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The Three Oaths - Sources

‫ג' שבועות הללו למה אחת שלא יעלו ישראל בחומה ואחת‬ ‫ולפי שידע שלמה ע"ה ברוח הקדש שהאומה הזו כאשר‬
‫שהשביע הקדוש ברוך הוא את ישראל שלא ימרדו באומות‬ ‫תלכד בגלות תיזום להתעורר שלא בזמן הראוי ויאבדו בכך‬
‫העולם ואחת שהשביע הקדוש ברוך הוא את אומות העולם‬ ‫וישיגום הצרות הזהיר מכך והשביע עליו על דרך המשל‬
.‫שלא ישתעבדו בהן בישראל יותר מדאי‬ ‫ואמר השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים וכו‬

The three verses are: The Rambam in Igeres Taimon warns the Jews
not to violate the Oaths, or else. He writes there
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the that the Jews are suffering an evil, persecuting
gazelles, and by the hinds of the field, that ye government that commits atrocities and wars
awaken not, nor stir up love, until it please (Song against the Jews, and therefore the Jews should
of Songs 2:7). watch out not to violate the Oath by rebelling
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the against them. It's clear that even though the
gazelles, and by the hinds of the field, that ye Goyim violate their Oath we cannot violate ours.
awaken not, nor stir up love, until it please (Song Shlomo Hamelech, of blessed memory, foresaw
of Songs 3:5). with Divine inspiration, that the prolonged
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem: Why duration of the exile would incite some of our
should ye awaken, or stir up love, until it please? people to seek to terminate it before the
appointed time, and as a consequence they
(Song of Songs 8:4).
would perish or meet with disaster. Therefore he
There are several other Midrashim that pertain to admonished and adjured them in metaphorical
the Three Oaths and they are primarily recorded language to desist, as we read, "I adjure you, O
in Shir HaShirim Rabbah which is also known as daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and by
Midrash Hazita: the hinds of the field, that ye awaken not, nor stir
up love, until it please." (Song of Songs 2:7, 8:4).
R. Yossi bar Chanina said, “There are two oaths Now, brethren and friends, abide by the oath,
here, one for Israel and one for the nations. Israel and stir not up love until it please (Kesubos
swore not to rebel against the nations [R. Yossi 111a).
bar Chanina views Israel’s two oaths in Ketuvot
as just one], and the nations swore that they Ramban did not explicitly discuss the Three
would not overly burden Israel, for by doing so Oaths. Rashbash who was himself a descendant
they cause the end of days to come prematurely. of Ramban, understood this particular biblical
obligation to be binding on the individual level but
Rabbi Chelbo says...And do not ascend like a not on the collective:
wall from the Exile. If so, why is the King Messiah
coming? To gather the exiles of Israel. "In truth, this commandment is not a
commandment which includes the entirety of
When Reish Lakish would see Jews from the Israel in the Exile which now exists, but it is a
Exile gathering in the marketplace in the Land of general principle as our Sages stated in the
Israel he would say to them, 'Scatter yourselves.' Talmud in Ketubos, that it stems from the Oaths
He said to them: 'When you ascended you did which The Holy One, Blessed be He, made Israel
not do so as a wall, and here you have come to swear not to rush the End, and not to ascend like
make a wall.' a wall." (Responsa Rashbash, 2.)
Rambam cited the Three Oaths in his famous Rabbeinu Bachya, formulated a comprehensive
Iggeres Teiman: Torah commentary based on the four principles

The Three Oaths - Sources
denoted by the word "PaRDeS." In his oath does not tacitly mean that the Jewish people
commentary he wrote on Bereishis 32:7: are free to do so as well. Historically, atrocities
prior to the Holocaust have not prompted claims
…and it is written “And Hezekiah prayed before of violating the oaths by the gentiles. The
God” (2 Kings 19:15). So too we are required to Medrash Aichah says clearly that the Romans
follow in the way of the Patriarchs and to restore violated their Oath, yet the generation of Bar
ourselves so that we may be graciously accepted Kochba was punished Chazal say because they
and with our fine language and prayer before violated the Oaths. The Maharal writes that even
God, may He be exalted. However, to wage war if the Goyim force us with torturous death to
is not possible (Song of Songs 2), “you have violate the Oath, we should rather submit to
been adjured daughters of Jerusalem, etc.” You torturous death than violate them. The Oath that
have been adjured not to engage in war with the G-d gave us not to rebel against the Goyim was
nations.” NOT for the sake of the Goyim, but for our OWN
Maharal discussed the Three Oaths in Netzach sake, that we dont end Golus early. It says this in
every single interpretation in the commentaries
Yisrael, Ch. 24. He writes that even if the Goyim
about the Oath. It was not for the sake of the
try to force us to take Eretz Yisroel for ourselves
during Golus, we must allow ourselves to be Goyim but for us. So just because the Goyim
killed rather than take violate the Oaths. The violated their Oath and hurt us does nto mean we
Maharal says that these oaths represent absolute can violate another one and hurt ourselves more!
