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The instruction applies to all types of buildings, structures and industrial communications,
regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

The instruction is intended for use in the development of projects, construction, operation, as
well as in the reconstruction of buildings, structures and industrial communications.
For managers and specialists of design and operational organizations.
The instruction on the lightning protection device of buildings, structures and industrial
communications (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) applies to all types of buildings,
structures and industrial communications, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of
The instruction is intended for use in the development of projects, construction, operation, as
well as in the reconstruction of buildings, structures and industrial communications.
In the event that the requirements of industry regulatory documents are more stringent than in
this Instruction, it is recommended that industry requirements be followed when developing
lightning protection. It is also recommended to act when the requirements of the Instructions
cannot be combined with the technological features of the protected object. At the same time, the
used lightning protection tools and methods are selected based on the conditions for ensuring the
required reliability.
When developing projects of buildings, structures and industrial communications, in addition to
the requirements of the Instruction, additional requirements for the implementation of lightning
protection of other applicable norms, rules, instructions, state standards are taken into account.
When normalizing lightning protection, the initial position is that any of its devices cannot
prevent the development of lightning.
The application of the standard when choosing lightning protection significantly reduces the risk
of damage from a lightning strike.
The type and placement of lightning protection devices are selected at the design stage of a new
facility in order to be able to maximize the use of the conductive elements of the latter. This will
facilitate the development and implementation of lightning protection devices combined with the
building itself, will improve its aesthetic appearance, increase the efficiency of lightning
protection, minimize its cost and labor costs.
2.1. Terms and Definitions
A lightning strike into the earth is an atmospheric-electric discharge between a thundercloud and
earth, consisting of one or more current pulses.
Damage point - the point at which the lightning comes in contact with the ground, a building or a
lightning protection device. A lightning strike can have multiple points of destruction.
Protected object - a building or structure, part or space thereof, for which lightning protection is
performed that meets the requirements of this standard.
Lightning protection device - a system that allows you to protect a building or structure from the
effects of lightning. It includes external and internal devices. In special cases, lightning
protection can contain only external or only internal devices.
Protection devices against direct lightning strikes (lightning rods) - a complex consisting of
lightning rods, down conductors and grounding conductors.

Potential equalizing devices are elements of protective devices that limit the potential difference
due to the spreading of lightning current. An air terminal is a part of a lightning rod designed to
intercept lightning. Down conductor (descent) - part of the lightning conductor, designed to
divert the lightning current from the air terminal to the ground electrode. Grounding device - a
combination of a grounding conductor and grounding conductors. An earthling switch is a
conductive part or a set of interconnected conductive parts that are in electrical contact with the
earth directly or through a conductive medium.
Grounding loop - a grounding conductor in the form of a closed loop around a building in the
ground or on its surface.

The resistance of the grounding device is the ratio of the voltage on the grounding device to the
current flowing from the ground electrode to the ground.
The voltage on the grounding device is the voltage that occurs when current flows from the
ground electrode to the ground between the current input point to the ground electrode and the
zone of zero potential.

Interconnected metal reinforcement - reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures of a

building (structure), which ensures electrical continuity.

Dangerous sparking is an unacceptable electrical discharge inside the protected object caused by
a lightning strike.

Safe distance - the minimum distance between two conductive elements outside or inside the
protected object, at which dangerous sparking cannot occur between them.

Surge protection device - a device designed to limit overvoltage between the elements of the
protected object (for example, a surge arrester, non-linear surge suppressor or other protective

A separate lightning rod is a lightning rod whose lightning rods and down conductors are located
in such a way that the lightning current path has no contact with the protected object.

Lightning rod installed on the protected object - lightning rod, lightning rods and down
conductors of which are located in such a way that part of the lightning current can spread
through the protected object or its ground electrode.

A lightning rod protection zone is a space in the vicinity of a lightning rod of a given geometry,
characterized in that the probability of a lightning strike into an object entirely located in its
volume does not exceed a predetermined value.

The permissible probability of a lightning breakthrough is the maximum permissible probability

P of a lightning strike into an object protected by lightning rods.
Reliability of protection is defined as 1 - R.

Industrial communications - power and data cables, conductive pipelines, non-conductive

pipelines with an internal conductive medium.

2.2. Classification of buildings and structures for lightning protection

The classification of objects is determined by the danger of lightning strikes for the object itself
and its surroundings.

