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PEC language center IELTS 6.


The speaking test will consist of 3 parts as described below.

Part 1: Social Interaction (3-4minutes)

You and the examiner exchange greetings and then the examiner asks you questions on general topics such
as hometown, family, work, study, leisure time and future plans.
You are required in this part to talk fluently about the topics and respond to the examiner’s question
as much as possible rather than simply giving one-or-two-word (YES-NO) answers.

Part 2: Topic Development (3-4 minutes)

The examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about a particular topic, including points to
include in your talk. You will be given one minute to prepare and make notes. You will then be asked to
talk for 1-2 minutes on the topic. You will not be interrupted during this time, so it is important to keep
talking. The examiner will then ask you one or two questions on the same topic.

Part 3: Further Discussion (4-5 minutes)

The examiner will ask you further questions which are connected to the topic of Part 2. These questions
are designed to give you an opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas. Thus, you need to
show your ability to understand and use complicated language skills in response to the examiner’s


• Could you repeat that,
• I’m sorry I don’t understand. Can you repeat the question please?
• Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Would you mind repeating it?


You are going to practice answering familiar questions that you may come across in the speaking exam.
These questions are related to real-life communication and topics such as your hometown, work, family,
friends, etc. You need to be aware of the different types of questions in this part.



1. Several typical sample questions
- Do you like sports?
- Do you like music?
- Can you cook?
- Do you often use mobile phones?
- Do you know the history of your family/ancestor?

PEC language center IELTS 6.5

HOW TO ANSWER: “Identify the focus of the question. Be communicative and natural”

2. Suggested steps to answer:

Step 1: Give direct answer to the question
Yes: - Definitely/ Undoubtedly yes, everyone likes X, and I am no exception. I love/ have a fancy
- Speaking of X, yes, I am a big fan of X, (such as…………………)
- Absolutely yes, I am greatly fascinated by (all kinds/ sorts of) X (, including…………)
- Unquestionably, I'm really keen on/ interested in X
- Without a doubt/ Unquestionably, I have always considered doing X as my hobby/ an
important part of my life

- Well, I used to do X frequently when I was young, but now I …………………….

No: -To be honest, X is really not my cup of tea simply because………………………..

- Well, honestly speaking, I am not really keen on/ fond of/ interested in doing X
- Um.., frankly speaking, I don't have much/ any interests in doing X

Step 2: Give supporting ideas by mentioning: WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, & WHY

3. Examples
Example1: -Do you like playing sports?
Absolutely yes, I am greatly fascinated by all kinds of sports, including
WHAT: badmintons, billiards, jogging, hiking, swimming, and soccer
WHO, WHEN & WHERE: Well, I occasionally play football with my classmates in the yard or the
WHY: I find playing sports beneficial in a variety of ways; for example, playing sports, I can:
+ relax myself/ release my pressure/ release my study burdens/ put my mind at ease/ unwind my mind
+ keep in good shape/ keep fit/ lose weight/ build my body
+ interact/ socialize with my peers
+ learn the concept of winning and losing/ maintain a sense of competition

Examples 2: -Do you like watching films?

Speaking of films, Yes. I’m a big fan of all types of films, such as
WHAT: comedy, action, romance, sci-fi, animation, vampire, and so forth.
WHEN WHERE & WHO: Normally, I watch movies at home during my weekend/ at night with my
WHY: I love watching films for several reasons:
+ cheer me up/ amuse myself/ relax myself/ release my pressure (comedy)
+ escape from my daily life routines and experience something that can hardly happen in real life
(romance, vampire)
+ boost my imagination and please my eyes with visual effects (sci-fi)
+ maintain my childhood interests (animation)
+ broaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge

PEC language center IELTS 6.5
Example 3: - Do you like travelling?
Definitely yes, I guess everyone enjoys travelling, and I am no exception.
WHEN & WHO: Usually, in my spare time, I love travelling to different places with my family or my
best friends.
WHERE: Well, so far I have been visiting many places in my country such as Hue citadel, Halong Bay,
Nha Trang beach, and so on.
WHY: I like travelling since it brings me heaps of benefits:
+ First my horizon can be greatly broadened as I can meet different people from different places,
try different food, and even learn various languages/dialects of local people as well as their
+ Besides, I always consider travelling as an excellent chance to get away from my daily life routines.
You know, life gets boring/humdrum/ monotonous if you stay in one place all year long. So, through
travelling, my life can be revitalized and refreshed.
+ Other benefits:
- Have a sense of freshness and newness
- Get myself well prepared for the future overseas life
- Achieve my lifelong dream of taking a round-the-world tour
- Boost family/friend bonding
- Meet personal needs, like shopping or visiting friends and relatives

Example 4: - Do you like reading?