Shevet Efraim left Egypt in violation of the Oaths.
prohibitions that one must sacrifice one's life
Egypt surely violated their Oath when they
before violating. In technical terms, these oaths
are yehareg ve'al ya'avor. It is better to be tortured Jews for centuries. Yet Ephrain, Chazal
martyred than to violate these oaths.: say, were all hunted donw and killed in the deset
for violating their Oath by leaving Egypt early.
‫כי פירוש 'בדורו של שמד' היינו במדה שהיה לדורו של‬ The Oaths are brought down l'halachah in
‫ ובאותה מדה‬,‫ שהיו דביקים בה דורו של שמד‬,‫שמד‬ Rishonim and Achronim as viable and very real.
‫ אף‬,‫ כי דורו של שמד‬.‫השביע אותם שלא ישנו בענין הגלות‬ This, despite the fact that the Goyim have been
‫ ועוד‬.‫ לא היו משנים‬,‫על גב שהגיע להם המיתה בגלות‬ violating their Oath for thousands of years. And
‫ רוצה לומר אף אם יהיו רוצים‬,'‫פירוש 'בדורו של שמד‬ besides all this, the second Oath, nshelo yaalu
‫ לא יהיו יוצאים ולא יהיו משנים‬,‫להמית אותם בעינוי קשה‬ b'chomah has nothing to do with the Goyim, and
‫ ויש להבין זה‬,‫ וכן הפירוש אצל כל אחד ואחד‬.‫בזה‬ woud not be dependent on the Goyim's Oath.

Another explanation of the Midrash’s statement Not only are the Oaths binding according to the
(he is speaking of Shir HaShirim Rabba 2:20 that consensus of authorities, including the Ramban,
begins “‫ )”ורבנן אמרי השביען בדורו של שמד‬that G-d even if the nations give permission, but Israel
adjured the Jewish people in a generation of was created against the will of the Arabs, who
Shmad (religious persecution Jews, or decrees were the residents of the land at the time - the
against Jews): that even if they will threaten to kill UN is not a Sanhedrin HaGadol that speaks for
them with difficult torture, they will not leave [the everyone. The fact is, Hanagnahs, Irguns, Stern
Exile] nor will they change their behavior in this Gangs and a War of Independence was waged in
manner. order to create Israel - which hardly constitutes a
"peaceful ascent into the land", which is what
The oaths are between the Jewish people and would be needed to mitigate the Oaths even if we
God, and the gentiles and God respectively. accept the premise; even if we accept the the
Theoretically, if the gentiles would violate their Balfour declaration as "permission" to create a

The Three Oaths - Sources
Medinah, what the Balfour declaration intended is forbidden to do something, which this does. In
not in fact what happened - instead of a peaceful fact, it says You may not do this, and if you do,
coexistence with the Arabs, violence and you will die. That makes it Halachah. Thats the
bloodshed took place to create the Medinah. The definition of Halachah. (Similarly, the Oath of
Maharal and R. Yonason Eyebushitz write that Naaseh V'Nishmah is also used by Chazal as
even if the Goyim give us permission to take Halachah, as in Shevuah chal al Sehvuah etc.)
Eretz Yisroel we are not allowed to do it. Better The poskim cite the oaths as halacha, as I cited
we should die than take Eretz Yisroel, the above. The Oaths are brought down l'halachah in
Maharal says. And the Gemora itself disproves Rishonim and Achronim as viable and very real.
the idea, since the Gemora says that the reason And secondly, there is no such thing as "just" an
Chazal commanded us not to go from Bavel to aggadic passage. Aggadah informs our religious
Eretz Yisroel is due to the Oaths, even though outlook and cannot be ignored. Rabbeinu Tam
Bavel violated their Oath for sure with the writes that you DO pasken from Agadita unless it
atrocities they committed during the Churban is against Halachah. Third, even if it is not
(The Shulchan Aruch writes that the Brachah of Halachah, it still represents the Ratzon Hashem,
Vlamalshinim was enacted to praise Hashem for meaning, negation of Halachah would merely
destroying the evil kingdom of Bavel). The relinquish us of any obligations in regard to
Gemora then asks on R. Zaira who says that the making a State. But the Gemora clearly says that
Oaths only include not taking Eretz Yisroel doing so will cause the deaths of Jews, like
forcefully, but the Oath not to rebel against the animals in the field. Even if that does not create
nations is not included. The Gemora could easily any Halachic obligations, it surely tells us that the
have answered that Bavel violated their Oath and State is against the will of Hashem and that its
therefore our Oath of rebelling against them is existence causes deaths of Jews.
null. But the Gemora says no such thing. R.
