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1. Introduction.

2. Main screen.

3. Tools screen.

4. Configuration.

5. FAQ.

6. Acknowledgment


Aparted is free software to administer memory cards and usb sticks in Android

To run Aparted in your device it need to be rooted (aka unlocked device).

Aparted has many features included and is a mature software, in the moment to
write this tutorial has 3 years old and has been tested in many devices.

You can run Aparted in old and new devices Armv6 and Armv7 is well supported;
Intel architecture is still not supported, but will be in a future.

The minimum version of Android to can run Aparted is 2.2 until 6 (Marshmallow).

There is a list of the available features on the 1.31 version:

• Partition external/internal memory.
• Format external/internal memory.
• Delete partitions.
• Repair and check file systems.
• Resize partitions.
• Upgrade file systems.

There is a list of supported file systems:

• Fat16
• Fat32
• Ext2
• Ext3
• Ext4
• Swap
• Ntfs
• Exfat
• F2fs

Have to say that Aparted is a tool for advanced users, it can destroy your data in
the sdcard and maybe unrecoverable, so be careful and be sure what are you doing
before use it.

Aparted also offer a good service to the user and always will help one user with
problems, that’s included in the application, so if you want a new feature or you
had some trouble to use it, the better way to help you and us is send a mail to the
team (

“The Aparted team is not responsible of the damage of your device, use it at your own

1-Main screen.

to apply

Button Button to
to add a delete a
new new
partition partition

View of View of
the the actual
new partition
partition table

The main screen is the place to auto format the sdcard, this means that you will
format the whole memory card.

Aparted only supports MSDOS partition tables and you can make a maximum of 4

In this screen you can see 5 main elements.

• Button adds.
• Button apply.
• Button delete.
• New table partition view.
• Actual table partition view.

All the changes that you are doing in this screen will not be applied to the disk
until you press the apply button.

You will see all the changes in the new table partition view and you can compare
with your actual table partition in a visual way.

To add a new partition press the button add:

1 Change
Slider the type
to change of
the size of partition.

the size
4 of
Format. partition.

To configure the new partition we have these buttons:

• 1-Slider
• 2-Type partition
• 3-Size partition
• 4-Format.

The Slider(1) is used to adjust the size of the new partition, you also can use the
size partition button(2) to introduce manually a value.

The Type(2) partition button will show a dialog with a list of the partitions to

The Size(3) button will show a dialog to introduce the exact value in MB:

The Format(4) is a check button, if is checked the partition will be formatted, is
checked by default.

As I said before you can add up to 4 partitions, at this moment GPT is not
supported and there are not plans to add this feature in a future, many Android
devices don’t support GPT partitions for external storage and are not recognized
by default.

The delete button will remove the last partition added, do not get confused and
think that you will delete some partition of your actual sdcard.

There are many configurations to do and it depends on your needs, there is not a
magic way to do it.

Many users ask me about how many partitions, which kind of partitions, always
depends in what you want to do.

I will show now 2 examples of table partitions configuration in a 8GB sdcard.

-Fat32+Ext4 (Typically to move your apps to external sdcard).

-Fat32+Swap (Typically to add more memory ram to your device).

Well, in this moment you are almost ready to create a new table partition in your
sdcard or Usb memory stick.

The last thing that you have to do is UNMOUNT your sdcard, this is very
important step to do before create the partitions, Android and Linux systems
don’t allow to manipulate the Partition Table if is in use.

To unmount the sdcard you can do it in the Settings-Storage section of your
Android device.

In some Android versions you can’t unmount your Sdcard if you are connected to
the computer with the usb cable, so unplug your device of the computer in case.

In my Android device with Android version 6 (Marshmallow) looks like this:

If you can’t unmount your sdcard, in the menu settings because is not supported in
your device you have to do it manually in the terminal.

In case that you can’t unmount completely your sdcard, don’t worry Aparted will
fix this issue asking you for extract your sdcard in the process of making partitions.

Aparted also try to unmount the sdcard, but not always is possible and you can’t
trust in this feature, so I recommend you to unmount properly your sdcard in
settings menu of android or manually.

Well, once you've unmounted the card, press Apply button and a confirmation
dialog will be appear:

You can check in this dialog if all is correct and it will inform you about the risks of
partition your sdcard, once again be careful and sure of what are you doing, this
process will erase your entire sdcard.

The next dialogs will show the progress of the task, please wait because some
partitions can take long time to format.
If you didn’t unmount the sdcard, Aparted will ask you to extract and insert again
your sdcard in the middle of the process:

Follow the instructions, extract and insert your sdcard, then press ok, the process
will continue.

You can be asked for extract your sdcard sometimes even when you have
unmounted your sdcard, this is because the kernel needs to update its information
of the Partition Table.

There are some phones that can’t extract the sdcard without rebooting the system,
because the slot is close to the battery, then I recommend you to make the
partitions unchecking the format button, once made the partitions, reboot the
phone and format them in tools tabs.
2-Tools tab.

partition 1

partition 2

partition 3

Select button
partition 4

Tool box

In the tools tab you can manipulate each partition selecting it, and choosing an
action in toolbox:

After select one action press the Apply button and one dialog will appear
depending on your choice.


This option requires select an empty partition:

Once selected the empty partition, press the Toolbox, select Create and press the
Apply button, the create dialog will show:



End point
Slider partition.