The direct dangerous effects of lightning are fires, mechanical damage, injuries to people and
animals, as well as damage to electrical and electronic equipment. The consequences of a
lightning strike can be explosions and the release of hazardous products - radioactive and toxic
chemicals, as well as bacteria and viruses.

Lightning strikes can be especially dangerous for information systems, control systems, control
and power supply. For electronic devices installed in objects for various purposes, special
protection is required.

Considered objects can be divided into ordinary and special.

Common objects are residential and administrative buildings, as well as buildings and structures
with a height of not more than 60 m, intended for trade, industrial production, and agriculture.

Special objects:
objects that pose a danger to the immediate environment;
objects that pose a danger to the social and physical environment (objects that, when struck by
lightning, can cause harmful biological, chemical and radioactive emissions);
other facilities for which special lightning protection may be provided, for example, buildings
with a height of more than 60 m, playgrounds, temporary structures, facilities under construction.
In the table. 2.1 examples of division of objects into four classes are given.

Table. 2.1

Object classification examples

An object Object type

Consequences of a lightning strike

Отказ электроустановок, пожар и

повреждение имущества. Обычно
Жилой дом небольшое повреждение предметов,
расположенных в месте удара
молнии или задетых ее каналом
Первоначально - пожар и занос
опасного напряжения, затем - потеря
электропитания с риском гибели
животных из-за отказа электронной
системы управления вентиляцией,
подачи корма и т. д.
Отказ электроснабжения (например,
освещения), способный вызвать
Театр; школа; универмаг; панику. Отказ системы пожарной
спортивное сооружение сигнализации, вызывающий
задержку противопожарных
Отказ электроснабжения (например,
Банк; страховая компания;
освещения), способный вызвать
коммерческий офис
панику. Отказ системы пожарной
сигнализации, вызывающий
задержку противопожарных
мероприятий. Потери средств связи,
сбои компьютеров с потерей данных
Отказ электроснабжения (например,
освещения), способный вызвать
панику. Отказ системы пожарной
сигнализации, вызывающий
Больница; детский сад; дом задержку противопожарных
для престарелых мероприятий. Потери средств связи,
сбои компьютеров с потерей данных.
Необходимость помощи
тяжелобольным и неподвижным
Дополнительные последствия,
зависящие от условий производства -
Промышленные предприятия от незначительных повреждений до
больших ущербов из-за потерь
Музеи и археологические Невосполнимая потеря культурных
памятники ценностей
Недопустимое нарушение
Специальный с Средства связи; коммунального обслуживания
ограниченной электростанции; (телекоммуникаций). Косвенная
опасностью пожароопасные производства опасность пожара для соседних
Специальный, Нефтеперерабатывающие
представляющий предприятия; заправочные Пожары и взрывы внутри объекта и в
опасность для станции; производства петард непосредственной близости
непосредственного и фейерверков
Химический завод; атомная Пожар и нарушение работы
Специальный, электростанция; оборудования с вредными
опасный для экологии биохимические фабрики и последствиями для окружающей
лаборатории среды

During construction and reconstruction, for each class of objects, it is required to determine the
necessary levels of reliability of protection against direct lightning strikes (ПУМ). For example,
for ordinary objects, four levels of protection reliability can be proposed, indicated in Table. 2.2.

Table. 2.2.

PUM protection levels for common objects

Protection level Reliability of protection against PUM

I 0,98
II 0,95
III 0,90
IV 0,80

For special facilities, the minimum acceptable level of reliability of protection against PUM is
set within 0.9-0.999, depending on the degree of its social significance and the severity of the
expected consequences from PUM in agreement with the state control authorities.

At the request of the customer, a reliability level exceeding the maximum permissible level can
be incorporated into the project.

2.3. Lightning Current Parameters

The parameters of lightning currents are necessary for calculating mechanical and thermal
effects, as well as for normalizing protection against electromagnetic effects.

2.3.1. Classification of the effects of lightning currents

For each level of lightning protection, the maximum permissible parameters of the lightning
current must be determined. The data given in the standard apply to downward and upward

The ratio of the polarities of lightning discharges depends on the geographical location of the
area. In the absence of local data, this ratio is taken to be 10% for discharges with positive
currents and 90% for discharges with negative currents.

The mechanical and thermal effects of lightning are due to the peak value of current I, the total
charge Qfull, the charge in the pulse Qimp and the specific energy W / R. The highest values of
these parameters are observed with positive discharges.

