................................................................................................5

5. Institutional Arrangement .....................................................................................................................6

6. Targets ......................................................................................................................................................9

7. Interventions .........................................................................................................................................11

8. Phasing of Activities ............................................................................................................................15

9. Certification, Incentives & Branding .................................................................................................18

10. Financial Arrangements .......................................................................................................................19

11. Roles & Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................20

12. Monitoring and Reporting ..................................................................................................................21

Annexures .....................................................................................................................................................22

Annexure ‘A’ ..........................................................................................................................................22

Annexure ‘B’..........................................................................................................................................23

Annexure ‘C’..........................................................................................................................................24

Annexure ‘D’ .........................................................................................................................................26

List of Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................34

List of Contributors .............................................................................................................................36

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 xv

Introduction 1
After launch of the National Health Mission facilities. Respectful maternity care1 not only
(NHM), there has been substantial increase contributes in ensuring positive outcomes for
in the number of institutional deliveries. the mothers and newborns, but also supports
However, this increase in the numbers has not cognitive development of the babies later in
resulted into commensurate improvements the life. Curtailing period of the labour by use
in the key maternal and new-born health of oxytocic drugs adversely impacts natural
indicators. It is estimated that approximately secretion of hormones and physiological
46% maternal deaths, over 40% stillbirths and mechanism that contribute to the cognitive
40% newborn deaths take place on the day of development. Determinants impacting health
the delivery. and well-being of mothers & newborns during
the intrapartum & immediate post-partum
A transformational change in the processes
period are shown in Annexure ‘A’.
related to the care during the delivery, which
essentially relates to intrapartum and immediate Do’s and don’ts in the labour rooms as
postpartum care, is required to achieve tangible given in Table 1 are expected to support
results within short period of time. Prerequisite improved outcome for the maternal and
of such approach would also hinge upon the newborn health.
health system’s preparedness for prompt
identification and management of maternal For improving the quality of care at Public
and newborn complications. Delivery of Health Facilities, Quality Assurance Standards for
such transformed care would not only need District Hospitals, Community Health Centres,
availability of adequate infrastructure, functional Primary Health Centre and Urban-Primary
& calibrated equipment, drugs & supplies & Health Centres have been drafted, and their
HR, but also meticulous adherence to clinical implementation has been operationalised through
protocols by the service providers at the health the National Quality Assurance Programme.
1 Respectful care includes respect for women’s autonomy,
Pregnant women are often meted out rude dignity, feelings, privacy, choices, freedom from ill treatment &
coercion and consideration for personal preferences including
and uncourteous treatment at the health option for companionship during the maternity care.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 1

Table 1: Do’s & Don’ts of Labour Room the states should continue to work towards
achieving full NQAS certification of the health
Do’s Don’ts facilities, LaQshya Guidelines are intended for
y Providing privacy y Induction and
achieving improvements in the intra-partum
to pregnant augmentation of
women during the labour without and immediate post-partum care, which are
intrapartum period, sound clinical take place in the labour room and maternity
by way of separate indications operation theatre.
labour room or
y Any verbal or Implementation of these guidelines is expected
at least a private
physical abuse of to result into delivery of respectful and zero-
the pregnant women
defect care to all pregnant women and newborns,
y Presence of birth
y Insisting on and such improvement is incentivised.
companion during
the labour The states are also expected to accelerate
lithotomy position
y Freedom to choose a for the delivery efforts for upgradation of conventional labour
comfortable position rooms as per norms given in ‘Guidelines for
y Immediate clamping
during birthing Standardisation of Labour Rooms at Delivery
and cutting of the
(squatting, standing,
umbilical cord Points’, and establish HDUs as per norms given
y Separating baby in the ‘Guidelines for Obstetric HDUs and
y Adherence to ICUs’.
from the mother
Clinical protocols
for routine care &
for management of Medical College Hospitals handle substantial
labour maternal and newborn caseloads, besides
y ‘Out of Pocket
y Use of Labour beds imparting teaching and training the doctors,
instead of tables specialists, nurses and para-medical staff.
(OOPE) on
y Place baby on drugs, diagnostics, This initiative will also be implemented in all
mother’s abdomen including demand Government Medical Colleges (MCs) besides
by the staff for District Hospitals (DHs), and high delivery load
y Initiation of Breast
gratuitous payment CHCs and SDHs.
feeding within one
by families for
hour of birth
celebration of the These guidelines are meant to help the
baby’s birth. States’ NHM Directors, Medical Education
Departments, Heads of Department of
While states are in the process of implementing Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Medical
Quality Management System using National Colleges, District Health Officials, Medical
Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) to Superintendents, In-charge of Gynaecology
obtain certification of the health facilities, the departments and teams engaged in the
process takes substantial time and effort. While maternity care.

2 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Goal 2
Reduce preventable maternal and newborn 2. To improve Quality of care during the
mortality, morbidity and stillbirths associated delivery and immediate post-partum
with the care around delivery in Labour room care, stabilization of complications
and Maternity OT and ensure respectful and ensure timely referrals, and
maternity care. enable an effective two-way follow-up
3. To enhance satisfaction of
1. To reduce maternal and newborn beneficiaries visiting the health
mortality & morbidity due to APH, PPH, facilities and provide Respectful
retained placenta, preterm, preeclampsia Maternity Care (RMC) to all pregnant
& eclampsia, obstructed labour, puerperal women attending the public health
sepsis, newborn asphyxia, and sepsis, etc. facility.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 3

3 Strategies

1. Reorganizing/aligning Labour room load district hospitals have dedicated

& Maternity Operation Theatre layout obstetric HDUs as per GoI MOHFW
and workflow as per ‘Labour Room Guidelines, for managing complicated
Standardization Guidelines’ and pregnancies that require life-saving
‘Maternal & Newborn Health Toolkit’ critical care.
issued by the Ministry of Health &
3. Ensuring strict adherence to clinical
Family Welfare, Government of India.
protocols for management and
2. Ensuring that at least all government stabilization of the complications before
medical college hospitals and high case- referral to higher centres.