Without a doubt, I always consider reading as my favorite hobby.
WHAT: Normally, I read novels, newspapers, magazines, and textbooks.
WHERE & WHEN: Well, when I am on a coach, riding a bus, or travelling, reading is what I usually do to
kill my time. Sometimes, I read e-books or listen to audio books on my cell phones.
WHY: Reading, essentially, is a part of my daily life since reading can:
+ broaden my horizon + enrich my knowledge
+ help me keep up with the latest news and information + cultivate my critical thinking
+ enlighten my mind + add a bit of fun to my life

Question 1: Can you tell me about your study?
Your answer:

Question 2: Do you like studying English?

Your answer:

PEC language center IELTS 6.5


1. Some typical sample questions
- Do you prefer travelling alone or with others?
- Do you prefer relaxing at home or outside?
- Do you prefer reading an electronic book or a real book?
- Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants?

HOW TO ANSWER: “Focus on ONE choice. Develop it in a communicative and natural way”

2. Suggested steps to answer:

Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, normally/mostly I prefer……….
- Generally/ honestly/ frankly speaking, I prefer …………………………………
Step 2: Give reasons (KISS: keep it simple & straight)
-simple because/ mainly because/ since/ this is because………………………….
-The reason behind this is that……
(Step 3: Give example/ explanation)
- By this, I mean………………………..
- Take something as an example,………………………………………….
- For example/ For instance,………………………………………………..
Step 4: Contrast
- However/Yet, I do realize/agree/ admit that ……………………………….
- On the other hand, I have to say that …………………...
Step 6: Conclusion
- In short/ All in all/ In summary/,………is my preference.
- So, it depends on my mood/circumstances/occasions. But mostly, I prefer…/ I like….better.

Example 1: Do you prefer relaxing at home or outside?

Answer: Well, I personally prefer relaxing outside.
Simply because I have a desire to wind down by being involved with others through activities like playing
sports, going shopping, or traveling.
For example, I am a big fan of swimming, and it is impossible for me to relax at home. If I try to relax at
home, the only entertainment for me is to surf the Internet or watch TV programs.
Actually, I am really bored with being a couch potato.
Yet, I do agree that having a sound sleep at home is indeed an efficient way of relaxation.
All in all, for the most part, I prefer the latter than the former.

Example 2: Do you prefer reading an electronic book or a real book?

Answer: Personally, I prefer reading electronic books mainly because it is more convenient than reading
real books, and they are free of charge.
For example, I can download thousands of e-books onto my e-reader, and it seems like I am carrying a
mobile library around with me.
Besides, it is really handy. If I take a train or ride a bus, I can flip through a random book with only my
fingertip on my phone screen to kill time.
However, I do admit that in some cases, a real book is irreplaceable, especially the textbooks or books
with illustrations.
All in all, I like e-books better.

PEC language center IELTS 6.5

Example 3: Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants?

Generally speaking, I am keener on eating at restaurants simply because it can try a wider range/
selection of food at restaurants.
For example, I can enjoy Japanese food, like sushi, sashimi, and udon noodles.
Besides, it can be free from cleaning after eating. By this, I mean I will have more time spending with my
However, I do know that food safety is becoming increasingly alarming in Vietnam these days. So,
somehow eating at home will be more hygienic and guaranteed.
In a word, I like eating at restaurants better.

Example 4: Do you prefer writing letters or e-mails?

Well, I personally prefer writing emails simply because it is more economical/ time-saving/ labour-saving
than writing a letter Besides, e-mail is the most common way for today’s people to communicate with
each other For example, currently, I am applying for studying in foreign universities. If I sent a letter to
professors overseas, it might take a week or so, and all of my applications would be delayed. Yet, on
some special occasions, I do agree that writing a letter is more appropriate, such as wedding invitations
or love letters.
But, for the most part, I guess email is much handier/ more convenient.

Question 1: Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant?
Your answer:
Question 2: Do you prefer eating home-cooked food or fast food?
Your answer:

1. Some typical sample questions
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- What should be done to promote healthy lifestyle?
- What is the most popular TV program in your country?

HOW TO ANSWER: “ Describe in detail and/or in order, using transitional words”

2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, speaking of X, I think there are several/ a variety of/ reasons why X has become
so popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- When it comes to X, I believe/ guess there are some/ heaps of/ loads of factors that make X
so popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- Generally speaking, people often ………….. because of several/ a wide range of/ reasons.
PEC language center IELTS 6.5

Step 2: Give specific reasons/factors and explanation


In addition/ Additionally,
One more to add/mention………..

Moreover, I always think ……………is essential for….. More

Most importantly,

Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, those are some common/
popular ………………………..
3. Examples
Example 1: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Honestly speaking, in my free time I am really keen on doing a variety of things such as chatting with friends,
listening to music, watching movies and playing games. However, I guess my most favorite activity is jogging.
This is because jogging helps me keep in good shape. So, I can lead a well- balanced life. In addition, it is a
wonderful way to put down my burden from work and study. I mean that through jogging I can escape from
pressure of a daily life routine. This is actually the moment of easing my stress.