Avrohom Galanti (Zechus Avos) brings a story of Kuntres Shavuos: "Agadita is also considered
the people of Portugal who wanted to defend Halchah, as is proven from the Gemora in Eruvin
themselves against the government by making a (13b), that the disagreement between Bais
rebellion. The government then was making Shammai and Bais Hillel was decided by way of
forced SHmad and all sorts of persecutions. They vote, that noach lo shelo nivra. Thus, psak
asked the "shem hameforash" and were told not halachah is also applicable to Deos, and that is
to do it because it would violate the Oaths. And what is referred to as ‘Hilchos Deos and Chovos
besides all this, the second Oath, nshelo yaalu Halevovos’, for the difference [between Halachah
b'chomah has nothing to do with the Goyim, and and Agada] is only in respect to how and with
woud not be dependent on the Goyim's Oath what they are fulfilled: The Chovos HaEvarim are
anyway. The Maharal and R. Yonason fulfilled with the limbs, and the Hilchos Deos are
Eyebushitz write that even if the Goyim give us fulfilled with the understanding of the mind of
permission to take Eretz Yisroel we are not those who accept the Torah … this idea the Rosh
allowed to do it. Better we should die than take Yeshiva ZTL planted within us very much,
Eretz Yisroel, the Maharal says. Anyone who pertinent to the fundamentals of Hichos Deos
learns about the Oaths is immediately confronted and Chovos Halevovos."
with the reality that they Goyim violated theirs but The Rambam paskens in several places
we still cannot violate ours. regarding hashkafa as well as action-Halchah,
The Oaths are not Agada. By definition, and the fact that he codifies 13 Ikarim in Mishna
Halachah means when the Gemora tells you it is Torah is the simplest example of that.

The Three Oaths - Sources
The Chasam Sofer, in his last Teshuva on the opinion of Shmuel, not R. Yochanan. The
Yoreh Deah, points out that there is an opinion in Abarbanel (Yeshuos Meshicho end of ch. 7) asks
the Gemora – that of R. Hillel - that there will be on the Rambam that the Halachah is like R.
no Moshiach (rather, Hashem Himself will Yochanan when disagreeing with Shmuel.
redeem Klall Yisroel). Of course, one of the Clearly, the Abarbanel understood the Rambam
Rambam’s 13 Ikarim is belief in Moshiach. If so, to be paskening this Agada like one side, and he
he asks, why would R. Hillel not qualify as a voices his disapproval, as based on the
heretic? principles of Halachah he should have rules like
the other side.
The Chasam Sofer answers that if anybody
nowadays would hold like R. Hillel he would The Abarbanel does not think to explain that
indeed be considered an apikores, but when R. because this is Agada, with not practical Halachic
Hillel said this, the Halachah that Bias difference, the Rambam is entitled to follow
HaMashiach is a required belief had not yet been whichever opinion he chooses.
paskened and therefore it was, at that point in
time, permitted to hold such an opinion. Today, There is a Halachah that says you must have
however, after the dispute between R. Hillel and the right Hashkofos. “Lo sosuru acharei
his peers has been paskened, anybody who levavchem”, You may not follow your heart,
holds like R. Hillel’s opinion is a heretic and has meaning, you may not believe “meenus”
no share in Olam Habah. (apikursos). The Mishna Brura rules (his source
is Sefer Hachinuch almost word for word, but
But besides the Ikarim there are many non- without attribution) that apikursos includes any
halachic disputes the Rambam paskens. As but opinion that is contrary to Daas Torah. Meaning,
one example of many, the Gemora in Brachos even if you follow all Halachos, if you have an
(34b) brings a dispute between R. Yochanan and opinion that conflicts with that of the Torah, you
R. Avohu whether a Baal Teshuva is on a higher violate this laav. Hashkafa can often be
level than someone who never needs Teshuva in Halachicly binding. Sometimes a Hashkafic
the first place, or someone who never sinned is violation can be worse than a Halachic one -
higher than the Baal Teshuva. The Rambam such as in the case of an Apikores vs. a Mechalel
(Hilchos Teshuva 7:4) rules that a Baal Teshuva Shabbos.
is on a higher level than someone who never
sinned. There is no practical instruction here; just There is a simple proof from the Gemora, which
a Hashkafa. is said over in the name of both Rav Hutner and
Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky, that we pasken
Another example is the Gemora in Sanhedrin hashkafa: "nimnu vegamru - noach lo shelo
(91a) regarding what will be when Moshiach nivrah". "They counted and ruled" according to
comes. the majority - noach lo shelo nivrah, a purely
hashkafic, non-halachic issue, ruled due to the
‫רבי חסדא רמי כתיב וחפרה הלבנה ובושה החמה כי מלך‬ majority count.