Ok and

In this window you can configure your partition, selecting the Type, the Start
point of the partition, the End point of the partition and the size with the Slider.

When you change the values the Partition view will update the changes and you
can see clearly your new partition in the sdcard.

When you have finished your settings press Ok button and the process will start.


Unmount your sdcard before delete a partition.

With this action you will delete a partition, chose a non empty partition and press
the button Apply, one confirmation dialog will show.


Unmount your sdcard before repair a partition.

This option will repair your file system in case it is corrupted, repair function
works with all the file system supported by Aparted.

You have to choose a non empty partition and press the button Apply, one
confirmation dialog will show, after the process one dialog with the results will


Unmount your sdcard before format a partition.

This option will format your file system, you have to choose a non empty partition
and press the button Apply, if you have selected an ext2/3/4 file system you can
choose what kind of format you can apply.

Format function works with all the file system supported by Aparted.


This option will enable the Swap partition in case that you have one in your

This option will be removed in next versions of Aparted.


Unmount your sdcard before resize a partition.

This option can resize one partition of this type:

• Fat32
• Ext2
• Ext3
• Ext4

For Fat32 partitions is not recommended to resize because the data might be not
fragmented and you can loose some files. Android in this moment has not a
defragmentation tool, so this operation in Fat32 file systems in not safe at all.


End point
Slider partition

Size view

Ok and

In this window you only can modify the End point of partition and the Slider of

When you have configured your new size press button Ok.

This operation can take long time, please wait and be patient.


Unmount your sdcard before upgrade a partition.

This option is to upgrade ext2 and ext3 file systems, when you choose this action
one dialog will appear to select the desired file system to upgrade.


This option just redirect you to the Settings-Storage section of your Android
device, doesn’t unmount your partition.







This screen let you configure:

• The device name of your sdcard.
• Change to Usb device.
• Style of Aparted.
• Remove internal protection.


Aparted auto detects the sdcard inserted to the device but some times may fail.

If your sdcard was not recognized you can change it in the Device box.

-Device list.

Also you can see a list of the detected devices in the Device list box and choose the
one that you want, here is listed the Usb device in case that you want to format a
Usb stick.

The Style checks change the appearance of the application, light and dark, choose
the one that you like.

-Protection check.

This button is a very important security check and is highly recommended
don’t uncheck unless you know what are you doing.

If you uncheck this option Aparted will allow you to modify internal memory
partitions, so be careful with this option.

-Save button.

This button will save your new device introduced and will refresh Aparted
application with the new configuration.


-My device is not recognized, I don’t see any sdcard in Aparted or the size is 0.

You have to change manually your device in settings tab.

To discover your device block name, search in google some thing like this:

Samsung S3 sdcard device block name

Be sure that you have root and granted root permissions to Aparted.

-Why Aparted needs root, I don’t trust in this application to grant root

Many users ask me that, there are no ways to access to the sdcard device with no
root, if you don’t trust in Aparted don’t install it.

-Aparted is asking me to extract my sdcard even when I have unmounted it

and I can’t extract it because I have to shutdown my phone.

There are 2 moments in which AParted will ask to you for extract the sdcard and it
depends on the model phone not always it ask you for extract, better said it
depends on the operating system.

Watch the dialogs to know which is your issue.

1-AParted ask you just for extract just after delete sdcard:

In this case the sdcard was not unmounted correctly and the operating
system(kernel) needs to update its partition table, the only way is extracting the
sdcard or reboot the phone and begin the process again.

2-AParted ask you for extract before begin to format the partition.
In this case the sdcard maybe was unmounted correctly but the operating
system(kernel) didn't update its partition table and the partitions were created but
not available for the system yet.


Unmount the sdcard and make the partitions in the same way but unselect the
format checkbox in each partition.
The partitions will be created now, but the kernel needs to update this
information, the only way in your case is reboot the phone.

Once you reboot the phone the new partitions will be available for the operating
system and you can format them.

So go to tab tools and select the partition that you want to format and select format
option, apply and your partitions will be formatted correctly.

-My sdcard was formatted and now Android show is damaged.

If you have formatted your sdcard with a non FAT32 file system Android will show
you that your sdcard is damaged.

That’s not true at all, just Android can’t recognize other kind of partitions

You can restore your sdcard making a new FAT32 partition, or mount your new
partitions manually.

Other choice is click in the Android notification telling you that is damaged and
format the sdcard in the Android menu.

-My phone doesn’t recognize the new ext2 partition and yes the FAT32!!!

Android doesn’t mount ext2/3/4 partitions you have to do it manually.

-Aparted show many advertisements I don’t like and I hate the developer for

Always is up to you install Aparted or not, is a free application and you could be a
little aware of that.

If you don’t like advertisement, you want a free application and you get angry for
that, you should be a king or a princess and you are used to have all for free
underrating the work of the people, really you need Aparted having a castle and
many slave in your charge?

-This feature is not implemented or is not working ·$%”·$%”·$%”·%$ grrrr I

hate you…

Send a mail to the developer and he will try to implement it
or fix it.


Thanks to all the anonymous users that were helping me sending me reports and
understanding the issues of the Android development.

Thanks to Delvin for the icon design is so cool ;)

Thanks to the people who helped me translate to other languages.

Thanks to all the open source community without them Aparted never could exist.

Thanks to my good friend Tomas to encourage me in this task being in Nepal and
far of the civilization, first version of Aparted was created 3 years ago in an isolate
jungle in 15 days.

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