Example 2: What should be done to promote a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: Well, from my own perspective, I believe that the government can do lots of things to encourage
the public to live a healthier life.
Firstly, the government should raise the public's awareness of healthier eating and show the importance of
doing physical exercises by making TV programmes, and holding contests on the topic of healthy lifestyles.
Besides, the government also needs to invest in developing leisure facilities for the community, such as
basketball courts, stadiums, gymnasiums, parks and some other leisure equipment. At the same time, these
facilities need to be affordable to encourage more people to take advantage of them.
More importantly, they should put more restrictions on the consumption and the advertising campaigns of
tobacco and alcohol.
In short, those are some possible measures that the government could do to establish a healthy lifestyle
for the public.

Example 3: What is the most popular TV program in your country?

Answer: Well, I think it depends
For example, I believe that young people prefer watching shows as variety shows, reality shows, TV sitcoms,
talk shows, or quiz shows simply because they tend to catch up with the latest trends through those TV shows
Yet, for the elderly, I guess they might have a fancy for serious or current affairs related programs, including
news reports, traditional performances, or just a cooking show. That’s because they have different
preferences and daily activities.
For bot, documentaries and films of high quality are greatly appreciated.

PEC language center IELTS 6.5

Question 1: What do you like to do to have a good health?
Your answer:

Question 2: What should people do to have a healthy lifestyle?

Your answer:

1. Some typical sample questions
- Why do most people in Vietnam use motorbikes?
- Why do young people like to live in big cities?
- Why do people love travelling?
- Why do we have to protect our environment?

HOW TO ANSWER: “Give a clear and orderly answer/explanation”

2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: State general opinion:
- As far as I am concerned/From my own perspective, …….for several reasons.
- When it comes to why people…., there are several reasons which should be taken into
- Generally/Honestly speaking, I/people want/choose to…….because of several significant
Step.2: List reasons and explanation:
Firstly, I feel/find that ……………………. By this, I mean ………………………………………….
Besides, I also consider that………………simple because……………………………………………. More
importantly/Most importantly,/ What matters most is that……………………….This is due to the
fact that…………………………………………………………………………………………
Step.3: Give a short conclusion
In short/ All in all/ In brief, these are critical/ important reasons why ………..

Question 1: Why do many people like to watch TV gameshow?
Your answer:
Question 2: Why do young people like to be famous?
Your answer:
PEC language center IELTS 6.5


1. STEP 1: Start your talk

- Well, the ………….I want to share with you is (called)………………………..

- I'm going to talk (with you) about/describe is (called)……………….
- I would like to talk (with you) about/ describe is (called) ……………

, which is a…(characteristics, features)……., specializing in ……(specific information)……

, which is one of the most …(the superlative comparison)…. in …………..these days.
, which/ who is…………(fundamental or outstanding feature)…..

1.2. Some examples

Example1: Describe your favorite restaurant

Answer: Well, the restaurant I want to talk about is called Pizza Hut, which is a Western-style restaurant,
specializing in pizza and spaghetti. It is the most popular and famous restaurant in Vietnam these days.

Example 2: Describe a famous person

Answer: Well, the famous person that I want to talk with you about is Michael Jackson, who used to be a
world- renowned singer, dancer, performer, entertainer, and the "King of Pop".

Example 3: Describe a park that you have visited

Answer: Well, the park that I would like to talk with you about is Tao Dan Park on the opposite of my
neighborhood. It is a handy place, and it only takes me 5 minutes to walk from my house.

1. 3. Choose 2 topics and Practice in groups

- Describe your favorite subject
- Describe your favorite dish
- Describe your favorite exercise.
- Describe your favorite game show
Topic 1: …………………………………….

Topic 2: …………………………………….

PEC language center IELTS 6.5


2.1. Give answers to each clue/ point by giving examples
2.1.1. Some typical questions
- What special dishes do they serve?
- What kinds of things do you often buy from this shop?

2.1.2. Suggested answers

- General introduction: - Speaking of …There is/ are a variety of/ a wide range of/ heaps of/ loads of …
- When it comes to……
- In terms of ……
- Talking about……

- Listing: including/ such as/ like …………………………………………………….

2.1.3 Sample answers

Example1: What are contents of this website?

Answer: Speaking of its contents, there are a variety of functions on this website including search
engine, music download service, video clips and maps.

Example2: What special dishes do they serve?

Answer: Well, in terms of its special dishes, they serve a diversity of foods such as spaghetti, pasta,
steak, salad, and milk tea.