‫ה' צבאות וכתיב והיה אור הלבנה כאור החמה ואור החמה‬
‫יהיה שבעתים כאור שבעת הימים לא קשיא כאן לימות‬ Someone who tries to live Halachicly without
‫המשיח כאן לעולם הבא ולשמואל דאמר אין בין העולם‬ proper Hashkofos will not succeed. At best, he
‫הזה לימות המשיח אלא שיעבוד גליות בלבד לא קשיא כאן‬ will be living a schizophrenic, self-contradictory
‫במחנה צדיקים כאן במחנה שכינה‬ Jewish life, and he will be in a constant state of
spiritual disarray trying to reconcile his Halachic
The Rambam in Hilchos Melachem only cites lifestyle with his Hashkafic deficiencies. Jewish

The Three Oaths - Sources
Halachah and Secular Hashkofos are list there is another list of all those that hold even
contradictory. with reshut its still prohibited to violate the Oaths.
I merely listed the more famous ones but the
Rav Yitzchok Hutner ZTL once described the ones that are not so common to people I wrote
incongruous “Halachic Judaism” syndrome as the main points of what the say so people know
comparable to someone who puts on his shirt in it.
the morning and accidentally buttons the lowest
button in the wrong hole. Instead of undoing it, he 1) The Piskei Riaz on Kesuvos 111a, the
decides to solve the problem by putting the next Maharsha in “chiddushei halachot” Kesuvos 111a
button in the wrong hole as well, and he keeps Responsa Rivash in Siman 110, Responsa
buttoning up his shirt like that, always one hole Rashbash in Siman 2, Hagahos Vchidushei
off, thinking everything is OK. Until he gets to the haRashash on Kesuvos 111a, Hagahos Yaavetz
top of the shirt. Now he has to either undo the on kesuvos 111a, the Hagahos Vchidushim of R’
entire shirt, or wear it lopsided. So, too, Rav Aryeh Leib Yalin in the Yafe Einayim on Kesuvos
Hutner said, are those who want to “reconcile” 111a, the Megillas Esther on Sefer HaMitzvos of
Halachah with the values and way of life of Rambam mitzvah 4, the Ramban in Sefer
society. It is lopsided. You can maneuver around HaGeulah at end of chapter 1 in the Chavel
the Halachic pitfalls again and again, but edition on pg. 274, the Rambam in Igeres
eventually you will see that it doesn’t work, you Taimon, the Maharal in Netzach Yisroel siman 24
paint yourself into a corner, and there will be no , The Kaftor ViPherach (Perek 10 daf 197), the
choice except to either undo your entire Responsa Maharshdam Chelek Choshen
philosophy or live with a self-contradictory Mishpat Siman 364 daf 60b, Peat Hashulchan
Judaism. Hilchos Eretz Yisroel Siman 1 seif 3,Otzar
Hachaim Kitzur taryag Mitzvot 59,Reponsa
Not only are the Oaths binding according to Chatam Sofer Yoreh Deah Siman 220, Harav
the consensus of authorities, including the Yakov Emden in the Sefer Migdal Oz at the end
Ramban, even if the nations give permission, of “Aliyat ahava” ot 7, also brings the prohibitions
but Israel was created against the will of the of the oaths and states “praiseworthy are the
Arabs, who were the residents of the land at the believers and sons of believers.. that do not go
time - the UN is not a Sanhedrin HaGadol that up aliya bchoma” and R’Yakov Emden in Sefer
speaks for everyone. The fact is, Hanagnahs, hashimush daf 66b where he states “we can not
Irguns, Stern Gangs and a War of Independence ask even for our land not with cheil or koach
was waged in order to create Israel - which since we already have sworn not to make aliya
hardly constitutes a "peaceful ascent into the bchoma and not to rebel against the malchut..”
