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Masseuse is a French word that means “knead or rub” by a female therapist to a

male customer in massage parlors or spas. The masseuse has a long and colorful history

related to massage. According to Wiryawan, (2018), massage therapy can be found

in a variety of spas scattered in various residential areas, tourist destinations to shopping

centers. The author describes this massage therefore as new form of prostitution, since

sex massage therapy provides various types of sexual transaction, ranging from sensual

massage such as blowjob or hand job to intercourse with a therapist.

Further the presence of sex massage therapy is certainly very disturbing to the

public. Fake massage businesses are controlled by a network of human trafficking

syndicates. In the business conducted by the organized syndicates there has been a kind

of sexual exploitation against women and children (underage 18 years of age). The spa

parlors providing sex massage therapy become a place for sex tourism. It is certainly

damaging to the reputation of tourist destination. Some forms of criminality can take place

there, such as pornography, alcohol consumption, illegal drugs, assault and others.

Despite the existence of sex massage therapy disturbing public order, law enforcement

against sex massage therapy businesses is very weak. (Wiryawan, et. al., 2018)

According to Joy, a masseuse, “When I was in Thailand, I never thought I would

end up offering dodgy massage. When I first started working as a masseuse, I was

actually surprised to know that this kind of service existed. But after so many clients asked

me, I thought to myself, 'Okay, I'll do it,' because I get a lot of money and it is less tiring

than normal massage." And she said “It's up to me to get checked or not. When I first

came here, a friend told me to get checked. So I get checked every six months never

heard of it. All of my friends who do this type of job are willing to do it at their own free

will, because they can earn a lot more money than other typical jobs” (Sodsai, 2017)

Masseuse in prostitution is known as “happy ending massage” that starts with the

massage and ends with erotic contact between the client and massage therapist.

Masseuse works in massage parlor which is often understood to suggest a place of

prostitution (Kibbe, 2015). Due to the association of prostitution to massage therapy, the

massage professionals have worked to help get laws enacted that protect titles that

reflect their training and professional standards in the past 30 years. Today, state laws

protect titles including “massage therapist, massage practitioner and massage

technician” (Menehan, 2015).

Legitimate massage therapists are people that like to help other people, non-

sexually to relieve muscle pain, relax your nervous system and give you a period of time

in which your wellness is the focus which is tough to find these days between work,

family, fitness and social obligations. Therapy gives clients a safe space to relax.

Licensed massage therapists are trained to respect client’s boundaries, be non-

judgmental and compassionate. True, there is a wide range of skill levels between

licensed massage therapists, and some are far better than others, but overall, they strive

to provide a clean, safe and relaxing massage session for clients (Shekut, 2010). A large

problem for massage therapists is the fact that at least 30 percent of people who schedule

appointments for a massage end up trying to sexually harass the therapist. This, perhaps,

is due to illegitimate massage therapists sending the wrong message to prospective


clients (Keshishian, 2010). According to Talikala (2018), prostitution has three sides in its

operation, namely, the buyer, the product and the business. Prostitution will not thrive

without the buyer or the demand side of the triangle, which usually refers to the men. The

products are the women, youth and children, which comprise the supply side. Lastly,

prostitution is facilitated by the business side of the triangle, which refers to the pimps,

business establishments, entertainment industry and other instrumentalities that promote

prostitution (Talikala, 2018).According to Alvarez(2011),prostitution in the Philippines

today affects large and still growing numbers of masseuse. Sex business in many forms

is becoming a part of economic life of most cities and towns (Alvarez, 2011). In this

generation, prostitution is rampant in the whole world including the Philippines.

Philippines, having 800,000 prostituted women, ranked 4th among the top countries with

the highest sex workers, half of them are underage (Havoscope, 2015). Data from the

International Labor Organization (ILO) shows that 34 percent of masseuse in prostitution

chooses this work to support poor parents, while 8% said that they need to support their

siblings. On the other hand, 28% said they need it to support their husbands or

boyfriends. More than 20% said that the job pays well, but only 2% said it was an easy

work, and only 2% claimed to enjoy the work (ILO, 2014). Prostitution is one of the most

alienating forms of labor. Over 50% of the women in Philippine massage parlors said they

carried out their work “with a heavy heart”, and 20% said they were “conscience-stricken”

because they still considered sex with customers a “sin”. Philippine bar girls revealed that

more than half of them felt “nothing” when they had sex with a client; the remainder said

the transactions saddened them (PFLCW, 2014).


Talikala is a nongovernmental organization run by women for women, who offers

support, advice, training, and counselling to women and girls who have been forced into

sex trade in Davao City. Data from Talikala shows there are some 4,000 women and

children in prostitution in Davao City, most of these “work” in KTV bars, clubs, and

massage parlors and in the streets. The ages of women and children in prostitution range

from 9 to 60 years old. Of the 4,000 documented women in prostitution, 60% are minors

(Talikala, 2018). In Davao City, we found out very few studies on prostitution, masseuse

in prostitution one of the studies is entitled by “Akyat Barko”. This study shows that there

are women and children in the seaside community who make a living out of selling their

bodies to foreign mariners anchored along Davao City ports. These women are called

akyat-barko girls, a term which actually describes the stealth way these ship-climbing

girls ply their trade. The second study is entitled “Batang Magdalena: Ikaw Bay Sawing

Palad” by Cruz,, (2018). The women and children in this study, who are involved in

prostitution, are called “shine girls” a term which actually describe as street girl inside

Davao City. The researchers have not seen a study on masseuse in prostitution, thus,

the need for this study.

Purpose of the study

The overall aim of the study is to describe the challenges of masseuse who are

engaged in prostitution, their coping strategies as well as the lessons they learned from

their experience.

Statement of the Problem

The research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the challenges of masseuse who are engaged in prostitution?

2. What are the masseuse strategies in coping in the prostitution?

3. What insights do the masseuses want to share with others in their life experience
in prostitution?

Theoretical lens

There are varied challenges of masseuse who are engaged in prostitution

according to the study of Strain Anomie theory by Robert Merton (1938). The concept of

“anomie” is to describe this imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalised means.

He has five ways to adopt and he argued that such an imbalanced society produces

anomie. There is a strain or tension between the goals and means which produce

unsatisfied aspiration. This theory stated that there are five ways to adopt and one of the

ways adopted by masseuse in prostitution is innovation, which is using socially

unapproved means or against the norms to obtain culturally approved goals. Masseuses

engage in prostitution because of their goals to meet their needs, but they are using

unapproved means of getting money in easy way.

According to the Functionalist Theory of Emile Durkheim (1953) it state that society

is a system of interconnected parts that work together in harmony to maintain state of

balance and social equilibrium for the whole. This theory is the best way to view

prostitution through a sociological perspective and see prostitution as a means of

controlling or channelling sexual behaviours. Prostitutes meet the needs of men who

otherwise do not have women always available to them. Also it meets the needs of a man

because it is inexpensive, non-emotional and a fleeting relationship. Through looking at

masseuse in prostitution, we see that it persists because it serves social functions and

prostituted women relieve pressures of men who are willing to participate.

Malcolm Payne (2005) TheModern Social Work Theoryexplains that when

problems poverty or discrimination are introduced, a person is less likely to influence their

environment and they may become stressed by life transitions, pressure from the

environment, and relationship difficulties. For prostituted individuals, these life transitions

may include running away from home, prostitution entry often in a sex trafficking situation,

adapting to a prostitution lifestyle, the beginning of a drug addiction, becoming

disillusioned with prostitution, and/or attempting to exit. Environmental pressures may

include poverty and economic need, the threat of arrest, or violence from pimps or

customers. Family and coercion, exploitation, or violence perpetrated by pimps or


This theory explains how a person internalizes these stressors based upon their

perception of the stressors and may begin to feel that they are not able to control their

environment. Prostituted women may often feel that they are not in control of their

environment if they experience poor health, compromised safety, economic instability and

conflicts with multiple systems including antisocial associate pimps, drug dealers, and

friends engaging in prostitution, law enforcement and the criminal justice system, and the

broader culture that stigmatizes prostitution.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:


First, to the masseuse themselves, so that they will have a venue to express their

experiences in order to be better understood.

The ACD call for solidarity with the poor anchored on the principle of humility and

it covers all sectors especially those in society’s margin and the oppressed. This study

will raise the awareness of the individuals of the Assumption College of Davao on the

true experiences and difficulties faced by the masseuse in prostitution and reduce the

social stigma associated with them. Hopefully the masseuse in prostitution condition

could be an eye opener, and masseuse may find a place in ACD community’s mission in

serving the people as partly expressed in their gender advocacy promoting women


To Talikala, who will receive a copy of this study once completed. This will give

them data that may help them become more responsive in the programs and services

they offer to women. This study is also a venue to promote the advocacy of Talikala which

is the protection and development of women and children.

The CSSDO that cater welfare services could use this study as a basis to improve

their responses towards masseuse. With the findings of this study, the government may

review and redesign its programs and services to include masseuse in prostitution, being

one of vulnerable in the contemporary society.

The finding of the study is significant to the public as it will bring awareness on the

real situation of masseuse in prostitution. This study will awaken the people’s

understanding of the nature of masseuse in prostitution and for the public to stop judging

and discriminating the masseuse in their situation, rather promote their equal treatment

in society.

Above all, the study will help the researchers to put into practice the principles of

Social Work profession and as well as its philosophy on respecting inherent worth, human

dignity and human rights. Through this study, the researchers, could been hence as they

develop empathic understanding critical thinking skills on the causes and situations of the

masseuse thinking skills. Finally, the study would be beneficial to the researchers as this

can generate additional information as references which they can use in the future, as

well as the future students in social work.

Definitions of terms

Masseuse refers to a woman who provides massage services to a male client,

who may have been pushed to do sexual act with the client as part of her work,

intentionally or unintentionally.

Prostitution it is the act or practice of engaging sexual acts for money.