2.2 Give answers to each clue/ point by telling stories

2.2.1 Some typical questions
- What does the film talk about?
- What did people do at the wedding?
- What does this advertisement talk about?
2.2.2. Suggested answers
Begin: At the very beginning,……………………………………….. Happen:
- After that/ Afterwards/ And then,…………………………….
- During/ While………………………………………………… End: -
Towards the end/ In the end/ Finally/ Eventually,…………….

a) Specific place: - This place is located/ situated in…………………..
b) In connection with another place: - This place is very handy; it is just on the ground floor/ around
the corner/ on the opposite side of my neighborhood/……………..
c) Time of movement: - It is only 5 minutes' walk/ 10 minutes' drive from………………………………
d) Use relative clause to introduce the location: - The place I want to travel to in the future is Las Vegas,
which is a world-renowned gambling destination in the U.S.
" WHO" "IT is……….Who/whom ….."
Example1: Who do you want to travel with?
Answer: Well, it is my close friend, Mary, whom I want to travel with since we have so many things in
PEC language center IELTS 6.5

Example2: Who took this picture?

Answer: Well, it is my father who captured such a spectacular moment while I was riding a horse on the

a) Happened in the past:
Example: When did you travel to this place?
Answer: I went to this place several months ago when I was having a holiday with my class.

b) Will happen:
Example: When do you want to travel to this place?
Answer1: I plan to pay a visit to the U.S this coming September. (already planned/arranged)
Answer2: Well, I haven't decided my timetable yet. Basically, after I graduate from university, I may/
will travel to the U.S. (not planned, depend on situation)

a) Stable/ Unchanged: Normally, I often go shopping at Parkson Plaza during weekends. I go there
once a month.
b) Unstable/ changed: - It depends. Whenever I need to buy some daily necessities, Ben Thanh market
will be my priority.
- It depends. Whenever I am in the mood for pizza, Pizza Hunt will be my first choice.

a) Know exact price: Basically, a smartphone would cost me roughly $300.
b) Don't know the price: Frankly speaking, I have never done market before, so I have no idea how much
it is.


3.1. State general opinion:
- I ……………for ……..reasons.
3.2. List reasons and explanation:
Firstly, I feel/find that ……………………. By this, I mean …………………………………………. Besides, I also

consider that………………simple because…………………………………………….

More importantly/Most importantly,/ What matters most is that……………………….This is due to the fact

3.3. Conclusion:
In short/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/To sum up, that’s' why………………………….

3.4. Sample answer

Example: Describe your favorite restaurant.
You should say: - Where it is.
- How often you go to this restaurant
- What special dishes they serve there
- Why you like it

Opening: Well, the restaurant I want to talk about is called Pizza Hut, which is a Western-style
restaurant, specializing in pizza and spaghetti. It is the most popular and famous restaurant in Vietnam
these days.
Location (where): Speaking of the location, it is on the opposite side of my university. Normally, it takes
me only 5 minutes to walk there.
Frequency (How often): When it comes to frequency, generally speaking, whenever I am in the mood
for pizza, it will be my priority.

Details (What): Talking about special dishes, they have a wide range of selections, like pizza, spaghetti,

Reasons (Why): Frankly speaking, I love Pizza Hut for several reasons.

Firstly, the food there is tasty and flavorful. It provides authentic flavor of Italian food, and they have all
sorts of pizza, like Hawaiian, Roast Chicken & Potatoes, Vegetarian, and Meat Lovers. I'm a big fan of
pizza, and I always recommend my friends to enjoy it.
Besides, I also feel that the atmosphere is fairly cozy and comfy. In fact, it is very spacious. By this, I
mean that we have different options when choosing a seat, and it also leaves some privacy for talking;
it is pretty customer- oriented as well.
More importantly, I always find that the staff there are quite hospitable. They will give you reasonable
advice and recommendations if you are uncertain about what to order, which is very considerate, and
a customer can feel very comfy in such an environment.
Conclusion: All in all, that's why Pizza Hut is my favorite restaurant.

Useful structures for Expressing opinion
- In my opinion, - In my view, - To my mind,
- To my way of thinking, - From my own perspective, - In my experience,
- As far as I am concerned, - My personal view is that… - I personally think/believe that…
- I’m of the opinion that…… - I have some doubts - I’m in favor of…..
A. Alternative or Choice questions: DO YOU PREFER X OR Y AND WHY?
1. Some typical questions:
- Do you prefer making a call or writing a letter?
- Do you prefer watching foreign films or Vietnamese films?
- Do you prefer reading newspapers or watching TV programs?
- Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants?
- Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday?
- Which one is more important, your relatives or neighbors?
- What do you prefer, a well -paid job or job satisfaction?
2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step1: Give your opinion
- Personally, I prefer X to Y.
- Well, generally (on the whole/ in general) I find …X/Y….more attractive (fascinating/
- Well, personally I'm much more interested in (attracted to/ fascinated by/…) …X/Y…
- On balance, X/Y appeals to me more than Y/X.
Step 2: Reason 1
- simply/ namely because ……………….
- this is because………………..
- this is due to the fact that …………..
Step 3: Reason 2
- Besides (that), through X/Y, I may/can ……………….
- Apart from this, X/Y also ……………………………..
Step 4: Example and Supposition
- For example, if I ………………
- For instance, unless I ………….
- I also think that without ………..
(Step 4.2): Contrast
- Yet, I do agree that occasionally doing X/Y is also ………………..
- However, I do think/ believe that sometimes ………………………..
Step 5: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ In a word, I will go for X/Y.
- To conclude/ To sum up, those are the reasons why I choose to do X/Y.
- , I am still into (still in favor of / still keen on/ still like) X/Y.

