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This Relinquishment deed (hereinafter referred to as ‘covenant’) is made and executed

on this ____day of September 2019 at New Delhi
(1) Mr. ___ S/o _____ R/o _____ (2) Mr. ___ S/o _____ R/o _____ (3) Mr. ___ S/o _____
R/o _____ (4) Mrs. ___ W/o _____ R/o _____ (5) Mrs. ___ W/o _____ R/o _____ and (6)
Mrs. ___ W/o _____ R/o _____ (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘First Party’) which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context hereinafter, mean to include heirs, legal
representatives, successors, administrators, executors, assignees etc of first part.

Mr. ___ S/o _____ R/o _____ (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘First Party’) which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context hereinafter, mean to include heirs, legal
representatives, successors, administrators, executors, assignees etc of Second part.
Whereas both the parties to the present covenant are the legal heirs of one Late Mr.
____________ S/o_______ who died intestate on ________ at New Delhi.
Whereas Late Mr. ________ S/o _______ was inducted as a contractual tenant by Mr.
__________ S/o _________ R/o __________ in respect of the property bearing No.
__________ admeasuring _______ sq. yards (hereinafter referred to as the ‘devolved
property’) under the landlordship of Mr. _______________ on a monthly rent of Rs.
Whereas Late Mr. ________ breathed his last and left for heavenly adobe on __________.
Whereas as on the date of demise of Late Mr. __________, he died as a contractual
tenant in the devolved property and that both the parties to the present covenant were
financially and residentially depended upon him as such immediately on his death, the
undivided tenancy rights in the devolved property were duly inherited by both the parties
to the present covenant in accordance with _________ (law of inheritance HINDU or
Whereas after the death of Late Mr. ____________, both the parties to the present
covenant continued to reside in the devolved property till the execution of the present
covenant on the basis of their inherited contractual tenancy rights.

Whereas now the first party has mutually and collectively decided to relinquish their
inherited undivided share of tenancy rights in the devolved property in favour of the
Second Party
Whereas the Second party has shown its readiness and willingness to get the undivided
share of inherited contractual tenancy rights relinquished in its favour by the First Party
collectively by way of the present covenant.
AND whereas the Second Party in order to become exclusive tenant over the devolved
property, the First Party mutually and collectively hereby relinquishes and ceases to have
any right, title or interest in the devolved property.
And whereas it is necessary to bring this fact on record.

1. The First Party mutually and collectively has released and relinquished, in favour of the
second party, all their inherited undivided rights, titles and interests in the said
devolved property bearing No. __________ situated at admeasuring _________ and
have consequentially granted exclusive rights to Second Party to hold the same in its
absolute and exclusive capacity of contractual tenant along with all furniture and
fixture standing as on date.

2. That the first party mutually and collectively do hereby declare that the devolved
property has, prior to the execution of the present covenant, been under joint tenancy
of both the parties of the present covenant with effect from_______ i.e. the date of
death of Late Mr. ______________ from whom the joint undivided tenancy rights
were inherited by both the parties herein.

3. That the first party does hereby declare that the second party is entitled to have his
name incorporated as the exclusive single tenant/occupier of the said devolved
property in all the appropriate records maintained by competent government
authorities in this regard.

4. That the first party further ensures that they will do every such act or thing necessary
for the purpose of absolutely transferring the inherited joint contractual tenancy rights
of the devolved property in favour of the Second Party.

5. That the First Party further ensures that from the date of execution of the present,
they shall have no claim, title or any interest of any manner in the devolved property

as the same have been relinquished and released vide Para 1 of the present covenant
in favour of the Second Party. It is clarified that any claim by way of litigation or
otherwise initiated by the First Party which runs contrary to the terms and conditions
of the present covenant shall be treated as baseless and without any effect. It is further
clarified that any such claim as aforesaid shall be defended by the Second party
exclusively at the risks and costs of the First Party.

6. That both the parties collectively ensure that any liability accrued over the devolved
property prior to the date of execution of the present covenant shall be borne by both
the parties in accordance with their undivided inherited share in the devolved

7. That both the parties collectively ensure that any liability which may accrue on the
date of the execution of the present covenant or any time thereafter shall be
exclusively borne by the Second Party only.

Both the parties hereto have put their respective signatures unto the present covenant
with their free will, consent, without any coercion or undue influence in their sound
mind, in the presence of following witnesses on the date as mentioned above.


1. Signature:………………………...
S/o: ………………………………..

2. Signature:………………………...
S/o: ………………………………..

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