Damage caused by induced overvoltages is due to the steepness of the lightning current front.
The steepness is estimated within the 30% and 90% levels of the highest current value. The
highest value of this parameter is observed in subsequent pulses of negative discharges.

2.3.2. Parameters of lightning currents proposed for standardizing protection against direct
lightning strikes

The values of the calculated parameters adopted in the table. 2.2 levels of security (with a ratio
of 10% to 90% between the shares of positive and negative discharges) are given in table. 2.3.

table. 2.3.
Correspondence of lightning current parameters and protection levels
Уровень защиты
Lightning parameter
Peak value of current I, kA 200 150 100
Full charge Qfull, C 300 225 150
Impulse charge Qimp, C 100 75 50
Specific Energy W / R, kJ / Ohm 10000 5600 2500
Average slope di / dt30 / 90%, kA / μs 200 150 100

2.3.3. Density of lightning strikes into the ground

The density of lightning strikes into the earth, expressed in terms of the number of lesions of 1 km2 of
the earth's surface per year, is determined by meteorological observations at the location of the object.

If the density of lightning strikes into the ground Ng is unknown, it can be calculated by the following
formula, 1 / (km2 · year):

Density of lightning strikes into the ground

Ng=6.7(Td)/100 - --------------------- 2.1

where Td is the average duration of thunderstorms in hours, determined from regional thunderstorm
activity intensity maps.

2.3.4. Parameters of lightning currents proposed for standardizing protection against electromagnetic
effects of lightning
In addition to mechanical and thermal influences, the lightning current creates powerful pulses of
electromagnetic radiation, which can cause damage to systems, including communication, control,
automation, computer and information devices, etc. These complex and expensive systems are used in
many industries and businesses. Damage resulting from a lightning strike is highly undesirable for safety
reasons, as well as for economic reasons.

A lightning strike can contain either a single current pulse or consist of a sequence of pulses separated
by time intervals during which a weak accompanying current flows. The parameters of the current pulse
of the first component differ significantly from the characteristics of the pulses of the subsequent
components. Below are data characterizing the calculated parameters of the current pulses of the first
and subsequent pulses (Tables 2.4 and 2.5), as well as the continuous current (Tables 2.6) in the pauses
between pulses for ordinary objects at different levels of protection.

Table 2.4

Parameters of the first lightning current pulse

Protection level
Current parameter
Maximum current I, kA 200 150 100
Front duration T1, μs 10 10 10
Half-life T2, μs 350 350 350
Impulse charge Qsum *, C 100 75 50
The specific energy per pulse W / R **, MJ / Ohm 10 5,6 2,5

* Since a significant part of the total charge Qsum falls on the first pulse, it is assumed that the
total charge of all short pulses is equal to the given value.
** Since a significant part of the total specific energy W / R falls on the first pulse, it is assumed
that the total charge of all short pulses is equal to the given value.
Table 2.5

Parameters of the subsequent lightning current pulse

Protection level
Current parameter
Maximum current I, kA 50 37,5 25
Front duration T1, μs 0,25 0,25 0,25
Half-life T2, μs 100 100 100
Average slope a, kA / μs 200 150 100

Table 2.6

Parameters of continuous lightning current in the interval between pulses

Protection level
Current parameter
Charge Qdl *, Cl 200 150 100
Duration T, s 0,5 0,5 0,5

* Qdl - charge due to the prolonged flow of current between two pulses of lightning current.

The average current is approximately equal to Qdl / T.

The shape of the current pulses is determined by the following expression:

Current impulse

3.2.1. Lightning rods General considerations

Lightning rods can be specially installed, including at the facility, or their functions are performed by
structural elements of the protected facility; in the latter case, they are called natural lightning rods.

Lightning rods can consist of an arbitrary combination of the following elements: rods, tensioned wires
(cables), mesh conductors (grids). Natural lightning rods

The following structural elements of buildings and structures can be considered as natural lightning

a) metal roofs of protected objects, provided that:

electrical continuity between different parts is ensured for a long time;
the thickness of the metal of the roof is not less than the value of t given in table. 3.2, if it is
necessary to protect the roof from damage or burn through;
the thickness of the metal of the roof is at least 0.5 mm if it is not necessary to protect it from
damage and there is no danger of ignition of combustible materials under the roof;
the roof does not have an insulating coating. In this case, a small layer of anticorrosion paint or a
layer of 0.5 mm asphalt coating, or a layer of 1 mm plastic coating is not considered insulation;
non-metallic coatings on or under the metal roof do not extend beyond the boundaries of the
protected object; b) metal roof structures (trusses, steel reinforcement interconnected);
c) metal elements such as drainpipes, decorations, fences along the edge of the roof, etc., if their
cross section is not less than the values prescribed for ordinary lightning rods;
d) technological metal pipes and tanks, if they are made of metal with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm
and the penetration or burning of this metal does not lead to dangerous or unacceptable consequences;
d) metal pipes and tanks, if they are made of metal with a thickness of not less than the value of t
given in table. 3.2, and if the temperature increase from the inside of the object at the point of lightning
strike is not dangerous.
Table 3.2