Example: Do you prefer writing letters or emails?

Answer: Well, I personally prefer writing an e-mail
Simply because it is more economical/ time-saving/ labour-saving than writing a letter
Besides, e-mailing is the most common way for today's people to communicate with each other.

For example, when I have something to share with my friends who, just a click of the mouse, then I
could email my message to many of them who are living in different parts of my country or in other
However, on some special occasion, I do agree that writing a letter is more appropriate, such as
wedding invitation or love letters.
All in all, for the most part, I guess e-mail is more convenient.

B. Questions about “changes”: HOW HAS X CHANGED?

1. Some typical questions
- How have the ways people access the media changed in Vietnam over the last decade?
- How has people's way of communicating changed?
- How have films changed over the years?
- How has the technology changed the way people listen to music?
- How has people's entertainment changed?
- How has people's way of reading changed recently in your country?
- How has the way of traveling changed recently in your country?
- How have news reports changed recently in your country?
2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: Say whether X has changed or not.
- Obviously, there are a lot of changes in the way people……………
- In general, the way people …………..has changed greatly/ dramatically/ tremendously
- On the whole, the way people ………..has experienced/ undertaken dramatic/ tremendous
changes/ alterations/
- Well, To the best of my knowledge, there are no changes in the way people…………

Step 2: Compare X in the past with X now

X in the past: Generally speaking, people used to …………in a traditional and conventional ways, such
X now: But now, an increasing number of people, especially young couples, tend to/ are more
likely to ……….in a more diversified way, including…………., simply because our way of
life has deeply been transformed by the Internet and technology. For

Example: How has weddings changed recently?

Answer: Honestly speaking, there are a lot of changes in weddings.
Well, in the past, due to the limitation of diversified services, people used to have their wedding
reception in a traditional way. For example, they invited friends and relatives to their house for the
wedding ceremony and party.
But now, people are more likely to spend a fortune on a series of celebrations and events, including
holding luxurious parties in sumptuous restaurants, going on a honeymoon, and taking expensive
wedding photos.
Besides, more new couples tend to have a wedding that is distant from others, like holding an
undersea wedding, taking a wedding tour, or inviting celebrities to come along and perform.
All in all, the ways people organize their weddings have changed dramatically.

C. Questions about “Suggested solutions”: HOW CAN WE…? / WHAT CAN BE DONE/ WHAT DO
1. Some typical questions
- How can we stop young people today watching too much television?
- How could the government promote a healthy lifestyles?
- What can be done to improve the condition in the countryside?
- What can be done to deal with the environmental problems?
- What do you think the government should do to cope with the traffic problems?

2. Suggested steps to answer:

(Step 1): Confirm/ Identify problems.
- It's clear/ obvious/ evident/ apparent that X is a major/ serious/ vital/ critical/…. issue
among….. nowadays.
- that X has become a pressing/ urgent/alarming problem/
matter in the society/ globe/ …..
Step 2: Give opinions
- Personally, I believe that (the government/ people/ we/…) can do lots of things to…….
- Well, I strongly believe that there are two ways /measures to stop/ deal with/ cope with….
- In my view,…. I highly recommend two measures to stop/ make/…
- From my point of view,…
- From my own perspective, …..
- As far as I am concerned, ….
Step 3: Suggest possible solutions:
Firstly, - the government/ people/ parents/ we/ should encourage ……….to …………
- make effort to……………
- must pay more attention to ………..
- impose strict laws/ regulations on……….
Secondly, - It is absolutely necessary to ……………………..
Additionally, - If we want to improve………,I think we have to/ should/ must/ spend more money on
invest in …………..
One more thing that people could do is …………………………………………………………

Step 4: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, those are some possible/
promising/ potential/….ways/ measures/ solutions that we could take into account to help/

Example: How could the government promote a healthy lifestyle?
Answer: Well, from my own perspective, I believe that the government can do lots of things to
encourage the public to live a healthier life.
Firstly, the government should raise the public's awareness of healthier eating and show the
importance of doing physical exercises by making TV programmes, and holding contests on the topic
of healthy lifestyles
Besides, the government also needs to invest in developing leisure facilities for the community, such
as basketball courts, stadiums, gymnasiums, parks and some other leisure equipment. At the same
time, these facilities need to be affordable to encourage more people to take advantage of them.
More importantly, they should put more restrictions on the consumption and the advertising
campaigns of tobacco and alcohol.
In short, those are some possible measures that the government could do to establish a healthy lifestyle
for the public.

Useful structures for Suggestions

- I highly recommend….. - They would be well-advised to ………..
- I’d strongly advise against…… - They should/ ought to/ need to………..

