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IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED: 11-04-2014 CORAM: THE HONGURABLE.MR. JUSTICE N. PAUL. VASANTHAKUMAR C.Murugen 2. Phe Principal, «| | 1 ‘Gojan School! of Business and tech logy, 80 Feet Road, Edapalayam (Al; yl Red Hilla, ‘Trivelore Road, ; Chennai - 600.052. . SPetition filed, under ‘ar 2 for ‘the issuance of: writ. of lamus “di reéri nt “respondents! return the Original IJ Proyisionel “National, Tradd: Certificate and “Nabionel Trade Certiticares’ ahd- poy galery \irbm “9,11,2012 eit the date: of return of thé. petitioner's: original certificates as Sonipensation for the loss ‘of emolumente “end mental agony to ‘the petitioner and his family. - wha cton For Petitioner > Mr-R-Sureshikiumar For Respondents : . Me.V.Shenhugasunderem for R1 R2 — No “Appearance ORDER This writ petition is filed ta issue writ Sf mandamus dirséting the respondents to return the original ITZ Provisional National Trade Certificate and National Trade Certificates and) pay salary from A7,11,2012 till the date of return of the petitioner's original certificates @s compensation for the loss of emoluments and mental agony to the petitioner and his family. 2, Inspite of service of notice tHrough Court ea well Hs privately and acknowledgment was received, the 2 respondent has not chosen to appear before thig Court. Cg 008126 Frenitt, Petitioner had submitted representation a the 2M! parhondent on 10,5.2019 stating about the. willingness to’ serve tn the amy wesPondent College folloved wi'th counsel notice dated 91. 013 and the game was acknowledged by the’ 2% réspondent, ew eitl Seen Chom ‘the typed, set lof: bebiees CLled aloha wieh tne Writ, petition, Anna Universes ty ‘Warned li, atfilieted ‘colleges/private. phsts tutions thet the Manayenents ‘had contiscacea' the ‘certificates fgculty members “Aid e am When tht ah to Af guch attitude Se I ken. Condebned Managements. The sai t reported in “THE ” meWSpaper deved Chember address ofthe learne: vig. Hes sureonaten, Advogare, a , High Court, | Chennai-é00. 1 from ithe date of receipt of gertificates ate) rst. esuined & Vv selary to th Beelttoner 4 a 6. The writ petition is.disposed-of; M\P.Nov1 of 2013 is closed. “m..." % ab Anh eeane Registrar 7/Teue Copy/h, °Lsi To e Registrar, ina University, Guindy, Chennai - 600 025. W.P.No. 32757. of 2013 GRE (coy JOM (21.04.2014) 9 008126: |

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