The thickness of the roof, pipe or tank body, acting as a natural lightning rod
Protection level Material Thickness t, mm, not less
I-IV Iron 4
I-IV Copper 5
I-IV Aluminum 7

3.2.2. Down conductors General considerations

In order to reduce the likelihood of dangerous sparking, down conductors should be located so that
between the point of destruction and the ground:

a) the current spreads along several parallel paths;

b) the length of these paths was limited to a minimum. Location of down conductors in lightning protection devices isolated from the protected object

If the air terminal consists of rods mounted on separate supports (or one support), at least one down
conductor must be provided for each support.

If the air terminal consists of separate horizontal wires (cables) or one wire (cable), at least one down
conductor is required for each end of the cable.

If the air terminal is a mesh structure suspended above the protected object, at least one down
conductor is required for each support. The total number of down conductors must be at least two. Location of down conductors with uninsulated lightning protection devices

Down conductors are located around the perimeter of the protected object so that the average distance
between them is not less than the values given in table. 3.3.

Down conductors are connected by horizontal belts near the surface of the earth and every 20 m along
the height of the building.

Table 3.3

Average distances between down conductors depending on the level of protection

Protection level Average distance, m

I 10
II 15
III 20
IV 25 Guidelines for the location of down conductors

It is desirable that down conductors are evenly spaced around the perimeter of the protected
object. If possible, they are laid close to the corners of buildings.

Non-isolated down conductors are laid as follows:

if the wall is made of non-combustible material, down conductors can be fixed to the surface
of the wall or pass in the wall
if the wall is made of combustible material, down conductors can be fixed directly to the wall
surface, so that the temperature increase during the flow of lightning current does not pose a
danger to the wall material;
if the wall is made of combustible material and raising the temperature of the down conductors
is dangerous for it, the down conductors should be located so that the distance between them and
the protected object always exceeds 0.1 m.Metal brackets for attaching down conductors can be
in contact with the wall.
Do not lay down conductors in downpipes. It is recommended to place down conductors at the
maximum possible distance from doors and windows.

Down conductors are laid in straight and vertical lines, so that the path to the ground is as short
as possible. Laying down conductors in the form of loops is not recommended. Natural elements of down conductors

The following structural elements of buildings can be considered natural down conductors:

a) metal structures, provided that:

electrical continuity between different elements is durable and meets the requirements of
they are no smaller than those required for specially designed down conductors. Metal
structures may be insulated; b) the metal frame of a building or structure;
c) interconnected steel reinforcement of a building or structure;
d) parts of the facade, profiled elements and supporting metal structures of the facade,
provided that their dimensions comply with the guidelines relating to down conductors and their
thickness is not less than 0.5 mm.

Metal reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures is considered to provide electrical

continuity if it satisfies the following conditions:

approximately 50% of the joints of the vertical and horizontal rods are made by welding or
have a rigid connection (bolt fastening, wire knitting);
electrical continuity is ensured between the steel reinforcement of various prefabricated
concrete blocks and the reinforcement of concrete blocks prepared on site.

The laying of horizontal belts is not necessary if the metal frames of the building or reinforced
concrete steel reinforcement are used as down conductors.
3.2.3. Earthing switches General considerations

In all cases, except for the use of a stand-alone lightning conductor, the lightning protection
ground electrode system should be combined with the electrical installation and communication
equipment ground electrode systems. If these earthing switches should be separated for any
technological reasons, they should be combined into a common system using a potential
equalization system. Specially laid grounding electrodes

It is advisable to use the following types of grounding conductors: one or more circuits, vertical
(or inclined) electrodes, radially diverging electrodes or a grounding circuit laid at the bottom of
the pit, grounding nets.

Strongly buried grounding conductors are effective if the soil resistivity decreases with depth and
at a great depth is significantly less than at the level of the usual location.