4 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Scope 4
Following facilities would be taken under y All designated FRUs and high case load
LaQshya initiative on priority: CHCs with over 100 deliveries/60 (per
month) in hills and desert areas.
y All government medical college hospitals.

y All District Hospitals & equivalent health


LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 5

5 Institutional Arrangement

Under the National Health Mission, the States within the QA organizational framework.
have been supported in creating Institutional Outlines of Institutional arrangement under
framework for the Quality Assurance - State LaQshya is given in Figure 1.
Quality Assurance Committee (SQAC), District
Quality Assurance Committee (DQAC), (a) National Level
and Quality Team at the facility level. These
committees will also support implementation y National Mentoring Group would include
of LaQshya interventions. For specific technical members of the Programme Divisions,
activities and program management, special IEC Division, NHSRC, NIHFW, AIIMS,
purpose groups have been suggested, and these and Medical Colleges, Nursing collages,
groups will be working towards achievement Schools of Public Health, Professional
of specific targets and program milestones Associations, Hospital Planners, IT
in close coordination with relevant structures professionals, Development Partners,

Figure 1: Institutional Arrangement under NQAP & LaQshya

Level Quality Structure Quality Drivers

National Level CQSC
Mentoring Group

State Level SQAC
Mentoring Group

District Level DQAC Coaching Team

Facility Level Quality Team Quality Circle (LR & OT)

6 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Empanelled external assessors & eminent State Level Development Partners and
professionals. eminent professionals.

Responsibilities Responsibilities
i. Periodic visit to the states, and to a i. Visit to the facilities and ‘on-site’ support
sample of the health facilities. for under performing facilities.

ii. Orientation and training. ii. Training & mentoring of the coaching
iii. Standardization of skill based training
programs. iii. Customisation and approval of SOPs &
iv. Development of IEC & resource
material. iv. Performance monitoring.

v. Monitoring & evaluation. v. Mobilisation of State level support

including providing inputs for the State
vi. Recommend mid-course correction.
vii. Video conference with the QC teams and
vi. Presentation of Status report to the
review of the MDSR/Maternal Near
Miss review and NMR/Stillbirth review
programmes. vii. Identification of innovations and
promoting their replication.
(b) State Level viii. Undertake MDSR & CDR.
State NHM, Departments of Health and ix. Assessment and modification of the
Medical Education would jointly create referral directories prepared by the
institutional arrangement for seamless flow of districts.
support and removal of the bottle-necks, if any
x. Tracking & reporting of Indicators.
for implementation of this initiative.

State Mentoring Group – State

(c) District Level
Mission Director would constitute the
State mentoring group, consisting of Coaching Team- An external multidisciplinary
programme officers, suitable faculty team, responsible for mentoring one or more
of AIIMS and other eminent National labour rooms, would comprise of District
Institutions and medical education family welfare officer/RCHO (equivalent),
department, State Nodal Officers for district/divisional quality consultants, nursing
Quality, IEC, procurement, infrastructure, instructors/mentors from the functional skill

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 7

labs, faculty of nearest medical colleges and ix. Peer assessment & support for the NQAS
representatives of professional associations Certification.
and development partners. The coaching team
in districts with medical college could include (d) Facility Level
one or more retired faculty members as a coach
for medical college labour rooms and operation y Quality Circle : Quality circles are informal
theatre. In the early phases, one coaching team groups of the staff in each department that
could mentor four or five districts since training works closely to improve the QOC there.
every district coaching team in a short span of For example, Quality circle in a labour
time may not be possible. All coaching teams room would involve of Gynaecologist,
Paediatrician, Matrons and Nursing Staff &
must be trained in skills lab/Dakshata, so that
Support Staff. In the Operational theatre,
they are proficient mentors.
anaesthetist would also be a member of the
Quality circle. The Quality Circles will work
in coordination with facility level quality
i. Mentoring of the Quality circles, Support team headed by the Medical Superintendent
for the campaign and its monitoring. or facility incharge.

ii. Periodic Internal review Monthly visits Responsibilities

of coaching/support teams for hand
i. Ensuring Adherence to Protocols &
holding, problem solving, and verifying
Clinical guidelines.
reported quality indicators.
ii. Assessment of Labour room & operation
iii. To provide ‘hands-on’ training on clinical theatre using the NQAS Departmental
protocols. Check-lists.
iv. Hand-hold the quality improvement iii. Prioritisation and Action planning for
process. closure of gaps as per ‘Maternal and
Newborn Health Toolkit’ and ‘Guidelines
v. Monitoring of availability of point
for Standardisation of Labour Rooms at
of care diagnostic services and blood
Delivery Points’.
transfusion services.
iv. Management of ‘Campaign’/‘Rapid
vi. OSCE based assessment of the staff. Improvement Cycle’.
vii. Development of referral directory. v. Collation of data elements, required for
viii. Sample verification of the indicators. monitoring Indicators.

8 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Targets 6

Immediate (0-4 Months) 6. 80% labour rooms and Maternity OTs

take microbiological samples from
1. 80% of the selected Labour rooms & defined areas every month.
Maternity OTs assess their quality and
staff competence using defined NQAS 7. 30% reduction in surgical site infection
checklists and OSCE. ratein r/o planned surgery in the
Maternity OT.
2. 80% of Labour rooms & Maternity OTs
have setup functional quality circles and
Intermediate Term
facility level quality teams.
(Up to 12 Months)
Short Term (up to 8 Months) 1. 30% increase in antenatal corticosteroid
administration in case of preterm labour.
1. 80% of Labour Room and OT Quality
Circles are oriented to latest labour room 2. 30% reduction in pre-eclampsia,
protocols, quality improvement processes eclampsia& PIH related mortality.
and respectful maternity care (RMC).
3. 30% reduction in APH/PPH related
2. 50% of deliveries take place in presence mortality.
of the Birth Companions.
4. 20% reduction in new-born asphyxia
3. 60% of deliveries conducted using related admissions in SNCUs for inborn
safe birth checklist and Safe Surgery deliveries.
Checklist in Labour Room & Maternity
OT respectively. 5. 20% reduction in newborn sepsis rate in
SNCUs for inborn deliveries.
4. 60% of the deliveries are conducted
using real-time par to graph. 6. 20% reduction in Stillbirth rate.

5. 30% increase in Breast Feeding within 7. 80% of all beneficiaries are either satisfied
one hour of delivery. or highly satisfied.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 9

8. 60% of the labour rooms are reorganized 13. 80% Labour Room and OTs are
as per ‘Guidelines for Standardisation of reporting zero stock-outs of drugs and
Labour Rooms at Delivery Points’. consumables.

9. 80% of labour rooms have staffing as Long Term (up to 18 Months)

per defined norms.
1. 60% of labour rooms achieve quality
10. 100% compliance to administration of certification against the NQAS.
Oxytocin, immediately after birth.
2. 50% of labour rooms are linked to
11. 30% improvement in OSCE scores of Obstetrics HDU/ICU.
labour room staff.
3. 15% improvement in short term &
12. 100% Maternal death, Neonatal Intermediate targets.
Death audit and clinical discussion
on near miss/maternal and neonatal After 18 months, this initiative would be
complications. continued through sustained mentoring.