D. Questions about “Importance”: IS X IMPORTANT?

1. Some typical questions
- Is your family important to you?
- Are computers important?
- Is doing outdoor activities important?
- Is reading important?
2. Suggested steps to answer: Step 1: State your agreement:
- Personally, I wholeheartedly/ completely fully/ absolutely/ entirely agree that…
- In general, I strongly / firmly/ completely/ fully believe that…
…………because of several reasons.
- Yes, definitely yes, I always believe that X is really essential and necessary for…..simply
Step 2: Give reasons
First of all, …………………………………….
Firstly, …………………………………………

Besides, ………………………………………..
Another reason/evidence is

Step 3: Contrast
- I do agree that without …………….., ……………….might tend to ………………….
- I also believe that without ………….., ……………….were more likely to ……………..

Step 4: Conclusion
- So, Obviously, there is no doubt about the significance of (doing) X.
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, it is vital/ crucial for
…………. to (do) X.

E. Questions about “Pros & Cons”
1. Some typical questions
- What are advantages and disadvantages of traditional families in Vietnam?
- What are advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone/ with other people?
- What are benefits and drawbacks of tourism?
- What are pros and cons of watching TV programmes?

2. Suggested steps to answer:

Step 1: State your opinion
- As far as I am concerned, there are both ………………………………..
- From my own perspectives,
- Generally speaking, (doing) X has/ brings both advantages and disadvantages
benefits and
drawbacks merits and
Step 2: Give specific reasons and explanation for advantages
Well, obviously, it is beneficial to (do X) in/ for a variety of ways/ reasons.

In addition/ Additionally,
One more to add/mention………..

Moreover, I always think ……………is essential for….. More

Most importantly,

Step 3: Give specific reasons and explanation for disadvantages

Yet/ However, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that………………….This is
because …………………………………………………………………………….
Step 4: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, I still believe that its
advantages far outweigh the drawbacks. This is why…………………….

Example: What are pros and cons of watching TV programmes?

Answer: Well, watching TV programmes is beneficial in many ways.
Firstly, it is an indispensable way to relax and have fun in today's world since many sorts of TV
programmes are broadcast 24 hours, and people may easily find what they like.
Besides, through watching TV programmes, we can keep up with the latest trends and current
affairs very easily. You can just turn to the news channel, and you will know what is happening all
over the world.
Yet, when it comes to its demerits, I have to say that some people might be addicted to it, like a
couch potato. They are more likely to spend an excessive amount of time staring at the TV screen,
which is really bad for their health physically and mentally.
Also influence people's choices for suitable careers.
All in all, those are both advantages and disadvantages of watching TV programmes.
F. Questions about “Listing features, reasons, factors, etc.”

1. Some typical questions

- What kind of advice do parents give their children?
- What kinds of roles do people play in a family?
- What are the common festivals in your country?
- What kinds of qualities should a good leader have?

2. Suggested steps to answer:

Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, speaking of X, I think there are several/ a variety of/ reasons why X has become
so popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- When it comes to X, I believe/ guess there are some/ heaps of/ loads of factors that
make X so popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- Generally speaking, people often ………….. because of several/ a wide range of/ reasons.
Step 2: Give specific reasons/factors and explanation

In addition/ Additionally,
One more to add/mention………..

Moreover, I always think ……………is essential for….. More

Most importantly,

Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, those are some common/
popular ………………………..
Example: What are the qualities required to become a good journalist?
Answer: Well, when it comes to qualities necessary for a good journalist, I believe that there is a
variety of qualifications to take into consideration.
Firstly, a good journalist should be responsible for what he has reported.
Besides, a good journalist also needs to be insightful because the public want to know the truth
and justice behind the stories.
Moreover, I always think that persistence is essential for a reporter, he should be able to overcome
every kind of obstacle to report the truth.
All in all, those are some common qualities that most people may concern when thinking of a good

G. Questions about “Reasons”: WHY….?/ WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR…?

1. Some typical questions
- Why do you think television has become so popular over the last 50 years?
- Why do people care about their health?
- What are the reasons for eating fast food?
- What are the reasons for shopping online?

2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, speaking of X, I think there are several/ a variety of/ reasons why X has become so
popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- When it comes to X, I believe/ guess there are some/ heaps of/ loads of factors that make X
so popular/ common/ famous/ well-known among the public.
- Generally speaking, people often ………….. because of several/ a wide range of/ reasons.
Step 2: Give specific/ detailed reasons

In addition/ Additionally,
Another reason could be that………..

Moreover, I always think ……………is an essential factor to take into account.

More importantly,
Most importantly,

Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, those are some common/
popular reasons leading to the popularity of …………………
Example: What factors will people consider when seeking a job?
Answer: Well, when it comes to looking for a job, I believe that there is a variety of factors people will
take into account when hunting for a job.
Firstly, salary is the essential one that most people will consider since they believe that their value can
be judged by how much they are paid.
Besides, job satisfaction is also vital simply because people need to make sure that they do their work
with passion and energy.
More importantly, other factors, such as working location, working environment or promotion
opportunity also influence people's choices for suitable careers.
All in all, those are some common factors that most people may concern when searching for a job.