An earthing switch in the form of an external circuit is preferably laid at a depth of at least 0.5 m
from the surface of the earth and at a distance of at least 1 m from the walls. Grounding
electrodes should be located at a depth of not less than 0.5 m outside the protected object and be
as evenly distributed as possible; at the same time, one must strive to minimize their mutual

The laying depth and the type of grounding electrodes are selected from the condition of
ensuring minimal corrosion, as well as possibly the smallest seasonal variation in grounding
resistance as a result of drying and freezing of the soil. Natural grounding electrodes

Reinforced concrete reinforcement or other underground metal structures that meet the
requirements of clause may be used as grounding electrodes. If reinforced concrete
reinforcement is used as grounding electrodes, increased requirements are imposed on the places
of its joints in order to exclude mechanical destruction of concrete. If prestressed concrete is
used, the possible consequences of a lightning current, which can cause unacceptable mechanical
stress, should be considered.

3.2.4. Fastening and connecting elements of the external MZS Mount

Lightning rods and down conductors are rigidly fixed, so as to exclude any rupture or weakening
of the conductors fastening under the influence of electrodynamic forces or accidental
mechanical influences (for example,

Fig. 3.1. Single rod lightning conductor protection zone

For the protection zone of required reliability (Fig. 3.1), the radius of the horizontal section rx at a height
hx is determined by the formula:
Table 3.4

Calculation of the protection zone of a single rod lightning rod

Reliability protection Lightning conductor height h, Cone height h0, m The radius of the cone r0,
Rz m m
0 to 100 0,85h 1,2h
От 100 до 150 0,85h [1,2-10-3(h-100)]h
0 to 30 0,8h 0,8h
0,99 30 to 100 0,8h [0,8-1,43·10-3(h-30)]h
100 to 150 [0,8-10-3(h-100)]h 0,7h
0 to 30 0,7h 0,6h
0,999 30 to 100 [0,6-1,43·10-3(h-30)]h
100 to 150 [0,65-10-3(h-100)]h [0,5-2·10-3(h-100)]h Protection zones of a single cable lightning conductor

The standard protection zones of a single cable lightning conductor of height h are bounded by
symmetrical gable surfaces, forming in an vertical section an isosceles triangle with an apex at a
height h0 <h and a base at ground level 2r0 (Fig. 3.2).

The following calculation formulas (Table 3.5) are suitable for lightning rods up to 150 m high.
At higher altitudes, special software should be used. Hereinafter, h is the minimum cable height
above ground level (taking into account the sag).
Fig. 3.2. Protection zone of a single cable lightning conductor:

L is the distance between the suspension points of the cables

The half-width rx of the protection zone of the required reliability (Fig. 3.2) at a height hx from the
earth's surface is determined by the expression:

If necessary, expand the protected volume to the ends of the protection zone of the actual cable
lightning rod, protection zones of the bearing supports can be added, which are calculated by the
formulas of single rod lightning rods, presented in Table. 3.4. In the case of large cable slack, for
example, overhead power transmission lines, it is recommended to calculate the ensured
probability of lightning breakthrough by program methods, since the construction of protection
zones by the minimum cable height in the span can lead to unjustified costs.

Table 3.5

Calculation of the protection zone of a single cable lightning conductor

Reliability protection Lightning conductor height h, The radius of the cone r0,
Cone height h0, m
Rz m m
0,9 0 to 150 0,87h 1,5h
0 to 30 0,8h 0,95h
0,99 30 to 100 0,8h [0,95-7,14µ10-4(h-30)]h
100 to 150 0,8h [0,9-10-3(h-100)]h
0 to 30 0,75h 0,7h
0,999 30 to 100 [0,7-1,43·10-3(h-30)]h
100 to 150 [0,72-10-3(h-100)]h [0,6-10-3(h-100)]h Dual rod lightning conductor protection zones

A lightning rod is considered double when the distance between the rod lightning rods L does not
exceed the limit value Lmax. Otherwise, both lightning rods are considered as single.

The configuration of the vertical and horizontal sections of the standard protection zones of a
double rod lightning rod (height h and the distance L between the lightning rods) is shown in Fig.
3.3. The construction of the outer regions of the double lightning conductor zones (half-cones
with dimensions h0, r0) is carried out according to the formulas of the table. 3.4 for single rod
lightning rods. The dimensions of the inner regions are determined by the parameters h0 and hc,
the first of which determines the maximum height of the zone directly at the lightning rods, and
the second - the minimum height of the zone in the middle between the lightning rods. At a
distance between lightning rods L ≤ Lc, the boundary of the zone has no sag (hc = h0). For
distances Lc ≤ L ≥ Lmax, the height hc is determined by the expression

The limiting distances Lmax and Lc included in it are calculated by the empirical formulas of the table.
3.6, suitable for lightning rods up to 150 m high. With a higher height of lightning rods, special software
should be used.