land", which is what would be needed to mitigate and the oaths are brought in the Siddur Yaavetz
the Oaths even if we accept the premise; even if (Rav Yakov Emden) as brought by the Hirsch
we accept the the Balfour declaration as siddur pg .703 quoted on pg.137, in a teshuva on
"permission" to create a Medinah, what the Mitzvat Yishuv Eretz Yisroel from the Gadol of
Balfour declaration intended is not in fact what Minsk Hagaon R' Yerucham Y.L. Pearlmen ZTZL
happened - instead of a peaceful coexistence Bsini Krach 6 page 213, the Aruch Hashulchan in
with the Arabs, violence and bloodshed took Choshen Mishpat Siman 2 seif 1, Roggachevor
place to create the Medinah. Gaon in Tikun Olam,Munkatch in the beginning
Here is the list of many of the authorities that of the sefer the oaths are also qouted lihalacha
bring down the 3 oaths or part of them ,and in Responsa Tzofnas Paneach 143 ot 2,Rav
holding we must abide by them and after this Shmuel Salant in (Gilyon Tzefunos, year 3

The Three Oaths - Sources
koveitz 1,pg 46),the Mei Hashiloach on Masechet were punished for transgressing the oaths as
Shabbos 47b Perek 4 bmah tomnin, Tosfos they left mitzrayim early, the Maharitz Chiyus in
Hashalem from the Baalei Tosfos on Yisro 19:12 Kol sifrei Maharitz Chiyus (Sefer “Torat Neviyum
which also brings down the oaths, (Rav Meir Hamechuna Ele Hamitzvot” in his teshuva to the
Simcha of Dvinsk also the author of the Ohr Maharam Sofer) also brings the 3 oaths as
Sameach) in Meshech Chochma on parshas binding, the Yalkut Meam Loez Parshas
Vayechi 50:24 brings down that which the oaths Vieschanan page 296.
prohibit not to go up to eretz yisroel bchoma and
says this is a “limud ldorot” that we should not go Rav Dov bir Trievish the head of the Beis Din
up bchoma and not like the bnei Ephraim did Raba during Yimei HaGRA and also the author of
before the keitz and states only until a Navi from the Revid Zahav in Shir Chadash on shir
Hashem comes and tells us can we go!, Hashirim brings the 3 oaths and states their
Rabbeinu Bachya in Vayishlach 32:8 , The Melo source is really from har Sinai that we sweared to
Ha’omer R’ Aryeh Leib Tzanz on Koheles 8: 2 keep them. The Markevet Hamishna on
[author of the Magen Alef, Chiddushei Teshuvos bishalach 2:6 states on the Midrash Rabba
HaMahara’al and of Teshuvos Meshivos Nefesh, Bereishis 36,13 brings the Oaths from Kesuvos
which has haskamas from the Ohr Chadash and 111a as binding, the Maskil el Dal in Chelek 4
the Noda B'Yehuda (Tzlach)] who explains that Klall 3 Prat 4 Shaila 5 holds the 3 oaths from
we must not rebel against the nations under the Kesuvos 111a as binding and explains how
oath in Kesubos 111a., The Even Ezra on Shir yiraim and tzadikim did not transgress this
Hashirim 3:9,the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh in aveirah and states how he “has no ruling and it
Rishon Litzion on Shir Hashirim 2:7, the Bear did not come on his data at all to suspect after
Hagola perek 25 ot. 5, the Chida in Chomat Anch them with these since its Mitzvat hashem and
on shir hashirim 3:14, the Chekel Yitzchak on Divrei Neviem which was precious in their eyes
Parshas Vayara, the Drashot Chasam Sofer daf since they are sworn not shelo yimridu vshelo
152 lzayin adar sheini parshas Vayikra 586, the ya’alu bchoma-not to rebel against and not to go
Yafeh Kol on Shir Hashirim Rabba 2 :20 (dibur up to Eretz Yisrael with force, (also brings it down
hamskil shelo yaalu kchoma and im kein) who in klall 10 prat 5 sheala 1), the Noda B'Yehuda in
explains Rashi byad chazaka as meaning even Koveitz Kerem Shlomo Year 16 Chodesh Iyyar
with reshus its still assur to break the oaths but 5753 page 7 see there for exact words) has a
only until moshiach actually comes. The Yismach response in regard to rebelling against ones
Moshe in Tehilim Tefilas Moshe Mizmor 127, the country and says he transgresses the oath of
Kli Yakar in Sefer Eir Giborim Parshas shelo yimridu and quotes from “hilchos kesubos”
Vayishlach who holds we can not have certain on daf 111a the Oaths that we can not go up
wars because of the 3 oaths, the Ksav Sofer in bchoma and conquer Eretz Yisroel and we can