Scope and Limitations

The study will be conducted among masseuse in prostitution who is being helped

in by Talikala. Inc. Davao City. Talikala is a non-government organization which caters to

women and children involved prostitution. The age of the respondents is 18 above. Due

to the sensitivity of the study, the researchers have seen a constraint on the participants,

readiness and awareness to share information since the study was conducted outside

the school, the researchers had a constraint on time .Another constraint could be the time

since the masseuse availability could be difficult to arrange. Documenting lived

experiences of masseuse in prostitution due to the availability of the participants. The

data gathering will cover the month of May and June 2019.

Organization of the study

The content of the study is organized into three (3) chapters. The first chapter will

discuss about the statement of the problem, its ideal situation and the gap between the

two .chapter one also presents the purpose of the study, research questions, theoretical

lens and significance of the study, definition of terms and scope and limitations. Chapter

two will deal with the related review literature. Chapter three will discuss the methodology

and research design that will be used in the study, role of the researchers, research

participants, data collection and data analysis, the trustworthiness and credibility of the

study and ethical consideration chapter four will present the results of the study, and

chapter five will present the discussions and recommendations.




Presented in this section are the related studies and literature as well as the Law

from which this is anchored on. These are taken from books, articles, and works of other

researchers and web sources.

The Challenges of the Masseuses Who Are Engaged in Prostitution

Along with these different varieties of families there is one common incident that

can cause the family structure to change. One of the most striking challenges in family

structure are having a family is a big responsibility especially to the parent engaged into

masseuse in prostitution. Those women see life as a chance to earn much needed money

to help support their families (Dickinson Julia 2018). And the women can see prostitution

as their way out of poverty. That they can choose to sell themselves because of the

economic necessity that drives them to do so. These are people who are unable to get

jobs sometimes they are the only bread winners in the family (Allan Schwartz, 2015). The

poverty and unemployment has triggered the rapid spread of prostitution in the

Philippines. Family expectations and problems are common factors why many women

enter into prostitution business. Women particularly are pressured to pay for their sibling’s

education or support a sick family member. Other aspects such as dysfunctional families

or constant abuse from parents have lead adolescents to leave their homes and are

attracted by the easy profits from prostitution (Homecillo, 2017).

Exposure to prostitution makes one vulnerable to engage into it which is having

generational prostitution occurs at almost every brothel. Most brothels are owned by

women who were former sex workers, who now employ their children because sexually

enslaving one’s children is seen as a means to avoid living in complete poverty it is

considered to be a hereditary occupation, passed on from one generation of women to

the next as a result of the “family dimension” Erika Wright (2015). However, according to

the findings of Schulze (2014) when she stated the lack of alternative experiences by

women having difficulties in earning their living is, among other aspects, captured in the

notion of vulnerability. This suggests that women who are very exposed to prostitution

have increased vulnerability to willingly enter into it even when it is not approved by the

general society.

Expected to perform “extra service” acccording to (Castleman, M.A, 2014) the man

can show the woman exactly how he likes to be stroked by demonstrating it for her.

Masturbated in the presence of a lover, this can feel awkward and embarrassing. But it

serves three important functions. It clearly shows her which strokes are most effective. It

helps her provide the most stimulating caresses. And it increases her confidence in her

own erotic prowess and attractiveness.

Coping Strategies of Masseuse in Prostitution

According to Harcourt, (2005) indirect sex work refers to service such as lap

dancing, stripping and virtual sex services (over the internet or phone). Other hand genital

contact is less common in this type of sex work: however, a fee is still exchanged for the

service. The marriage itself (not just child-bearing) is an important feature of women’s

subordination. Sanders (2010) he supported his study claim that with favor well – paid

jobs available welfare benefits too low to meet needs increasing cost of living, in

particular, for single mother and woman who are often marginalized from the mainstream

employment structure, the financial dive to engage sex work is very strong.

Priorities health over money the women who worked in indoor sex markets were

generally aware of the issues relating to the potential health risks of selling sex for money.

That all women interviewed confirmed that they always used condoms with clients for all

sexual acts (Sanders, 2004). He says that women need to compel the condom if they

provide sexual services required for the women to use it. That supported by the studies

of Hays (2015) prostituted women was to undergo mandatory monthly medical

examinations for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It’s essential to monitor the

prostituted women to those perform extra services to their customer.

Various way to deal family issues in relation to one’s engagement in masseuse

prostitution. The reality of vast majority of prostituted has entered the sex business is for

money and who see it as job option that described the in spite of women’s better

educations and involvement in nations productive output, men still remain the

economically privileged sex (Jacob, 2015). It means that both of them they engaged into

prostitution because of their children and for the family. The findings of Arbor (2015) the

poverty is the primary driving force behind women becoming prostituted. Prostitution is a

repression of women and children, and utilizes the vulnerability of poverty to further

exploit them.

In the 1998 study (ILO) (2005), Overall prostitution is not a choice as survivors of

prostitution have described it as “the choice made by those who have no choice.” The

1987 Philippine Constitution provides that “the state values the dignity of every human

person and guarantees full respect for human rights.” (Article II, Section 11).

Insights Shared by the Masseuse in Prostitution

Massage therapies may work for a variety of employers, but most are self-

employed , and although some work fall time, other only work in the past time as of July

2019 the median annual income for massage therapies was P15, 000 per month Commented [C1]: What is the correct number?

according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Joyner(2019). The exception of independently

take a money for the use of the body. Even professors, factory workers, lawyers, opera

singers, prostitutes women, doctors, legislator they all do things with parts of the bodies

for which receive a wage in return Nussbaum (2015). It means even professional person

they selling their body for the exchange of the money. Independent person their possibility

engaged into prostitution because of low income.

The job is a mix of customer service and fantasy fulfilment and loves it. It can suit

for women needs and allows the financial stability Greenmore (2015). According to

Weitzer (2012) proved the money is a major motivation for women who become

prostitutes and most of them come from low-income backgrounds. Especially hardly get

rich from prostitution and suffer many problems listed provides them a source of income

that they are unlikely to receive through legal occupation because they have few

marketable job skills.

The desire to change job is present but is constrained by various factor According

to (Anti- Prostitution Law 2014) the system also thrives because of complex socio-cultural

and economic factors, under -education, unemployment and economic disparity and

power relations, making it easier for those who have more money and power to exploit

more vulnerable people and lead them into prostitution and the sex trade. That supported

by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967: A critique congress recognized

that the incidence of unemployment is relatively higher among older workers who find it

more difficult to retain or regain employments than younger individual. But based on the

findings of Greenmore (2015), the relationships develop with clients are genuine and

leave basking in a glow relaxed and relieved. Those women feel good and profound

sense of happiness.



This chapter would present a detailed description of the research design,

researchers’ role, respondents of the study, data gathering procedure and the analysis

that would be used, trustworthiness and credibility and some ethical considerations.

Research Design

This research study was follow descriptive qualitative research designs which

were gather information about present existing conditions needed in the chosen field of

the study. According to (Calderon & Gonzales, 2007), descriptive research is concerned

with conditions of relationship that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs; processes that are

going on; effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing. The process of

descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering of data. It involves the elements or

interpretations of the meaning or significance of what is described. The qualitative

research which is described the challenges of the participants. It also sought to

understand their challenges of masseuse who are engaged in prostitution. The study also

identified about their coping strategies when faced with difficulties as well as their insights

from their lived experiences. The descriptive qualitative research design both concerned

with providing descriptions of phenomena that occurs naturally. By using purposive

sampling, the respondents would carefully selected by the researchers according to

certain criteria. This type of research would be appropriate on the study about the

masseuse in prostitution and how they interpreted their situations. Because through this

themes were extracted based on what they have shared.


The Role of researcher

The roles of the researchers in this study are those of observers, listeners,

documenters and the one to administer the interview. The researcher administered in-

depth interview by asking question. The researchers would be the one who formulate the

questions and asked it to the participants have said as they responded to the guide

questions that the researchers asked. By that, the researchers documented of a

masseuse in prostitution lived experience for them to be able to talk to someone or

express their real situation. The researchers took part in the lives of the respondents

because researchers shall considered as an instrument in data collecting, researchers

would understood more about their situation and have looked for more information that

catered the respondent’s desire. Also the researcher’s role is to properly analyze and

interpret collected data and make valid reports/findings.

Research Participants

The participants of this study are eight (8) masseuses in prostitution age 18 above

who are clients of Talikala, non-government organization in Davao City. Purposive

sampling was done in order to get the number of participants. Purposive sampling

method is the deliberate choice of a participant due to the qualities the participant

possesses. According to Etikan et. al (2016), the process of purposive sampling is not

need underlying a set number of participants the researcher decides what needs to be

known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information by

virtue of knowledge or experience. Identify the information for the most proper utilization

of available resources. Masseuse in prostitution were the researcher’s respondents Commented [C2]: Past tense na dapat

mainly because even though there are many faces of prostitution but the researchers

focus their study about the masseuse in prostitution. Given the big responsibilities they

carry, they showed be heard and must be aligned in the priorities in the government.

Though the presence of laws safeguarding, it is not an assurance that they are given

actions and services properly. The researchers preferred prostituted for in society we live

in and in culture being practice, masseuse in prostitution are degrade their rights as

human being.

Data Collection

The method that would be used in collecting data for this study is the in-depth

interview of eight (8) masseuses in prostitution. Intensive individual interviews would be

conducted with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a

particular idea (Boyce, et al., 2006). Furthermore, a face to face interview would highlight

the lived experiences of the respondents as this technique were encourage the

respondents to be open of their ideas and provide much more detailed but

comprehensive information. The participants were asked 3 main questions and some

follow up questions in their most convenient time after having mutually agreed on a


The first thing the researchers were is to pay courtesy call with the Executive

Director of Talikala, Inc. by presenting a letter stating the intent of the researchers to

conduct a study among the masseuse in prostitution who are being helped by Talikala in

Davao City. After identifying the participants for the study, the researchers gathered the

masseuse in prostitution one by one to present informed consent, as a contract of

agreement of what should and should not be done in the process. An interview was was

scheduled at that time and date in accordance to their availability. The researchers have

set expectations and as well as have asked expectations from the participants in the first

meet up. The researchers used to taking notes after permitted by the participants. Every

after a week, the researchers started to analyze the partial data collected to organize it

and to know what’s lacking. The researchers met respondents again for another session.

