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Polyxenos Epiphanes Soter

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Polyxenos Epiphanes Soter
Polyxenos portrait.jpg
Portrait Polyxenus.
Indo-Greek king
Reign c. 100 BCE
Burial Swat Valley

Coin of Polyxenus.

Coin of Polyxenos.

Indian-standard coin of Polyxenos.

Polyxenos Epiphanes Soter (Greek: ?????e??? ? ?p?fa???, ? S?t??; epithets mean
respectively, "the Illustrious", "the Saviour") was an Indo-Greek king who ruled
briefly in western Punjab or Gandhara.

1 Time of reign
2 Coins of Polyxenos
3 Notes
4 References
Time of reign
Bopearachchi places Polyxenos c. 100 BCE[1] and R. C. Senior c. 85�80 BCE.

Coins of Polyxenos

Coin of Polyxenos.
Polyxenos, whose portraits depict a diademed young man, struck silver coins which
closely resemble those of Strato I. Both kings used the epithets Soter Epiphanes
and the reverse of Athena Alkidemos (fighting Pallas Athene), the emblem of the
dynasty of Menander I. Polyxenos also struck bronzes with Athena on the obverse and
her aegis on the reverse. He issued no Attic silver.

His bronzes depict the head of Athena with a reverse of her aegis.

Polyxenos' coins are few and feature only three monograms: these he shares with
Straton I as well as the kings Heliokles II and Archebios, according to
Bopearachchi and RC Senior.

He was therefore likely to have been a brief contestant for power in the central
Indo-Greek kingdom after the presumably violent death of Straton I, who was
possibly his father.

Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kings, territories and chronology
Based on Bopearachchi (1991)[2]
Greco-Bactrian kings Indo-Greek kings
dates West Bactria East Bactria Paropamisade
Arachosia Gandhara Western Punjab Eastern Punjab Mathura[3]
326-325 BCE Campaigns of Alexander the Great in India Nanda Empire
312 BCE Creation of the Seleucid Empire Creation of the Maurya Empire
305 BCE Seleucid Empire after Mauryan war Maurya Empire
280 BCE Foundation of Ai-Khanoum
255�239 BCE Independence of the
Greco-Bactrian kingdom
Diodotus I Emperor Ashoka (268-232)
239�223 BCE Diodotus II
230�200 BCE Euthydemus I
200�190 BCE Demetrius I Sunga Empire
190-185 BCE Euthydemus II
190�180 BCE Agathocles Pantaleon
185�170 BCE Antimachus I
180�160 BCE Apollodotus I
175�170 BCE Demetrius II
160�155 BCE Antimachus II
170�145 BCE Eucratides I
155�130 BCE Yuezhi occupation,
loss of Ai-Khanoum Eucratides II
Heliocles I Menander I
130�120 BCE Yuezhi occupation Zoilos I Agathokleia Yavanarajya
120�110 BCE Lysias Strato I
110�100 BCE Antialcidas Heliokles II
100 BCE Polyxenos Demetrius III
100�95 BCE Philoxenus
95�90 BCE Diomedes Amyntas Epander
90 BCE Theophilos Peukolaos Thraso
90�85 BCE Nicias Menander II Artemidoros
90�70 BCE Hermaeus Archebius
Yuezhi occupation Maues (Indo-Scythian)
75�70 BCE Vonones Telephos Apollodotus II
65�55 BCE Spalirises Hippostratos Dionysios
55�35 BCE Azes I (Indo-Scythians) Zoilos II
55�35 BCE Vijayamitra/ Azilises Apollophanes
25 BCE � 10 CE Gondophares Zeionises Kharahostes Strato II
Strato III
Gondophares (Indo-Parthian) Rajuvula (Indo-Scythian)
Kujula Kadphises (Kushan Empire) Bhadayasa
(Indo-Scythian) Sodasa
Bopearachchi (1998)
O. Bopearachchi, "Monnaies gr�co-bactriennes et indo-grecques, Catalogue
raisonn�", Biblioth�que Nationale, Paris, 1991, p.453
Quintanilla, Sonya Rhie (2 April 2019). "History of Early Stone Sculpture at
Mathura: Ca. 150 BCE - 100 CE". BRILL � via Google Books.
Osmund Bopearachchi, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: American Numismatic Society, part
9, Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Coins, 1998, American Numismatic Society, ISBN 0-
Preceded by
Heliokles II (?) Indo-Greek ruler in Paropamisade, Arachosia
c. 100 BCE Succeeded by
Hellenistic rulers

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