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💬Water Bar Orientation

1. Introductions
2. Water Bar Brief Overview
3. Elements of Serving Water at the Water Bar
1. Apron: Permission to Play a Role, 'Water Tender' - to 'Serve Water'
2. Menu: Three Waters, Three Sources - Think of it as a storytelling
platform. What kinds of stories and conversations do you want to have?
Start there.
3. Growlers of Water: Part of the performance - will be labeled.
4. Flight Trays: Also numbered - this is about slowing down - exploring
water through taste and a collective experience.
5. Cups & Containers: We're using compostable cups - half full, practice.
Buckets for dumping excess.
6. The Water Bar: Different heights of the bar.
4. Facilitating in a Social Space
1. The Welcome: Welcome to Water Bar, water is all we have, we serve
water - would you like to try some?
2. Engaging the people around the bar: Make contact - go slowly as you
need to.
3. Make a conversation: Share tips & examples - your job is not to know
everything about water, it's to know what you know, and to facilitate a
4. Some of the Resources: Menu - TV monitors - Water Quality Reports -
Maps - Aquifer Drawings - Diagrams People. Refer people to the rest of

Water Bar Orientation 1

the EcoExperience. Tell to people to call their utility or visit public health
department website.
5. Ask them questions: Where are coming from? What water do you drink?
5. State Fair Water Bar
1. Number & Variety of People.
2. Partners in the Eco Experience.
3. Getting to the Fair - Look at the Maps.
4. Preparing - Give yourself enough time - Wear comfortable shoes, closed
toe shoes - Bring a water bottle - Wear long hair up - Prepare for a lot of
5. When they arrive - Wash their hands & report to the Water Bar - find the
manager, get ready.
6. What they're supposed wear.
6. US Water Menu & Talking Points?

Water Bar Orientation 2

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