The researchers have presented the partial output and were checked by the participants

for validation. After that, with the collected data validated by the participants, the data

analysis happened. With the help of data analysts the themes were extracted. The

researchers met again for the discussion of the result. The researchers presented output

to the adviser for correction as preparation for the final defence. The researchers

presented the result of the study in front of the research panels. After the defence, the

researchers did the revision as what each panels commented. If all of the comments will

be satisfied and with the approval from the adviser and the panels, the researchers will

print a hard bound copy of the study to be given to the following; Assumption College of

Davao – College Library and College Guidance Office, the Social Work Program and

Talikala, Inc. Lastly, the researchers would go back to the participants to say thank you

and to give the token of appreciation.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis was used in order to analyze the gathered data. The

researchers asked the help of a data analyst who helped in looking for the common theme

from the data to come up with the final themes that answer the research questions.

According to Braun (2018) the themes are conceptualized as meaning-based

patterns, evident in explicit or conceptual ways and as the output of coding – themes

result from considerable analytic work on the part of the researcher to explore and

develop an understanding of patterned meaning across the dataset. The aim is to provide

a coherent and compelling interpretation of the data, grounded in the data. The

researcher is a storyteller, actively engaged in interpreting data through the lens of their

own cultural membership and social positioning, their theoretical assumptions and

ideological commitments, as well as their scholarly knowledge. This step entails

describing and developing the themes from the data to answer research questions as the

lens for analysis (Weldegabreal, 2014). This analysis is a big help in interpreting

descriptive qualitative data. It is helpful to the researchers to look for common themes in

order to validate and explain the findings based on the collected data. This could help as

well as to reduce the information the researchers will get.

Trustworthiness and Credibility

The researchers aim to earn the trust of everybody who might possibly read the study.

The study would made use of narratives which would come from the participants who are

goes to share their experiences. The researchers wish to view the participants as “co-

researchers” not just a mere object. To ensure trustworthiness and credibility the

researchers would afters that results are based on honest statement from participants

and not fabricated or falsified results fabricated or falsify results. Through using medium

of documentation with the permission of the participants, the data that will be are recorded

as all believable for the researchers to assure the readers of hundred percent reliable

and accounts properly giving credits to the sources used for secondary information.

Ethical Consideration

Researchers that would liable should always keep the pieces of information of the

participants in private; the privacy of the respondents will be given importance and

consideration in this study. The researchers will be assured that the information that

collect, keep and use this research for purpose only. Letter of invitation and informed

consent would be given before conducting the study. Also the researchers would ask

permission from the respondents if the researchers can record by taking down notes

regarding the discussion or documentation. The researchers need to do these things after

the participants granted their permission. The researchers would also ask permission

from the participants to use the transcript for research presentation purposes. During the

interview process the researchers request to be guided by the social worker of the agency

which is the Talikala Inc. The agreement did not indicate their real names and that all

data to be gathered shall be kept confidential.




This chapter discusses the findings that resulted after analysing the gathered data

from the in-depth interview. This chapter startswith brief profiles of the eight (8)

participants using coded names to ensure confidentiality. Then, it proceeds to the

discussion of the findings.

Brief Profile of Participants

The participants of this study are clients under the program of Talikala, a non-

government organization serving women in prostitution and those at risk of engaging into

it. Some of participants have full-time work as masseuse in prostitution and some of them

are freelancers. Some of them are from different massage parloursin various

establishments here in Davao City.

Miss Lily is 54 years old and she started as a prostituted woman at age 19. She

lives in Ecoland, Davao City. Currently, she worked as a masseuse in prostitution

providing “extra service”. She has 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl. The only girl is also

involved in massage in prostitution.

Miss Daphne is 44 years old and lived in Davao City. She has 5 children with

different fathers and some of them become professional at present. She started

prostitution since high school. She is a licensed therapist but still provides an extra

service. She is currently working as massage therapist in a certain massage parlour in

Anda Street, Davao City.


Miss Daisy, 56 years old is from Agdao, Davao City. She started in massage

prostitution at age 29 and she got married with 1 son. However, after how many years of

working as massage therapist she engaged providing extra service and is currently

working as a freelancer.

Miss Jasmine, 33 years old, livesin Ecoland, Davao City. She is married with 1 son

and 2 daughters. She was separated from her husband at the age 29. Shortly after, she

started working as a massage therapist and also provides extra service at present.

Miss Rose, 21 years old is from Tibungco, Davao City. She has a live-in partner

and one (1) son. She started in prostitution at age of 14. Two (2) years later, she got

pregnant with his boyfriend while in prostitution and decided to stop. When she was 18

years old, Miss Rose works as a massage therapist providing extra service.

Miss Tulip, 20 years old is from Buhangin, Davao City. She has a live-in partner

with 1 child. She started as a prostituted teenager at the age 14. In 2018, she started as

a massage therapist providing extra service.

Miss Dahlia is 56 years old. She lives inAgdao, Davao City. She has a husband

and five children, 3 boys and 2 girls. She started working as massage therapist and

accepting extra service at the age of 50 years old. Her husband doesn’t know her job.

Miss Scarlet is 32 years old. She lives in Ecoland, Davao City. She started working

as a massage therapist accepting extra service at the age of 19 years old. When she

turned 26 years old, she stopped working as massage therapist because she decided to

have her own family.


Narrative data were gathered during the interview and were analyzed thoroughly

with the help of a data analyst. The themes emerged per objective are discussed as


I. The Challengesof the Masseuses Who Are Engaged In Prostitution:

There are three themes that emerged for the first research question. These are

(1) Impoverished economic situation led women to engage and stay in prostitution; (2)

Exposureto prostitution makes one vulnerable to engage into it, and (3)Options to perform

“extra” services. Each of these themes has subthemes which are also discussed in this




Miss Tulip was only 14 years when she engaged in prostitution. During the

interview, she shyly divulged that her parents separated in her early teens. Her father

failed to support the needs of the family and her mother’s income was insufficient to

support them. This pushed her to engage in prostitution. When Miss Tulip was 16 years

old, she got pregnant by her boyfriend (who later became her live-in partner) and gave

birth to a baby boy. Her live-in partner’s income was very unstable thus, Miss Tulip

continued in her prostitution activities, specifically, as a masseuse in a certain spa in

Davao City.

The findings of this study show that masseuses stay in prostitution because (a)

they have to support the basic needs of the family, (b) they need to provide for the medical

and health needs of an ailing family member, and (c) they took the role of being the

breadwinners of the family.

To support the basic needs of the family

Now at 21 years old, Miss Tulip continued working as a masseuse in prostitution.

She felt the need to support the basic needs of her family especially for her growing child.

This was the reason why she stayed in this kind of job.She said:

“Maglisod na dili makapalit og gatas sa akoa anak. Kay wala man

tarong trabaho akoa bana kay mangga harvester man siya maka
kwarta lang siya kung naay mangga. (We had difficulty buying milk
for our child because my husband did not have a permanent job.
Because he is a mango harvester without mango he has no
money.) ~ Miss Tulip
However, on Miss Dahlia’s part, the job would be her source of living for her to

provide the needs for her family that was why she stayed and live with this kind of work.

Miss Lily expressed that poverty could not find a good job because all the time she had

to find a way to support her family. Both of them expressed that poverty is the reason

why they continued this kind of job to support their family. Miss Lily also shared a similar

story of poverty that pushed her to engage and stay in prostitution. Both Miss Dalia and

Miss Lily shared the same sentiment:

“Wala koy kwarta nga magasto pamalit og pagkaon og

panginahanglan sa akong mga anak. Kung wala ko ani nga
trabaho, dili ko makapalit og bugas og dili ko maka supporta sa
akong mga anak.”( I don’t have money to spend for our food and
needs of my children. If I don’t got this job I can’t buy food and
can’t support the needs of my children.) ~ Miss Dahlia
“Tungod sa kapait ug kawad-on dili me makakita trabaho dili
perme naa. Murag pareha sa kasinatian sa pamilya sa uban.
Usahay naa usahay wala syempre mapugos jod ko.”(It is because
of poverty and we cannot find a good job all the time.Sometimes

we can provide for the family but sometimes it is difficult to provide

money to sustain the family. Because of poverty I pushed myselfto
do this job to sustain me and my family.) ~ Miss Lily
As what both stated, poverty is the compelling reason why they were in this kind
of job which challenges them to address the need to support and sustain their family’s
basic needs. It has become their way of life the job is able to provide them extra
resources to meet the essentials for daily living.

This finding is supported by the study of Dickinson(2018) which revealed that

women would seek a chance to earn much needed money to help support their families.

This is the same with the case of the masseuse, staying on the job in prostitution as a

means of survival. This condition is further supported by Robert Merton’s Anomie theory

(1938) which states that if expectations of behaviour are unclear due to the breakdown

of institutions, there could be an imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalised

means. The masseuse may have adopted innovation, which is engaging in prostitution

as a means to survive. Prostitution is a type of innovation which is using socially

unapproved means or against the norms to obtain culturally approved goals. Masseuses

engage in prostitution because of their goals to meet their needs, but they are using

unapproved means of getting money.