H. Questions with “2 or more answers”


1. Some typical questions

- Which is better for presenting the news: television or radio? Why?
- Do people in Vietnam prefer American films or films from other parts of the world?
- Should public transport be free of charge?
- Is tourism always good for places?

2. Suggested steps to answer:

Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, generally speaking, I think it depends on
different cases/ situations/ circumstances
- people's preferences and their personalities
- ____________________________________________ people's preferences and their career fields

Step 2: Give specific/ detailed cases

First case: - Personally/ As I see it/ From my point of view, X could/may be good for (G.1) who /that
……. because …………………………………..
- , X may be ……simply because it ……
Second case: - However, for …(G.2)…., X/Y could be ………….This is because……………….
- Yet, for those who ……., X/ Y may………………This is due to the fact that…………
Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, I still believe/ think that
whether X/Y is ……………totally depends on people's preferences and choices.
- completely depends on perspectives we are looking at/ concerned about
3. Examples
Example: What is the most popular way of keeping healthy in your country? Answer: Well, it
depends on different age groups.
Young people tend to keep fit in energetic ways, like playing sports and taking part in all sports of social
Yet, the elderly/ older people may choose from a wide range of selections to stay healthy, like having a
more well-rounded diet or recipe or focusing more on healthy care products, like fish oil and
vitamin pills.
All in all, I think that it totally depends on people's preferences and their age.

I. Questions about “Agreement or Disagreement”


1. Some typical questions

- Do you think that there is still a future for radio with television being so popular?
- Do you feel that "films stars" are overpaid for what they do?
- Some people think that it's okay to hunt animals for sports? Do you agree or disagree?
- Do you agree that children should wear school uniforms?
2. Suggested steps to answer:
2.1. Agree
Step 1: State your agreement:
- Personally, I wholeheartedly/ completely/ totally/ fully/ absolutely/ entirely agree that…
- In general, I strongly / firmly/ completely/ fully believe that…
…………because of several reasons.
- Yes, definitely yes, I do believe/think that …………………………………

Step 2: Give reasons

First of all, …………………………………….
Firstly, …………………………………………

Besides, ………………………………………..
Moreover,………………………………………. Another
reason/evidence is that………………… Step 3:
- I do agree that without …………….., ……………….might tend to ………………….
- I also believe that without ………….., ……………….were more likely to ……………..

Example: Do you agree that all people should take public transport?
Answer: Personally, I wholeheartedly believe that people should take public transport as much as
possible simply because it is economical and environment-friendly since less gas emission will be
produced. Besides, it may promote the efficiency of traffic because it carries more passengers at a

Without public transport, there would be more vehicles on the road, so traffic congestion will take
place so often, and undoubtedly, road travel will be much more problematic.
So, I think that public transports should be actively encouraged.

2.2. Disagree
Step 1: State your disagreement:
- Personally, I wholeheartedly/ completely/ totally/ absolutely/ entirely disagree that…
- In general, I strongly / firmly/ completely/ fully believe that…
…(not)………because of several reasons.
- No, definitely not, I do believe/think that …………………………………
- I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that because of ……reasons
- Honestly speaking, I can't possibly agree with that because of ……reasons
Step 2: Give reasons
First of all, …………………………………….
Firstly, …………………………………………

Besides, ……………………………………….. Moreover,……………………………………….

Another reason/evidence is that…………………

Step 2: Contrast
- I do think that if…………….., ……………….might tend to ………………….
- I also believe that if ………….., ……………….were more likely to ……………..

2.3 Partial agree/disagree

Step 1: State your opinion
- Well, I think it depends on different cases/ situations/ circumstances
- the kind of people.

Step 2: Give specific/ detailed cases

First case: - Personally/ From my own perspective, X could/may be good for (G.1) who /that …….
because …………………………………..
- , X may be ……simply because it ……

Second case: - However, for …(G.2)…., X/Y could (not) be ………….This is because……………….
- Yet, for those who ……., X/ Y may (not)………………This is due to the fact
Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, I still believe/ think that it
totally depends on people's preferences and choices.
- on the perspective/side/ aspect we are looking at/ concerned about

Example: Do you think that public leisure centres should be free of charge?
Answer: Personally, I don't think that they should be free of charge simply because they need a funding
source for management and maintenance. Besides, money is also needed for updating equipment and
However, for certain groups of people, it is unreasonable to charge them, such as children and senior
citizens since they are entitled to gain social welfares/benefits.
In short, I think it still depends on each group of people.
J. Questions about “Differences- Comparison” CAN YOU COMPARE X and Y?