10 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Interventions 7
Key approach under this initiative is a) Upgrading the infrastructure as per norm
breakthrough improvement using business & realistic case-load.
process re-engineering concepts. This would b) Human Resource augmentation and skill
require substantial reorganization of labour
room structure (Infrastructure, HR, and Drugs
& Equipment) and processes. Summary of c) Ensuring availability of adequate functional
interventions is given in Figure 2. & calibrated equipment, as per need.

Structural improvement will include the d) Strengthening the supply chain system
following : of drugs & consumables for ensuring

Figure 2: Components of QOC Improvement in Labour Room

Assessment Improvement Enablers Outcome


Labour Room
Baseline Improvement
Human Resource Labour Room
Assessment Strengthing Certification
(using Guidelines
for LR
Standardisation, Improved
MNH Toolkit & Maternal health
Quality Circles
NQAS) stillbirth &
Process Newborn Health
Improvement Rapid Indicators

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 11

their availability in the labour room and 2. Ensuring skill assessment of all
OT as per need. staff of LR & Maternal OT through
OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical
Process improvement will include : Examination) testing as per Dakshata
a) Assessment and Triage guidelines for delivery of ‘zero-defect’
quality obstetric and newborn care.
b) Management of Labour including Active Enhance proficiency of labour room and
Management of Third stage of labour. operation theatre staff for management
of the complications through skill-lab
c) Management of complications and High-
training, simulations and drills. Ensuring
Risk Pregnancies. that staff working in the labour room
d) Management of referral services. and maternity OT are not shifted from
maternity duty to other departments/
e) Perioperative processes for C-Section. wards frequently.

f) Newborn care and resuscitation. 3. Sensitising care-providers for delivery

of respectful maternity care and close
g) Management of required support monitoring of language, behaviour and
services for the Labour room, Maternity conduct of the labour room, OT &
OT & HDU. HDU Staff.
h) Sensitisation of the Staff on RMC and 4. Creating an enabling environment for
its monitoring. natural birthing process.

It would be ensured that quality circles at the 5. Implementation of Clinical Guidelines,

departments and support groups (Quality team Labour Room Clinical Pathways, Referral
& coaching team) work in harmony for solving Protocols, safe birth checklist (in labour
the problems and take all possible actions for room and Obstetric OT) and surgical
safety check-list.
the closure of gaps.
6. Ensuring round the clock availability of
Interventions Blood transfusion services, diagnostic
services, drugs & consumables.
1. Ensuring availability of optimal and
7. Ensuring availability of triage area and
skilled human resources as per case-load
functional newborn care area.
and prevalent norms through rational
deployment and skill upgradation. 8. Ensuring systematic facility-level audit
Suggested HR for the labour room is of all cases of maternal/neonatal
given in Annexure ‘B’. deaths, stillbirth, and maternal near

12 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

miss etc. including with their mentor meeting quality standards to improve
teams through clinical discussions, visibility and awareness.
peer reviews in teaching institutes,
14. Using Quality tools for prioritisation,
Videoconference, or other distance
and gap closure such as Plan Do Check
mode mechanisms for continuous
Act (PDCA), Root Cause Analysis,
improvement and learning.
Run Charts, Pareto chart and Mistake
9. Operationalisation of ‘C’ Section audit Proofing for achieving desired targets.
and corrective & preventive actions for
15. Rapid Improvement Events - Six cycles
ensuring that ‘C’ Sections are undertaken
of two months each as defined below
judiciously in those cases having robust
will need to be rigorously supervised and
clinical indications.
ensured. This will enable competency
10. Instituting an ongoing system of in all critical skills needed. For each
capturing of beneficiaries’ independent area, a targeted campaign would be
feedback through mechanism ‘Mera- launched for a two month duration,
Aspataal’ or manual recording, or with the first month for the roll-out,
Grievance Redressal Help Desk and followed by sustaining such efforts
take action to address concerns, during the subsequent month (Period
for continual enhancement in their for one event – 2 months). Suggested
satisfaction. list of the themes for campaigns is given
below :
11. Ensuring availability of essential support
services such as 24x7 running water, a) Cycle 1: Real-time Partograph
electricity, housekeeping, linen and generation including shift to electronic
laundry, security, equipment maintenance, partograph & usage of safe birth
laboratory services, dietary services, check-list & surgical safety check-list
BMW management, etc. and strengthening documentation
practices for generating robust data for
12. Use of digital technology for record
driving improvement.
keeping & monitoring for maternity wing
(MIS), including use of E partograph. b) Cycle 2: Presence of Birth companion
Piloting of technology for managing during delivery, respectful maternity
care, such as Computer on Wheel, care and enhancement of patients’
Computerised Physician Order Entry. satisfaction.

13. Use aggressive IEC, user friendly training c) Cycle 3: Assessment, Triage and timely
material and IT-enabled tools. Facilitating management of complications including
branding of all high case load facilities strengthening of referral protocols.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 13

d) Cycle 4: Management of Labour as per including management of birth asphyxia
protocols including AMTSL & rational and timely initiation of breast feeding as
use of Oxytocin. well as KMC for preterm newborn.

e) Cycle 5: Essential and emergency f) Cycle 6: Infection Prevention including

care of Newborn & Pre-term babies Biomedical Waste Management.

14 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Phasing of Activities 8
Activities under LaQshya are divided into four iii. National level orientation workshop of
phases, as shown in Figure 3. national resource team and state nodal
a. Preparatory Phase - 2 Months iv. Issue of the instructions to the State and
This will include district stakeholders.

i. Launch and dissemination of the v. Formation of state mentoring group.

scheme. vi. Identification and listing of facilities to
ii. Identification of members for National be included in the initiative.
mentoring group and operationalisation vii. State level ToT of the Quality Coaches.
of the group.
viii. Formation of Quality circles at the labour
rooms and Operation Theatres.

Figure 3: Summary of Activities

Preparatory Phase
Assessment Phase
2 Months
$Dissemination Improvement Phase
2 Months
$t Evaluation Phase
$Orientation 12 Months
$ #s $  ov
# 2 Months
$Re  $Ev 
 ovement hievements
$Te! $ #rtn

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 15

ix. Assigning states to development ix. Training of the staff in recording of
partners. data elements for monitoring of the
indicators and implementation of Quality
b. Assessment Phase - Management System.