To provide for the medical and health needs of ailing parents

When asked why she is into prostitution aside from providing therapy to

customers, Miss Scarlet, 30 years old, shared her story. She stopped working as a

massage therapist years ago. She is the eldest and the bread winner of the family. Her

mother was always sick and her brother and sister were very young.Her father had an

affair with another woman. He could not support the needs of his family because he was

alwaysdrunk when he arrived home.Now at 32 years old, Miss Scarlet resumed working

as a masseusebecause she felt the burden to provide the medical needs of her mother

who is constantly sick. She shared:

“Kwarta jud, kay lisud man gud kayo mi unya nay maintainance
tambal akong mama og pagkaon pajud namo sa akong mga
manghud.”(Money is the reason why I am into this job, because
we are so poor and my mother needs maintenance medicine for
her illness, and to buy for our food.) Miss Scarlet
The above statement of Miss Scarlet shows how a daughter could sacrifice for her

parent, especially in times of ill health, as well as for the siblings. All she does is for the

sake of her family. This behavior is culturally rooted among Filipinos having expectations

on the eldest child. When parents are old and sick, the eldest child is expected to help

the parents in supporting the family, and look after the younger siblings. According to

Homecillo(2017),family expectations and problems are common factors as to why many

enter the prostitution business. Women, in particular, are pressured to pay for their

sibling’s education or support a sick family member.

To take the responsibility of being the breadwinner in the family

Miss Jasmine starts working as a prostitute when she started having marital

problems because her husband had a mistress. Miss Jasmine separated from her

husband and is left with 2 children, a girl and a boy whom she provides all their needs

including education. She still continues her job as a masseuse in prostitutionafter her

husband stopped supporting their children.Now, she is the solo breadwinner of her family

and takes full responsibility to support her two children. She narrated:

“Sa kalisod ug sa demand sa mga anak na ngi skwela nah baya

nah sila so kinahanglang pud jud nko ug medyo dako-dako na
income kay para mahatag pud nako ang ilang gusto ug maka
eskwela pud sila ug tarong. Kadtong sa una dilij ud kayo dakoang

income katong naa lang ko sa bar mag serve sa customer nah

mag inum.pero katong nisulud nako sa prostistusyon medyo
nakatabang jud sa gastohunon sa sulod sa panimalay.(Because
of poverty and the demand of my children I need to work hard
because they are already in school so I need to increase my
income so that I can provide their needs and to support their
schooling. At first my income was low when I worked as a service
crew in the bar, but when I engaged in prostitution, it helped meet
expenses and provide our basic needs.) ~ Miss Jasmine
Miss Jasmine’s role as breadwinner is shared by Miss Daphne. Both of them are
pushed by circumstances to assume the breadwinner’s role as a result of families not
able to function as expected by society, i.e. the male breadwinners have failed to perform
their role.

maong ng padayon ko alangan responsibility nako ni ako dapat

ang mag buhi nila, naa man tay buhi-on na mga anak. Sa akoa
lang mag salig. Walay mga papa tapos wala koy bana.”
(Of course I have children and this is my responsibility to provide
thier needs. All of them are relying on me, they do not have a
father and I do not have a husband. And now, it is difficult to earn
money) ~ Miss Daphne

According to Allan Schwartz (2015), there are women who see prostitution as their

way out of poverty. While they may choose to sell themselves, it is economic necessity

that drives them to do so. These are people who are unable to get jobs in the mainstream

industry. Sometimes, they are the only bread winners in the family. Furthermore, in the

study of Schwartz, the women that see prostitution as their way out of poverty is

connected with what the participants said in the study. For example, her husband left and

stopped supporting their children; she is left without a choice to assume the role of the




However, Miss Lily, the mother of Miss Jasmine, engaged in prostitution when she

was 19 years old. She was exposed by his brother’s massage parlor until she grew older

being in that business and was able to see different faces of challenges. Miss Jasmine

was the second child of Miss Lily and engaged in prostitution because her mother pushed

her in the business. But as early 29 years old, she got married with her boyfriend and

eventually became her husband. They provided extra service in massage.

The findings of this study show that masseuses are influenced in prostitution

because of (a) Generational prostitution, (b) Easy influence of friends and neighbors who

are into massage prostitution, and, (c) Early exposure to life in flesh industry.

Generational prostitution

During the interview, Miss Jasmine was showing interest in sharing her

experiences but her voice was low when she responded to our questions about her

experience in engaging in prostitution because she did not want her neighbours to hear

about her job. Miss Jasmine suddenly experienced difficulties about her marriage life

when his husband starting cheat on her, until such time she gives up because she

couldn’t handle the pain and anxiety every time she remembered his husband cheating.

Now at 33 years old, Miss Jasmine continues being in prostitution. She works in a bar

and she allows the customer to take her out into the hotel or lodging and house to provide

sexual to her customer. Miss Lily and her daughter Jasmine are one example of a

situation referred to as generational prostitution.

“ Kay un- ani man ang trabaho sa akoang mama og permente

naku Makita katong gamay pako og siya na nag pasulod sa akoa
sa un-ani na trabaho namamaligya og lawas sa pamaagi sa “extra
service”. (This is the work of my mother that I had seen when I

was young and my mother pushed me to enter in this kind of work

to sell my body to get money out of extra service.)~ Miss Jasmine
Generational prostitution occurs at almost every brothel. Most brothels are owned

by women who were former sex workers, who now employ their children. Sexually

enslaving one’s children is seen as a means to avoid living in complete poverty. It is

considered to be a hereditary occupation, passed on from one generation of women to

the next as a result of the “family dimension” according toErika Wright (2015). The

participants exposed early of prostitution by her mother in the study of Wright

(2015).Therefore, the participants belong to generational prostitution.

Easily influenced by friends and neighbours who are into massage prostitution

Miss Rose belongs to a dysfunctional family. Her parents were separated when

she was young and experienced verbal and physical abuse by her mother. Because of

that, she felt neglected, rejected and unloved by her own mother; she had experience

lack of parental guidance. Miss Rose is good friends with Miss Tulip, another participant

of this study and few others who are also engaged in prostitution. According to Miss Rose,

it was Miss Tulip and her other friends who influenced her to do massage prostitution.

Miss Rose expressed:

“Ang akung mga barkada ang nagtulak sa ako – a nga mag –

apply ug trabaho as a therapist, kay wala man gud trabaho akung
mama.Nagsugud ko ug trabaho as a therapist katong nag idad ko
ug 18 years old didto sa Jea Orriental spa dapit sa Quirino.
Daghan therapist didto mga8 mikabuok apil duha kalalaki naga
dawat ko. (My friend pushed me to apply as a therapist because
my mother didn’t have work. I started work as a therapist when I
was 18 years old at Jean Oriental Spa located at Quirino. We are
8 therapists along with 2boys. I provide extra service.)~Miss Rose

According to MalcolmPayne (2005), theModern Social Work Theoryexplains that

those women are less likely to influence their environment and they may become easily

stressed by life transitions, pressure from the environment, and relationship difficulties. It

means that for prostituted individuals, their life transitions may include running away from

home andadapting to a prostitution lifestyle.The weak relationship of Miss Rose with her

mother and the dysfunctional family situation made Miss Rose to be easily influenced by

her friends to engage in masseuse prostitution.

Early exposure to life in flesh industry influences one to voluntarily enters into it

Miss Lily expresses that no one can influence her in this job. Since Miss Lily’s

childhood, she became exposed in the industry of prostitution. Miss Lily has been doing

this jobsince when she was 19 years old. The brother of Miss Lily has a massage parlor

and Miss Lily’s task in the parlor is to assist the different clients. Miss Lily saw the different

women in their parlor provide extra services. She also works in the bar as a table girl,

which allows taking out themselves with the different clients. She later becomes

themanager in the bar and clubs in Manila, Paranaque, Panggasinan,Bagiuo, Legaspi,

and Cavite. Miss Lily is called before as a “mamasang” or a pimp.

Now at 54 years old, Miss Lily continued masseuse in prostitution as a freelancer

or on call. During the interview, Miss Lily has a strong personality and she directly

answers the question. Miss lily voluntarily engages in this kind of “extra service”. Miss

Lily said:

“Sugod ko sa edad 19 years old naga hatag nako extra services.

Volunteer ko nisulod ani…Naga assist ko sa akung kuya sa iyang
parlor. Makit-an nako sa una sa massage namu nay mga babae
naga provide extra services. Tungod nakita nako nga maayo ang

kita,ug sa kalisud sa akong kinabuhi, bisan nasirado na ang parlor

sa akong kuya, nagpadayon gihapon ko ani nga trabaho sa ubang
parlour”(I was doing this job since I was 19 years old; I
volunteeredto work as prostituted women because of financial
problem, lack of support, and low level of education. But in my
childhood, my brother has a massage parlor. Since I was a child,
I assist clients in the massage parlor of my brother then I saw
women provide extra services.)~ Miss Lily
According to the findings of Schulze (2014) when she stated the lack of alternative
experiences by women having difficulties in earning their living is, among other aspects,
captured in the notion of vulnerability.This suggests that women who are very exposed
to prostitution have increased vulnerability to willingly enter into it even when it is not
approved by the general society.


Extra service is offering usually sexual, with massage ranging from hand jobs

(masturbation) to blow jobs (oral sex) to actual sexual activity. The masseuse in

prostitution engaged the challenges in their life an “extra service” to support their needs

and families. They are facing hardship in life as a masseuse in prostitution.For them, this

is the way to secure the future of their child or children. Miss lily said that she provide

extra service(i.c sexual service) because she needed money to sustain her family. She

also expressed that massage service enable her to earn money that is why she continues

to provide extra service.

The findings of this study show that masseuse referring various ways to provide

“extra services” such as (a) performs sexual intercourse with client (b) performs sex

without vaginal penetration, and, (c) allows client to touch their private body parts

Performs sexual intercourse with client


Miss Lily said that this job can earn big money if you provide extra services with

your client. During the interview Miss Lily felt stacked in her situation.