Drashot Ksav Sofer drush lishabat shuva 426 not rebel against the nations of the world., The
where he brings the 3 oaths that we must abide Noam Elimelech on Vayikra at the end of d”h “O
by to prove that davening for the Geuala is not nefesh”- also brings down the Oath we can not
going to remove the ol malchut. The Responsa be docheik the keitz as binding, The Sefer
Levushei Mordechai Mahadura Tlitai on Yoreh Chareidim on the Torah in Parshas Vayishlach
Deah Siman 49 brings the Oaths and the brings the prohibiton of the Oaths down, the
Ahavoson Yonason that even with reshut it still Akeidat Yitzchak in shaar 26, the Paytanim
assur to violate the oaths, the Lechem Shlomo in including Rebbi Shlomo brebi yehuda in Yotzer
drasha 76 also brings it is assur today to be lyom 1 of Pesach in the piyut that starts “Or
koveish eretz yisroel as we see the Bnei Ephraim yesha” and Rebbi Meshulam brebbi Klonimos in

The Three Oaths - Sources
Yotzer lyom 2 of Pesach are even Mazkir the the Oaths as it says Hishbati etchem bnos
Oath down as the Maaseh Oreg explains the yerushalayim btzvaot. HaRav Shimshon Refael
piyut all as the commands on Klal Yisroel not to Hirsch in Chorev page 435 also applies the 3
violate the oaths in kesubos, and the Mateh Levi oaths, The Shirei Shlomo on Shir Hashirim 8:4
explains the piyutim with the binding prohibitions brings the oaths and says hashem made us
of the oaths in Kesubos 111a, the Sefer Zechus swear so that chas vishalom we should not think
Avos by R’ Avraham Galanti warns us not to to be oleh bchazaka Kichoma ..,the Shlah
violate the 3 oaths in kesuvos 111a, The Shearit Hakadesh in Torah Shebichtav Parshas
Yisroel in Siman 44 daf 118 by R Yisroel Zeav Mishpatim in drush lparshat shekalim says we
Mintzburg quotes the 3 oaths in kesuvos 111a can not make a war because of the Oaths. Also
and states the violation of them causes all the the Shlah on Maseches Taanis drush lparshat
Tzarot that befall klall yisroel and now. matos also brings oath of dechikat hakeitz and
the Shlah in Torah shebchtav Parshas Shemos
R’ Tzadok HaKohen from Lublin in Pri Tzadik on Drush Viateh Titzaveh #1 brings the prohibition of
Parshat Vieschanan ot 1 brings the 3 oaths as the Oaths, the Shem Mishmuel on Parshat
binding and asks why we even need the oaths of Vayigash also brings the prohibition of the Oaths.
shelo yaalu bchoma and shelo yimridu if we have The Shoel Umeishiv in Divrei Shaul parshat
shelo yadchiku et hakeitz we should include them shemos d”h habah quotes the prohibition of the 3
and R’ Tzadok explains that we need those oaths oaths in kesovos 111a and also quotes Harav
to teach us even if it would come to our heads Hagaon Avraham and states he is maarich on
that we think we are ready for the Geuala we still this issue in his sefer Tzror Hachaim in Cheleck
can go up bchoma to Eretz Yisroel becaue of the Keitz Hayamim, so that source is the Sefer Tzror
oath of shelo yaalu bchoma and the oath of shelo haChaim in Cheleck Keitz hayamim which was
yimridu bumot haolam also teaches even if we nidpas in Amsterdam year 5580,the Mahari
see the reshaat hagoyim that we would be fit to Shportosh in Kitzur Tzizit Novel Tzvi daf 50b also
be redeemed we still do not know if we are fit for brinsg the prohibition of violating the 3 oaths, the
the Geuala. In the kuntres Shomer Emunim Rav Radvaz in Migdal Dovid Shir hashirim #2 daf 22b
Shaul Barach Av Beis Din of Kassuei also brings the prohibiton of the 3 oaths form hishbati
applies the oaths as it is prohibited to go to eretz etchem and states the yisod that they are oaths
yisroel bchoma, Sefer Admorei Belz Chelek 3 of the neshama, Rebbi Yehuda the son of the
page 245- the Sar Shalom Mibelz ZTZL quotes Maharam Challavah in Imrei Shefer on Parshas
his father that brings from the Maharal the Vayishlach writes we have to make sure not to
discussion of the Oaths that even if they want to be machzik in a milchama because that would
kill us binu kasha we still can not violate the transgress the Oaths of hishbati etchem bnos
oaths-and he states “and from this it comes out yerushalayim…, Harav Hagon Tzvi Hirsch