The dimensions of the horizontal sections of the zone are calculated by the following formulas common
to all levels of protection reliability:

the maximum half-width of the rx zone in a horizontal section at a height hx:

Fig. 3.3. Dual lightning rod protection zone

horizontal section length Lx at a height hx ≥ hc:

moreover, with hxcLx = L / 2;

horizontal section width in the center between lightning rods 2rcx at a height hx ≤ hc:

Table 3.6

Calculation of the parameters of the protection zone of a double rod lightning rod

Reliability protection Lightning conductor height h,

Lmax, м L0 , м
Rz m
0 to 30 5,75h 2,5h
0,9 30 to 100 2,5h
От 100 до 150 5,5h 2,5h
От 0 до 30 4,75h 2,25h
[4,75-3,57·10-3(h- [2,25-0,01007 (h-
0,99 От 30 до 100
30)]h 30)]h
От 100 до 150 4,5h 1,5h
От 0 до 30 4,25h 2,25h
[4,25-3,57·10-3(h- [2,25-0,01007 (h-
0,999 От 30 до 100
30)]h 30)]h
От 100 до 150 4,0h 1,5h Dual lightning conductor protection zones

A lightning conductor is considered double when the distance between the cables L does not exceed the
limit value Lmax. Otherwise, both lightning rods are considered as single.

The configuration of the vertical and horizontal sections of the standard protection zones of a double
lightning conductor (height h and distance between the cables L) is shown in Fig. 3.4. The construction
of the outer areas of the zones (two single-slope surfaces with dimensions h0, r0) is carried out
according to the formulas in Table 3.5 for single cable lightning rods.

Fig. 3.4. Dual lightning conductor protection zone

The dimensions of the inner regions are determined by the parameters h0 and hc, the first of
which determines the maximum height of the zone directly at the cables, and the second - the
minimum height of the zone in the middle between the cables. With the distance between the
cables L≤Lc, the boundary of the zone has no sag (hc = h0). For distances Lc? L≤Lmax, the
height hc is determined by the expression

the limiting distances Lmax and Lc going into it are calculated according to empirical formulas of the
table. 3.7, suitable for cables with a suspension height of up to 150 m. With a higher height of lightning
rods, special software should be used.

The horizontal section length of the protection zone at a height hx is determined by the formulas:

at 0 <hc <hx.

To expand the protected volume, a zone of protection of supports supporting the cables can be
superimposed on the zone of a double lightning conductor, which is constructed as a zone of a double
rod lightning conductor if the distance L between the supports is less than Lmax calculated according to
the formulas of the table. 3.6. Otherwise, the supports should be considered as single rod lightning rods.
When the cables are not parallel or of different heights, or their height varies along the span, special
software should be used to assess the reliability of their protection. It is also recommended to act with
large slack of the cables in the span in order to avoid excessive reserves for the reliability of protection.

Table 3.7

Calculation of protection zone parameters for a double lightning conductor

Reliability protection Lightning conductor height h,

Lmax, м Lc, м
Rz m
0,9 от 0 до 150 6,0h 3,0h
от 0 до 30 5,0h 2,5h
0,99 от 30 до 100 5,0h [2,5-7,14·10-3(h-30)]h
от 100 до 150 [5,0-5·10-3(h-100)]h [2,0-5·10-3(h-100)]h
от 0 до 30 4,75h 2,25h
[4,75-3,57·10-3(h- [2,25-3,57·10-3(h-
0,999 от 30 до 100
30)]h 30)]h
от 100 до 150 [4,5-5·10-3(h-100)]h [2,0-5·10-3(h-100)]h Protection zones of a closed lightning conductor

The calculation formulas in clause can be used to determine the suspension height of a
closed cable lightning rod designed to protect objects with a height of h0 <30 m located on a
rectangular area of area S0 in the internal volume of the zone with the required reliability with a
minimum horizontal displacement between the lightning rod and the object equal to D (Fig. 3.5).
The suspension height of the cable means the minimum distance from the cable to the surface of
the earth, taking into account possible sag in the summer season.

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