“Naga massage ko pero sa subra kalisud sa kwarta naga provide

to extra services naga pa intercourse ko sa akung client. Ako No
choice naman ko tigulang naman ta wala may tarung trabaho. Naa
man dili man pod perme. Kung Diliko mo provide extra service
dilinako ma buhia akung sarili akung pamilya lisud mohawa sa a
trabaho mao rani maka sustain namu tigulang na pod ko wala nay
modawat nako.”(I work as a Massage but it because of financial
problem I provide intercourse with my clients. I have no choice and
I’m not stable in my job and I have no other work to sustain myself
and my family and difficult to leave because of my age I am already
old.~ Miss Lily
The story of Miss Lily has the same story to the two participants that they also
engaged sexual services for the reason to provide the basic needs of the family and of
them express that extra service are easy money.

“Hantud karon ng padayun ko maki pag intercourse sa akung mga

client. naga hatag ko extra service spa,Naga trabaho ko massage
spa dapit sa anda. Ma lipay man pod ka dahilan ani na pa human
nako akung mga anak Tanan sila professional na.” (Until now I
continued to provide extra service or intercourse with my clients. I
work massage spa here in anda. I enjoyed it because all of my
children finish their study and all of them are professional.) ~ Miss
“Sa negatibo, dili jud naku ma deny nga wala ko nidawat og extra
service kay naa man joy customer nga mangita og extra service,
unya kamaayo nlng ana kay dali ra ang kwarta.”( In the negative, I
can’t deny that I did not engaged into prostitution because there
are some customer ask for extra service and it’s an extra money,
an easy way to earn money. ~ Miss Dahlia
Based on the above findings those who are engage in prostitution, they find

themselves that they can lose economic necessity because they getting older in that is

their insecurities would be increase. The younger you are the more money you earn. The

findings of Sanders (2010) he supported his study claim that with favor well – paid jobs

available welfare benefits too low to meet needs increasing cost of living, in particular, for

single mother and woman who are often marginalized from the mainstream employment

structure, the financial dive to engage sex work is very strong. According to the

Functionalist Theory of Emile Durkheim (1953) this theory is the best way to view

masseuse in prostitution through controlling or channelling sexual behaviours. Prostitutes

meet the needs of men who otherwise do not have women always available to them. Also

it meets the needs of a man because it is inexpensive, non-emotional and a fleeting

relationship. Through looking at masseuse in prostitution, we see that it persists because

it serves social functions and prostituted women relieve pressures of men who are willing

to participate.

Performs sex without vaginal penetration

Miss Daisy 54 years old, is married and has a son who knew about her job. They
become open minded because she let them know what kind of her job. Their family don't
think of any negative thoughts about her and also her neighbourhood. Some of her
customers are all age and doing them a hand job will satisfy them with their request. She
showed a different way of the extra service she provides only a hand job because in the
back of her mind she has a good husband. She is a freelancer masseuse but without
sexual intercourse or penetration.

“Gebalisa level pa muragnaa me sa first class. Wa man ko below

na belt atleastnalang kung ikawnaauyabniyaakonaana man
kopamilyangatarong so diliko below the belt, kaya kamot nalang
akoa gegamit kay kasagaran tigulang naman akoa customer so
gusto nila hanjob2x nalang”. (It’s just like we are in the first class,
and I was not able to engage intercourse because I have a
husband. Some of my customers are all aged and doing them a
hand job will satisfy them with their request.”~ Miss Daisy
According to (Castleman, M.A, 2014) the man can show the woman exactly

how he likes to be stroked by demonstrating it for her. Masturbated in the presence of a

lover, this can feel awkward and embarrassing. But it serves three important functions.

It clearly shows her which strokes are most effective. It helps her provide the most

stimulating caresses. And it increases her confidence in her own erotic prowess and


Findings are supported by the study of Castleman, MA (2014). When he stated

of that the man can show the woman exactly how he likes stroke in that help the woman

can increase the drive by demonstrating her. Masturbated in the presence of a lover to

the woman that drive sexual accumulation. This can be embarrassing but it serves and

effective it helps her provide the most stimulating caresses and it increase her

confidence to show in her own erotic prowess and attractive style.

Allows client to touch their private body parts

Miss rose started selling her body at the age of 14 years old, when she skips from

home because of family problem. Because her mother always talking bad words and she

felt unloved of her mother Miss Rose endured the difficulties in the street she keeps

fighting and stance her decision. She engages in prostitution for survival but rarely just

when needed money until she got pregnant with her boyfriend so she decided to stop

selling her body. Miss Rose stated that most of her customer letting them to touch their

private part. Like Boobs, legs and butt. However, she said it is okay because she would

receive a tip coming from her customer.

“Daghan therapist didto mga 8 mi kabuok apil duha kalalaki

nagadawat ko ug tip sa customer pero dili jud maiwasan nah
mahikapan jud ang private part sa akung lawas like paa lubot totoy
(Lot of therapists in SPAS count of 8 therapists and belong 2 boys,
I receive a tip from the customer but cannot be avoided that they
are trying to touch my private part like my legs, butt and boobs.~
Miss Rose

According to Harcourt, (2005) indirect sex work refers to service such as lap

dancing, stripping and virtual sex services (over the internet or phone). Other hand genital

contact is less common in this type of sex work: however, a fee is still exchanged for the

service. Based on the above findings of the study of Harcourt, (2005) he stated that

sex work is not only a sexual service but also touching the private part of the body. Even

though, she is against by the client’s action but would allow just for exchanged for the


2. The Coping Strategies of the Masseuse in Prostitution

The second objective which is to identify coping behavior to effectively perform

multiple roles, the themes that emerged include. (1)Prioritizes health over money (2)

various ways to deal with family issues in relation to one’s engagement in massage

prostitution (3)Overcomes people’s judgment by focusing on what personally matters

most. Each of these themes have subthemes which are also discussed in this study.


Miss Jasmine deeply concerned with her health that she can’t go any trouble that

their customer manipulates her decision to used condom. Miss Jasmine insist to use

protection because she don’t know where the customer come from and if ever the

customer has illness she would not be infected because she insists to use condom. Miss

Jasmine stated that not only money mattersthe important is the health because customer

would not help her if she sick like HIV/AIDS.

The findings of this study show that masseuse prioritizes their health over money

because (a) Compels the client to use condom (b) Undergoes monthly check-up.

Compels the client to use condom

Miss Jasmine asserts their customer to use condom for her health is prioritize than

money because she said no one can help when she gets sick. Miss Jasmine said how

about her children if she sick. Miss Jasmine said:

“Dili tanan kwarta ang hunahunaon pero hunahunaon pud ang

kaligtasan para pagang customer dili musogot nah maggamit ug
condom pwede sila mangata ug lain babae bali wala ang kwarta
pag mag sakit. (It’s not all money to think about, we should think
our safety if the customer won’t allow to use condom will they are
free to find other woman money is useless if we are sick.)~ Miss
Woman worked indoor sex markets were generally aware of the issues relating to

the potential health risks of selling sex for money. That all women interviewed confirmed

that they always used condoms with clients for all sexual acts Sanders 2004). According

to the study of sanders (2004) that he described the women needs to compelcondomif

they provide sexual services to their client and also for the safety of their health. It’s

important to used condom for the protection and aware the unplanned pregnancy.

Undergoes monthly checkup

Miss jasmine undergoes monthly check- up because she scared to have an HIV

because some of their customer did not use condom for protection. Miss Jasmine said

that even though she engaging in prostitution at least she is clean.

“Katong una lisod kayo pero kadugayan nasanay rako kaya kolang
ang maka desisyon kung unsa ang akong buhaton sa akong lawas
pero limpiyo man kay naga pacheck-up man ko every month. “In
the past it was difficult, but eventually I got used to it in this kind of
work, because I’m the one decided of what will do to my body, but
I’m clean because I do check-up every month.”

One of the participants has the same situation presented by Jasmine she also
undergoes monthly check up and one of the participants requires monthly check because
their Spa is legit.

”kame spa naga monthly check up me, legit mana legal complete
me naa pod me check-up city health me naga pa check-up among
massage anda dapit.”(the massage spa have a monthly check up
with and all of us have free check-up every month.This massage
spa is legit and legal and also, we have free check-up and city
health this massage spa here in anda.)~ Miss Jasmine

According to Hays (2015) prostitute has to undergo mandatory monthly medical

examinations for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Based on the findings of Hays

(2015) it is mandatory to undergo monthly medical check-ups for safety and to see if they

have STDs. It’s essential to monitor the prostituted women to those perform extra

servicesto their customer.



Miss Jasmine 33 years old, engage in masseuse in prostitution when she having

dilemmas of her marriage. When she was early 29 years old, she had boyfriend and

eventually become husband and giving birth of two children. But his husband having affair

of other woman that leads Miss Jasmine very stressful in that situation their marriage was

broken. Now at 33 years old Miss Jasmine stays in masseuse in prostitution to support

her children needs. Miss Jasmine cover the truth from her children of what her work she

only tell her children that her job is service crew on a bar and she always tell her children

that she would do everything because she wanted to give a better education to their

children. Miss Jasmine always tells their children with good attitude and values.

Miss Jasmine says that their children do not know that their mother perform extra

services and children led to think that their mother only does massage services. Miss

Jasmine said:

“Maapektuha nang mga bata san akon gtrabaho, kay parminte

sila mangutana sa akong trabaho, pero gina ingnan nako sila na
naa koy desinte na trabaho og buhaton nako ang tanan para ma
supurtaan nako ang ilang mga kinahanglanon og mahatagang
maayong kaugmaon. Nag sugod ko aning trabahua katong nag
edad koo g 29, sukad nag bulag mi sa akong bana tungod kay
naa siyay kabit maong hantod karun nag padayon ko ani na
trabaho.(My work affects to my children, because they are
always asking about my work, but always told them that I have a
decent job and I will do everything to support their needs and
desire of what they are asking to give them a good education. I
was started in this kind of work when I was 29 years old, when
my marriage is broken with my husband because he having an
affair until now continued giving service to customer).~Miss
According to the statement of Miss Jasmine that prostitution effect to her family

but she need to continue to support his family the same to the situation Miss Dahlia she

enter in this job to sustain the family.