we must believe in hashem and trust in his Laheron in Responsa Riva on Orach Chaim-
yeshua only.” And further on page 257 from Rav Yoreh Deah Siman 1 applies the 3 oaths
Yissachor Dov miBelz that states “we must stay lihalacha stating we can not go up and conquer
in Galut under hanhagat hashem and the eretz yisroel, The Arvei Nachal on Parshat bo
Chasidim that were in the Dorot Rishonim also brings the prohibition of the 3 oaths, the
Viachronim never even thought to establish a Abarbenel in Yeshuos Meshicho Cheleck 1 daf
Melucha… since its against our Rabboteinu Zal.” 11b also brings down the prohibitions of the 3
The Ramchal in Sefer Tefilot HaRamchal- tefilla oaths in Kesuvos 111a, the Rokeach on Shir
168 that speaks about his generation that Hashirim 2:7 also warns not to violate these
accepts the suffering of Galus since they keep oaths especially shelo yimridu, Reb Moshe
The Three Oaths - Sources
miKassov in Leket Ani Moadim and in Leket Ani chelek 4, Michtavim Umaamarim of Rav Elazar
Purim brings the oaths as binding in the Gemara Shach ZTZL Volume 1 letters I:12. Harav Yosef
in Kesubos as binding lihalacha, the Kitzur Eliyahu Henkin ZTZL in Kisvei Rav Henkin vol 2
Alshich on Shir Hashirim 2:7 also brings all the 5719 #109, vol 2 in the haskomos, vol. 1 #206,
prohibitions of the oaths in the Gemara in vol. 2 p. 103 also applies the 3 oaths lihalacha,
Kesubos 111a, Harav Yakov Emden in the Sefer Vyoel Moshe (maamar shalosh shvuos), Igros
Migdal Oz at the end of “Aliyat ahava” ot 7, also Divrei Emuna pg. 225 from Toldas Ahron Rebbe
brings the prohibitions of the oaths and states who also brings the Oaths as binding.
“praiseworthy are the believers and sons of
believers.. that do not go up aliya bchoma”. 2) Here is a list of all the authorities that hold
even with permission from the nations of the
The Responsa Avnei Nezer Siman 454 and 455 world we still have to keep the oaths.- the
,the Responsa Minchat Elazor Chelek 5 siman 12 Ramban in Sefer HaGeulah at end of chapter 1
, the Responsa Yad Mordechai daf 120-121,The in the Chavel edition on pg. 274 and the Ramban
Chazon Ish ZTZL also brings the 3 shvous in his Sefer Haemunah Vihabitachon on pg. 369,
lihalacha which may be recorded in Mishkenos the Maharal in Netzach Yisroel siman 24 ,Rav
Haroim p. 1195 and Uvdos Venhanhagos Lveis Yonason Eyebushitz (in Ahavas Yonason on
Habrisk Chelek 4 pg. 309 and can be found Parshas Vieschanan) and the Yefas Toar also
regarding the oath of dechat hakeitz in Zecher say clearly that even a peaceful, with-permission
Ldovid pg. 153.,Harav Elchonon Wassermen ascent to EY=it is prohibited according to the
holds the 3 shvuos lihalacha explicitly in Ikvesa Oaths. The Yafeh Kol on Shir Hashirim raba 2:7,
Dmeshicha at the end of seif 27 and also in the Bracha Meshuleshes in Chullin Perek 5
Yalkut Mamarim daf 54 applies the 3 oaths Mishna 3 (author of the Bnei Yissaschar), Rav
lihalacha, The Responsa Minchat Yitzchak in Bentzion Sternfeld the Rav of Bilsk (older
Chelek 10 Siman 10, the Kedushat Tzion on conetmporary of the Chofetz Chaim who's
Tanach pg 92, in Or liyesharim from the sefer haskama is printed in the Mishna Berura) in
“Daas haRabbanim” there is a collection of Shaarei Tzion in Parshas Zachor siman 4, all
michtavim from the Gedolim of Poland and some hold even with permission from the gentiles it is
of these michtavim contain them holding of the 3 still prohibited.
oaths as binding-HaRav Betzalel of Lubavitch in
(Michtav 10), the Av beis din of Krashov R’ The Abarbanel writes in (Mashmia Yeshuah,
Gavriel Zev Asaolaka in (Michtav 42) applies the Mevaser 2, Nevuah that Hashem himself will
3 oaths lihalacha, Reb Shabtai Rappaport Av bring us back from galus to Eretz Yisroel which
Beis Din Pintshov in (Michtav applies oaths will be permanent in contrast to the time of the
lihalcha, Rav Simcha Bunim Av Beis Din in bayis sheini when the Jews returned to Eretz
Zachlin (who was a talmud chaviv of R’ Mendel Yisroel by the permission of the Persian emperor
Kotzker) in (Michtav 12) also applies the Oaths Cyrus which was allowed b/c it was temporary.