2 Months x. Ensuring availability of drugs & supplies.

i. Orientation of Quality Circles on Quality xi. Development of resource package for

Improvement and Clinical Protocols. monthly campaigns.

ii. Assessment of the Labour Rooms & xii. Initiation of Patients’ satisfaction survey
Maternity OT against National Quality among all patients reporting in the labour
Standards. room & operation theatre.

iii. Planning for expansion of Labour rooms xiii. Development of IT platform for the
as per ‘Guidelines for Standardisation of initiative or integration with existing IT
Labour Rooms at Delivery Points’ and platform.
upgradation the Maternity OT.
iv. Preparation of time bound action plan, c. Improvement Phase -
based on the identified gaps. 12 Months
v. Planning for creation of Obstetrics HDU i. Launch of rapid improvement cycles.
as per recommendations of ‘Guidelines Each cycle includes one month of
for Obstetrics HDU & ICU’. improvement and subsequent month of
vi. Collation of requirements and resource consolidation and sustenance.
allocation through the PIP process under ii. Ensuring adherence to clinical protocols
the NHM. & peer-mentoring.
vii. Mapping of referral facilities (type of iii. Establish Standard Operating Procedures
facility, distance & travel time, contact for labour rooms& maternity OT.
details, availability of services including
facility for the blood transfusion, iv. Quality Circle understands the issues
availability of other specialities such regarding selected theme of alternate
as Physician, Surgeon, Pathology & month and will try to improve the
Biochemistry lab & Ultrasound facility, processes using quality improvement
nearest tertiary care institution). methodology (Plan – DO – Check –Act)
cycle, and sustain them (Figure 4).
viii. Ensuring availability of updated version
of clinical protocols for end users and v. Preparatory visit, followed by monthly
training of labour room & OT staff. visits – Visits in the second month of

16 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Figure 4: PDCA Cycle & Enabling Activities
Training IT Tools HR Quality Tools

Labour Room Quality Circle

Assessment Act Plan Act Plan Act Plan Evaluation

Improve- Orientation Feedback Meeting
ment Action Plan Check Sustainability Quality
Check Do Check Do Do
Theme (MR) (MR) Objectives
Last Week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week
Labour Room Quality Circle

Evaluation IEC/WI Supplies Mistake Proofing

each improvement cycle would be in last deployment & skill upgradation in the
week for performance review through labour room & OT will go in parallel.
objective indicators. Support for the
xi. Concurrent evaluation of quality
forthcoming campaign would also be
indicators by SQAC and MH Division/
extended during this visit.
NHSRC and feedback to quality circles.
vi. Documentation and photography of the
xii. Analysis of Patients’ feedback and taking
actions for addressing the beneficiaries’
vii. Observation and assessment of concerns.
processes, refresher & hands-on training,
demonstrations and hand-holding. d. Evaluation Phase - 2 Months
viii. IEC campaign for each improvement i. Evaluation of the quality objectives and
cycle – This includes reading material/ indicators.
brochure on the theme, short videos,
presentations, etc. disseminated through ii. External Assessment & Quality certification
social media/dedicated IT platform. of labour rooms & Maternity OT.

ix. Collection and reporting of indicators iii. Awards to best performing quality circles
linked with quality objectives of and Coaching Teams.
each cycle from quality circle to State iv. National level dissemination of
Mentoring Group & SQAC. achievements.
x. Structural augmentation including re- v. Development of Strategy for sustenance
arranging the layout & human resource and scaling-up.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 17

9 Certification, Incentives & Branding

a. Quality Certification: The Labour Room LaQshya facilities should endeavour to

& Maternity OT Checklists developed introduce ‘Mera-Aspataal’ ICT based feedback
for NQAS, will be used as tools for the system. As an interim measure, feedback from
assessment and certification. The external the beneficiaries may be taken manually.
assessment and certification will be done by
external assessors empanelled with NHSRC. This incentive is recognition of the good work
Certification will be valid for 3 years subject done by the quality circles and facility’s quality
to annual verification of the scores by the team. This amount can be used as cash incentive
State Quality Assurance Committee. to the staff and also for the welfare activities.

b. Incentivisation: The teams in the Labour c. Branding : The achievement of quality

rooms and Maternity OT’s at Medical Colleges, benchmarks should be used for branding of
District Hospitals and SDH/CHCs could be the QoC at the health facility. This will give
given incentives of Rs. 6 Lakhs, 3 Lakhs and sense of pride to the staff as well as provide
2 Lakhs (for each department) respectively on confidence to the community that they
achievement of following criteria: are getting quality care at public hospitals.
y Quality Certification of Labour Room The departments may be provided badges
and/or OT as per protocol under the (LaQshya Medal) based on the quality score,
NQAS. achieved in the state level assessment.
y Attainment of at least of 75% of Platinum Badge : Achieving more than
commensurate facility level targets and
90% Score.
its verification by the SQAC. List of
such verifiable indicators the facility, Gold Badge : Achieving More than 80% Score.
its source and means of verification is
given in Annexure ‘C’. Silver Badge : Achieving more than 70% Score.

y 80% of the beneficiaries are either These badges should be worn by the care
satisfied or highly satisfied (or providers as well as prominently displayed at
Equivalent score > 4 on Likert scale). relevant places in the hospitals.

18 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Financial Arrangements 10

Based on Gap analysis, the state may budget Suggested activities for the budgetary support is
the resource requirements and request for given in Box 1.
allocation of the funds in relevant financial There will also be resource requirements for
heads through the NHM PIPs. The PIP would organising trainings, assessment, mobility
include proposals for strengthening the Labour support and other incidental expenses. The
rooms & maternity OTs in the government State may request for allocation of the resources
medical colleges as well. through PIP under NHM.