“Number 1 kay kwarta unya akong bana palahubog kayo og di

motunol og sweldo.Akong mga anak, kay kung wala ni akong
trabaho og mo hawa ko ani, dili ko makapalit og bugas og walay
kaonon akong mga anak maong ni sulod ko aning trabaho sa
subra ka lisud naga sulod ko massage naga provide ko extra
services para mabuhi nako akung pamilya.”(Number one is the
money, my husband is drunker and he doesn’t give me his salary.
My children, because if I left my job I can’t bought rice and my
children wasn’t have food to eat and it because lack of financial to
sustain my family i become sa masseuse and I provide extra
service to sustain my family.)~ Miss Jasmine
Miss Tulip, its different situation of dealing for the family which is his husband that

she still fighting to live because of her family because she is dependent and work for them

and not to ask for help to her in-laws, she can't share even the bills of water and electric.

Miss Tulip husband is aware and accepts the job of her wife but sometimes his husband

feels anger and start quarrels with her wife. Miss Tulip 21 years old engaged this kind of

job the reason she wants to share even the bills of water and electric of her in-laws. Miss

Tulip expressed their situation with husband:

“Bata pako nag bulag si mama og papa 16 years old pakoato.

Niya karun 21 naku run unya naa naku bana peru sige me away
tungod sa akoa trabaho. Pero dili man sad siya mang dapat mag
yaw2x langkay di dawko Mo undang. Niyaasa man KO manguha
og kwarta? Kung Mo undang ko. Dili man gani musugot na stay in
ko sa akoa trabaho gusto niya uli2x jud ko sa amoa. Miss Tulip
(when I was 16 years old my parents separated. Now I'm 21 years
old I have a husband as well as a child but we are not married.
We always quarreled not to be avoided because of my work. But
he did not hurt me just because I did not want to quit my work. If
I stop my job being a massage therapist, where do we get the
money? Then he does not want to let me stay-in the job he wants
me to always go at home.)~Miss Tulip
The reality is that the vast majority of prostitutes have entered the sex business is

for money and who see it as job option that described the in spite of women’s better

educations and involvement in nations productive output, men still remain the

economically privileged sex (Jacob, 2015). It means that both of them they engaged into

prostitution because of her children and for the family. To provide the better education for

their children and to provide the basic needs of the family even they always quarrel of his

husband she still doing because of hishusband doesn’t unstable job.



Miss Lily 54 years old, not minding other people’s opinion just getting used to the

work. Miss Lily express that judgments in their community is a natural for her but the most

important for her is to support her family and children.


The findings of this study show that masseuse overcomes people’s judgment by

focusing on what personally matters (a) To support the need of the family, and (b “This

is my own body, I will do what I want with it” mindset

To support the need of the family

Miss Lily, fighting their crisis in terms of financial, According to Miss Lily his

husband expresses and remain her that don’t tell to your neighborhood about your job it

because his husband doesn’t like to hear any comments and judgments come from their

neighborhood. The Husband of Miss Lily understands the situation of Miss Lily and also

the job of Miss Lily. The husband of Miss Lily accepts his job because his husband works

as massage parlor and their love story start in massage both of them are working in this

job before.Miss Lily express that her family know about her job and her husband to

support and to sustain the basic need of their family that’s way Miss Lily continued this


“Dili man sila ang ng pakaon nako Ako man ang ng buhi sa akung
sarili, pamilya. Natural mana chismis tao kahit wala ko nging-ani
chismisan diya buhat nako ni para sa akung pamilya na
akoy mga anak nabuhi-on ug supportahan.” (I do this job, because
I am the only one to sustain to provide myself and my family. We
know that chismis is a natural. if I cannot do this job, they still
create a chismis with me and my family. I don’t care with their
comment, issues, and judgments it because their judgments
cannot sustain and provide my family I do this for my children to
support their basic needs and to sustain my family.)
Miss Lily side that she don’t care to the judgments because she do this to sustain

and to provide herself and also her family the same to the story of one participants she

encounter difficulties like judgments but she don’t care because she do this to sustain her


“Karon dili nako nila gina ( judge) dili pareho dati nah grabe jud
sila maka saway akung mama wala kabalo sa akung kaagi pero
maka bantay ko na nakabalo sya sa akung trabaho pero gina
buhat diya pun nako ni para supportahan akung anak.”(Now a day
they are not judging me, but not like before they are judge me
worst my mother didn’t know my work in the past but I really felt
that she knows my work before but I do this it because I want to
sustain my child.)~ Miss Lily
According to Arbor (2015) the poverty is the primary driving force behind women

becoming prostituted. Prostitution is a repression of women and children, and utilizes the

vulnerability of poverty to further exploit them. Based on the study the driving force of the

women and children is their basic needs that causes of the poverty. That they can utilize

on their immediate problem in daily lives.Malcolm Payne (2005) TheModern Social Work

Theoryexplains that when problems poverty or discrimination is introduced the

environmental pressures may include poverty and economic need.

“This is my own body, I will do what I want with it” mindset

Miss Jasmine shared that most of their neighbors are gossip but she doesn’t care

because she said this is “my own body” and neighbors can’t give money to support her

daily needs. If she fights their neighbors gossip that’s only give her headache so she let

them talking and tell what they want against her life situation. Miss Jasmine said she only

a simple woman and wear appropriate dress when she only at home. Miss Jasmine said

she deserve a respect because she is also a human being.

“Kabaloko ang mga taong naka palibot sa ako kay manglibak,

pero wala koyl abot gusto nako patunayan sa ila na bisan ngun
ani akong trabaho na dili dawat sa (society), pero naa koy
katungod na respetuhon.”(I know people around me are
backstabber, I don’t care; I want to prove to them that even though
my work is not acceptable in the level of society, but I deserve a
respect.)~Miss jasmine

In the 1998 study (ILO) (2005), Overall prostitution is not a choice as survivors of

prostitution have described it as “the choice made by those who have no choice.” The

1987 Philippine Constitution provides that “the state values the dignity of every human

person and guarantees full respect for human rights.” (Article II, Section 11). This article

supported for this discussion because they believe every individual are unique andhad

inherent worth and dignity. The main problem of prostituted woman is low self-esteem

and they did not recognize their self as human being. Furthermore, masseuse in

prostitution they can’t say “no” to their customer because they really wanted to earn

money to support the basic needs of their family.

3. Insights shared by the Masseuse from their lived experiences

The third objective which is to identify insights shared by the Masseuse from their

lived experience, the themes that emerged include (1) Massage therapy is a good skill to

earn an income (2) “Extra” services entails better income which gives a sense of

independence (3) To provide for the basic needs of the family is a strong motivation to

stay in massage prostitution (4) Desire to change job is present but is constrained by

various factors.


Miss tulip thought “Everything’s happened for a reason”she can identify the

insights shared by the massage therapist who engage in prostitution. Massaging skills is

good, succeeded and an opportunity to earn money. Earning money is big helping their

family even very hard to work and find money. But her family inspired her to work hard.

Miss Tulip said:


“Maka tabang man kay dako man kama kita na kwarta pero
usahay dili kayo kusog ang kwarta naa pud client muhatag og
dako makatigom jud ka.( For me, our job is helping us with great
income at times when we are not earning enough, that other
clients give us more money.)~Miss Tulip
Tulip side that massage help her to get a great income and Lily said that massage

help her to improved their skills in how to massage it because of her skills she continue

massage to sustain earn money.

“dili ko masahista dili ko kabalo mo hilot dili ko maka sulod hilot.

Hantud karun naa nay manawag nako mag pa hilot mga bata napi-
ang kung wala jod ko ng masahista dili ko kabalo ani. Paging
masahista nakatabang naay mo tawag pahilot or mag pa
massage dili ko kwarta daku ni tabang sa ako ang kani na skils
maka kwarta”.(If I’m not masseuse, I don’t experiences massage
because this learning’s give me skills how to massage. Until now
they still call me to massage their children. Massage can help you,
if they call you to massage it because of this i earn money).~Miss
According to Joyner(2019) massage therapies may work for a variety of

employers, but most are self-employed , and although some work fall time, other only

work in the past timeas of May 2012 the median annual income for massage therapies

was P35.970,7per years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Based on the Study

of Joyner (2019) proved that massage therapists are having a great income how much

more they provide sexual services for the customer they increase their income.



Miss Dahlia confidently express everything what she really feels and experience

in engaging in prostitution, because her husband was a drunker and doesn’t have

permanent job and they have five children who are still studying so she decided to enter

this job, ithelps her sustain the needs of her children and became independent due to

earning an income, even the job is difficult and miserable, because of “extra” service

entails good pay, clients will give tips which helps her to have a great income.

“nakat-on jud kong dili mag salig sa sweldo sa akong bana og

maning kamot nalang og akoa. Dili jud naku ma deny nga wala ko
nidawat og extra service kay naa man joy customer nga mangita
og extra service, unya kama ayo na lng ana kay dali ra ang
kwarta.(I have learned to be independent to earn money even I
have a husband. I can’t deny that I did not engaged into
prostitution because there is some customer ask for extra service
and it’s an extra money, an easy way to earn money).~Miss Dahlia
The exception of independently take a money for the use of the body. Even

professors, factory workers, lawyers, opera singers, prostitutes women, doctors,

legislator they all do things with parts of the bodies for which receive a wage in return

Nussbaum (2015). It means even professional person they selling their body for the

exchange of the money. Independent person their possibility engaged into prostitution

because of low income. Being a masseuse in prostitution can provide a different client

much better income and can provide of all the needs because extra services is a good




Some of the massage therapists are motivated to continue engaged in prostitution

because of their children, they want to provide all their needs, so they must have to be

strong and fight for their family. They don’t even find another job like this that can sustaine

of their needs and support their family expenses because this job helps them meet their

needs. Miss Dahlia said:


“kung wala ko ni nga trabaho, dili ko makapalit og bugas og dili

ko maka supporta sa akong mga anak.” if I wasn’t got this job I
can’t support the needs of my children and I can’t buy rice).~Miss
Dahlia said that the reason why she become a masseuse it because she needed

to support the needs of her children especially to the economic status of her family. the

story of Dahlia are the same to the situation Daphne she said that she do this job it

because of reason to survive her family.

