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Steven J. Czinn  •  Samra S. Blanchard

The gastrointestinal tract begins as a primitive tubular system The lymphatic drainage from the stomach enters the tho-
and is one of the first organs to polarize the embryo by form- racic duct via the celiac nodes. Ultimately, the lymphatic drain-
ing an entry and exit with an anterior and posterior axis, also age enters the venous system in the neck at the junction of the
known as the craniocaudal axis, extending from the mouth to left internal jugular and left subclavian veins. Because of this
the cloaca (Figure 25-1). The nonneural elements of the gut anatomic relationship, gastric malignancies in adults may pres-
are derived from endodermal and mesodermal cells. Bilateral ent with left supraclavicular lymph node metastasis.
folding of these layers forms the intestinal lumen, which is sur- Vagal and sympathetic fibers innervate the entire stomach
rounded by concentric endodermal and splanchnic epithelia, by about 9 weeks of gestation.3 Two major networks of nerve
creating a tubular gut. Cells from the outer epithelium migrate fibers are intrinsic to the gastrointestinal tract: the myenteric
outward and form a loose mesenchyme, which later forms the plexus (Auerbach’s plexus), which can be found between the
muscle and connective tissue, while neural elements migrate outer longitudinal and middle circular layers of muscle, and
from the neural crest at vagal and sacral levels to form the the submucosal plexus (Meissner’s plexus), located between the
enteric nervous system. middle circular muscular layer and the mucosa. Collectively,
The tubular gut has three distinct sections: the foregut, these neurons constitute the enteric nervous system. Catechol-
midgut, and hindgut. One of the first gross morphologic dis- amines have been demonstrated in sympathetic fibers in Auer-
tinctions is the rotation and distention of the posterior foregut bach’s plexus by week 10 and in Meissner’s plexus by week 13.4
to begin differentiating the stomach just distal to esophagus.
The stomach is also separated from the esophagus by the newly HISTOLOGY 
formed diaphragm from the developing abdominal cavity. At
the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth week, the Development of fetal human gastric mucosa occurs very early
stomach can be recognized as a fusiform dilation, which is ini- during fetal life. The first pit/gland structures are observed at 11
tially oriented in the median plane. This primordial stomach to 12 weeks of gestation. Between 11 and 17 weeks, the strati-
soon enlarges and broadens ventrodorsally. During the next fied surface epithelium is replaced by a simple mucous colum-
2 weeks, the dorsal border of the primordial stomach grows nar epithelium, and gastric glands develop further. At this stage,
faster than its ventral border (lesser curvature), demarcating the progenitor zone of the pit/gland structure is already local-
the greater curvature of the stomach. As the stomach enlarges, ized in the isthmus,5 as in adult mucosa.1,6
it slowly rotates 90° in the clockwise direction around its lon- The gastric mucosa is organized in vertical tubular units
gitudinal axis.1 The ventral border moves to the right, and the consisting of an apical pit region, an isthmus, and the actual
dorsal border (greater curvature) moves to the left, changing gland region that forms the lower part of the vertical unit. The
the position of stomach. The original left side moves to the progenitor cell of the gastric unit gives rise to all epithelial cells.
ventral surface, and the right side moves to the dorsal surface. The mucus-producing pit cells migrate up toward the gastric
During rotation and growth of the stomach, the cranial region lumen, and acid-secreting parietal cells (oxyntic; oxys is Greek
moves to the left and slightly inferiorly, and its caudal region for acid) migrate downward to the middle and lower regions of
moves to the right and superiorly. After rotation, the stom- the gland. Chief (zymogenic) cells secrete pepsinogen and pre-
ach assumes its final position in the upper abdomen, with dominate at the base of glands. Neuroendocrine cells, including
its long axis almost transverse to the long axis of the body. enterochromaffin cells (serotonin), enterochromaffin-like (ECL)
The rotation and growth of the stomach explains why the left cells (histamine), and D cells (somatostatin), are also present at
vagus nerve supplies the anterior wall of the adult stomach the base of the gland.
and the right vagus nerve innervates the posterior wall of the The glands of the different anatomic parts of stomach are lined
stomach.2 with different types of cell (Figure 25-2). The cardiac glands are
Arterial blood supply to the distal esophagus, stomach, and mostly populated by mucus-secreting or endocrine cells. The
proximal duodenum is derived from the branches of the celiac cardiac pits are irregular and shallow; the ratio of the lengths
axis. The stomach is drained by the left gastric vein, right gas- of pits:glands is approximately 1:1. In the body of the stomach,
tric vein, right and left gastroepiploic veins, and short gastric including the fundus, the glands are long and deep with straight
veins. These veins have no valves and can provide collateral pits. The ratio of the lengths of pits:glands is approximately 1:4.
blood flow when any portion of the portal system is obstructed. The gastric gland has parietal (oxyntic) cells that secrete hydro-
Esophageal and gastric varices usually involve the left gastric chloric acid and intrinsic factor, chief (zymogen, peptic) cells
and short gastric veins. that secrete pepsinogens, endocrine cells, and mucous neck cells.

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