lihalacha.,Rav Yehuda Leib Rosh Av beis din of The Akeidat Yitzchak in shaar 26, The Tzafnus
Avisad in (Michtav 35) also applies oaths Paneach on daf 199 Mahadurat R' Avraham
lihalacha, Rav Yonasan Stief Ztzl in Limudei Lieffer based on the Zeis Raanan on Yalkut
hashem chelek 1 ot 310 daf 235 ,the Brisker Rav Remez 227, and furthermore the Magdanut
ZTZL in Uvdos Vihanhagos lbeis habrisk chelek Avraham who is the Baal Kanfei Nisharim on shir
4 pg. 187, Rav Moshe MiKassov ztzl in (leket Ani hashirim 8:4 all hold that even with permission it
Moadim), The Stiepler Rav ZTZL (Kehillos is still prohibited to violate the oaths. the Av beis
Yaakov) in the sefer Karyana Deigarta # 205 in din of Krashov R’ Gavriel Zev Asaolaka in Ohr

The Three Oaths - Sources
leyisharim michtav 42 applies the Oaths and author of the Ohr Sameach) in Meshech
holds even with permission it is still assur!, The Chochma on parshas Vayechi 50:24 brings down
Responsa Levushei Mordechai Mahadura Tlitai that which the oaths prohibit not to go up to eretz
on Yoreh Deah Siman 49 brings the Oaths and yisroel bchoma and says this is a “limud ldorot”
the Ahavoson Yonason that even with reshut it that we should not go up bchoma and not like the
still assur to violate the oaths thus subscribing to bnei Ephraim did before the keitz and states only
his view. The Ksav Sofer in Chelek 1 daf 24 dibur until a Navi from hashem comes and tells us we
hamskil Viyafeh quotes from his father the can go! (This may imply that only if a Navi
Chasam Sofer that by yitzias mitzraim they heard Hashem tells us we can go, but not reshus from
them say “Tziu Maitanu”- Leave from us the umos).
(meaning they gave them permission) however
the am hashem strengthened their emuna and Also important to note is not only the fact that the
they did not leave since they were commanded Shevuos are quoted l'maaseh in Chazal,
on “al yeitza ish mipetach beito” and it was this Rishonim and Achronim and have been used
zechut that they were redeemed, so too in the throughout the ages, but also that there has been
future during chevlei moshiach we will have this nobody who disagreed with them or their binding
nisayon and we must choose like they did.( ie. nature until the Zionists came around. Important
we can not go even with permission from the to note in this context is that even the rabbonim
Goyim to bring the Geula.)” Rav Yerachmiel who the religious zionists consider their
Yishaya Mintzberg in Rishfei Aish page 23 says forerunners, recognized the binding nature of the
even if all the nations of the world give us reshut oaths. When R. Zvi Hersh Kalisher defended his
to go to eretz yisroel similar to the geula shniya movement to make settlements in EY, he insisted
bimei ezra we still can not accept but the Geula that he would never think of doing so if it means
has to be from the hands of the redeemer himself antagonizing the ruling powers of the land, as
like it was in yeztias mitzrayim, The Responsa that would constitute a violation of the Shevuos.
Yad Mordechai daf 120-121 applies the oaths He said that others who have tried an "aliyah"
lihalacha even with reshut from goyim, the idea earlier, who came illegally using force were
Responsa Minchat Elazor Chelek 5 siman 12, nichshal and bordered on violating the shevuos -
Harav Yirmiyahu Cohen also implies from the but he is not like them (writings, p.204). Also R.
Rashbash in Siman 2 and the Peas Hashulchan Alexander Moshe Lapidos defends the colonist
in Hilchos Eretz Yisroel Siman 1 seif 3 in the movement by saying that they would never
book “In the footsteps of the flock” on page 216 violate the oaths by taking the land form the turks
that even with permission its still assur to violate by "sword and bow" nor do they have any plans
the oaths. He implies it since they hold that the of creating a government there. (Shivas Tzion
oaths are a reason to say that the mitzvah of 1:p.35)
yishuv eretz yisroel must not be obligatory since
if it was then all Jews would go there and this
would be a violation of the oath. But why couldn’t
they have answered simply that the oath forbids
taking the land by force, but if the ruling power
gives permission for any or all Jews to immigrate,
they are obligated to come? Evidently it was
obvious to them that the oath forbids any mass
immigration even with permission from a ruling
power., (Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk also the

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