“Survive maong ng padayon ko ani syempre need man jod ang

kwarta tapus walay mag hatag nimu. Labad lang ang uban mga
client pero okay rah basta mahatag lang nako ma suportahan
akung pamilya”(I survived being a masseuse that why I continued
to work because I need money. Some of the clients give me
headache but its fine because all of this is to support and to sustain
my family.)~Miss Dahlia

According to Weitzer (2012)the money is a major motivation for women who

become prostitutes and most of them come from low-income backgrounds. Especially

hardly get rich from prostitution and suffer many problems listed provides them a source

of income that they are unlikely to received through legal occupation because they have

few marketable job skills. The findings of Weitzer (2012) the main reason why they

become a prostituted women it’s because of money, low income backgrounds and hardly

to get a better job most of all facing many problems that related of the family.



Miss Lily aged 54 years old and she started to work in Claveria but now she stop

working in the bar, club, spa, videoke establishment it’s because of her aged, she doesn’t

have stablejoband she desire to change job but she think it was too late because of her

aged and because she was constrained by various factor that at her age some of her

clients calling her to do massage and extra services.

The findings of this study show that masseuse desire to change job is present but

is constrained by various factor because, (a) Low educational level limits job options with

good pay (b) Advanced age limits job opportunities and, (c) Still hopeful to find a lover

through massage prostitution.

Low educational level limits job options with good pay

Low educational level limits job options with good pay. Miss Lily express that it is difficult

to have a good job it because of her low-level education. I remember in the interview that she

told to me, in your aged find a good job and also give your best in your study. I am already 54

years old I have already limited in terms of opportunities. Miss Lily side, it is difficult to find a

good job and your low educational level. Miss Lily express that she has no choice and this

situation because of limits job and limits opportunity. She sides that education is important but

for them low level education it is difficult to have a good job and good opportunity.

“Gina buhat nako ni 19 years old tungod wala ko ka tarung

eskwela hunong hunong ko low level education lang man ko
maong diri lang ko taman wala ko kahuman ug eskwela. Sugod
kosa prostitution 19 years old pero masahista 15 years pa naga
hatagko extra services hantud karun.I was doing this job since I
was 19 years old because I already stop my study and I am low
level education that’s’ way I have no opportunities and I don’t finish
my study. I work as prostituted women but now in my job as
masseuse I provided extra service for 15 years working as a
masseuse until now).~Miss Lily

Lily said that low level education have no opportunities and Daphne express that

she want to change is life but the problem she graduated only high school that’s way they

have no good job both of them have the same statement that low education have lack of

opportunity that’s way some of the participants enter in to masseuse in prostitution lead

them to stay in this kind of job.

” Gusto man me mag bag-o wala tay mahimo grado graduate lang
man ta high school. Diri lang man ta kutob .unsa lang man ko
edaran na pod ta ana lang”( . We want to change but here only our
life nothing to change and we don’t know how. I am graduate only
in high school and I am elderly now.)~Miss Lily
According (Anti- Prostitution Law 2014) the system also thrives because of

complex socio-cultural and economic factors, under -education, unemployment and

economic disparity and power relations, making it easier for those who have more money

and power to exploit more vulnerable people and lead them into prostitution and the sex

trade. This law supported the study because low of educational level is the reason why

they engaged into prostitution and hardly to find a better job. Becauseof the entire

establishment cannotaccept the applicant if their educational background is low.

Advanced age limits job opportunities

Miss daisy showed that she regretting because she is undergraduate and can’t

find a good opportunity and cannot be able to strive the demand of society. Now at 54

years old Miss Daisyfaced limited opportunities, because of her old age one ofthe

reasons why she stays in this kind of job as masseuse in prostitution freelancer. As a

mother of one son she gives her best to finish the study of her son and she support all

the needs. Miss daisy said:


“tungod sa kawad-on sa akong genikanan wala ko nakahuman og

skwela og dili ko maka pangita og tarong na trabaho. Og karun
naa nako sa idad 54 mas naglisod ko og pangita usa
establishment pareha anang mga mall kay ilaha ng gepangita mga
batan-on kay mas naa sila abilidad namamaligya og mga produkto
og paspas sila molihok” (because of my parents can’t provide my
financial support to finish my studies now at 54 years old has
experiencing difficulties to find a better opportunities. Because
they are hired as young than me for the reason they can have a
good quality of education and flexible to work)~Miss Daisy
According to Miss Daisy her age is difficult to find a job same with the dilemmas

of Miss Lily one of their barriers is being old that they cannot find a better opportunity that

would sustain their basic needs in their family. Because they said as they young age

much money to earn and that would be them to experience being insecurities because of

the competence and demand of the society.

“maayu kung bata pa ka tigulang naka kinsa mo punit nimu mag

lisud naka ug pangita trabaho”( It is good if you are a child/youth
Ruther than if you are older no one can’t interest you and you don’t
have a good opportunity.~Miss Lily

The age discrimination in employment Act of 1967: A critique congress recognized

that the incidence of unemployment is relatively higher among older workers who find it

more difficult to retain or regain employments than younger individual. This act supported

to the older person that discriminates by the company that can bias for the older person.

The company accept young age than older person that’s why many older people don’t

have work because of the discrimination.

Still hopeful to find a lover through massage prostitution

Miss Daphne showed hopefulness to find lover through massage into prostitution

because she wanted to change her daily lives. Miss Daphne expressed:

“Hina-otunta mag bag-o na, wala pamantay nakit-an na lalake na

forever unta maka kita nata forever diri na trabaho. Gusto man me
mag bag-o wala tay mahimo grado graduate lang man ta high
school. Diri lang man ta kutob tanan anak nako sa akoa moduol
ako man ang naga supporta akoang naga pa eskwela. Wala ilang
papa namo supporta nilaLahe-lahe sila ug papa Tung una kay
hapon Americano ang upat. gusto jod ta mag bag-o
perowalapamannatonakita forever maong diri lang man
taman.unsa lang man ko edaran na pod ta ana lang ”. Positive
massage kanang naa mi mga customer mohagadug outing or In
relationshipsaamuanagahulatdiya pun me forever ani na trabaho.
(We wish to change but until now we cannot fine our someone
forever in this job we hope to fine forever in this job that’s way I’m
still here. We want to change but here only our life nothing to
change and we don’t know how. I’m already a high school
graduate. All of my children before are relying on me, they do not
have a father to sustain their study and I do not have a husband.
My entire child has different fathers, some of them are foreigner.
We wish to change but until now we cannot fine our someone
forever that’s way I’m still here. The Positive in massage some of
my customer invited me in outing and also they want relationship
with us.)~Miss Daphne
According to Greenmore (2015), the relationships develop with clients are genuine

and leave basking in a glow relaxed and relieved. Those women feel good and profound

sense of happiness. Greenmore (2015) stated that women can to develop relationship

by the client and find happiness if they engage in this kind of job. It’s not possible to have

a relationship to the client.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, impressions, implications to

social work practice as well as implications to the study of masseuse in prostitution.


On challenges of masseuse in prostitution: As stated in the previous chapter, the

challenges of masseuse in prostitution have a big impact on their lives. These challenges

made them understand and learned from it.

The challenges why they engaged masseuse in prostitution because of

impoverished economic situation led women to engage and stay in prostitution are the

mother doesn’t have work, poverty, lack of support, stopped from the job but returned

due to financial problems, they need for money for food and medicines. Second themes

exposure to prostitution makes one vulnerable to engage into masseuses it’s voluntarily

decision to become a masseuse, eager to work to get a good paid and tip, to support

their self and easily influenced by friends who are masseuses in prostitution. Some

masseuses are engaged generational prostitution in the family based in the statement of

the mother. Third themes others masseuses are optional to perform “Extra” Services

usually perform sexual intercourse with client, performs sex without vaginal penetration

and allows client to touch their private body parts and perform hand-job.

This condition is further supported by Robert Merton’s Anomie theory (1938) which

states that if expectations of behavior are unclear due to the breakdown of institutions,

there could be an imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalised means. The

masseuse may have adopted innovation, which is engaging in prostitution as a means to

survive. Prostitution is a type of innovation which is using socially unapproved means or

against the norms to obtain culturally approved goals. Masseuses engage in prostitution

because of their goals to meet their needs, but they are using unapproved means of

getting money.

The Coping Strategies of the Masseuse in Prostitution they prioritize health over

money compels to use condom usually they undergo monthly check-up to ensure safety

health. Health is compromised and safety is a priority, customer can find another woman

if they won’t use condom because money is useless if they are sick and not availing of

monthly check-ups. Second themes describing the various ways to deal with family

issues in relation to one’s engaged in masseuse in prostitution, that their children and

husband do not know that their mother perform extra services, it led to the wife quarrels

their husband and enticed by partner to stop from doing the job.

Third themes are to overcome people’s judgment by focusing on what personally

matters most to support the need of the family. Their mind set not minding other people’s

opinion and their job getting used to the work to demand respect despite the nature of

work. It is a natural job that judged by other people among masseuse who get most clients

would have to be strong to support family needs and doesn’t have care about other’s

comments and judgments, ignoring neighbor gossips and thinks of family needs above

judgment of people to fight and support the needs of their children.


The Modern Social Work Theory, the theory stated that when problems poverty or

discrimination is introduced, a person is less likely to influence their environment and they

may become stressed by life transitions, pressure from the environment, and relationship

difficulties, this theory explains how a person internalizes these stressors based upon

their perception of the stressors and may begin to feel that they are not able to control

their environment but utilizing the strengths and helped them in coping with their situation.