Box 1. Suggestive List of Activities for support under the NHM

y Restructuring & upgradation of labour room as per Labour Room Standardisation Guidelines
y Upgradation of Maternity OT as per case load
y Procurement of Equipment and Furniture
y Creation of Obstetrics’ High Dependency Unit
y Services of planning/architectural consultants
y Additional qualified staff for labour room and OTs
y IT Equipment and software
y Signage, IEC, Displays etc.
y Hiring of professionals (individuals and/or organisations) for preparation and execution of
improvement plans
y Training support
y Support under the JSSK
y Health Innovations

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 19

11 Roles & Responsibilities

The initiative will be coordinated by the and consultants at the national level for
Maternal Health Division and supported coordination and intense monitoring of
by the Child Health Division and NHSRC. activities in the States. This unit will keep track
Maternal Health Division will facilitate of the scheduled activities, collate and analyse
preparation of resource package for the the indictors, coordinate with the national
labour room reorganization & standardization mentors and facilitate the training programs.
and improvement in Quality of Care This unit will report to Deputy Commissioner
(QOC), coordinate with the states &UT’s I/C Maternal Health and Advisor
for smooth roll out of the initiative, collate QI NHSRC.
quality scores and indicators, ensure synergy
with the development partners, review PIP In the States, Maternal Health Program officer/
proposals for labour room & maternity OT State Quality Assurance Nodal Officer may be
upgradation, creation of obstetric HDU designated as nodal officer for implementation
and staff augmentation. NHSRC would of the initiative. Coordination with the
coordinate quality certification activities Medical Colleges through Medical Education
under this initiative, undertake documentation Department would be critical. Based on the
of best & replicable practices for cross- number of facilities under this initiative in first
learning and provide necessary support for phase, the states may hire a full-time project
successful implementation of the programme. manager.
Development partners may synergize their
activities for supporting the roll-out of the At the district level, Maternal Health Nodal
scheme in their priority States, support officer & Nodal Officer for Quality Assurance
National& State Mentoring Groups, and will be responsible for this implementing the
support development of technical resource activities.
material as required.
Details of activities, required to be undertaken
A small project management unit may be by different stakeholders are given in
established with full time program managers Annexure ‘D’.

20 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Monitoring and Reporting 12

Under the LaQshya initiative, multiple The data for these indictors can be directly pulled
interventions are envisaged to be undertaken from the respective systems. All indicators need
within the stipulated time frame and impact of to be reported by facility on monthly basis after
interventions is required to be simultaneously verification from respective coaching teams.
measured through verifiable indicators in real
Monitoring of the program activities
time. Therefore, efficient reporting of status of
such as assessment, labour room & OT
activities and achievement of targets are critical
reorganization, progress on establishing
for the success of initiative.
HDU, trainings, visits of coaching teams etc.
A dedicated data entry module and dashboard Will be done through a dedicated web based
may be created in this purpose. Many of these tracking system. This website will also host all
indicators are already reported through HMIS, relevant guidelines, resource material, updates
Labour room, HIS and SNCU online system. and progress reports.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 21


Annexure ‘A’
Promoting Respectful Maternity Care & Cognitive Development of Baby
Comfortable Birth Avoiding
Position during Birthing Companion Stress
Encourage mothers to Walk,
Timely arrival to avoid
Move around and Change Educating Birth
emergency stress
position during Labour companio

Avoid Direct Pushing Coordinating Care Positive interaction

with the care provider
Let mother choose position Preventing Baby
swapping & theft Proper Triaging
of comfort for birthing on arrival
Emotional Support Assuring Mother that
Modern Birthing
Furniture Assisting mother Birth is a Natural Process
Adequate circulation for personal needs Avoiding Stress
area for moving triggering terms
Helping in Early
Washing Hands Initiation of breast Sensitizing LR team
and Drinking Water feeding to Respect the Natural
Process of Labour
Orientation of Care Helping shifting of
Providers regarding Mother & baby Avoid Frequent
Birthing Position Vaginal Examination

Promotes cognitive
development of babies
Do not separate mother Avoid Induction
LDR Concept
and baby for routine care of Labour
No use of radiant Avoid Augmentation
Avoid Bright Lights
warmer for routine care of Labour

No Uneccassary refrerral Avoid Epidural and Avoid Noise

to SNCU/NBSU Painkillers
Avoid unnecessary
Keeping the baby on the Use of Safe Birth
Movement of
mothers abdomen Checklist

Delayed Cord Clamping Use of Partograph Cleanliness &

Early initiation of Avoid Unnecessary
Soothing colours
breast feeding C-Section
and Music
Allow healthy pregnancy
Shifting Mother & child to continue till at Visual Privacy
together towards/SNCU least 39 Weeks
Bonding of Natural Progression Care Environment
Mother and Child of Labour

22 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

Annexure ‘B’

Recommended Minimum Human Resource for the Labour Rooms

Human Resource exclusively for Labour Room

All the labour rooms, whether newly constructed or re-rganized from an existing labour room,
should have Human Resources (HR) in adequate numbers strictly, as per the recommendations
given below. If needed, redeployment or hiring of new staff should be done. HR posted in the
labour room should not be rotated outside the labour room.

CHC/AH/SDH/DH/Medical Colleges
No. of Staff Nurse Staff Nurse MO House- DEO Guard
Deliveries (with LDR) (without keeping
(per month) LDR)
100 – 200 In LDR 8 4 MO, 1 OBG/ EmoC, 4 1 4
facility 1 Anaesthetist/ LSAS,
there 1Pediatrician
200- 500 should be 4 12 1 OBG (Mandatory) + 4 OBG/ 8 1 6
staff nurses EmoC
per LDR +1 Anaesthetist
unit (1 for + 4 LSAS
each shift + 1 Paediatrician
and 1 back + 4 MO
>500 16 3 OBG (Mandatory) + 4 EmoC 12 1 8
+1 Anaesthetist
+ 4 LSAS
+ 1 Paediatrician
+ 4 MO

MO Staff Nurse/ ANM Housekeeping Guard
1-2 4 ANM/ Staff nurses Round the clock Services Round the clock
*All normal deliveries in labour room in the district hospital should be conducted by staff nurses. OBG, EmoC trained MO, and
anaesthetists should also be available on call always.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 23

Annexure ‘C’
Facility Level Targets for Incentives

S. No Indicator Source Means of Verification

1. Facility has assessed Labour Room and Collated & Reports verified by SQAC
OT using NQAS checklist and reported Reported by DQAC
Baseline Quality Scores and indicators
2. Facility has set Quality Team at facility Collated & Reports Verified by SQAC
level and Quality Circles in Labour Room Reported by DQAC
& Maternity OTs
3. Facility has oriented the Labour room and Collated & Reports Verified by SQAC
Maternity OT staff on LR protocols, RMC Reported by DQAC
& QI
4. At least 90% of deliveries are attended by Reported by Facility Verified by Coaching Team
a birth companion during facility visit
SQAC verification on sample
5. At least 90% deliveries are conducted Reported by Facility Verified by Coaching Team
using safe birth and Safe Surgery checklist during facility visit
in Labour Room and Maternity OT SQAC verification on sample
6. Partograph is generated using real-time Reported by Facility Verified by Coaching Team
information in at least 90% deliveries in during facility visit
Labour Rooms SQAC verification on sample
7. Achieved 80% percentage or more HMIS Verified by Coaching Team
breastfeeding within 1 hour or at least 30% during facility visit
increment from baseline. SQAC verification on sample
8. Achieved 0% neonatal asphyxia rate in SNCU online (DH) Verified by Coaching Team
Labour Room or at least reduction of 20% Reported by facility during facility visit
from baseline (Where SNCU SQAC verification on sample
online is not basis
9. Achieved 0% neonatal sepsis rate in-born SNCU online (DH) Verified by Coaching Team
babies or at least reduction of 20% from Reported by facility during facility visit
baseline (Where SNCU SQAC verification on sample
online is not basis