1. Some typical questions

- Can you compare television and cinema as forms of entertainment?
- What are differences between men's and women's shopping habits?
- What are differences between watching sports live and watching sports on TV?
- What are differences between Vietnamese films and foreign films?
2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: State general opinion
- Obviously/ Undoubtedly/ Unquestionably, there are some similarities and differences
between X and Y.
- It is well documented that there are several differences between X and Y
Step 2: Give specific/detailed comparison
First comparison: - Well, compared with Y, X is less/more likely to ……….This is because……

Second comparison: - Unlike X, Y tends to ……………………….. (For example,)…………………. (Third

comparison): - Besides, I also consider that X(Y) may ……………….while Y(X)……………

Step 3: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To sum up, X and Y share both connections and
dissimilarities in terms of ………………..
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To sum up, X and Y share a variety of/ a couple of/
heaps of/ a few of dissimilarities regarding/ in terms of …………………………

Example: What are the differences between historical buildings and modern buildings? Answer:
With no doubt, there are several differences between historical buildings and modern ones.
Well, compared with conventional buildings, modern buildings tend to be more practical since
people need to live and work in well-equipped and well- furnished modern buildings, like residential
halls or office buildings.
Unlike modern buildings, historical structures such as temples and ancient palaces have more value
in regard to culture and tradition.
Besides/ More than that, historical buildings are likely to be traditionally designed and built with
more decoration, while modern buildings tend to be plainer and more westernized, for example,
skyscrapers, commercial complexes, art galleries and so on.

Useful structures for comparison

- One of the major contrast is… - Unlike A, B…………
- While/Whereas A is…, B is…… - The most striking resemblance is…..
- They are identical/alike in terms of …… - One of the similarities/ differences includes……

K. Questions about “Future Prediction”
IN ………………………YEARS?
1. Some typical questions
- How do you think World cinema will develop over the next 50 years?
- In what way do you think people will change their eating habits in the future?
- How much of today's technology will still be used in 50 years' time?
- How do you think the ways people communicate might change in the future?
2. Suggested steps to answer:
Step 1: State general opinion
-Well, this is an interesting question. From what I have heard/read, I think/ believe/ assume/
suppose/ predict/ guess/ anticipate that X will………………..
- Well, it's hard to predict what will happen in the future, but from the current
fact it seems that/ it is likely that/ it is possible that X may ………………………..
- To be honest, I cannot say for certain how X will be, but to the best of my knowledge it could
be predicted/ anticipated that ……………………
- From what has happened/ is occurring, It is no exaggeration to say that X may……
- , there is no doubt that
Step 2: Reason 1 for prediction
- simply/ namely because ……………….
- this is because………………..
- this is due to the fact that …………..
Step 3: Reason 2 for prediction
- Besides (that), through X/Y, I may/can ……………….
- Apart from this, X/Y also ……………………………..
Step 4: Example and Supposition
- For example, if I ………………
- For instance, unless I ………….
- I also think that without ………..
Step 5: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up,………………………
Example: In which way do you think that people will change their eating habits in the future?
Answer: Well, it's hard to predict what will exactly change in people's eating habits in the future, but
from the current fact it is quite likely that as the standards of living rise, people will be more selective
about what foods they want to eat. In other words, they will have more chances to try different foods,
more expensive foods, and foods from other countries. At the same time, there will be more
restaurants serving various foods from different parts of the world, with better quality of ingredients
and presentation.
Another change I could predict is that people will want more convenience and fast foods because they
don't have time to cook meals. At home, they will buy prepackaged and ready-to- eat-meals so that
they don't have to spend as much time shopping and cooking. This is because people become busier
with their jobs, so they want to eat more quickly to have more time for other things

L. Questions about “Influence of A on B”
1. Some typical questions
- How has technology made a difference to the quality of the modern films?
-How do TV programes influence chidren?
- How do advertisements contribute to consumption?
- How do extra-curricular activities impact students’ development?

Step 1: State general opinion

- Personally, I believe that X has made lots of significant contributions to/ impacts on /
influences on Y
Step 2: Give detailed explanation
Firstly, …………………………………………………….. (For example,)…………………..

- Besides (that), through X, …………………………….

- Apart from this, X also ……………………………….
Step 3: Contrast
- I do agree that without …………….., ……………….might tend to ………………….
- I also believe that without ………….., ……………….were more likely to ……………..
Step 5: Conclusion
- In short/ In brief/ All in all/ In summary/ To conclude/ To sum up, X plays an important role in Y
- , X has made Y more ………..

Example: How do TV programes influence children?

Answer: Personally, I believe that today's TV programmes have a great influence on children.
Firstly, they bring knowledge and information to children to help them understand the outside
world. Through programmes like "Animal World, Discovery", or traveling programmess, their horizon
can be broadened.
Besides, their imagination and creativity are also boosted with shows like cartoons, puppet shows, or
fairy tale shows. They can develop s sense of beauty and a sense of morality.
However/ Conversely, children may also be influenced in undesirable ways. This is because some TV
scenes are filled with violence and even pornography, and children tend to imitate those dangerous
So, we need to strictly impose censorship on TV programmes to make sure they are appropriate for


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