Masseuse in prostitution was engaged into this kind of job because of poverty and they

have needs that they can’t provide, they don’t have care about what people would say

about their situation, any kind of judgement and discrimination, because they were doing

this job for the sake of their family needs to survive in life. Furthermore, most of them

expressed being a vulnerable is the wrote cause of the influences in their environment.

And also, they can’t control their self because of the immediate problem of each


Insights shared by the masseuse from their lived experience being a massage

therapy is a good skill to earn an income and acquiring massaging skills is good

succeeded as a massage therapist and “Extra” services entails better income which gives

a sense of being independent. Massage skills is an opportunity to earn money, the job is

difficult but entails good pay and the job helps with great income, the clients will give tips,

income is low when there is less number of clients but they learned to be independent

due to earning an income and not depending on a parent or husband who is a drunkard

and cannot provide for the family.

Their life become miserable of their job, but a sustainable, because it gives good

pay to provide for the basic needs of the family, and family and children is a strong

motivation to stay in massage prostitution and they need to be strong to fight family

desire. To change job is present but is constrained by various factors; already an elderly

limits job opportunities and low educational level, some of their reason was still hopeful

to find a lover through massage prostitution and still looking for a forever love before to

desire to change.

The Functionalist Theory, stated that society is a system of interconnected parts

that work together in harmony to maintain state of balance and social equilibrium for the

whole, this theory is the best way to view prostitution through a sociological perspective

and see prostitution as a means of controlling or channeling sexual behaviors. Prostitutes

meet the needs of men who otherwise do not have women always available to them.

Also, it meets the needs of a man because it is inexpensive, non-emotional and a fleeting

relationship. Through looking at masseuse in prostitution, we see that it persists because

it serves social functions and prostituted women relieve pressures of men who are willing

to participate. Masseuses who are in prostitution was motivated by their family and

children, they accept extra service because it gives them a good pay that will provide

their needs, they see prostitution as a moral norm because they do not do something that

would harm to others, they were just doing it for survival. Although some of prostituted

women attached to their customer to meet the sexual satisfaction to their customer. Some

of the participants expressed that they do this it because they needed money.


This study contributes to the masseuse in prostitution a great privilege to live

tranquilly and had an answer to their doubts in their lives. The data congregated has

deepened the understanding of the researchers and from that data, these impressions

were interpreted. According to the data that the researchers have gathered, masseuses

in prostitution are facing lots of challenges but still can handle their stresses well. The

results had given ideas to the researchers that masseuse in prostitution are still capable

of doing many things one at a time.

Masseuses in prostitution are facing challenges of being vulnerable of extremely

poverty the one pushed factors to engage into prostitution. Another is the dysfunctional

family is to provide the family women to stand a breadwinner that the role of men is not

upheld. Massage prostitution provide easier money than regular job. Many women

engaged to prostitution because of low educational level. First their situation is really

unexplainable but luckily, there are some organizations for masseuse in prostitution that

caters to their programs and services. The masseuse in prostitution situation may be

similar to other masseuses’ situation around the world but their distinction lies on having

a role as a masseuse for their pursuant help their family. The environmental factor has a

link on their way of coping. It is observed that they are brave and empower of how they

handle their situation also we foresee the difficulties and dysfunctional of their family


During the interview with the eight (8) participants, it is at first uncomfortable and

hesitant to talk but as time passes the researchers established rapport and continued the

conversation harmoniously.The researchers easily understand each other because the

researchers speak well. By then, when they feel comfortable they are happily sharing

lived challenges. Through the process, the eight (8) masseuses in prostitution which are

the participants gave their life challenges with honesty and reliability. Their feelings came

from their heart for the sincerity can really be seen in their facial expression and the

projection of their voices. It still observed in the community, especially in workplace, that

no matter what generation we are in how awareness has been scattered, people could

still say something about a certain thing, questioning their situation. That’s one of the

reasons why some masseuse in prostitution tends to not be open about their situation.

For the theories that the researchers had connected for this study which are the

Strain Anomie theory, Functionalist Theory and the Modern Social Work, helped the

researchers in honing and understanding well the concepts that lies. There are a lot of

theories that could possibly be applicable for this study, thus, these three are more

specific that directly holds the information shared by the participants. Their problems,

strengths and weaknesses were defined with the help of this lenses and so theoretical

underpinnings plays significant role in discussing and understanding this study. The study

awakens the researcher about the truth behind the smiled of masseuse in prostitution

and so taking into consideration in looking the historical perspective using theories are


In searching for review of related literature, there were only few studies concerning

to them especially being a masseuse in prostitution at the same time. International

studies talk more on those in the other kind of prostitution and local studies talk more on

prostitution it’s a general not into specifically. Since the study is so specific the findings

and results are way detailed compared to other studies though there are similarities still.

In relation to this, the study masseuse in prostitution is very sensitive in nature the reason

why there was a constraint on getting participants on this one. The researchers’

acknowledged also Talikala, a private agency and so the procedure was properly

observed though the agency.

Republic Act Enacting the Anti-Prostitutions law. Amending Articles 202 and 341

of Revised Penal Code (RPC) RA 10158 or an Act Decriminalizing Vagrancy only

repealed Article 202 provision RPC that pertains to vacancy, leaving behind the provision

that penalize prostituted women, notwithstanding their exploitation in the prostitution.

Masseuse in prostitution, they know this Anti-Prostitution Law for their awareness in

concerned, the participants seemed to have knowledge about it. As observed, the

participants are having financial problems especially they are providing their family

needs. Masseuses in prostitution particular are strong, courageous, resilient and

independent women for they have surpassed demands of the society.

Implications to Social Work Practice

The directions of this study have great impact for the future studies of the Social

Work program. There are theoretical underpinnings which helped define certain surely in

line with the fundamentals of social work profession. The social work profession gives us

the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and work towards multidimensional

collaborative change. By working in this field, we are able to empower, advocate,

motivate, connect, and encourage resilience. It is to challenge stereotypes and avoid

fallacies and as well as to fight discrimination, oppression and injustice, no matter what

the form is. In this field, we get to be a voice for all who cannot advocate for themselves.

Making this world a better place one person at a time, is worth it and one of the missions

of social work profession.


This study regarding masseuse in prostitution has a big impact especially on the

Social Workers' perspective, for this sector is one of the areas that the Social Workers

are administering. The ultimate target is to cultivate awareness of social justice issues

by continuing to equip and empower the vulnerable and underrepresented populations of

our society. Encouragement to women, or working with people who face barriers to

independence, every phase of our lives reflect advocacy for those who have been

marginalized by mainstream culture. Masseuse in prostitution as a specific sector of

women, sector of prostitution sector of masseuse their situation being for not attaining

the services from the government as mandated by the law make them underprivileged,

oppressed and in the society’s margin.

This study which is very in line with clientele system of the social work profession

can help promote advocacies and modifying policies to address their conditions. As this

is one of the profession’s missions in fully committing the heart for total betterment of

human condition. This could also fight and correct social justice and protect human rights

for the sake of all masseuses in prostitution who do not get the chance to experience the

benefits from the government.

In Social Work Practice, social workers can offer support in the means of making

an action and be a helping hand for this marginalized sector to truly attain the shared

goals to improve quality of life. In line with this, the social work follows scientific processes

and intervention and for this study to be utilized as basis for future interaction with

masseuse in prostitution sector.


This study challenges the social work profession to take a critical look at the

situation of the masseuse in prostitution to be specific, for there are only few studies

concerning them. With this, the profession could take a picture of cultural insensitivity and

the lack of resource mobilization from the masseuse in prostitution lived challenges along

that they encounter discrimination in their community, and in the family as well as not

getting any aid from the government may it be their efforts or the government’s initiative

to go to the grassroots. As well that this can be an area of social work practice that a

practitioner can perform his/her task effectively.

This study challenges as well the society specifically the Local government unit in

terms of modifying its policies and programs addressing the masseuse in prostitution

concerns for their full exercise of their right as human, the attainment of their goals in life,

and a society that observed equality and equity. It is the government’s imperative to

address the root causes of the increase of the number of masseuses in prostitution,

especially those who are in poverty. Full commitment in having an advocacy in social

work practice is a necessity, it protects disadvantaged, oppressed, poor and marginalized

sector of the community. As a profession, social workers are moved with empathy thus

serving by heart is one of the core values of the practice.

This is the time that Social Workers in the Government and Non-government

organizations collaborate to help those who are in need

Implications to Further Research

This study challenges future researchers. As mentioned, there were only few

studies regarding women prostitution specifically, internationally and locally, how much

more on the study about masseuse in prostitution. This study could be a basis for looking

into considerations in conducting a topic to be studied. At least, in that way, the research

with regards to this topic could add to the few studies around the world, and it would

mean a lot for the masseuse in prostitution.

Also, a research that talks about the judgement prone to the masseuse in

prostitution inside in the society and government setting and how they are able to

surpassed it, as well as in their workplace. The researchers believe that the masseuse

in prostitution have unique ways of fighting and thriving to survive life amidst

circumstances. That making people aware of a certain situation to stop judging people,

people would always have something to say especially to masseuse in prostitution. Like

saying “she is “uwagan (flirty, whore), nawong og kwarta (gold digger) and hugaw (dirty) Commented [C3]: Provide translation

those stated above are strengthening and motivate them. Also in workplace, a masseuse

in prostitution work hard to provide their needs. One of our participants in this study

expressed to us that they are cannot avoid to fight and talking bad words to each other

because of the customers. This should be looked and studied carefully in hopes to

addressing in all walks of life.

Future researcher could study about the situation of masseuse in prostitution who

accepts extra services, about how and what are their experienced during they perform

the extra service to their customer , may be there some of them experienced a violence

like physical harm. Also future researcher could study the role of the husband in the

family, what does the man contributed. There could be a lot of topic to conduct a research

in relation to this study. It just needs a heart and a full commitment to take the challenge

in helping those in the society’s margin, and one of those are the masseuse in prostitution


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