24 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

S. No Indicator Source Means of Verification
10. Achieved 5% or less Surgical Site Facility Report / Verified by Coaching Team /
infection Rate in Maternity OT or at least HMIS DQAC
reduction of 30% from baseline
11. Achieved 80% or more antenatal SNCU online (DH) Verified by Coaching Team
corticosteroid administration rate in case Reported by facility during facility visit
in preterm labour or at least increment of (Where SNCU SQAC verification on sample
30% from baseline online is not basis
12. No case of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia Facility Report Verified by Coaching Team
& PIH related mortality or at least 25% during facility visit
reduction from baseline SQAC verification on sample
13. No case of APH/PPH related mortality or Facility Report Verified by Coaching Team
at least 25% reduction from baseline during facility visit SQAC
verification on sample basis
14. Facility Labour Room is reorganised as DQAC onsite Report Verified by SQAC
labour room standardization guidelines verification report
15. Facility Labour room has staffing as per DQAC onsite Report verified by SQAC
defined norms in annexure B verification report
16. 100% of Women, administered Oxytocin, Facility Report Verified by Coaching Teams
immediately after birth.
17. 80%and more OSCE scores or at least Facility Report Verified by Coaching Team
increment of 30% from baseline
18. Facility conducts referral audit on Monthly Facility Report Verified by Coaching Team
19. Facility conducts Maternal death, Neonatal Facility report Verified by Coaching Team
death and near-miss on monthly basis
20. Facility report zero stock outs in Labour Facility Report Verified by Coaching Teams
Room & Maternity OT

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 25

Annexure ‘D’
Detailed Action Plan for LaQshya Initiative
National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
Institutions MH Division, CH Directorate, NHM, DQAC Quality Team
Division, NHSRC SQAC/ SQAU, State
and National Partners level partners
Primary DC Maternal Health, Program Officer, MH District Nodal Labour Room & OT
Resp- MoHFW State Nodal Officer officers for Maternal Incharges/ HOD
onsibility - Health / RCH Obs&Gynae.
Support Project Management State Quality District Quality
Teams Unit, QI Division Assurance Units Assurance Unit
NHSRC, Child Health Program
Child Health Division Officers
Quality National Mentoring State Mentoring Coaching Teams Quality Circle
Drivers Group Group
Preparatory Phase
1st Month National Level Dissemination of Listing of eligible Formation of Quality
Launch LaQshya Guidelinesfacilities and reporting Circles
Issue of Instructions to target facilities
to the state One meeting of
to the states & UTs Identification and Identification and quality team with
Identification and selection of State selection for the quality circle to
selection of National Mentoring Group Coaching Teams discuss LaQshya
Mentoring Group Identification and guidelines and Future
members orientation of District plan
Finalization of level officers Ensuring Quality
Assessment Checklist Formation of State Circle has hard copy
(NQAS) of LaQshya, Labour
Mentoring Group,
Room Standardization
Orientation Finalisation of list
workshop for of facilities & district
National Mentors nodal officers
and Key State
Officials (Two Communication of
Batches) contact details to GoI
Preparation of Initial Coordination meeting
IEC package – NHM, Medical
Education, Medical
Creation of special
Colleges, Medical
task group for

26 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
Issuing guidelines for Recruitment of HR
strengthening referral (Existing Vacancies)
Developing a
branding for the
2nd Month Finalization of Initial IEC campaign First meeting of Assessment of
Resource package through press, DQAC with the Labour rooms &
Orientation workshop electronic media coaching team to Maternity OT using
for National Mentors Orientation of discuss future plan NQAS Check-lists
(2 batch) coaching teams, state Preparation of visit
Launch of IEC mentoring group and roster of coaching
campaign representatives of teams
Medical Colleges by Familiarisation
Assigning National National mentor in
Mentors for states of guidelines and
optimal size group required activities
and facilities
Preparation of visit
roster of National
Finalisation of
IT platform and
Assessment Phase
3rd Month Preparation of Mobilisation of Joint visit of Mentors Gap analysis
resource package for coaching teams for and coaching team Reporting of HR
Rapid Improvement peer assessment Peer Assessment of and structural
for first two Empanelling Labour Room and requirements to state
improvement cycle architects/planning Maternity OT by Collection of baseline
Visit of National consultants for labour Coaching team indicators
Mentors to facilities room redesign Verifying the baseline Orientation of
as per roster
Coordinating visits of Indicators Quality Circles for
Launch of IT National Mentors Quality Improvement
platform and and Clinical Protocols

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 27

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
4th Month Visit of National Collation of Resource Joint visit of Preparation of Time
mentors to facilities
Requirements from National mentors and bound Action Plan
as per roster facility Coaching Teams Initial Reorganization
Soft Launch of IT Proposal for financial Handholding Quality of Labour Rooms
platform for Labour allocation (including circles in preparing Reallocation of
room resource requirement action plans Human Resource
Finalization of for Medical Colleges)
submitted through Collection of baseline
Resource and indicators
IEC package for the NHM PIP
Improvement Cycle 1 (Supplementary) Mapping of referral
Planning for creation facilities
Approval of State
PIPs & release of of obstetrics HDU Ensuring availability
funds as per MoHFW of updated versions
guidelines clinical protocols
Initiation of patient
satisfaction surveys
Improvement Phase
5th Month Launch on Ensuring formats for Visit to assigned Identifying gaps
Imp- Improvement standardized Labour facilities for onsite and opportunity for
rovement Cycle “Real- Room case sheet training and improvements in use
Cycle 1 time Partograph including partograph handholding of of safe birth checklist
generation & usage and safe birth quality circle for use and partograph
of safe birth check- checklist is distributed of

