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Jether C.

Rabanal July 29, 2019

12- Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Religious Education

A Reflection on Genesis Chapters One to Three

The Story of Creation, even though it was written a long time ago, is still a very
timely story to read. It narrates the events that happened when God began creating the
very place we live in today and everything in it. It is a story we know by heart because
we have been told about it when we were young and it has been passed down from
generation to generation. But this is not the reason why, until this day, the story of
Creation is still relevant.

When I looked around, I saw that the Earth is evolving into the technological age.
Every person that I would meet has his or head glued to a gadget. Man and woman
have forgotten their role which is to governed and subdue all of the creatures living on
our planet. The rapid industrialisation and modernization of the urban cities have
caused major pollution problems which greatly affected our environment. Man had also
been responsible for the deforestation that has been happening. Trees which served as
habitats of many species of animals had been cut down forcing the creatures to flee
from their homes. Deforestation caused a chain of effects. First, the death of animals,
and then the flash floods that occurred because there were no more trees to absorb the
rain water. Those things mentioned above are only a few of the things which are
happening all around the globe and we are part of the reason why these are happening.
We forgot the God has entrusted us to protect these creatures, but instead we caused
their demise.

Another thing that I realized was that we are slowing losing respect to each other.
In Genesis 3:7, the man and women realized that they were both naked and they were
ashamed of that fact. Today, it seems like people are not shameful anymore. Some of
us commit wrongdoings which are immoral. There are those who have lose all respect
for life and would hurt or kill innocent people. Take for example the recent events that
happened in Dumaguete City. The city was dubbed as the City of Gentle People, but it
seemed like a few of the people living there have lost their gentleness. They resorted to
stabbing completely innocent people for no apparent reason. This disregard for life does
not only happen to humans, it also extends to animals. A lot of species of animals are
endangered, some are totally extinct.

I have realized all of this after reading the story of Creation. It opened my eyes to
the problems we are currently facing. It opened my eyes to the fact that we are causing
most of these problems. If we do not act now, everything that God built, everything He
made for us will be gone. According to BBC environment correspondent Math McGrath
we only have 18 months left to save our plane which is in the brink of destruction. The
next 18 months will be critical for all of us. We have to look for ways to mitigate the
effects of global warming or else we will surely suffer. Is this really how we are going to
pay God for the miracles that he created?

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