Monitoring of Standardized Labour Introduction of

coaching teams room case sheets Digital partographs
Planning for visits Real Time use of in selected medical
Partograph colleges
implementation of IT Real time use of safe Assuring that
platform birth checklist all deliveries are
conducted with help
Initiation of ‘gap-
of safe birth checklist
closure’ action
and partograph
Hiring of approved
Ensuring use of case
HR (Supplementary
sheets and labour
room registers.
Entry of data in IT

28 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
6th Month Collating and Collating & analysing Handholding the Standardizing and
analysing state wise the progress, Quality Circle for sustaining the
progress Improvements and sustaining the efforts improvement gained
Indicators, Verifying the in Cycle 1
Assisting states not
making expected Focusing on the indicators Reporting the
facilities not making Assessment of staff Indicators
expected progress competence and Initiate project on
Visit of National including onsite visit processes ‘lean labour room’
Mentors to sample if necessary in selected medical
facilities colleges & DHs
Finalization of
Resource package and
material for next cycle
7th Month Launch of State level orientation Facility visit for Counselling
Imp- Improvement Cycle of Labour Room In on-site training and attendants for roles as
rovement on Birth Companion, charges and coaching handholding the Birth Companion
Cycle 2 Respectful care & teams with for Birth quality circle for Ensuring all the
satisfaction Companion and Birth Companion, deliveries are
respect full respectful care and conducted with active
IEC campaign on Natural birthing
IEC campaign in support of birth
importance of Birth process
Local Media and companion
Companion and
Press for promoting Implementing the
respectful care to Birth Companion
enable natural birthing protocols for Natural
Implementing patient Birthing Process
feedback system in Maintaining the full
Dissemination of labour rooms privacy through three
Resource package side curtains or LDR
on respectful care cubicles
and natural birthing
Taking feedback
for Mothers and
Video Conferencing attendants
by National Mentors
with their respective
Coaching Teams and
Quality Circles
8th Month Collating and Assisting states Collating & analysing Standardizing and
analysing state wise having made expected the progress, sustaining the
progress progress Improvements and improvements gained
Indicators, in Cycle 1 & 2

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 29

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
Visit of National Focusing on the Handholding the
Mentors to sample facilities not making Quality Circle for
facilities sustaining the efforts
of Cycle 1 and 2
Finalization of Expected progress Verifying the Reporting the
Resource package and including onsite visit indicators Indicators
material for next cycle if necessary Assessment of
processes and staff
competence and
onsite rectification
if any
9th Month Launch of Ensuring labour room Facility visit for Ensure augmentation
Imp- Improvement Cycle protocols including onsite training and induction
rovement Labour Management AMTSL and rational and handholding practices are restricted
Cycle 3 Protocols including use of oxytocin have for labour room unless these are
AMTSL, Oxytocin been disseminated to protocols indicated
Issue of guidelines all labour rooms All staff is trained,
for C-Section Audit skilled and confident
Dissemination of
in labour protocols
Dissemination of C-Section Audit
including AMTSL
Resource package guidelines
on Labour Room Do’s and Don’ts are
Arranging refresher clearly communicated
Protocols trainings on labour and adhered
Video Conferencing room protocols
by National Mentors through existing
with their respective program such as
Coaching Teams and Dakshata and skill
Quality Circles labs.
10th Month Collating and analysing Collating & analysing Handholding the Standardizing
state wise progress the progress, Quality Circle for and sustain the
Assisting states not Improvements and sustaining the efforts improvement gained
making expected Indicators, of Cycle 1 and 2, 3 in Cycle 1, 2 & 3
progress &4
Focusing on the Reporting the
Visit of National facilities not making Verifying the Indicators
Mentors to sample expected progress
facilities including onsite visit Assessment of
if necessary processes and staff
Finalization of
competence and
Resource package and onsite rectification
material for next cycle if any

30 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
11th Month Launch of Ensuring protocols Facility visit for Earmarking the Triage
Imp- Improvement Cycle for management of onsite training and area in labour room
rovement on Assessment Triage assessment, triage handholding for Implementing the
Cycle 4 and management of and management of implementation of triage processes
complication complications has assessment, triage
Ensuring that initial
Dissemination of been disseminated and management
assessment of each
Resource package Arranging refresher of complication
pregnant mother has
training of Labour protocols
Video Conferencing been done as per
by National Mentors Room In charges/ labour room case sheet
with their respective Coaching teams if Ensuring management
Coaching Teams and necessary through of complication
Quality Circles existing program such protocols are displayed
as Dakshata and Skill in labour room
Ensuring staff is well
trained and skilled
for management
complication protocols
12th Month Collating and analysing Collating & analysing Handholding the Standardizing
state wise progress the progress, Quality Circle for and sustain the
Assisting states not Improvements and sustaining the efforts improvement gained
making expected Indicators, of Cycle 1, 2, 3 & 4 in Cycle 1, 2, 3 & 4
progress Focusing on the Verifying the Reporting the
Visit of National facilities not making indicators Indicators
Mentors to sample expected progress
facilities Assessment of
including onsite visit processes and staff
Finalization of if necessary competence and
Resource package and
onsite rectification
material for next cycle
if any
13th Month Launch of Ensuring Newborn Facility visit for Ensuring newborn
Imp- Improvement Cycle care and resuscitation on-site training care and resuscitation
rovement on Newborn Care, protocols are and handholding protocols are
Cycle 5 Resuscitation and disseminated to all for Newborn care displayed
Breast feeding labour rooms & resuscitation.
Arranging booster Staff is trained, skilled
Launch of IEC Breastfeeding and care and confident
training of Labour of Low birth weight
campaign on Breast room charges/ Equipment and
feeding Coaching teams if supplies are available
necessary through
existing program such
as Dakshata and Skill

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 31

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
Dissemination of Ensuing equipment Breastfeeding is
resource package and supplies for promoted and
newborn care to ensured within one
labour rooms hour of birth
14th Month Collating and analysing Collating & analysing Handholding the Standardizing
state wise progress the progress, Quality Circle for and sustain the
Assisting states not Improvements and sustaining the efforts improvement gained
making expected Indicators, of Cycle 1 and 2, 3, in Cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
progress Focusing on the 4&5 Reporting the
Visit of National facilities not making Verifying the Indicators
Mentors to sample expected progress indicators
facilities including onsite visit Assessment of
if necessary processes and staff
Finalization of
Resource package and competence and onsite
material for next cycle rectification if any

15th Month Launch of Ensuring Infection Facility visit for Ensuring Hand
Imp- Improvement Control protocols are on-site training Hygiene and personal
rovement Cycle on Infection disseminated to all and handholding protection practices
Cycle 6 Prevention and Waste labour rooms for Infection Ensuring waste is
management Arranging booster prevention and waste disposed as per BMW
Dissemination of training of Labour management rules 2016
Resource Package on Room In charges/
Ensuring sterilized
Coaching teams if
infection control instrument and
necessary through
existing program such supplies are available
as Dakshata and Skill for delivery and
Labs newborn care
Ensuring supplies for Ensuring staff is
infection control and trained and skilled for
waste management infection control and
are in place Waste Management
16th Month Collating and analysing Collating & analysing Handholding the Standardizing
state wise progress the progress, Quality Circle for and sustain the
Assisting states not Improvements and sustaining the efforts improvement gained
making expected Indicators, of Cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Cycle 1, 2, 3 & 4, &
progress Focusing on the &6 5&6
facilities not making Verifying the Reporting the
Visit of National
expected progress indicators Indicators
Mentors to sample
including onsite visit
if necessary

32 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

National Level State Level District Level Facility Level
Assessment of
processes and staff
competence and onsite
rectification if any
Evaluation Phase
17th Month Collating and Collating the quality Second round of Applying for Labour
evaluation of overall scores peer assessment Room Quality
performance on Sending Request for by coaching teams Certification
Quality Indicators Quality Certification against NQAS
Assigning Assessors standards
External Assessment
external certification of Labour rooms
coring more than
70% score for awards
18th Month Award of Quality Awards at state level Branding of Labour Branding of Labour
Certification winners and coaching Rooms rooms
National Level teams
Felicitation of Award Branding of Labour
Winners rooms
Dissemination of
Roll out for program
for next phase

y If Labour rooms are ready they can apply for the NQAS certification early.

y Actions for closure of structural and HR gaps will be initiated simultaneously. State and facility
incharges should ensure that Labour Room preferably in LDR format with requisite equipment
and HR are ready within one year of commencement of this initiative.

y Rapid Improvement Cycles have been planned to emphasize and improve critical processes
through more focused campaign mode. Focusing on one issue doesn’t mean that other issues
will not be addressed in that window period. Critical gaps should be addressed as and when
required. Improved practices and performance gained during one campaign should be sustained
during the subsequent cycles.

y Indicators will be reported on monthly basis in the first week of next month.

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 33

List of Abbreviations
AIIMS All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AMTSL Active Management of Third Stage of Labour
CDR Child Death review
CHC Community Health Centres
CQSC Central Quality Supervisory Committee
DH District Hospitals
DQAC District Quality Assurance Committee
DQAU District Quality Assurance Unit
EmOC Emergency Obstetric Care
FRU First Referral Units
HDU High Dependency Unit
IEC Information Education Communication
IT Information Technology
JSSK Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
LDR Labour Delivery Recovery
LR Labour Room
LSAS Life Saving Anaesthetic Skills
MC Medical College
MDSR Maternal Death Surveillance & Review
MH Maternal Health
MoHFW Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
NHM National Health Mission
NHSRC National Health Systems Resource Centre
NIHFW National Institute of Health & Family Welfare
NMR Neonatal Mortality Review
NPMU National Programme Management Unit
NQAS National Quality Assurance Standards
OBG/Obs & Gynae. Obstetrics & Gynaecology
OSCE Objective Structured Clinical Examination
OT Operation Theatre
PDCA Plan Do Check Act

34 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

PHC Primary Health Centres
PIP Program Implementation Plan
QC Quality Circle
QOC Quality of Care
RCH Reproductive & Child Health
RIC Rapid Improvement Events
SDH Sub Divisional Hospital
SQAC State Quality Assurance Committee
SQAU State Quality Assurance Unit

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 35

List of Contributors
1. Mr Manoj Jhalani Additional Secretary & Mission Director NHM, MoHFW
2. Ms Vandana Gurnani Joint Secretary (RCH) MoHFW
3. Dr Manohar Agnani Joint Secretary (Policy) MoHFW
4. Dr Ajay Khera Deputy Commissioner I/C CH & AH
5. Dr Dinesh Baswal Deputy Commissioner I/C MH
6. Dr P K Prabhakar Deputy Commissioner, Child Health
7. Dr Sumita Ghosh Deputy Commissioner, Maternal Health
8. Dr Rajani Ved Executive Director, NHSRC
9. Dr Arun Kumar Singh National Advisor, RBSK
10. Dr J N Srivastava Advisor, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
11. Dr Himanshu Bhushan Advisor, Public Health Administration, NHSRC
12. Dr Archana Mishra Deputy Director, Maternal Health, Madhya Pradesh
13. Dr Neelima Singh Indian Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Telangana
14. Dr Nikhil Prakash Senior Consultant, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
15. Dr Parminder Gautam Senior Consultant, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
16. Dr Deepika Sharma Consultant, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
17. Dr Jagjeet Singh Consultant, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
18. Dr Namit Singh Tomar Consultant, Quality Improvement, NHSRC
19. Dr Salima Bhatia Lead Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
20. Dr Hariprakash Hadial Lead Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
21. Dr Narender Goswami Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
22. Ms. Jenita Khwairakpam Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
23. Dr Jyoti Singh Baghel Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
24. Dr Aishwarya Sodhi Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
25. Dr Amrita John Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
26. Ms. Pooja Chitre Consultant, Maternal Health Division, MoHFW
27. Dr Amit Shah USAID
28. Dr. Sachin Gupta USAID
29. Dr Anuradha Jain USAID

36 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

30. Dr Usha Kiran Tarigopula BMGF
31. Dr Mrunal Shetye BMGF
32. Dr Leila Varkey C3/WRAI
33. Dr Kasonde Mwinga WHO
34. Dr Paul P Francis WHO
35. Dr Amrita Kansal WHO
36. Dr Ritu Agrawal LSTM
37. Dr Bulbul Sood Jhpiego
38. Dr Neeraj Agarwal Jhpiego
39. Dr Vikas Yadav Jhpiego
40. Dr Deepti Singh Jhpiego
41. Dr Yaron Wolman UNICEF
42. Dr Gagan Gupta UNICEF
43. Dr Asheber Gaym UNICEF
44. Dr Apurva Ratnu UNICEF
45. Dr Rajeev Gera IPE Global
46. Dr Gunjan Taneja IPE Global
47. Dr Devina Bajpayee IPE Global
48. Dr Rakesh Parashar IPE Global
49. Dr Tarun Singh Sodha IPE Global
50. Dr Ajit Sudke Access Health International

LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017 37

42 LaQshya - Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative | 2017

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